President Trump Gives Speech At Turning Point USA: "The Country Is In Decline. The United States Is Now A Failing Nation" (Is He Right?)

The division that occurred, was not him. It was the hysteria and the attempt by liberals to marginalize his supporters, that tore this country apart.

Whatever helps you sleep at night. His entire presidency was one of division and pushing the us vs them mentality.

That you cannot see that is just sad.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. His entire presidency was one of division and pushing the us vs them mentality.

That you cannot see that is just sad.
The Jewish run media and Democrats caused the division. BLM with help from the media and liberals caused the division over George Floyd
The Jewish run media and Democrats caused the division. BLM with help from the media and liberals caused the division over George Floyd

All those are true.

None of that removes that your god did also. His entire campaign was one of division.
The country has been in spiral since the days we allowed voting to be a right. Since we allowed the Rockefellers to push their women's Liberation movement under the disguise of caring about women's rights. Instead it was about taxing the other half of the population and getting the children into the schools so that they could shape then.

The myth of a democracy and yet that is what has happened and never supposed to be. We are doomed as a result of the DEMOGOGUERY created and completely contaminated ignorant buffoons like IM2.


We are basically over and the pain that coming is beyond anything most can comprehend.
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Whatever helps you sleep at night. His entire presidency was one of division and pushing the us vs them mentality.

That you cannot see that is just sad.

No, it wasn't. He never did that. He pushed issues that would be of benefit to America as a whole.
Murdoch's NY Post has stated that the former 1-term president is "unworthy to be this country's chief executive again".

The Wall Street Journal called him "The President Who Stood Still on Jan. 6" and praised Vice President Mike Pence. "Character is revealed in a crisis, and Mr. Pence passed his Jan. 6 trial. Mr. Trump utterly failed his," the Journal editorial stated.

So there's that
The goddamn Democrats didn't say jackshit about the filthy BLM/ANTIFA assholes looting, murdering, burning and destroying for six months in their demented protest in over 200 American cities so forgive me if I don't equate it to Trump who didn't say much about some Patriots taking selfies in Nancy Pelosi's office.

The Liberals are destroying this country. Trump worked hard to make this country great again and was the best President of modern times. You Moon Bats can't stand the fact he made this country better by lowering taxes, sealing the border, bringing American jobs home and lowering minority unemployment. You little shitheads are hell bent on making this country a Socialist shithole and you hated Trump for not furthering that despicable agenda. Instead you helped Potatohead steal the election and we got tremendous inflation, millions of Illegals, high cost of fuel, near recession economic growth and a destructive woke division as a result.

Isn't it amazing that the Chinese are building coal fired power stations while they are the ones that made the Biden family rich and then released a virus that enabled Biden to steal the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats? Then Biden fucked the country by doing everything possible to curtail fossil fuel production? What does that tell you stupid Moon Bats?
The goddamn Democrats didn't say jackshit about the filthy BLM/ANTIFA assholes looting, murdering, burning and destroying for six months in their demented protest in over 200 American cities so forgive me if I don't equate it to Trump who didn't say much about some Patriots taking selfies in Nancy Pelosi's office.

The Liberals are destroying this country. Trump worked hard to make this country great again and was the best President of modern times. You Moon Bats can't stand the fact he made this country better by lowering taxes, sealing the border, bringing American jobs home and lowering minority unemployment. You little shitheads are hell bent on making this country a Socialist shithole and you hated Trump for not furthering that despicable agenda. Instead you helped Potatohead steal the election and we got tremendous inflation, millions of Illegals, high cost of fuel, near recession economic growth and a destructive woke division as a result.

Isn't it amazing that the Chinese are building coal fired power stations while they are the ones that made the Biden family rich and then released a virus that enabled Biden to steal the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats? Then Biden fucked the country by doing everything possible to curtail fossil fuel production? What does that tell you stupid Moon Bats?

You are a lunatic.
The goddamn Democrats didn't say jackshit about the filthy BLM/ANTIFA assholes looting, murdering, burning and destroying for six months in their demented protest in over 200 American cities so forgive me if I don't equate it to Trump who didn't say much about some Patriots taking selfies in Nancy Pelosi's office.

The Liberals are destroying this country. Trump worked hard to make this country great again and was the best President of modern times. You Moon Bats can't stand the fact he made this country better by lowering taxes, sealing the border, bringing American jobs home and lowering minority unemployment. You little shitheads are hell bent on making this country a Socialist shithole and you hated Trump for not furthering that despicable agenda. Instead you helped Potatohead steal the election and we got tremendous inflation, millions of Illegals, high cost of fuel, near recession economic growth and a destructive woke division as a result.

Isn't it amazing that the Chinese are building coal fired power stations while they are the ones that made the Biden family rich and then released a virus that enabled Biden to steal the election with the scam of unverified mail in and harvested ballots counted by Democrats? Then Biden fucked the country by doing everything possible to curtail fossil fuel production? What does that tell you stupid Moon Bats?
The former president worked hard to make our nation a cult of personally.

Your humper sycophancy is noted.
Well, Trump was in for four years and had his shot to fix issues he saw. He failed. Time to retire Boomer.
Unemployment when he entered? Unemployment when he left?
GDP growth when he entered? GDP growth when he left?
National debt when he entered? National Debt when he left?
Number of illegal aliens in the US when he entered? Number of illegal aliens when he left?
Number of riots breaching the Capital building when he entered? Number of riots breaching the Capital Building when he left?
haha that didnt cause high gas prices…they remained around two dollars

it wasn’t til your Chicon puppets came to the oval and started their war on fussing fuels amd their policy in place that gas prices went to record highs, which helped fuel the inflation along with their wreakless bailouts of dem states
Don't let actual evidence I posted get in the way of your narrative...

You keep ignoring it, it will make you feel smarter...
Why yes he's right. Do you liberals agree?

Is he right? Hell no, he is just repeating the same talking points he used in 2016. Remember how miraculously the USA when from a failing nation to the best ever in the course of a month or two after he took over?! He is full of hot air. He just paints whatever reality he wants to paint.
The Village is in power. Obama, Rice, Jarret, Holder and others. The truth is Europe and advanced living is being replaced by Africa and 2000 B.C. living. Choose what you want. False pride sucks. We all can live together without the real evil.
Paying big ticket unions producing products that were inferior to Asian made ones were the truth. The rednecks you hate kept purchasing the domestic inferior products. Before Reagan in the 1970's the realism came true to us as the warnings from the retooling of the world after WW 2 was not paid attention to.
That would be true but Germany with there big unions did very well economically... How can Germany be doing so well... (Please don't say defence spending, they paid for the R and D for the vaccine before it was even a thing. German paid for the best and most used weapon in fighting a virus that killed more Americans than in all the wars in 20th century.)


This graft explains the problem. GOP don't see that this is a problem.
Don't let actual evidence I posted get in the way of your narrative...

You keep ignoring it, it will make you feel smarter...
the evidence you posted to impact our gas prices, they remained low because we were prosecuting oil

The actual evidence is your xiden took office ans put his war on fossil fuel polices into place

are you denying that he promised to destroy the industry?
the evidence you posted to impact our gas prices, they remained low because we were prosecuting oil

The actual evidence is your xiden took office ans put his war on fossil fuel polices into place

are you denying that he promised to destroy the industry?
Yeah, can you post your evidence of that.
No, it wasn't. He never did that. He pushed issues that would be of benefit to America as a whole.
That was the division. Democrats want to destroy the country. Republicans want to strengthen the country. You can't get more divided than that.

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