President Trump dares judge in Alvin Bragg case to jail him for violating gag order

Gag orders are common in court
You are not allowed to discuss the case outside of court

Not true.
A gag order is an order prohibiting the parties, their attorneys, witnesses, media, or others from talking about the case outside the court room. Such “prior restraints” on speech directly invoke the First Amendment and are presumed unconstitutional12. The First Amendment guarantees the freedom of religion, expression, press, and the freedom to assemble, and is what allows protests in the street and various religions to coexist in America. More commonly, people recognize the First Amendment as the freedom of speech.

All court cases MUST be discussed outside the court, and it would be illegal to try to prevent is unless it directly harms someone, like a minor or national security.
The whole idea any government could ever arbitrarily do something like impose a gag order, that is NOT necessary to defend the rights of some individual, is totally completely authoritarian and illegal in a republic.
In a republic, the ONLY source of legal authority comes from the defense of the rights of some individual.

The ONLY people restricted from discussing a court case, is the jury.
Yes, it is
Then why doesn’t Trump file formal conflict of interest charges rather than spread lies?

Because filing another charge would take even more money and time from the campaign.
Which is why all these 91 charges clearly are illegal and an attempt to prevent fair elections.
Because filing another charge would take even more money and time from the campaign.
Which is why all these 91 charges clearly are illegal and an attempt to prevent fair elections.
Are you claiming Trump is trying to expedite these trials?

Do you know how offensive that claim is to blacks?
Right up there with your Plantation taunts
The fact is that a significant number of blacks are deserting the Democratic Party as we post. Those who leave may well feel the Democratic Party has taken blacks for granted as if they were living on a plantation.


The obvious question is: Why is this happening?

For starters, the Biden administration has largely neglected Black voters' concerns since taking office in 2021. Yet Biden has championed other groups of Americans, such as migrants and the LGBTQ community. Indeed, even Ukraine seems to get more attention from the Biden administration than African Americans.

The president has essentially signaled that he cares more for the plight of people in foreign countries than addressing domestic issues that affect the Black community.
Which is why all these 91 charges clearly are illegal and an attempt to prevent fair elections.

On the other hand, the cause and affect dynamic may be other than poster Rigby suggests.


  • Indictments to hinder a candidate......
  • is a candidacy to hinder the indictments.
Life is full of disappointment Clipper…it’ll be ok…. :itsok:
I just want to see Trump sit & stew in his Depends as his former allies take him apart on the witness stand.

Karma is a bitch.
The latest gag order was because Trump was questioning the millions of dollars the judges daughter got from the democrat party.
Trump should concern himself with the billions Jared got from the Saudi's. But he doesn't give a shit because his own face is buried up the ass of Saudi prince's for money.
I just want to see Trump sit & stew in his Depends as his former allies take him apart on the witness stand.

Karma is a bitch.
Maybe we’ll get some more third hand bullshit…
Trump is free to question the case against him, refute evidence, declare his innocence

However, making personal attacks against the judge, prosecutor, court staff or their families is not tolerable.

Trump knows he does not have to make threats himself but understands MAGA followers will do it for him. There have been thousands of threats made against Court members and their staff.
Huh so you are saying that some trump supporter “might” take his words and do something about it? And for that, Trump can’t criticize people? He loses his freedom of speech?
So you're against gag orders. Okay.
I am if they are for someone exercising their free speech rights. If they are actually threatening someone or saying something about the case that they shouldn’t, then I agree with gag orders.
No he can’t

Bringing the wrath of MAGA against the judges daughter is not permissible

Trump needs to stick to the facts of the case
Yes he can. That stupid woman isn't directly involved in the case. She's fair game and her constant whining just reinforces how corrupt her and her daddy are.
I am if they are for someone exercising their free speech rights. If they are actually threatening someone or saying something about the case that they shouldn’t, then I agree with gag orders.
A gag order while every dnc backed media outlet publish bullshit after bullshit to taint public opinion , greatest tampering of all time
Yes he can. That stupid woman isn't directly involved in the case. She's fair game and her constant whining just reinforces how corrupt her and her daddy are.
She's not involved in the case so Trump has no business attacking her, dope.

