President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church with a Bible in his hand.

The worst thing Trump has done? That’s easy in my eyes... he pours gas on the fire. Blames and attacks and belittles and plays tough guy instead of acting with understanding compassion and trying to draw a sense of unity. A good leader would work towards the latter. But Trump is Trump and he’s got a campaign to win so he’ll stay in that mode

Yep. Exactly.

Because without Floyd's murder and the ensuing protests, we'd be talking about Covid-19, and 40+ million unemployed, and the Orange dunce doesn't have a clue how to deal with that, and he certainly cannot win on these issues. So, posing as a strongman, bible in hand (!), belittling and denigrating and criminalizing the protest while belittling and seeking to humiliate the governors, is the way to go. He doesn't really have a role in any of that (governors are the ultimate security authority in their states), but posing and creating a spectacle around himself, he can. If that enrages the protest even more, and prolongs it all, all the better, for we're still not talking about Covid-19, and 40+ million unemployed.

I disagree. Before COVID-19 I thought he might have a chance of winning. After COVID-19. No way. Now? Fuck, he'll be lucky if he's going to be their nomination. Once it has all calmed down and COVID has too (I'm guessing two months) we're already in August. Election is in three months after that. He will get a few states thanks to his Deplorable base, but he is fucking toast. I would go so far as to say a lot of people, maybe not him, will go to jail.
The Repubs are going down and they know it.

It's the democrat cities that are going down - and that's their own doing.

Never vote democrat. Vote American for America...
Which Republican city would you like to use as a shiny example? I’ll then find a like Dem city with similar population that has better stats. This will be fun. You’re argument is weak and lame. But feel free to try and prove your point.
I don't get it.
Because just a little while before, the left was condemning the president for "hunkering in his bunker". Then when the Secret Service let the president out of the bunker, he decided to make an appearance in solidarity with the US citizens, and that is when the lunatics lost it, while Joe the groper Biden was hunkering in his basement, farting so much his campaign aids want him to get out and go to a graveyard.
I don't get it.

I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Your problem is you care too much about stuff that doesn't matter.
I don't get it.
1) He’s a fake Christian and you embarrassingly believe he is one.

2) He pushed for heavy force to clear the way to the church.

3) He posed for the cameras like a fucking idiot with a book he’s never read more than a page of.
Your problem is you care too much about stuff that doesn't matter.
You’re the one that brought this shit up. I’m just laying it down for you how ridiculous it was.
Liberals don't understand the Bible verses on authority, or any other verses for that matter. You won't get any answers from them that make any sense.
You’re completely dense if you think Trump gives a shit about anything in Bible.

You fuckers tried to burn that church down.


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