President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church with a Bible in his hand.

Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.
How can he and I both be the Anti Christ?
Easy PEASY!!! He's 'the', and you as his devout minion, would be 'an'.... from all that I've read on it.... :)

The warrior prince is fighting for the Dark Prince, that is for certain given the fallacious statements.
Who remembers when President Bill Clinton stood in front of the United Methodist Church in Washington D.C holding, and waving a bible after he was impeached in the United States House of Representatives for lying under oath?
But not at all like President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church across Lafayette Park from the White House and stood outside with his Bible making a Statement to the Rioting Antiva, and Black Lives Matter!
So he has the military tear gas and shoot rubber bullets into the crowd of protesters so he could walk up, if you call his half run a walk, and show a bible upside down and say nothing tangible all the while knowing he does not own a bible.

The crowd was given a time that they had to leave, so Trump undercut them by about 25 minutes, demanding that SS and security blast the crowd with tear gas so he could walk over for the photo op.

He doesn't give a shit about the looting and burning.
He's pissed because the protestors are getting all the TV ratings.
Who remembers when President Bill Clinton stood in front of the United Methodist Church in Washington D.C holding, and waving a bible after he was impeached in the United States House of Representatives for lying under oath? But not at all like President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church across Lafayette Park from the White House and stood outside with his Bible making a Statement to the Rioting Antiva, and Black Lives Matter!
"He wielded the Bible like a foreign object, awkwardly adjusting his grip as though trying to get comfortable. He examined its cover. He held it up over his right shoulder like a crossing guard presenting a stop sign. He did not open it.
It was probably burning his hand, like holy water in "The Exorcist".

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Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.
How can he and I both be the Anti Christ?
Easy PEASY!!! He's 'the', and you as his devout minion, would be 'an'.... from all that I've read on it.... :)
Dammit. I am Only a minion? Bleh.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

It was a clumsy, stupid attempt to pander to his base of deplorables. It was a joke from both security and tactical standpoints.
Also a super great idea to unleash the orange turd and have him stand by himself with a Bible in hand in front of that church so close to the masses of unwashed that hate him. This is, of course, after officers maced and shot at said group.
Sloppy stuff. All it would have taken is one sniper to really put a damper on the whole day.

I'm all broken up just imagining it.

That said, Prezzie (Im)Peach(Ed)'s pandering is always tone deaf. It will always be tone deaf, because the *pResident acts like a phony tough guy when he's really a weak orange c*nt. Also, I believe he can stick his phony law and order/religion skit where the sun doesn't shine.

I will always see him as a weak, cowardly criminal traitor that's simply bound for Supermax prison. His little choir boy shtick did not change this opinion.

Bunker Boy needs to stay in his bunker and drink a warm cup of STFU, IMHO. :113:
His idea to send out the military to shoot rubber bullets and tear gas at PEACEFUL demonstrators, who had another hour before curfew set in, so he could clear the streets for his walk to st John's church, and photo op of awkwardly holding up someone else's Bible was the most repulsive action I've ever witnessed.... and it was anti Christ.

He's out of control.....evil.....every inch of him..... sad, his cult can't see this....

If it were not against the law, I'd spit on him....with the biggest gob I could muster.
History shows us that men like this are ultimately discovered for what they are. The question is, how much damage is done before then.

Everything he's done can be undone swiftly when he's gone.
Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.
How can he and I both be the Anti Christ?
Easy PEASY!!! He's 'the', and you as his devout minion, would be 'an'.... from all that I've read on it.... :)
Dammit. I am Only a minion? Bleh.
I know! That does suck wind! Who the heck wants to be just a minion? :D
Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.
How can he and I both be the Anti Christ?
Easy PEASY!!! He's 'the', and you as his devout minion, would be 'an'.... from all that I've read on it.... :)
Dammit. I am Only a minion? Bleh.
I know! That does suck wind! Who the heck wants to be just a minion? :D
Not I. Sigh...but you play the hand you’re dealt.
It was a clumsy, stupid attempt to pander to his base of deplorables. It was a joke from both security and tactical standpoints. Also a super great idea to unleash the orange turd and have him stand by himself with a Bible in hand in front of that church so close to the masses of unwashed that hate him. This is, of course, after officers maced and shot at said group.
Sloppy stuff. All it would have taken is one sniper to really put a damper on the whole day.

I'm all broken up just imagining it.

That said, Prezzie (Im)Peach(Ed)'s pandering is always tone deaf. It will always be tone deaf, because the *pResident acts like a phony tough guy when he's really a weak orange c*nt. Also, I believe he can stick his phony law and order/religion skit where the sun doesn't shine.

I will always see him as a weak, cowardly criminal traitor that's simply bound for Supermax prison. His little choir boy shtick did not change this opinion.

Bunker Boy needs to stay in his bunker and drink a warm cup of STFU, IMHO. :113:
Yeah, and "clumsy" is a very good word, since his behaviors are so blatant and just goofy.

It has seemed to me since the day he won that he figures he needs to do whatever it takes to keep his base happy, no matter how insane or ridiculous it is. He's made the political calculation (no doubt with Hannity's close guidance) that that's the key to re-election.

I just still have trouble believing that this damaged buffoon has conned 40% or so of the country like this. As I've said, it's a group pathology that has precedent in world history. It's just so fucking STRANGE to be LIVING in it.
His idea to send out the military to shoot rubber bullets and tear gas at PEACEFUL demonstrators, who had another hour before curfew set in, so he could clear the streets for his walk to st John's church, and photo op of awkwardly holding up someone else's Bible was the most repulsive action I've ever witnessed.... and it was anti Christ.

