President Trump dares judge in Alvin Bragg case to jail him for violating gag order

Call his bluff. Then let the guards pretend that his name isn't on their list of prisoners. They love to do that to the fish.
The Trump-haters believe this would mean President Trump would be thrown into the general population or something. In reality it would look like a secure wing with amenities, and he'd have secret service around him at all times.

Meanwhile his polling numbers would still go up.

BREAKING: President Trump dares judge in Alvin Bragg case to jail him for violating gag order​

"I am willing to sacrifice my Freedom for that worthy cause." - Donald J. Trump

"On Saturday, Donald Trump expressed that he would consider it a "great honor" to face imprisonment if he violated a gag order, signaling a heightened level of criticism directed towards New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan and other judicial figures involved in the Alvin Bragg trial in New York.

On Monday, Merchan, the judge presiding over Trump's hush money trial scheduled to commence on April 15, broadened his gag order against Trump to encompass not only the judge's family but also the family of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Posting on his Truth Social account, Trump wrote, "Now, we have Merchan, who is not allowing me to talk, thereby violating the Law and the Constitution, all at once. It is so bad what he is trying to get away with - How was he even chosen for this case??? I heard he fought like hell to get it, and all of the rest of them also! If this Partisan Hack wants to put me in the "clink" for speaking the open and obvious TRUTH, I will gladly become a Modern Day Nelson Mandela - It will be my GREAT HONOR. We have to Save our Country from these Political Operatives masquerading as Prosecutors and Judges, and I am willing to sacrifice my Freedom for that worthy cause. We are a Failing Nation, but on November 5th, we will become a Great Nation again. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

BREAKING: President Trump dares judge in Alvin Bragg case to jail him for violating gag order

He never shuts up, does he? Is daring the judge to put him in the clink?

He's incorrigible. He just can't stop lying.

MAGATS love their criminals and criminality.

I am far left and anti-Trump, but gag orders are totally and inherently illegal except in a few exceptions like over things like minors or national security.
Gag orders violate the principle of FOIA.
Trump is totally unaware of how obnoxious he is. Too bad he's too stupid to be a normal observer.

That is true that Trump is repulsive to me whenever he tries to say almost anything,.
However, the 2 impeachments, 91 charges, including the gag order and even the civil case by Jean Carroll, are all entirely illegal.
Their clear intent is a coordinated conspiracy to prevent a fair election.
That truly is an insurrection, and will lead to a civil war.
The voters are the only ones who should decide Trump's fate.
The blob is proving we have a two tiered justice (or in the case of the entitled--just-us) system that only benefits the rich and well connected. Anyone else would be incarcerated pending trial at this point.

Sorry, but totally wrong.
The only valid reasons for prosecuting or incarcerating anyone is when necessary in the defense of the rights of others.
And there are no victims, so all the prosecutions are utterly bogus.
Even the Jean Carroll case is absurd, trying to go back 30 years to when she offered to model lingerie naked.

Read EO 13526, and you will see Trump has total authority over all classified docs created by his administration.
The law clearly does not allow banks to use applicant evaluations.
Demanding hush money is illegal, not paying it.
There is absolutely no way to create or use fake electors.
I am far left and anti-Trump, but gag orders are totally and inherently illegal except in a few exceptions like over things like minors or national security.
Gag orders violate the principle of FOIA.
Gag orders are common in court
You are not allowed to discuss the case outside of court

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