President Trump: I'm Saving Judge Amy Barrett For Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Seat

Ginsburg needs to do her part to make this happen
She HAS. The Swamp is pretending she's still alive

you can say that again...:dunno:

More tastelessness from the Right.

No shame, no class, no dignity and no reason to respect them.

You fucks dont deserve any respect.
We're Ruthless
Ginsburg needs to do her part to make this happen
She HAS. The Swamp is pretending she's still alive

you can say that again...:dunno:

More tastelessness from the Right.

No shame, no class, no dignity and no reason to respect them.

You fucks dont deserve any respect.
You are unfamiliar with respect. Call ntempt, fear, ignorance. Those characteristics you traffic in. But not respect.

Just like your hero the huckster buffoon Trump

What does ntempt mean?
Just making sure you're not using your word of the day calendar.

I bet it sucks when a huckster can beat all you fucks have to offer and he turns around and builds the best economy in decades.

You dumbfucks would bitch if Trump cured cancer.
Ginsburg needs to do her part to make this happen
She HAS. The Swamp is pretending she's still alive

you can say that again...:dunno:

More tastelessness from the Right.

No shame, no class, no dignity and no reason to respect them.

You fucks dont deserve any respect.
We're Ruthless

Oh Damn Thats A Good One!!!!
There needs to be a mandatory retirement age for SCOTUS.

Just because someone is still breathing doesn’t mean they have the mental faculties to be one of 9 people making decisions that affect 350 million people.

My Mother in Her last years is proof of that.
I'd like to see Ruth do her own grocery shopping,pay her own bills,balance her own checkbook and drive to work.
If she cant do that she needs to go.
I haven't heard one single word about Ms. Ginsberg being mentally incapable, and to the contrary, I read that she was reading her lawbooks, the mail, and asking for reading materials while she was in the hospital waiting for her surgery.

She is not incapacitated unless her fellow judges know she is having mental issues. That has not come forward at all.
Ginsburg needs to do her part to make this happen
She HAS. The Swamp is pretending she's still alive

you can say that again...:dunno:

tissue for you here.....:04:

More tastelessness from the Right.

No shame, no class, no dignity and no reason to respect them.

awwwww :itsok:

lil tissue paper for we go lol!

Let me ask you: in order to love Trump, does one have to be a classless, low life knucklehead, or does that lack of character simply help? I’ve heard that birds of a feather flock together.

Do you expect to inspire others to join your cause by behaving as children with poor upbringings, or do you not care to gather others to your warped cause?

Would you care to be respected as human beings, or is respect a virtue unfamiliar to you and your fellow idiots?

We dont need your types respect.

Dems show everyday they have nothing but Hate Trump as an agenda,and of course open borders,men in girls bathrooms,16 year olds voting,banning the electoral college,banning ICE,banning cow farts,opening transAtlantic railways and rebuilding every structure in America.

So how many fence sitters or moderates do you think are for your agenda?

I'm gonna say precious few....
Ginsburg needs to do her part to make this happen
She HAS. The Swamp is pretending she's still alive

you can say that again...:dunno:

tissue for you here.....:04:

More tastelessness from the Right.

No shame, no class, no dignity and no reason to respect them.

awwwww :itsok:

lil tissue paper for we go lol!

Let me ask you: in order to love Trump, does one have to be a classless, low life knucklehead, or does that lack of character simply help? I’ve heard that birds of a feather flock together.

Do you expect to inspire others to join your cause by behaving as children with poor upbringings, or do you not care to gather others to your warped cause?

Would you care to be respected as human beings, or is respect a virtue unfamiliar to you and your fellow idiots?

can we be woodcocks ?

Ginsburg needs to do her part to make this happen
She HAS. The Swamp is pretending she's still alive

She is being kept on the movie "Weekend At Bernie's"? They finally couldn't parade her corpse around any longer without fumigating. They had no other choice but "shelve" her in a refrigerated unit as her decaying corpse was stinking up the place.
There needs to be a mandatory retirement age for SCOTUS.

Just because someone is still breathing doesn’t mean they have the mental faculties to be one of 9 people making decisions that affect 350 million people.

