President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church with a Bible in his hand.

Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.
As the prophesy goes, the anti christ draws in to him, some of the very elect of the church, who failed to believe in truth....

Hey! I didn't write this prophesy!

There are many fake Christians who believe in the anti-Christ.

Real Christians support president Trump, the greatest president in American history. The American Caesar, The God-Emperor.

Care has been pervaded by dark forces.

He's not caesar, or the 'god-emperor' whatever that means. You are just stupid.

He is as great as the Caesars at this point, and quite likely soon passes over them.

Greatest president in history.

More like biggest morbidly obese orange idiot in history, destined for Supermax. Save the date!

:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:



The Best... Ever.

Maybe you can be his pen pal.
“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross Bible.”

And this observation appeared in John Thomas Flynn’s As We Go Marching, published in 1944:

But when fascism comes it will not be in the form of an anti-American movement or pro-Hitler bund, practicing disloyalty. Nor will it come in the form of a crusade against war. It will appear rather in the luminous robes of flaming patriotism; it will take some genuinely indigenous shape and color, and it will spread only because its leaders, who are not yet visible, will know how to locate the great springs of public opinion and desire and the streams of thought that flow from them and will know how to attract to their banners leaders who can command the support of the controlling minorities in American public life. The danger lies not so much in the would-be Fuhrers who may arise, but in the presence in our midst of certainly deeply running currents of hope and appetite and opinion. The war upon fascism must be begun there.

So, using that logic, if I post pictures of Biden with a flag and/or going to church, you will disavow him as a possible fascist?

LOL!! Just kidding. I know you didn't mean anything by your words.
I know you're smart enough to understand what that quote said. Playing dumb isn't going to further an argument with me.

The quote was total nonsense, president Trump is the most pro freedom president we have had in ages.

Meanwhile Antifa is attacking people on our streets for political goals. You should take note who are the fascist, and who is on the side of Americans and freedom in the equation. Anyone with IQ over 65 has realized it a long time ago.
Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.
As the prophesy goes, the anti christ draws in to him, some of the very elect of the church, who failed to believe in truth....

Hey! I didn't write this prophesy!

There are many fake Christians who believe in the anti-Christ.

Real Christians support president Trump, the greatest president in American history. The American Caesar, The God-Emperor.

Care has been pervaded by dark forces.

He's not caesar, or the 'god-emperor' whatever that means. You are just stupid.

He is as great as the Caesars at this point, and quite likely soon passes over them.

Greatest president in history.

More like biggest morbidly obese orange idiot in history, destined for Supermax. Save the date!

:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:



The Best... Ever.

Maybe you can be his pen pal.

It would be an honor. Unfortunately I have too many Dumblings here whose IQs need boosting.
I imagine there are a lot of REAL Christians who are insulted and ashamed after that stunt.

Look racists and bigots like you will never understand that its more important to be concerned about the burning of the church rather than a man holding a Bible in front of it.

Because your opinion is bullshit and sucks.

Another 4th grade level argument from a predictable source.

Look skippy if you can't debate just say so. No reason to confrim it with your reply.
I don't recall Clinton waving Bible. My google search turned up a photo of one as he was exiting the service. Is this the one being referenced? It was after he was impeached, and more than a year after he was acquitted.

Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.
As the prophesy goes, the anti christ draws in to him, some of the very elect of the church, who failed to believe in truth....

Hey! I didn't write this prophesy!

There are many fake Christians who believe in the anti-Christ.

Real Christians support president Trump, the greatest president in American history. The American Caesar, The God-Emperor.

Care has been pervaded by dark forces.

He's not caesar, or the 'god-emperor' whatever that means. You are just stupid.

He is as great as the Caesars at this point, and quite likely soon passes over them.

Greatest president in history.

More like biggest morbidly obese orange idiot in history, destined for Supermax. Save the date!

:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:



The Best... Ever.
Wrong again. I'm absolutely fascinated by human psychology, and certainly within the context of politics.

So I'm terribly interested watching millions of people once again fall under the bizarre, inexplicable spell of a paranoid, boorish, brash, pugilistic, narcissistic, vulgar nationalist of European descent who promises them that he will rid them of millions of other, inferior people and save the country.

What an absolute treasure trove of psychological / sociological / anthropological study for me. And it's happening again, right now, in real time.

And I'm confident we'll get past this, as other countries have.

This is your time. Enjoy. It's amazing to be here for it.
Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.
As the prophesy goes, the anti christ draws in to him, some of the very elect of the church, who failed to believe in truth....

Hey! I didn't write this prophesy!

There are many fake Christians who believe in the anti-Christ.

