President Trump Addresses the Nation - January 8, 2019

Whether a Democrat or Republican is in office it's that time in a president's term that I've heard enough and only tune in for their State of the Union messages.
Whether a Democrat or Republican is in office it's that time in a president's term that I've heard enough and only tune in for their State of the Union messages.
That is the most useless speech of their career. THIS is one that MATTERS.
Whether a Democrat or Republican is in office it's that time in a president's term that I've heard enough and only tune in for their State of the Union messages.

Not me, I will always listen to The President

And this is only a short message ....8 minutes or so ....I believe

And it is an important of course I will listen to it

I'm HOPING he announces he's doing this without anymore input from the Party of No (f***ing way!). Make them irrelevant!
Whether a Democrat or Republican is in office it's that time in a president's term that I've heard enough and only tune in for their State of the Union messages.

Not me, I will always listen to The President

And this is only a short message ....8 minutes or so ....I believe

And it is an important of course I will listen to it

Need deeds, too.

Oh look. Trump loves the “migrants” and cares for their safety !
No passion

He looks like someone on a cheap commercial
Blaming the shutdown on Democrats

After claiming he would proudly shutdown government

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