President Trump dares judge in Alvin Bragg case to jail him for violating gag order

Trump would not give up his constitutional rights because of a silly speech like that.

I’ll believe a judge can put Trump in jail when one does.

What is asking too much is asking the presidential frontrunner to stop addressing his constituents.

It would be too much to ask some plumber in Des Moines Iowa to silence his free speech . But it is even more so because silencing Trump would deprive his constituents of their right to hear him, while presumably the plumber would have much smaller audience.
One of the many shared counterproductive behaviors of both ends of the political spectrum is this strange inability to understand that it's not just about WHAT you are trying to do, but also HOW YOU DO IT.

In Trump's case, his juvenile behavior and unnecessary verbiage are not necessary. He could communicate EXACTLY THE SAME MESSAGE in a more adult, stable, intelligent way. In ANY NUMBER of adult, stable, intelligent ways.

Instead, he chooses not to. He chooses to behave in ways for which we would admonish our children. OR, he literally lacks the ability to do so (which is my guess). Regardless, in the grownup world, that is going to create pushback.

In all seriousness, it's depressing that such a thing even needs to be said. I don't know what exactly has happened to us. If 40% of the country requires this kind of behavior to understand or relate to something, we're in serious trouble.
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One of the many shared counterproductive behaviors of both ends of the political spectrum is a strange inability to understand that it's not just about WHAT you are trying to do, but also HOW YOU DO IT.

In Trump's case, his juvenile behavior and unnecessary verbiage are not necessary. He could communicate EXACTLY THE SAME MESSAGE in a more adult, stable, intelligent way. In ANY NUMBER of adult, stable, intelligent ways.

Instead, he chooses not to. He chooses to behave in ways for which we would admonish our children. In the grownup world, that is going to create pushback.

In all seriousness, it's depressing that such a thing even needs to be said. I don't know what exactly has happened to us.
I hear what you’re saying. You make a good point. But I have a counterpoint or two.

We have a disaster on the border of epic proportions. Beyond anything even seen during the Obama administration, who was very weak on the border. Biden approaches the border with calm and dignity, and always with an attitude of respect except when talking about the people that he calls “Maga.”

Americans are dying and suffering because of his dignified approach.

Trump was brash, rude, insulting, and whether he intended to be racist or not, often used words that allowed his opponents to accuse him of racism.

He was all that while he made the border far more secure than it had been under the abomination administration. While doing all that he negotiated with Mexico to let us have assylum seekers remain there instead of flooding our cities and towns.

To people watching their children’s schools being shut down to be converted for illegal immigrant, housing, watching the rise in fentanyl death, hearing horrific stories of brutal gang rapes and murders by illegal aliens, is how Trump did what he did as important as what Trump did?

Between the death of Ronald Reagan and the Ascension of Donald Trump to head of party, Republican leaders were almost universally very polite, very respectful, and very much aware of social conventions to avoid causing offense.

While being all that, they stood by watching Democrats push through every destructive anti-American program they could think of, with Reps offering only the weakest of token resistance.

Democrats won so much that they had to move the Overton window sharply. They finally had to start thinking of things like “transgender children” and male champions in women’s sports, evidently to prove how outrageous they could be, and how far Republicans would allow them to go, in order to avoid being accused of insensitivity, or having people complain about “the way
they do it.”
I hear what you’re saying. You make a good point. But I have a counterpoint or two.

We have a disaster on the border of epic proportions. Beyond anything even seen during the Obama administration, who was very weak on the border. Biden approaches the border with calm and dignity, and always with an attitude of respect except when talking about the people that he calls “Maga.”

Americans are dying and suffering because of his dignified approach.

Trump was brash, rude, insulting, and whether he intended to be racist or not, often used words that allowed his opponents to accuse him of racism.

He was all that while he made the border far more secure than it had been under the abomination administration. While doing all that he negotiated with Mexico to let us have assylum seekers remain there instead of flooding our cities and towns.

To people watching their children’s schools being shut down to be converted for illegal immigrant, housing, watching the rise in fentanyl death, hearing horrific stories of brutal gang rapes and murders by illegal aliens, is how Trump did what he did as important as what Trump did?

Between the death of Ronald Reagan and the Ascension of Donald Trump to head of party, Republican leaders were almost universally very polite, very respectful, and very much aware of social conventions to avoid causing offense.

While being all that, they stood by watching Democrats push through every destructive anti-American program they could think of, with Reps offering only the weakest of token resistance.