He's out of control.....evil.....every inch of him..... sad, his cult can't see this....

If it were not against the law, I'd spit on him....with the biggest gob I could muster.
History shows us that men like this are ultimately discovered for what they are. The question is, how much damage is done before then.

Everything he's done can be undone swiftly when he's gone.
Thank goodness. Except for the SC, and that ain't a small thing.

But we deserve it. We did this to ourselves.
His idea to send out the military to shoot rubber bullets and tear gas at PEACEFUL demonstrators, who had another hour before curfew set in, so he could clear the streets for his walk to st John's church, and photo op of awkwardly holding up someone else's Bible was the most repulsive action I've ever witnessed.... and it was anti Christ.

He's out of control.....evil.....every inch of him..... sad, his cult can't see this....

If it were not against the law, I'd spit on him....with the biggest gob I could muster.
History shows us that men like this are ultimately discovered for what they are. The question is, how much damage is done before then.

Everything he's done can be undone swiftly when he's gone.
Thank goodness. Except for the SC, and that ain't a small thing.

But we deserve it. We did this to ourselves.

True. The gawdamn deplorables put us there, and I think the debt to that colossal failure will be paid exponentially if Dems get control later this year.

Then we start anew with fresh hell.
His idea to send out the military to shoot rubber bullets and tear gas at PEACEFUL demonstrators, who had another hour before curfew set in, so he could clear the streets for his walk to st John's church, and photo op of awkwardly holding up someone else's Bible was the most repulsive action I've ever witnessed.... and it was anti Christ.

He's out of control.....evil.....every inch of him..... sad, his cult can't see this....

If it were not against the law, I'd spit on him....with the biggest gob I could muster.
History shows us that men like this are ultimately discovered for what they are. The question is, how much damage is done before then.

Everything he's done can be undone swiftly when he's gone.
From your mouth to God's ears!!!

But right now, I have doubt that it all can be reversed overnight.... there's a lot of unqualified people that they put in all the agencies and got rid of most all with experience, even lower levels, not just admin. And there are a lot of unqualified judges that were put in for a lifetime....
His idea to send out the military to shoot rubber bullets and tear gas at PEACEFUL demonstrators, who had another hour before curfew set in, so he could clear the streets for his walk to st John's church, and photo op of awkwardly holding up someone else's Bible was the most repulsive action I've ever witnessed.... and it was anti Christ.

He's out of control.....evil.....every inch of him..... sad, his cult can't see this....

If it were not against the law, I'd spit on him....with the biggest gob I could muster.
History shows us that men like this are ultimately discovered for what they are. The question is, how much damage is done before then.

Everything he's done can be undone swiftly when he's gone.
Thank goodness. Except for the SC, and that ain't a small thing.

But we deserve it. We did this to ourselves.

True. The gawdamn deplorables put us there, and I think the debt to that colossal failure will be paid exponentially if Dems get control later this year.

Then we start anew with fresh hell.

Hell is the goal for you Dumling Fools indeed.

It won't happen, president Trump, the best in history, will prevail.
Snipers should be on the roofs of every business in the country.

Mexican business owners in Chicago have started posting armed individuals on the rooftops of their businesses yesterday.

Good ol' Mexicans: Shooting the looters that Americans don't want to.
His idea to send out the military to shoot rubber bullets and tear gas at PEACEFUL demonstrators, who had another hour before curfew set in, so he could clear the streets for his walk to st John's church, and photo op of awkwardly holding up someone else's Bible was the most repulsive action I've ever witnessed.... and it was anti Christ.

He's out of control.....evil.....every inch of him..... sad, his cult can't see this....

If it were not against the law, I'd spit on him....with the biggest gob I could muster.
History shows us that men like this are ultimately discovered for what they are. The question is, how much damage is done before then.

Everything he's done can be undone swiftly when he's gone.
Thank goodness. Except for the SC, and that ain't a small thing.

But we deserve it. We did this to ourselves.

True. The gawdamn deplorables put us there, and I think the debt to that colossal failure will be paid exponentially if Dems get control later this year.

Then we start anew with fresh hell.

Hell is the goal for you Dumling Fools indeed.

It won't happen, president Trump, the best in history, will prevail.

Best of luck, then! :113:
His idea to send out the military to shoot rubber bullets and tear gas at PEACEFUL demonstrators, who had another hour before curfew set in, so he could clear the streets for his walk to st John's church, and photo op of awkwardly holding up someone else's Bible was the most repulsive action I've ever witnessed.... and it was anti Christ.

He's out of control.....evil.....every inch of him..... sad, his cult can't see this....

If it were not against the law, I'd spit on him....with the biggest gob I could muster.
History shows us that men like this are ultimately discovered for what they are. The question is, how much damage is done before then.

Everything he's done can be undone swiftly when he's gone.
Thank goodness. Except for the SC, and that ain't a small thing.

But we deserve it. We did this to ourselves.

True. The gawdamn deplorables put us there, and I think the debt to that colossal failure will be paid exponentially if Dems get control later this year.

Then we start anew with fresh hell.

Hell is the goal for you Dumling Fools indeed.

It won't happen, president Trump, the best in history, will prevail.

BTW, the fresh hell remark means we'll be dealing with Democrat insanity if they gain control. Learn comprehension.

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