My Mother in Her last years is proof of that.
I'd like to see Ruth do her own grocery shopping,pay her own bills,balance her own checkbook and drive to work.
If she cant do that she needs to go.
I haven't heard one single word about Ms. Ginsberg being mentally incapable, and to the contrary, I read that she was reading her lawbooks, the mail, and asking for reading materials while she was in the hospital waiting for her surgery.

She is not incapacitated unless her fellow judges know she is having mental issues. That has not come forward at all.

"You" havent heard a word?
Serious question. Has she sat in chamber with the other justices or has she worked from home?
My Mother could sound completely competent if you only talked to Her briefly.
Yet she could get lost between the grocery store and home.

I want to see her lucide and in public....of course the last time I saw her she was passed out during a state of the union address which doesnt bode well either.

She HAS. The Swamp is pretending she's still alive

you can say that again...:dunno:

tissue for you here.....:04:

More tastelessness from the Right.

No shame, no class, no dignity and no reason to respect them.

awwwww :itsok:

lil tissue paper for we go lol!

Let me ask you: in order to love Trump, does one have to be a classless, low life knucklehead, or does that lack of character simply help? I’ve heard that birds of a feather flock together.

Do you expect to inspire others to join your cause by behaving as children with poor upbringings, or do you not care to gather others to your warped cause?

Would you care to be respected as human beings, or is respect a virtue unfamiliar to you and your fellow idiots?

can we be woodcocks ?

He's too sexy for his hat, too sexy for his hat, too sexy... :D
All Democrats have to do is keep RBG alive for 6 more years....or attempt to pull a Cain / Kavanaugh against a woman when the time comes...
There needs to be a mandatory retirement age for SCOTUS.

Just because someone is still breathing doesn’t mean they have the mental faculties to be one of 9 people making decisions that affect 350 million people.

In that case, the aforementioned retirement age would have to also apply to Congress and the Executive Branch as well.
There needs to be a mandatory retirement age for SCOTUS.

Just because someone is still breathing doesn’t mean they have the mental faculties to be one of 9 people making decisions that affect 350 million people.

In that case, the aforementioned retirement age would have to also apply to Congress and the Executive Branch as well.

Why? States have mandatory retirement for judges and not necessarily all government employees, but if I follow you, I would be fine with a mandatory retirement age of 80 for anyone associated with the government in any way...from POTUS to toilet cleaners.
There needs to be a mandatory retirement age for SCOTUS.

Just because someone is still breathing doesn’t mean they have the mental faculties to be one of 9 people making decisions that affect 350 million people.

My Mother in Her last years is proof of that.
I'd like to see Ruth do her own grocery shopping,pay her own bills,balance her own checkbook and drive to work.
If she cant do that she needs to go.
I haven't heard one single word about Ms. Ginsberg being mentally incapable, and to the contrary, I read that she was reading her lawbooks, the mail, and asking for reading materials while she was in the hospital waiting for her surgery.

She is not incapacitated unless her fellow judges know she is having mental issues. That has not come forward at all.

"You" havent heard a word?
Serious question. Has she sat in chamber with the other justices or has she worked from home?
My Mother could sound completely competent if you only talked to Her briefly.
Yet she could get lost between the grocery store and home.

I want to see her lucide and in public....of course the last time I saw her she was passed out during a state of the union address which doesnt bode well either.

HereWeGoAgain, I'm seeing a lot of people not respecting elderly folks these days, and I'm getting a touch of arthritis now and then. People's bodies can hurt, older people often don't sleep well at night due to the body's not making melatonin anymore, and they don't know about melatonin supplements. Their doctors won't or just dont' tell them because the pills are over the counter and reasonably priced. Doctors are tied to pharmacies who often claim to be better than homeopathic remedies. For example, if you make a past of baking soda with a little water, you can stop the pain of a burn in seconds, and it can soothe a mild sunburn until it heals. Doctors just won't tell people to go buy a box of baking soda, because it wasn't covered in their medical school training, and those sales folks in the pharmaceutical industry often do have a slightly better product, that's $50 a bottle, whereas a pound box of baking soda is about a dollar and doesn't change over years if it gets tucked behind other things in the kitchen shelves.

What I'm getting at, is older people often doze off when something seems a little boring. If she snores, someone will probably wake her up. Trust me, listening to a politician talk who's on the other side of the aisle can be exhausting, just because you don't see life the same way.

