President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church with a Bible in his hand.

Who remembers when President Bill Clinton stood in front of the United Methodist Church in Washington D.C holding, and waving a bible after he was impeached in the United States House of Representatives for lying under oath?
But not at all like President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church across Lafayette Park from the White House and stood outside with his Bible making a Statement to the Rioting Antiva, and Black Lives Matter!

Wasn't his bible, in case you actually didn't see it.

"He wielded the Bible like a foreign object, awkwardly adjusting his grip as though trying to get comfortable. He examined its cover. He held it up over his right shoulder like a crossing guard presenting a stop sign. He did not open it.

“Is that your Bible?” a reporter asked.

“It’s a Bible,” the president replied.


So? If that's all you have to be seething about today, you obviously have emotional problems.

I have to keep it simple for you guys.
You get triggered too easily.
Who remembers when President Bill Clinton stood in front of the United Methodist Church in Washington D.C holding, and waving a bible after he was impeached in the United States House of Representatives for lying under oath?
But not at all like President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church across Lafayette Park from the White House and stood outside with his Bible making a Statement to the Rioting Antiva, and Black Lives Matter!

Wasn't his bible, in case you actually didn't see it.

"He wielded the Bible like a foreign object, awkwardly adjusting his grip as though trying to get comfortable. He examined its cover. He held it up over his right shoulder like a crossing guard presenting a stop sign. He did not open it.

“Is that your Bible?” a reporter asked.

“It’s a Bible,” the president replied.

It isn't just the bible. Anytime somebody hands him a book he looks at it like it's a foreign object.
President Trump is not a devout Christian. He's a devout American.

Christianity and America have a history together as old as America. They're inseparable.

That's what President Trump understands.
He is a devout asshole

Are you aware of the fact that you have no actual complaints of substance on his recent job performance?

Like having one third of the Coronavirus deaths in the world?

If you believe the obviously inflated guess numbers. Which no one does. Not even you.
These are the officially reported numbers of deaths as reported daily by the state health departments.

You claim they are fake?

Of course. The official guidlines were designed to encourage guesses and financial incentives were offered for higher numbers. So, we can be sure of one thing. THe official numbers are garbage.
Who manages and reports this great conspiracy? Is every medical facility in on it or is it just a few people at the top?

I said nothing of a "conspiracy". My statement was clear. That you have to invent a strawman, is just your brain, knowing that I am right, and you searching for ways to avoid admitting it to yourself.
You’re statement clearly stated that the financial incentive causes false numbers to be reported so I’m asking if all medical facilities are reporting the false numbers or if it is coordinated by a few at the top that collect the data?
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

Sounds like he got caught using a Bible as a prop, and blew off the question.

Why are you acting like that is a big deal?

I believe we're allowed to start threads that are not a "big deal" if we choose.

But I've gotten pretty much what I was expecting, so it's been a good thread.

Good thing I don't need anyone's approval.

Of course you are allowed to do it. I asked WHY. And you shockingly, did not answer.

Do you remember when I pointed out to you, that the end of talking left only violence as a way of addressing conflict?

The reason for starting the thread is obvious. To see If and how Trump supporters defend actions that OP deemed inappropriate. The real question is why people enter the thread and avoid answering simple questions.

1. am I the only one that answered the question?

2. The obvious answer is that they don't expect their answers to be treated seriously or honestly. Especially as Mac1958 admitted that he does not pay attention to what people say,when they "talk".

You are one of the better more on topic trump supporters to converse with. Read through the thread and 90% completely avoid the topic. So why even join the conversation? To distract? I believe that’s called trolling. I agree with some
Of what you said. Trump used the church and bible as a prop. I don’t think he is sincere or cares about Christian values more than the fact that he has political support from the group so he will pander to them.

I don’t agree that he was trying to calm the nation. Somebody from his admin probably proposed the photo op and he thought it would make him look good. But on the other side he is perpetuating the Conflict through what everybody knows is divisive Partisan rhetoric and extreme actions to flex his muscles and appear to be a tough guy

"Pander" is just spin. He has no political enmity with the Religious Right, that way liberals like Hillary, or Biden does.

He is willing to work with them, and they are wiling to work with him. Nothing wrong with that. If it seems wrong to you, you need to check your assumptions.