Real Christians support president Trump, the greatest president in American history. The American Caesar, The God-Emperor.

Care has been pervaded by dark forces.

He's not caesar, or the 'god-emperor' whatever that means. You are just stupid.

He is as great as the Caesars at this point, and quite likely soon passes over them.

Greatest president in history.

More like biggest morbidly obese orange idiot in history, destined for Supermax. Save the date!

:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:



The Best... Ever.
Wrong again. I'm absolutely fascinated by human psychology, and certainly within the context of politics.

So I'm terribly interested watching millions of people once again fall under the bizarre, inexplicable spell of a paranoid, boorish, brash, pugilistic, vulgar nationalist of European descent who promises them that he will rid them of millions of other people and save the country.

What an absolute treasure trove of psychological / sociological / anthropological study for me. And it's happening again, right now, in real time.

And I'm confident we'll get past this, as other countries have.

This is your time. Enjoy. It's amazing to be here for it.

Mac, repeating a lie often enough only works on people who are retarded like yourself. It has no effect on smart people who seek truth.

No matter how many times you repeat that vomit, it still remains false. 2+2=4...
Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.
As the prophesy goes, the anti christ draws in to him, some of the very elect of the church, who failed to believe in truth....

Hey! I didn't write this prophesy!

There are many fake Christians who believe in the anti-Christ.

Real Christians support president Trump, the greatest president in American history. The American Caesar, The God-Emperor.

Care has been pervaded by dark forces.

He's not caesar, or the 'god-emperor' whatever that means. You are just stupid.

He is as great as the Caesars at this point, and quite likely soon passes over them.

Greatest president in history.

More like biggest morbidly obese orange idiot in history, destined for Supermax. Save the date!

:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:



The Best... Ever.
Wrong again. I'm absolutely fascinated by human psychology, and certainly within the context of politics.

So I'm terribly interested watching millions of people once again fall under the bizarre, inexplicable spell of a paranoid, boorish, brash, pugilistic, vulgar nationalist of European descent who promises them that he will rid them of millions of other people and save the country.

What an absolute treasure trove of psychological / sociological / anthropological study for me. And it's happening again, right now, in real time.

And I'm confident we'll get past this, as other countries have.

This is your time. Enjoy. It's amazing to be here for it.

Mac, repeating a lie often enough only works on people who are retarded like yourself. It has no effect on smart people.

No matter how many times you repeat that vomit, it still remains false. 2+2=4...
I know. Fake news. Good stuff. You're trained well.
Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.
As the prophesy goes, the anti christ draws in to him, some of the very elect of the church, who failed to believe in truth....

Hey! I didn't write this prophesy!

There are many fake Christians who believe in the anti-Christ.

Real Christians support president Trump, the greatest president in American history. The American Caesar, The God-Emperor.

Care has been pervaded by dark forces.

He's not caesar, or the 'god-emperor' whatever that means. You are just stupid.

He is as great as the Caesars at this point, and quite likely soon passes over them.

Greatest president in history.

More like biggest morbidly obese orange idiot in history, destined for Supermax. Save the date!

:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:



The Best... Ever.
Wrong again. I'm absolutely fascinated by human psychology, and certainly within the context of politics.

So I'm terribly interested watching millions of people once again fall under the bizarre, inexplicable spell of a paranoid, boorish, brash, pugilistic, vulgar nationalist of European descent who promises them that he will rid them of millions of other people and save the country.

What an absolute treasure trove of psychological / sociological / anthropological study for me. And it's happening again, right now, in real time.

And I'm confident we'll get past this, as other countries have.

This is your time. Enjoy. It's amazing to be here for it.

Mac, repeating a lie often enough only works on people who are retarded like yourself. It has no effect on smart people.

No matter how many times you repeat that vomit, it still remains false. 2+2=4...
I know. Fake news. Good stuff. You're trained well.

Oh it's not even news. It is ramblings of a fool, who is not on the map.
No answer, again.

Did you not think I would notice?

You have not asked a specific question.

Allow me to guide you how to ask a question.

For example, by the way you write I noticed something abnormal, so my question is, are you gay?

Now, your only answer must be yes or no. You can also explain something additional if you want to do so.

So, let me ask you again, in specific, what was your question?
Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.
As the prophesy goes, the anti christ draws in to him, some of the very elect of the church, who failed to believe in truth....

Hey! I didn't write this prophesy!

There are many fake Christians who believe in the anti-Christ.

Real Christians support president Trump, the greatest president in American history. The American Caesar, The God-Emperor.

Care has been pervaded by dark forces.

He's not caesar, or the 'god-emperor' whatever that means. You are just stupid.