Democrats won so much that they had to move the Overton window sharply. They finally had to start thinking of things like “transgender children” and male champions in women’s sports, evidently to prove how outrageous they could be, and how far Republicans would allow them to go, in order to avoid being accused of insensitivity, or having people complain about “the way
they do it.”
The Left's ridiculous positions on several cultural issues are certainly another example, and I've gone around and around with them on it. I have absolutely no idea how screaming RACIST HOMOPHOBE ISLAMOPHOBE in someone's face, or not allowing them to speak on a college campus, can be perceived as an intelligent way to change anyone's mind on something.

But that's for another topic.

I think Trump could make any point in a much more intelligent, mature, constructive way. He could at least TRY. But it's his choice to say and post the words he says and posts. As an adult, he should know that the legal system will only bend so far for him. I don't understand why pouring gasoline on a fire is an intelligent move.

I want to fix things, not make them worse. These behaviors are not required.
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He never shuts up, does he? Is daring the judge to put him in the clink?

He's incorrigible. He just can't stop lying.

Just can’t stop criticizing the witch hunt against him
He needs to be a libbie wash rag and just take the flogging
The fact that she is a working dem operative, that has her father’s ear is enough for him to recuse, even if just the appearance of impropriety … Unless we just throw ethics out the window with everything else the great nation once stood for.

But, you don’t give a shit about any of that, do you? As long as you can win your hollow victory, right?

Wait til it’s your turn “ in the barrel”…
The only "appearance" of anything is in your empty head. The problem with you MAGATS is you think everyone is a demented crazed foaming at the mouth lowlife like Trump is.

Btw, the ethics committe has already looked at this bullshit & laughed in Dummy Dotard's deranged face.
The only "appearance" of anything is in your empty head. The problem with you MAGATS is you think everyone is a demented crazed foaming at the mouth lowlife like Trump is.

Btw, the ethics committe has already looked at this bullshit & laughed in Dummy Dotard's deranged face.
Do you read aloud what you post? It’s hilarious! :slap: :itsok:
The Left's ridiculous positions on several cultural issues are certainly another example, and I've gone around and around with them on it. I have absolutely no idea how screaming RACIST HOMOPHOBE ISLAMOPHOBE in someone's face, or not allowing them to speak on a college campus, can be perceived as an intelligent way to change anyone's mind on something.

But that's for another topic.

I think Trump could make any point in a much more intelligent, mature, constructive way. He could at least TRY. But it's his choice to say and post the words he says and posts. As an adult, he should know that the legal system will only bend so far for him. I don't understand why pouring gasoline on a fire is an intelligent move.

I want to fix things, not make them worse. These behaviors are not required.
If you had half a dozen ridiculous, hyperpartisan litigations initiated against you solely for political purposes, I bet you'd have some harsh words for those perpetrating this actions.
Trump would not give up his constitutional rights because of a silly speech like that.

I’ll believe a judge can put Trump in jail when one does.

What is asking too much is asking the presidential frontrunner to stop addressing his constituents.

It would be too much to ask some plumber in Des Moines Iowa to silence his free speech . But it is even more so because silencing Trump would deprive his constituents of their right to hear him, while presumably the plumber would have much smaller audience.
Trump has violated the law. And because if that and his disrespect for the court, he has been placed under a gag order. If he keeps running his mouth, he goes to jail. He is not above the law and the law doesn't give a damn about constitutents.
I'd like to see a judge call Trump into the courtroom and tell him the following:

"Mr. Trump, it is clear that you have no intention, or ability, to follow the standards rules of behavior or legal orders in my courtroom. Because we cannot have a situation in which certain citizens are treated differently by the law, I'm going to give you one warning.

"I have personally contacted the City Jail and instructed them to make all provisions for your arrest and detainment in the system. This, of course, will have to allow for your security detail to remain intact. I am providing you and your lawyers with specific written protocols, step by step, on how this would be carried out.

"If you break one more rule that I hand down in this case, those protocols will be in effect, the system will be ready, and you will be immediately arrested for contempt and jailed for at least one day, and I withold the right to make that stay longer. You will be treated the same way we treat any other prisoner".

"Have I made myself perfectly clear to you and your attorneys?"

I don't think that's asking too much. Most people don't get that kind of warning.
I would add one thing...

I would bring in the TV cameras...

I would place and Orange jump suit and hand cuffs on the table and tell him to pick them up...