What is the most extreme thing he has supposedly done to " perpetuate" the conflict?

Pander is an accurate description. Donald Trump in his own accord with no incentive would never stand in front of a church with a Bible. It’s unnatural and phony. But he did it because he thought it would play well politically. Yes all politicians do that. But to tear gas a peaceful protest to get this photo op and politicize the church and religion is a new low beyond normal political pandering
President Trump is not a devout Christian. He's a devout American.

Christianity and America have a history together as old as America. They're inseparable.

That's what President Trump understands.
He is a devout asshole

Are you aware of the fact that you have no actual complaints of substance on his recent job performance?

Like having one third of the Coronavirus deaths in the world?

If you believe the obviously inflated guess numbers. Which no one does. Not even you.
These are the officially reported numbers of deaths as reported daily by the state health departments.

You claim they are fake?

Of course. The official guidlines were designed to encourage guesses and financial incentives were offered for higher numbers. So, we can be sure of one thing. THe official numbers are garbage.
Who manages and reports this great conspiracy? Is every medical facility in on it or is it just a few people at the top?

I said nothing of a "conspiracy". My statement was clear. That you have to invent a strawman, is just your brain, knowing that I am right, and you searching for ways to avoid admitting it to yourself.
You’re statement clearly stated that the financial incentive causes false numbers to be reported so I’m asking if all medical facilities are reporting the false numbers or if it is coordinated by a few at the top that collect the data?

The incentives reward the medical care providers at the billing level, so more bottom up.
Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.
As the prophesy goes, the anti christ draws in to him, some of the very elect of the church, who failed to believe in truth....

Hey! I didn't write this prophesy!
Who remembers when President Bill Clinton stood in front of the United Methodist Church in Washington D.C holding, and waving a bible after he was impeached in the United States House of Representatives for lying under oath?
But not at all like President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church across Lafayette Park from the White House and stood outside with his Bible making a Statement to the Rioting Antiva, and Black Lives Matter!
So he has the military tear gas and shoot rubber bullets into the crowd of protesters so he could walk up, if you call his half run a walk, and show a bible upside down and say nothing tangible all the while knowing he does not own a bible.
Who remembers when President Bill Clinton stood in front of the United Methodist Church in Washington D.C holding, and waving a bible after he was impeached in the United States House of Representatives for lying under oath?
But not at all like President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church across Lafayette Park from the White House and stood outside with his Bible making a Statement to the Rioting Antiva, and Black Lives Matter!

Wasn't his bible, in case you actually didn't see it.

"He wielded the Bible like a foreign object, awkwardly adjusting his grip as though trying to get comfortable. He examined its cover. He held it up over his right shoulder like a crossing guard presenting a stop sign. He did not open it.

“Is that your Bible?” a reporter asked.

“It’s a Bible,” the president replied.


So? If that's all you have to be seething about today, you obviously have emotional problems.

I have to keep it simple for you guys.
You get triggered too easily.
You get triggered too easily.

That makes 2 of you.
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

Sounds like he got caught using a Bible as a prop, and blew off the question.

Why are you acting like that is a big deal?

I believe we're allowed to start threads that are not a "big deal" if we choose.

But I've gotten pretty much what I was expecting, so it's been a good thread.

Good thing I don't need anyone's approval.

Of course you are allowed to do it. I asked WHY. And you shockingly, did not answer.

Do you remember when I pointed out to you, that the end of talking left only violence as a way of addressing conflict?

The reason for starting the thread is obvious. To see If and how Trump supporters defend actions that OP deemed inappropriate. The real question is why people enter the thread and avoid answering simple questions.

1. am I the only one that answered the question?

2. The obvious answer is that they don't expect their answers to be treated seriously or honestly. Especially as Mac1958 admitted that he does not pay attention to what people say,when they "talk".

You are one of the better more on topic trump supporters to converse with. Read through the thread and 90% completely avoid the topic. So why even join the conversation? To distract? I believe that’s called trolling. I agree with some
Of what you said. Trump used the church and bible as a prop. I don’t think he is sincere or cares about Christian values more than the fact that he has political support from the group so he will pander to them.

I don’t agree that he was trying to calm the nation. Somebody from his admin probably proposed the photo op and he thought it would make him look good. But on the other side he is perpetuating the Conflict through what everybody knows is divisive Partisan rhetoric and extreme actions to flex his muscles and appear to be a tough guy

"Pander" is just spin. He has no political enmity with the Religious Right, that way liberals like Hillary, or Biden does.

