President Trump Gives Speech At Turning Point USA: "The Country Is In Decline. The United States Is Now A Failing Nation" (Is He Right?)

Yup, had 9.1% inflation in June…

Crime is up even higher in red rural area’s. What does that tell you?

We have had people crossing southern border in since Reagan. And how is it they find work here?
1) our latest numbers
2) that the demafascist agenda is a cancer and spreading
3) well actually long before reagan…geez you think people just started coming here in the 80s? but we have never had such a. human rights crisis as xiden gave us

add to that massive interest rates increases, and the worst 6 months of the stock market in decades.
Trump is using you. He loves the uneducated and like all demagogues knows how to move the mob.
we know the dems don’t like the uneducated…if yoj are a working man coming of of high school and taking blue collar job, the left doesn’t care
This nation has been in decline since the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860.
we know the dems don’t like the uneducated…if yoj are a working man coming of of high school and taking blue collar job, the left doesn’t care

Trump doesn't have as much education as most blue collar workers. He just wants to purge anyone who isn't loyal and be president for life.
The only failure is trump. He took a billion dollar business and now he owes about 500 million. So he's nobody to listen to and Turning Point is a bunch of delusional losers suffering from psychosis

Only a stupid Moon Bat like you would dismiss all the damage the goddamn rotten corrupt incompetent Democrats are doing to our country and blame Trump.
Trump doesn't have as much education as most blue collar workers. He just wants to purge anyone who isn't loyal and be president for life.
well he’s got an ivy league education..but beyond that you clearly deflected from the reality of my comment

the left doesn’t care about the working man and literally mock trump for “loving” them
I'm not a liberal but I'll take a stab.

The United States of America is a civilization collapsing from within. Whether or not radical political factions want to admit it, America has always been dependent on its traditional moral code for its very survival. The true beginning of the end, the day America poisoned itself, was the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Since then and even post the reversal of Roe, the poison of moral relativism continues to spread and eat America alive from her insides out. A civilization which despises and wants to murder or maim its own children can never survive for long, and it surely cannot prosper. A civilization which cannot distinguish between the always right and always wrong is sure to collapse.

That's about where we're at.
Sorry but that is history revisionist crap....

When Roe v Wade decision, only the catholics complained.. Evangelists didn't give a crap, they were more interested in School Segregation... It took 5 years later when the Evangelist Churches were looking for a wedge issue that they landed on Abortion...

Abortion is a made up wedge issue initially.. It is a con job and it has been so successful that they are drinking their own Kool-Aid... IT is now on a feedback loop... Evangelist Church considered Abortion a Catholic thing util 1978... What happened in 1978?

Also, if they really consider belief begins at conception, why are they not condemning and picketing IVF and other fertility treatment clinics?
Yup, global economy inflation is caused by President Biden. All the eggs in the republic basket hinge on the price of gas.

What is on trial this fall is Democracy.
Tell us how Biden caused 'Global Inflation'...

While I have shown Trump caused the high Gas Prices...

Tell us how Biden caused 'Global Inflation'...

While I have shown Trump caused the high Gas Prices...

haha that didnt cause high gas prices…they remained around two dollars

it wasn’t til your Chicon puppets came to the oval and started their war on fussing fuels amd their policy in place that gas prices went to record highs, which helped fuel the inflation along with their wreakless bailouts of dem states
You want blind sycophants to the old white culture.


Interesting. So, to you, it was the WHITES that put a man on the moon? Or defeated Nazism? Or led the Free World during the Cold War?
well he’s got an ivy league education..but beyond that you clearly deflected from the reality of my comment

the left doesn’t care about the working man and literally mock trump for “loving” them

Nope. Trump never went to class and paid people to take his exams. His professors said he was stupid.
The only failure is trump. He took a billion dollar business and now he owes about 500 million. So he's nobody to listen to and Turning Point is a bunch of delusional losers suffering from psychosis
Please articulate how this mindset is going to deliver a better outcome for US?

Only a stupid Moon Bat like you would dismiss all the damage the goddamn rotten corrupt incompetent Democrats are doing to our country and blame Trump.
Murdoch's NY Post has stated that the former 1-term president is "unworthy to be this country's chief executive again".

The Wall Street Journal called him "The President Who Stood Still on Jan. 6" and praised Vice President Mike Pence. "Character is revealed in a crisis, and Mr. Pence passed his Jan. 6 trial. Mr. Trump utterly failed his," the Journal editorial stated.

So there's that

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