Get him to repeat that he understands that he will be making the choice... If he can't obey the orders of the court which every US Citizen has to, he will be treated like every other citizen. He will not be let out for the trial and if he looses will not be let out awaiting sentencing as he would be deemed to to be a threat to public order.
Make him say that he understands on TV...
You mean the corrupt judge who's daughter is a democrat operative, and has raised money off the fact that her father is presiding over this case, instead of doing the right thing and recusing himself? That judge?
Have you any proof he is corrupt?

Could you please post your evidence.... Why are you hiding it?
I am down with this judge recusing himself if you will support a SCOTUS Justice doing so in all cases dealing with Jan 6th given his wife's involvement

His daughter works in politics, if she was working for Repubicans could Jack Smith as for recusal...

BTW, Judge Aileen Cannon is a registered republican... Gave money to Republican politicians.

She donated $100 to Ron DeSantis's gubernatorial campaign in 2018.

She seems far more partisan considering she was alos appointed by Trump.

Nobody has stated that these are reasons for her recusal... She is just a crap judge who seems to know little about some court procedures...
The Left's ridiculous positions on several cultural issues are certainly another example, and I've gone around and around with them on it. I have absolutely no idea how screaming RACIST HOMOPHOBE ISLAMOPHOBE in someone's face, or not allowing them to speak on a college campus, can be perceived as an intelligent way to change anyone's mind on something.

But that's for another topic.

I think Trump could make any point in a much more intelligent, mature, constructive way. He could at least TRY. But it's his choice to say and post the words he says and posts. As an adult, he should know that the legal system will only bend so far for him. I don't understand why pouring gasoline on a fire is an intelligent move.

I want to fix things, not make them worse. These behaviors are not required.

The difference is Biden is not going around screaming RACIST HOMOPHOBE ISLAMOPHOBE at anyone.

Both parties have people who are extremists but the Republicans have put theirs in charge.

Biden often ignores those tendencies in his own party to find the moderate ground. Look at the appointment of Merek Garland, a guy who has bent over backwards to seem impartial, sometimes too much so...

Can you see Trump appinting a Democrat to investigate himself lie Biden did on the documents found in his house. Trump got Muller, a registered republican, straight as a die but a republican.

Jack Smith ot registered with any political party, BTW...

I don;'t think we are comparing properly...
Stephen Milller is a ISLAMOPHOBE and he major job in the White House.

He is alos a RACIST

Mike Pence is a HOMOPHOBE

Trump has plenty expamples of supporting racists...

There is plenty examples of Trump surrounding himself with these types of people...
In Trump's case, his juvenile behavior and unnecessary verbiage are not necessary. He could communicate EXACTLY THE SAME MESSAGE in a more adult, stable, intelligent way. In ANY NUMBER of adult, stable, intelligent ways.
Welll, M58, as a Don Trump skeptic (it's a quality of 'character' thing, for me) one of the concerns I would have is that if.....if....he came across as understanding how responsible adult decorum works, and used measured thoughtful language, well, he could easily win.

Now, to be sure, I said that to friends back in 2020 also. That if the guy turned reasonable and adult-like he'd easily win. Alas, he couldn't wrap his head around NOT being a bully. He is what he is, and likely will remain. And likely lose again for it......lose a handful of court trials and lose the 2024 election.


"She shot her mouth off so she's fair game asswipe. Cry harder".

OK, I'm presuming the prolific poster "lantern" is referring to Judge Merchan's adult daughter. I admit I haven't followed the twists & turns of that trial closely, but......but can poster 'Lantern' explain what he means by "shooting-her-mouth-off"?

And does he have a credible and informed source that details such 'shooting'?
Welll, M58, as a Don Trump skeptic (it's a quality of 'character' thing, for me) one of the concerns I would have is that if.....if....he can across as understanding what how responsible adult decorum works, and used measured thoughtful language, well, he could easily win.

Now, to be sure, I said that to friends back in 2020 also. That if the guy turned reasonable and adult-like he'd easily win. Alas, he couldn't wrap his head around NOT being a bully. He is what he is, and likely will remain. And likely lose again for it......lose a handful of court trials and lose the 2024 election.



OK, I'm presuming the prolific poster "lantern" is referring to Judge Merchan's adult daughter. I admit I haven't followed the twists & turns of that trial closely, but......but can poster 'Lantern' explain what he means by "shooting-her-mouth-off"?

And does he have a credible and informed source that details such 'shooting'?
Why bother? You apparently can't read unless it says "Orange Man Bad". Trump told the truth about her and her dad and she's crying about it. Too bad.

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