President Trump dares judge in Alvin Bragg case to jail him for violating gag order

Breaking? Sometimes obscure blogs use the word "breaking" to try to enhance an old tired argument that has little basis in truth. Nothing to see here.
every time you people post this, you out yourselves as mindless sheep

The SC ruling was very specific and said that a certain program could not be use for student loan forgiveness. That program is not being used for the current student loan forgiveness, thus Biden is not going against the ruling.
Aren't you the benevolent one. How about we do this on a voluntary basis. If people like you want to pay someone else's student loans off, have at it. I'll even give you an atta boy. Just leave me out of it. I understand college got to be a bad investment because of government involvement. Why not get the federal government out of education all together. MAGA
The intent is the easiest thing to prove.

That's why the orange pile of shit's only defense is to try to argue imaginary loopholes that make it not a crime. Pay attention!
Ease up on the stalking
Every post I make does not have to be responded to by you within seconds.
If I quote your post or respond directly to you then different matter of course
Otherwise your almost 100 % response rate to any post I make anywhere is deliberate and stalking.
Aren't you the benevolent one. How about we do this on a voluntary basis. If people like you want to pay someone else's student loans off, have at it. I'll even give you an atta boy. Just leave me out of it. I understand college got to be a bad investment because of government involvement. Why not get the federal government out of education all together. MAGA
They expect you to pay and not they to oay
It’s lib 101

Personally, I don't see jailing him as the best-practices course.

Rather, fine him.
And fine him again...when he......
And again, if he..........

Escalates the fines.
He's a rich man, and besides his TDS'rs---Trump's Duped & Snookeed ---- will pay it for him anyway. So the sky is the limit on fine amounts.

Jailing him puts him in a scenario of Adolf Hitler being jailed, and then writing his Mein Kampf. So we don't want Don Trump in jail over this kind of gig. He likely does need to be imprisoned for other criminality but....if I was the judge (and whoever is the eventually home of those fine-monies) I'd be happy just to keep making the court's cash-register go Ka-Ching!.

You too?
Ummm no.

The only remedy for someone who continuously violates court orders is incarceration. What they do while they are incarcerated is moot.

As for Trump writing a for the chuckle.
I'd like to see a judge call Trump into the courtroom and tell him the following:

"Mr. Trump, it is clear that you have no intention, or ability, to follow the standards rules of behavior or legal orders in my courtroom. Because we cannot have a situation in which certain citizens are treated differently by the law, I'm going to give you one warning.

"I have personally contacted the City Jail and instructed them to make all provisions for your arrest and detainment in the system. This, of course, will have to allow for your security detail to remain intact. I am providing you and your lawyers with specific written protocols, step by step, on how this would be carried out.

"If you break one more rule that I hand down in this case, those protocols will be in effect, the system will be ready, and you will be immediately arrested for contempt and jailed for at least one day, and I withold the right to make that stay longer. You will be treated the same way we treat any other prisoner".

"Have I made myself perfectly clear to you and your attorneys?"

I don't think that's asking too much. Most people don't get that kind of warning.
Lock his ass up then let him clean the mess when he soils himself at the sound of bars slamming shut behind the son of a bitch.
Aw, just a little over anxious to jail your boogeyman....
The Judge should sign an arrest warrant for him right now, have him brought before him & jailed until trial. THAT'S what would happen to anyone else.

Enough is enough. Fuck Trump & the horse he rode in on.
You keep counting the same people

MAGA loves it when Trump acts up or is prosecuted
You are not going to get any more moderates or liberals to vote for Trump because he is prosecuted
More blacks may vote for Trump because the law has targeted Trump just like they feel it targets blacks.

N ts x

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