He is as great as the Caesars at this point, and quite likely soon passes over them.

Greatest president in history.

More like biggest morbidly obese orange idiot in history, destined for Supermax. Save the date!

:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:



The Best... Ever.
Wrong again. I'm absolutely fascinated by human psychology, and certainly within the context of politics.

So I'm terribly interested watching millions of people once again fall under the bizarre, inexplicable spell of a paranoid, boorish, brash, pugilistic, vulgar nationalist of European descent who promises them that he will rid them of millions of other people and save the country.

What an absolute treasure trove of psychological / sociological / anthropological study for me. And it's happening again, right now, in real time.

And I'm confident we'll get past this, as other countries have.

This is your time. Enjoy. It's amazing to be here for it.

Mac, repeating a lie often enough only works on people who are retarded like yourself. It has no effect on smart people.

No matter how many times you repeat that vomit, it still remains false. 2+2=4...
I know. Fake news. Good stuff. You're trained well.

Oh it's not even news. It is ramblings of a fool, who is not on the map.
Great! Then get me out of your head, and go find someone as brilliant 'n stuff as you.

This is getting creepy.
No answer, again.

Did you not think I would notice?

You have not asked a specific question.

Allow me to guide you how to ask a question.

For example, by the way you write I noticed something abnormal, so my question is, are you gay?

Now, your only answer must be yes or no. You can also explain something additional if you want to do so.

So, let me ask you again, in specific, what was your question?
First post. I tried real hard to make 'em real simple 'n stuff.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

You Dems seem to really get hung up on the definition of “is”. In this case it was contracted, but you should still be able to understand that.


“It is a Bible”.

Why are you so confused about that statement?

What makes you think I'm confused about that statement?

And do you really think I don't see you're trying to put me on the defensive so you can avoid answering my questions?

Like most obedient Trumpsters have done on this thread?

Well you started a thread about it and asked several questions about a very short statement.

But since you are a retard, I can explain it for you. Some reporter asked a question, “Is that your Bible?” He responded “It’s a Bible”, meaning it doesn’t belong to him.

His “goal” was to answer the reporter’s question.

Now, are you still confused?
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

You Dems seem to really get hung up on the definition of “is”. In this case it was contracted, but you should still be able to understand that.


“It is a Bible”.

Why are you so confused about that statement?

What makes you think I'm confused about that statement?

And do you really think I don't see you're trying to put me on the defensive so you can avoid answering my questions?

Like most obedient Trumpsters have done on this thread?

Well you started a thread about it and asked several questions about a very short statement.

But since you are a retard, I can explain it for you. Some reporter asked a question, “Is that your Bible?” He responded “It’s a Bible”, meaning it doesn’t belong to him.

His “goal” was to answer the reporter’s question.

Now, are you still confused?

Okay, so you answered a question I didn't ask. I know you're doing your best.

Are you done now? Please get this out of your system, it's boring.
Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.
As the prophesy goes, the anti christ draws in to him, some of the very elect of the church, who failed to believe in truth....

Hey! I didn't write this prophesy!

There are many fake Christians who believe in the anti-Christ.

Real Christians support president Trump, the greatest president in American history. The American Caesar, The God-Emperor.

Care has been pervaded by dark forces.

He's not caesar, or the 'god-emperor' whatever that means. You are just stupid.

He is as great as the Caesars at this point, and quite likely soon passes over them.

Greatest president in history.

More like biggest morbidly obese orange idiot in history, destined for Supermax. Save the date!

:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:



The Best... Ever.
Wrong again. I'm absolutely fascinated by human psychology, and certainly within the context of politics.

So I'm terribly interested watching millions of people once again fall under the bizarre, inexplicable spell of a paranoid, boorish, brash, pugilistic, vulgar nationalist of European descent who promises them that he will rid them of millions of other people and save the country.

What an absolute treasure trove of psychological / sociological / anthropological study for me. And it's happening again, right now, in real time.

And I'm confident we'll get past this, as other countries have.

This is your time. Enjoy. It's amazing to be here for it.

Mac, repeating a lie often enough only works on people who are retarded like yourself. It has no effect on smart people.

No matter how many times you repeat that vomit, it still remains false. 2+2=4...
I know. Fake news. Good stuff. You're trained well.

Oh it's not even news. It is ramblings of a fool, who is not on the map.
Great! Then get me out of your head, and go find someone as brilliant 'n stuff as you.

This is getting creepy.

It is getting creepy indeed that you are repeating that lie over and over again.

