President Trump Dangles Pardons for Jan. 6 Rioters if He Wins in 2024

Exactly, but liberals will continue to deny there was voter fraud.
of course there was fraud.
Trump had fake electors submit fake forms in 7 states.
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His people were trying to right a wrong. They saw the election stolen before their very eyes and decided it was something they had to protest.
Trump is the enemy of the people but you Trumptards have your heads shoved so far up his ass you can't see.

Am I overstating the obvious?
Pence let the Democrats get away with fraud.
Oh look! Today Dotard attacked Pence so now there's mass hysteria as the Trumptards try to regroup & come up with a strategy to burn Pence on behalf of Benjamin Trump, even after they kissed Pence ass for four years.

You cannot, I repeat, you cannot make this shit up.
Those electors would be the right electors if the fraudulent votes were thrown out.
Actually not. In several states you had up to four or more of the original electors refusing to go along with the fraud, and had to be replaced by people with lesser morals.
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Trump is the enemy of the people but you Trumptards have your heads shoved so far up his ass you can't see.
Am I overstating the obvious?
Wow, you're really not going to like the most recent 2024 polls showing Trump in the lead.
Wow, you're really not going to like the most recent 2024 polls showing Trump in the lead.

Rump is slowly losing it against at least 2 Republican Governors. He barely inches them out right now and is slowly going down while they are slowly going up. In the end, Rump will return to his old 36% of Republican Voters.
Lib please, you people spent months rioting, burning and looting multiple cities and occupying multiple government buildings while injuring over 2,000 police officers. OH SNAP!
What does one instance have to do with the other?
Why are republiscum trying to equate the two?
Rump is slowly losing it against at least 2 Republican Governors. He barely inches them out right now and is slowly going down while they are slowly going up. In the end, Rump will return to his old 36% of Republican Voters.
Hahaha this post wreaks of fear and desperation.
Then lock up your boy Trump who tried to con people into stealing the election that Biden gave him a beatdown in, nullifying the votes of 82 million people, assclown.

A cell in GITMO would be too good for that cocksucker.
Yeah, and how is President Biden working out for you? Worst collapse in job approval in history. You must be proud.
I do love it when the far left boasts about President Trump living rent free in their heads twenty four seven.

Life is great!
Evidently, Trump isn't living rent-free in Trumptards heads.
Trump is still on his grifting tour, and his cult is more than happy to give the grifter more $$$.

Former President Donald Trump hosted his second “Save America” rally of 2022 on Saturday, January 29, in Conroe, Texas.

How fitting.............................CONROW TX.
The CON shows up and has ROWS of gullible, SUCKERS.
Yeah, and how is President Biden working out for you? Worst collapse in job approval in history. You must be proud.
As Trump has the worst job losses in history?

The January employment level left the economy with 2,981,000 fewer jobs than when President Trump took office. This makes him the first president to leave office with a loss of jobs since Herbert Hoover.
The trump Nazis involved in the January 6th insurrection attempt are heroic patriots to the rest of their 74 million trump Nazi brethren.

But, unlike his devoted cultists, trump has shown no sincere concern for his loyal foot soldiers since they failed in their assigned mission to stop President Biden's congressional confirmation.

When he had the power to do. trump should have issued a blanket pardon covering everyone participating in the coup. The list of known participants keeps growing as the House Select Committee's January 6th investigation progresses.

Imagine the effects a pardon, issued by trump on January 7th, and designated to cover all the "patriots" publicly admitting their complicity in the planning, financing, the logistics, the inciting, and the actual January 6th attack on the Capitol Building, would have had on the events of the past year.

Continuing that line of thought, contemplate the additional loyalty such a sweeping executive action by trump would have brought to him. It would be a much greater loyalty than that delivered by a, "Maybe, if I become president in three years, I'll pardon the January 6th insurrectionists."

For those millions of centrist voters only partially on board with trump Nazism, trump's implied "maybe" at the texas rally, isn't strong motivation to get the, traditionally, wishy-washy centrist voters to action. The vacillating centrists will need more assurance before they commit to that final leap to the full-on fascism of the truly devoted trump Nazi cultists.

Three more years is a long time to wait for the pardoning of so many "patriotic" insurrectionists. The trump Nazis wanted this decisive action from their wannabe führer while he was their POTUS. Even the most devout trump Nazis secretly admit to themselves that few of their cult leader's promises ever truly materialize.
As Trump has the worst job losses in history?

The January employment level left the economy with 2,981,000 fewer jobs than when President Trump took office. This makes him the first president to leave office with a loss of jobs since Herbert Hoover.
That's just goofy and desperate.
This should prove to everyone that trump is nothing more than a Treasonous SOB. If repubs don't call him out on this...they are as much traitors as he is.

Our Capitol is attacked, broken into, and members of Congress and even the VP are threatened with death....and trump wants to pardon them. He is losing his tiny mind.
This should prove to everyone that trump is nothing more than a Treasonous SOB. If repubs don't call him out on this...they are as much traitors as he is.

Our Capitol is attacked, broken into, and members of Congress and even the VP are threatened with death....and trump wants to pardon them. He is losing his tiny mind.
Oh no our poor wittle corrupt congress members---

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