Haven't you given Trump enough reach arounds?
Blacks don't have a special power against the gaslighting and lies that Trump and his cult trade in.

New York Times/Siena College polling painted a worrisome picture of the president’s standing with a crucial constituency. Democratic strategists warned that the erosion could threaten his re-election.

Black voters are more disconnected from the Democratic Party than they have been in decades, frustrated with what many see as inaction on their political priorities and unhappy with President Biden, a candidate they helped lift to the White House just three years ago.

New polls by The New York Times and Siena College found that 22 percent of Black voters in six of the most important battleground states said they would support former President Donald J. Trump in next year’s election, and 71 percent would back Mr. Biden.

The drift in support is striking, given that Mr. Trump won just 8 percent of Black voters nationally in 2020 and 6 percent in 2016, according to the Pew Research Center. A Republican presidential candidate has not won more than 12 percent of the Black vote in nearly half a century.


In conventional political terms, Biden has delivered a ton of goodies to Black communities, from selecting Kamala Harris as his vice-president to making Ketanji Brown Jackson the first Black woman on the Supreme Court. He has named Jamie Harrison chairman of the Democratic National Committee and reworked the political calendar to make heavily Black South Carolina the first primary state instead of New Hampshire. The Biden administration has directed over $7 billion to historically Black colleges and universities, and last year Black unemployment fell below 5 percent for the first time since the Department of Labor began tracking the statistic in 1972.

Pretty good stuff — but for some Black voters, not enough.

“This is where we get into descriptive versus substantive representation,” says political scientist Christina Greer of Fordham University. “A lot of Black voters are like, ‘Why have we got all these Black people in charge and my life isn’t changing? Why are my economic circumstances not exponentially better if I can look at how we had a Black president and we’ve got a Black mayor? Why is it that my schools are still bad, my neighborhood is still what it is?’”

Burnett agrees, saying the disaffection is exacerbated by Democratic positions on immigration. “When certain urban neighborhoods are overwhelmed by a preexisting homeless crisis, high rents, and a level of unaffordability in so many different categories, but yet they see individuals — we’re talking about illegal immigration — being placed in the front in terms of housing, even in some instances cash payments; they’re rolling off the red carpet,” he says. “And then they say, ‘Wait a second, we vote for you guys, and we can’t even get your attention on basic things, but you can find money to educate them, give them free health care, but when it comes to our needs as a Black community, it falls on deaf ears.’ I think Black people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. So some of them will actually exercise that level of protest by voting for Trump in the general.”

“A third of Black voters have consistently polled as saying that they want stronger border control and having essentially xenophobic preferences, even Black migrants who come to the United States,” Rigueur told me. “Africans and West Indians tend to be conservative in some respects. I don’t know that the Democratic Party has an answer for the complaints that Black folks are offering on the question of immigration.”
True or false, someone who violates court orders repeatedly while on bail is usually incarcerated.
Doesn’t matter, we aren’t talking about some goof on the street like you and I.

i‘ve said it before, and I’ll say it over and over, the damage you people want to do to this country, acting like some tin horn, socialist crap hole that jails their political opponents is sick.

Your hate for this man, because you don’t like the way he speaks, or what he puts out on social media is just about enough childishness one can stand…We are better than this tantrum you brats are throwing now.

I for the life of me, don’t understand why it is your ilk want to rush so badly toward the failed model of communism? Are you so unmotivated in life that you want a government telling you how to live? Who you’ll vote for? What to eat, and how you’ll cook it? How to raise your kids? If you even can raise your kids without the state jailing you because you might try and teach your kids religion, or worse yet, not be liberal progressives, with a tackle box full of metal attached to their faces…No, your vision is a dead end, that you won’t be able to get out of, if you keep going.

im sick of it..Your collective entitlement is nauseating…
She's not involved in the case so Trump has no business attacking her, dope.

Haven't you given Trump enough reach arounds?
The fact that she is a working dem operative, that has her father’s ear is enough for him to recuse, even if just the appearance of impropriety … Unless we just throw ethics out the window with everything else the great nation once stood for.

But, you don’t give a shit about any of that, do you? As long as you can win your hollow victory, right?

Wait til it’s your turn “ in the barrel”…

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