President Trump Dangles Pardons for Jan. 6 Rioters if He Wins in 2024

You really that stupid? You compare a sit in to an attack on "The People's House."
Lib please, you people spent months rioting, burning and looting multiple cities and occupying multiple government buildings while injuring over 2,000 police officers. OH SNAP!
January 6 was just another ordinary tourist visit...

Trump's comments on trans athletes got louder applause than pardoning the rioters. that says a lot
His people were trying to right a wrong. They saw the election stolen before their very eyes and decided it was something they had to protest.
His people are sore loser crybabies.

They didn’t right a wrong. They threw a hissy fit that accomplished nothing.
Don't be an idiot. If the Vice President can overturn an election....our democracy is dead and your vote is useless.
So our nation is now screwed because nobody in government is allowed to throw out fraudulent votes.
Courts can....but Rudy and his clowns....ADMITTEDLY....had no evidence. trump had the voter fraud excuse since 2015....he would have used it on Hillary, had she won.
Everyone knows Poopeypants did not get the largest number of votes in history...even brainless Dimmers know wit.

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