From what I've seen on this thread, is the liberal use of the F word, no reaching out to the other people, baiting a word war, etc.

Time for my melatonin.

Oh, and one thing more. I have to thank two mods--Meister and Kat, for helping me fix a problem I didn't know is mine. They may be political opponents or not, but the mods here if they were all like Meister and Kat, we'd all be much better friends.

I have a little exercise for some of you.

Exercise # 1

Make a list of 7 people you do not agree with at all.

AS a discipline in diplomacy, which means everything in problem solving, say something nice to just one of them per day. 7 days, 7 nice words.

Take the same list and when you pray at the end of your day, ask God to help you be courteous to the same person you said something nice to, and ask God to bless that person with something that person likes.

In seven days, you will be through your list. But you're not quite ready to be appointed ambassador to China yet.

Exercise #2

Instead of using trash talk, establish a list of words that are not swear words, but descriptive words. The words must contain at least 10 letters and must not be used to assassinate your political opponent's character, but to help him or her.

Exercise #3

Once you've established even the smallest courtesy to someone you're not usually courteous to, this is an exercise that you have to do for yourself.

Check your last 10 posts when talking to a poltical opponent. Write down the number of bad words you said to that person anywhere in your dialog.

How many different bad words did you use, or did they all start with an F? Take the word you used the most and refuse to use it today. It doesn't count unless you keep a notebook handy and see how long it takes you to get from 4 uses down to 0 uses of that word.

If you go for 7 days without using that bad word, you HAVE to treat yourself to a favorite entre somewhere--lobster, ribeye roast, filet mignon. Something really god. Eat and enjoy. you just got your first reward. To keep from ballooning only do this one time a week. If you are nauighty, and can't do it, it's a can of soup you don't like. Make a short list of stuff you don't like. That's what you get at the end of the week if you have been bad with that word. You have to have 7 CO"NSECUTIVE DAYS of either not using a bad word and 7 consecutive days where you use a descriptive 10-letter word that is not common usage and is not an insult, but a descriptive word nonetheless (adjective, if you will.)

See if you can't make USMB a better board, and see if it starts with you.

And I am not your monitor, I'm just telling you how to make this message board an effective problem-solver.

Or you can go on duking it out by being king of the dung mouontain, I don't care. There's a better way, but you can be cool if you find out with my little exercises that will make at least one person feel better, and that's yourself.

Make your own exercises if you don't like mine. You're very smart people here, but not if you continue doing nothing to manage your anger.

I just want you to be happier posters. This is going to be a hard time with politicians not showing us the way with their imbecilic behaviors and disgusting frameup and retribution programs.

Maybe they need to see the changes you can make just by developing a style of friendly posting. Hey, we all have a bad day. But when you develop self control online, you can change the number of bad days by decreasing them and increasing the number of good days you have.

'Nite all.
There needs to be a mandatory retirement age for SCOTUS.

Just because someone is still breathing doesn’t mean they have the mental faculties to be one of 9 people making decisions that affect 350 million people.

My Mother in Her last years is proof of that.
I'd like to see Ruth do her own grocery shopping,pay her own bills,balance her own checkbook and drive to work.
If she cant do that she needs to go.
I haven't heard one single word about Ms. Ginsberg being mentally incapable, and to the contrary, I read that she was reading her lawbooks, the mail, and asking for reading materials while she was in the hospital waiting for her surgery.

She is not incapacitated unless her fellow judges know she is having mental issues. That has not come forward at all.

"You" havent heard a word?
Serious question. Has she sat in chamber with the other justices or has she worked from home?
My Mother could sound completely competent if you only talked to Her briefly.
Yet she could get lost between the grocery store and home.

I want to see her lucide and in public....of course the last time I saw her she was passed out during a state of the union address which doesnt bode well either.

HereWeGoAgain, I'm seeing a lot of people not respecting elderly folks these days, and I'm getting a touch of arthritis now and then. People's bodies can hurt, older people often don't sleep well at night due to the body's not making melatonin anymore, and they don't know about melatonin supplements. Their doctors won't or just dont' tell them because the pills are over the counter and reasonably priced. Doctors are tied to pharmacies who often claim to be better than homeopathic remedies. For example, if you make a past of baking soda with a little water, you can stop the pain of a burn in seconds, and it can soothe a mild sunburn until it heals. Doctors just won't tell people to go buy a box of baking soda, because it wasn't covered in their medical school training, and those sales folks in the pharmaceutical industry often do have a slightly better product, that's $50 a bottle, whereas a pound box of baking soda is about a dollar and doesn't change over years if it gets tucked behind other things in the kitchen shelves.

