President Trump dares judge in Alvin Bragg case to jail him for violating gag order

I'd like to see a judge call Trump into the courtroom and tell him the following:

"Mr. Trump, it is clear that you have no intention, or ability, to follow the standards rules of behavior or legal orders in my courtroom. Because we cannot have a situation in which certain citizens are treated differently by the law, I'm going to give you one warning.

"I have personally contacted the City Jail and instructed them to make all provisions for your arrest and detainment in the system. This, of course, will have to allow for your security detail to remain intact. I am providing you and your lawyers with specific written protocols, step by step, on how this would be carried out.

"If you break one more rule that I hand down in this case, those protocols will be in effect, the system will be ready, and you will be immediately arrested for contempt and jailed for at least one day, and I withold the right to make that stay longer. You will be treated the same way we treat any other prisoner".

"Have I made myself perfectly clear to you and your attorneys?"

I don't think that's asking too much. Most people don't get that kind of warning.
I wonder what he looks like without his make up and sprayed tan and died hair?
Mr. Trump is the victim of RACISM.

Of the four prosecutors against him, three are of the same background.

In fact, one during her election campaign openly bragged about her intention to get Mr. Trump.

Those three hate him because during his presidency he refused to kneel to BLM.
That will never happen. And if you think Trump is leading now, wait and see what would happen if that scenario played out.
Trump isn't leading anything. What you claim is like somebody claiming their NFL team is in first place before they've even played a game. Hardly anybody is paying attention to this campaign right now and f Trump is put in jail for running his mouth, oh well..
Mr. Trump is the victim of RACISM.

Of the four prosecutors against him, three are of the same background.

In fact, one during her election campaign openly bragged about her intention to get Mr. Trump.

Those three hate him because during his presidency he refused to kneel to BLM.
Trump is not the victim of racism. Trump broke the law. And BLM is not the most powerful or respected back organization. That would be the NAACP. And Trump won't dare run his mouth about them.
If any of these judges is worried about violent ramifications, or electoral ramifications, they have to STOP FUCKING THINKING THAT WAY.

This is about the rule of law, he's making a mockery of it, and if we keep bending that rule for him, if we keep going down this road, we're fucked.

Treat him like what he is, a defendant who has to follow rules. That's it. Period.

RICO charges and square footage.

I'd like to see a judge call Trump into the courtroom and tell him the following:

"Mr. Trump, it is clear that you have no intention, or ability, to follow the standards rules of behavior or legal orders in my courtroom. Because we cannot have a situation in which certain citizens are treated differently by the law, I'm going to give you one warning.

"I have personally contacted the City Jail and instructed them to make all provisions for your arrest and detainment in the system. This, of course, will have to allow for your security detail to remain intact. I am providing you and your lawyers with specific written protocols, step by step, on how this would be carried out.

"If you break one more rule that I hand down in this case, those protocols will be in effect, the system will be ready, and you will be immediately arrested for contempt and jailed for at least one day, and I withold the right to make that stay longer. You will be treated the same way we treat any other prisoner".

"Have I made myself perfectly clear to you and your attorneys?"
Trump would not give up his constitutional rights because of a silly speech like that.

I’ll believe a judge can put Trump in jail when one does.
I don't think that's asking too much. Most people don't get that kind of warning.
What is asking too much is asking the presidential frontrunner to stop addressing his constituents.

It would be too much to ask some plumber in Des Moines Iowa to silence his free speech . But it is even more so because silencing Trump would deprive his constituents of their right to hear him, while presumably the plumber would have much smaller audience.

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