Absolutely no one agrees with you. It's like your factual opinion was taken from some far left propaganda rag, and you actually believe that the insult piece is a legitimate argument. Even the propagandists do not actually believe that, but maybe it is an IQ thing.
Now, the Orange dunce, Private Bonespurs-Spectacle, Look-at-me-Me-ME-Damnit, with his benighted PR stunt managed to create a bit of an international ruckus with, of all countries, usually-docile Australia.

The Australian government will open an investigation into U.S. law enforcement assaulting an Australian news crew covering protests in Washington, D.C., highlighting the growing diplomatic fallout for the United States with its closest allies from its long-standing problems with police violence and racial injustice.

Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne said the country’s embassy in Washington was directed to open an investigation into police officers in riot gear striking an Australian 7NEWS journalist and cameraman while they were live on air. The footage appears to show they were attacked by U.S. Park Police during protests near the White House. Law enforcement used tear gas and flash-bang grenades to disperse protesters from the area ahead of a photo opportunity for President Donald Trump on Monday.

“I want to get further advice on how we would go about registering Australia’s strong concerns with the responsible local authorities in Washington. This is obviously a very troubling period in the United States and a very tough period at so many levels,” Payne said in an interview on Tuesday with Australia’s ABC Radio National.​

It's getting better, still:

“Freedom of the press is a right Australians and Americans hold dear,” Trump’s ambassador to Australia, Arthur Culvahouse Jr., said in a statement on Tuesday morning. “We take mistreatment of journalists seriously, as do all who take democracy seriously.”

Yet across the United States, press freedom advocacy groups have tracked more than 125 incidents in three days of journalists facing attacks from police and protesters and other press freedom violations, including incidents with foreign journalists from Germany, Britain, and Australia. “The reported arrests and incidents are very concerning – journalists all around the world must be free to do their job and to hold authorities to account without fear of arrest or violence,” a British Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokesperson told Foreign Policy.

“We are horrified by the continued use of harsh and sometimes violent actions of police against journalists doing their jobs. These are direct violations of press freedom, a fundamental Constitutional value of the United States,” said Carlos Martinez de la Serna, a program director with the nonprofit advocacy group Committee to Protect Journalists.​

There is an apt expression for that - Banana Republic. Paint it orange, so as to highlight its shame.
Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.
As the prophesy goes, the anti christ draws in to him, some of the very elect of the church, who failed to believe in truth....

Hey! I didn't write this prophesy!

There are many fake Christians who believe in the anti-Christ.

Real Christians support president Trump, the greatest president in American history. The American Caesar, The God-Emperor.

Care has been pervaded by dark forces.

He's not caesar, or the 'god-emperor' whatever that means. You are just stupid.

He is as great as the Caesars at this point, and quite likely soon passes over them.

Greatest president in history.

More like biggest morbidly obese orange idiot in history, destined for Supermax. Save the date!

:aargh: :aargh: :aargh:



The Best... Ever.
Wrong again. I'm absolutely fascinated by human psychology, and certainly within the context of politics.

So I'm terribly interested watching millions of people once again fall under the bizarre, inexplicable spell of a paranoid, boorish, brash, pugilistic, vulgar nationalist of European descent who promises them that he will rid them of millions of other people and save the country.

What an absolute treasure trove of psychological / sociological / anthropological study for me. And it's happening again, right now, in real time.

And I'm confident we'll get past this, as other countries have.

This is your time. Enjoy. It's amazing to be here for it.

Mac, repeating a lie often enough only works on people who are retarded like yourself. It has no effect on smart people.

No matter how many times you repeat that vomit, it still remains false. 2+2=4...
I know. Fake news. Good stuff. You're trained well.

Oh it's not even news. It is ramblings of a fool, who is not on the map.
Great! Then get me out of your head, and go find someone as brilliant 'n stuff as you.

This is getting creepy.

It is getting creepy indeed that you are repeating that lie over and over again.

Absolutely no one agrees with you. It's like your factual opinion was taken from some far left propaganda rag, and you actually believe that the insult piece is a legitimate argument. Even the writers do not actually believe that, but maybe it is an IQ thing.
Then why do you keep going?

Please get me out of your head. It's not a pleasant place to be.
I imagine there are a lot of REAL Christians who are insulted and ashamed after that stunt.

Look racists and bigots like you will never understand that its more important to be concerned about the burning of the church rather than a man holding a Bible in front of it.

Because your opinion is bullshit and sucks.

Another 4th grade level argument fr om a predictable source.

Look skippy if you can't debate just say so. No reason to confrim it with your reply.

Aww. You didn't care for my criticism. I'm bent in a plethora of ways. I said I wouldn't cry.

Damn. Oh, now I remember: When I believe there's actual debate, I can debate quite well, thank you. Also, how about you eat shit, princess? :04:

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