What I'm getting at, is older people often doze off when something seems a little boring. If she snores, someone will probably wake her up. Trust me, listening to a politician talk who's on the other side of the aisle can be exhausting, just because you don't see life the same way.

From what I've seen on this thread, is the liberal use of the F word, no reaching out to the other people, baiting a word war, etc.

Time for my melatonin.

Oh, and one thing more. I have to thank two mods--Meister and Kat, for helping me fix a problem I didn't know is mine. They may be political opponents or not, but the mods here if they were all like Meister and Kat, we'd all be much better friends.

I have a little exercise for some of you.

Exercise # 1

Make a list of 7 people you do not agree with at all.

AS a discipline in diplomacy, which means everything in problem solving, say something nice to just one of them per day. 7 days, 7 nice words.

Take the same list and when you pray at the end of your day, ask God to help you be courteous to the same person you said something nice to, and ask God to bless that person with something that person likes.

In seven days, you will be through your list. But you're not quite ready to be appointed ambassador to China yet.

Exercise #2

Instead of using trash talk, establish a list of words that are not swear words, but descriptive words. The words must contain at least 10 letters and must not be used to assassinate your political opponent's character, but to help him or her.

Exercise #3

Once you've established even the smallest courtesy to someone you're not usually courteous to, this is an exercise that you have to do for yourself.

Check your last 10 posts when talking to a poltical opponent. Write down the number of bad words you said to that person anywhere in your dialog.

How many different bad words did you use, or did they all start with an F? Take the word you used the most and refuse to use it today. It doesn't count unless you keep a notebook handy and see how long it takes you to get from 4 uses down to 0 uses of that word.

If you go for 7 days without using that bad word, you HAVE to treat yourself to a favorite entre somewhere--lobster, ribeye roast, filet mignon. Something really god. Eat and enjoy. you just got your first reward. To keep from ballooning only do this one time a week. If you are nauighty, and can't do it, it's a can of soup you don't like. Make a short list of stuff you don't like. That's what you get at the end of the week if you have been bad with that word. You have to have 7 CO"NSECUTIVE DAYS of either not using a bad word and 7 consecutive days where you use a descriptive 10-letter word that is not common usage and is not an insult, but a descriptive word nonetheless (adjective, if you will.)

See if you can't make USMB a better board, and see if it starts with you.

And I am not your monitor, I'm just telling you how to make this message board an effective problem-solver.

Or you can go on duking it out by being king of the dung mouontain, I don't care. There's a better way, but you can be cool if you find out with my little exercises that will make at least one person feel better, and that's yourself.

Make your own exercises if you don't like mine. You're very smart people here, but not if you continue doing nothing to manage your anger.

I just want you to be happier posters. This is going to be a hard time with politicians not showing us the way with their imbecilic behaviors and disgusting frameup and retribution programs.

Maybe they need to see the changes you can make just by developing a style of friendly posting. Hey, we all have a bad day. But when you develop self control online, you can change the number of bad days by decreasing them and increasing the number of good days you have.

'Nite all.

I generally agree with most of your posts...but not in this case.
I'm 53 and have gone through cancer,hip replacement and back surgery in the last three years and watched my mothers progression through dementia for the last four years until her death last Tuesday.
So to put it in perspective? I dont deal in niceties,I deal in reality.

And I most assuredly dont deal in made up social experiments.

Life can be hard and you need to learn what matters to you.
Me? It's about being true to a set level of honesty with no bullshit.
You see the truth in all things and never pull your punches even when they're directed at yourself.

I dont go for that whoa as me bullshit in other words,and I have no sympathy for those that do.
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Democrates will wait till the last minute of her confirmation hearing then pull out a statement that she raped someone.
No they'll attack her's obvious.....they like jihadists like Omar, but if she's pro life...… it comes....but it wont work....they'll look retarded as usual and the lefties on this board will think it's awesome...… heard it here first!
Maybe, but there is no guarantee the old Leninist will die to open the seat.

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