He is willing to work with them, and they are wiling to work with him. Nothing wrong with that. If it seems wrong to you, you need to check your assumptions.

What is the most extreme thing he has supposedly done to " perpetuate" the conflict?

Pander is an accurate description. Donald Trump in his own accord with no incentive would never stand in front of a church with a Bible. It’s unnatural and phony. But he did it because he thought it would play well politically. Yes all politicians do that. But to tear gas a peaceful protest to get this photo op and politicize they church and religion is a new low beyond normal political pandering

Nope. It's negative spin based on your feelings, not anything real about the facts of the situation.

What is the most extreme thing he has supposedly done to " perpetuate" the conflict?
I just no longer have words for this, so I'll ask three very serious questions:

First, would someone like to explain what this man did yesterday, holding up Bible and saying "It's a Bible"?

Second, what was the point of that, what was his goal?

Third, do you believe we were witnessing a devout Christian there, holding up a religion's holy book in humble reverence?

Thanks in advance.

Bill Clinton did the same thing.
Who cares?
Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.
As the prophesy goes, the anti christ draws in to him, some of the very elect of the church, who failed to believe in truth....

Hey! I didn't write this prophesy!

There are many fake Christians who believe in the anti-Christ.

Real Christians support president Trump, the greatest president in American history. The American Caesar, The God-Emperor.

Care has been pervaded by dark forces.
Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.
As the prophesy goes, the anti christ draws in to him, some of the very elect of the church, who failed to believe in truth....

Hey! I didn't write this prophesy!

No, that's not how the prophesy goes. The anti-christ will be supported by nearly all people in all nations.

If more than half the nation hates him, then he's not the anti-christ.
that show was as fake as a two dollar bill.

Of course a dunce and Trump lemming is gonna lap it up.

Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.
As the prophesy goes, the anti christ draws in to him, some of the very elect of the church, who failed to believe in truth....

Hey! I didn't write this prophesy!

There are many fake Christians who believe in the anti-Christ.

Real Christians support president Trump, the greatest president in American history. The American Caesar, The God-Emperor.

Care has been pervaded by dark forces.

He's not caesar, or the 'god-emperor' whatever that means. You are just stupid.
Who remembers when President Bill Clinton stood in front of the United Methodist Church in Washington D.C holding, and waving a bible after he was impeached in the United States House of Representatives for lying under oath?
But not at all like President Trump BOLDLY walked up St. John's Church across Lafayette Park from the White House and stood outside with his Bible making a Statement to the Rioting Antiva, and Black Lives Matter!

Wasn't his bible, in case you actually didn't see it.

"He wielded the Bible like a foreign object, awkwardly adjusting his grip as though trying to get comfortable. He examined its cover. He held it up over his right shoulder like a crossing guard presenting a stop sign. He did not open it.

“Is that your Bible?” a reporter asked.

“It’s a Bible,” the president replied.


So? If that's all you have to be seething about today, you obviously have emotional problems. I'll give you something better to lose your shit over:

Check out the Secret Service sniper that was near the church yesterday...

View attachment 344593

Doesn't have anything to do with me.
But I bet you've beat off to it at least 3-4 times already.
Can you really defend something you yourself have never read?
Do you foolishly believe Trump has actually taken the time to read it? Seriously? Every stance he takes and word he speaks, is anti Christ.

Yeah, that's why all Christian leaders who have read the book support president Trump.
As the prophesy goes, the anti christ draws in to him, some of the very elect of the church, who failed to believe in truth....

Hey! I didn't write this prophesy!

There are many fake Christians who believe in the anti-Christ.

Real Christians support president Trump, the greatest president in American history. The American Caesar, The God-Emperor.

Care has been pervaded by dark forces.

He's not caesar, or the 'god-emperor' whatever that means. You are just stupid.

He is as great as the Caesars at this point, and quite likely soon passes over them.

Greatest president in history.
that show was as fake as a two dollar bill.

Of course a dunce and Trump lemming is gonna lap it up.


All religious leaders will condemn it except for Franklin-Trump-Cocksocket-Graham and Jerry-Felatio-Falwell Jr.

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