President Trump nominates originalist Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court

From Wikipedia:

Gorsuch is a proponent of originalism, the idea that the Constitution should be interpreted as the Founding Fathers would have interpreted it, and of textualism, the idea that statutes should be interpreted literally, without considering the legislative history and underlying purpose of the law.

In a 2005 speech at Case Western Reserve University, Gorsuch said that judges should strive "to apply the law as it is, focusing backward, not forward, and looking to text, structure, and history to decide what a reasonable reader at the time of the events in question would have understood the law to be -- not to decide cases based on their own moral convictions or the policy consequences they believe might serve society best."

In a 2005 article published by National Review, Gorsuch argued that “American liberals have become addicted to the courtroom, relying on judges and lawyers rather than elected leaders and the ballot box, as the primary means of effecting their social agenda" and that they are "failing to reach out and persuade the public". Gorsuch wrote that, by relying on judges instead of elected officials and the ballot box to enact their agenda, American liberals are circumventing the democratic process on issues like gay marriage, school vouchers, and assisted suicide, and this has led to a compromised judiciary, which is no longer independent. Gorsuch wrote that American liberals' "overweening addiction" to using the courts for social debate is "bad for the nation and bad for the judiciary".
Justice Scalia is smiling down on America tonight. Well done President Trump.
Replacing a religious nutjob in Scalia with a more moderate guy is better than nothing I guess. Ginsburg better make it through the next 4 years.
I would love to see the Dems applaud the nominee and approve with a unanimous vote. That would really mess with the heads of the GOPers
I would love to see the Dems applaud the nominee and approve with a unanimous vote. That would really mess with the heads of the GOPers

Fuck that ! PAybacks a bitch .

After the women's march the Dems have a mandate to fight this .
I would love to see the Dems applaud the nominee and approve with a unanimous vote. That would really mess with the heads of the GOPers

Fuck that ! PAybacks a bitch .

After the women's march the Dems have a mandate to fight this .
Its too predictable... It's getting old, they need to be more strategic with how they fight the good fight... They've been making too much noise and it's all turning to static.
Gorsuch now. Kennedy and Ginsburg are likely retirements.

7-2 Court. If Thomas happens to retire as well, a same-same pick.

A court for a generation. Enough time to repair a lot of damage.
Gorsuch now. Kennedy and Ginsburg are likely retirements.

7-2 Court. If Thomas happens to retire as well, a same-same pick.

A court for a generation. Enough time to repair a lot of damage.
if Joe Biden grills him, he will bring up the good old days when he was a child watching President Teddy Rosevelt on TV in the 20's.
I can just see Maxine Waters grilling him,,,,,Maxine: So,,,Missa Nelien Q. Gorshuppa. I just wanna axe you if youze think that all black people juzz eat fied chikeen and wata melon all da time.

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