President Trump Gives Speech At Turning Point USA: "The Country Is In Decline. The United States Is Now A Failing Nation" (Is He Right?)

Absolutely. After the Covid slowdown, and associated drop in oil production world wide and the sudden jump in demand at the beginning of 2021, the long stretch of gains by the Obama Economy finally came an end.

But since we climbed the biggest mountain ever during the Obama run, it was a small decline.
That was the division. Democrats want to destroy the country. Republicans want to strengthen the country. You can't get more divided than that.
Sure, sure.

And your proof is that you supported an Insurrection against our Democracy?
Yes, Trump is right. I see it every day. The young can't see it because they have no experience to compare with.
I'm not a liberal but I'll take a stab.

The United States of America is a civilization collapsing from within. Whether or not radical political factions want to admit it, America has always been dependent on its traditional moral code for its very survival. The true beginning of the end, the day America poisoned itself, was the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Since then and even post the reversal of Roe, the poison of moral relativism continues to spread and eat America alive from her insides out. A civilization which despises and wants to murder or maim its own children can never survive for long, and it surely cannot prosper. A civilization which cannot distinguish between the always right and always wrong is sure to collapse.

That's about where we're at.
Abortions will always exist
Why are you complaining about Biden? Don't forget ANY ONE BUT TRUMP. And he is doing an ok job of not being Trump.
Yes thats pretty much what you did. You sure like to complain about everyone else though. Please retire / drop dead and take your politicians with you.
You don't even know me, crap face. Having a difficult time forming an argument so all you can do is attack me personally. Weak little brat.
Am sick of everything being negative, The hate your Neighbor back to the civil war BS, & the big mouths who have made telling lies an art form.
Sure, sure.

And your proof is that you supported an Insurrection against our Democracy?
I wish their had been an insurrection. Estimates were 60,000 people at that protest. Had there been an insurrection, a real one, there would be a very different story today. We missed the opportunity.
Why yes he's right. Do you liberals agree?


But liberals would rather cry about him not "doing anything" about January 6th than do a darn thing to fix the nation.

They broke it. They know it.

Better to keep whining about Trump, I guess.
I wish their had been an insurrection. Estimates were 60,000 people at that protest. Had there been an insurrection, a real one, there would be a very different story today. We missed the opportunity.
What the mob should have done is pull the democrats out into the street and beat them senseless and the DC cops ordered to stand down like democrats in Minneapolis, Seattle and Portland did. That's what should have happened.
You don't even know me, crap face. Having a difficult time forming an argument so all you can do is attack me personally. Weak little brat.
You know what? You're right. My post is indeed too harsh and not supportive of decent discussion. I am deleting them.
I wish their had been an insurrection. Estimates were 60,000 people at that protest. Had there been an insurrection, a real one, there would be a very different story today. We missed the opportunity.

This is what liberals/Democrats are completely missing. Why they play twinkle toes with January 6th--in which people walked around the Capitol and traumatized AOC--their continued tweaking of American's noses in the face of these dire times is going to make a REAL insurrection happen sooner than later.

I don't care anymore. Let it burn.
"The country is in decline" says the guy who attempted a coup.

This asshole behaved like a Third World dictator.

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