President Trump shocked a Republican has the nerve and the gall to do their elected job!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?
Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?

1. What Russia did in 2016 did not change the outcome of the 2016 election and those like you refuse to accept that.

2. James Comey is the one that sunk Hillary Clinton.

3. Burr like most Republicans are not puppets to Trump even though you make the asinine comments daily that they are...
Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?

1. What Russia did in 2016 did not change the outcome of the 2016 election and those like you refuse to accept that.

2. James Comey is the one that sunk Hillary Clinton.

3. Burr like most Republicans are not puppets to Trump even though you make the asinine comments daily that they are...

Only they are. Republicans are puppets of Trump and Trump works for Putin.

Do you know that most Republicans don't believe Trump lies? I watched Jim Jordan in an interview say he has never heard Trump tell a lie. Not once.

Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated
Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?

What do “Russian attacks” have to do with Trump Jr.? He wasn’t in the government, and Mueller didn’t charge him with anything after two years of investigations.

I realize you leftwinger scrubs don’t have much to hold onto these days, but this is just pathetic.
Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?

What do “Russian attacks” have to do with Trump Jr.? He wasn’t in the government, and Mueller didn’t charge him with anything after two years of investigations.

I realize you leftwinger scrubs don’t have much to hold onto these days, but this is just pathetic.

The FEC has rules in place that all campaigns are obliged to adhere to.

Trump Jr. screwed that pooch.

WASHINGTON, April 29, 2019 – Today, Campaign Legal Center (CLC), Common Cause, and Democracy 21 filed a supplement to a complaint filed in July 2017 against President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign committee for soliciting contributions from foreign nationals in the form of opposition research offered by Russians. Although Special Counsel Robert Mueller declined to bring criminal charges against Donald Trump Jr., Mueller provided a roadmap by which the Federal Election Commission (FEC) could pursue civil penalties.

Mueller concluded that Donald Trump Jr. setting up a meeting to accept “high level and sensitive” opposition research from a foreign government could violate federal law’s prohibition on soliciting a contribution from a person he knew was a foreign national. Mueller declined to bring criminal charges because he believed he could not meet the high prosecutorial standard for proving Trump Jr. acted “willfully,” and because of challenges in calculating the value of the promised documents – but this has no bearing on the FEC’s pursuit of civil penalties.

“There is no ‘willful’ requirement for civil enforcement by the FEC, which need only find reason to believe that Trump Jr. solicited a contribution from a person he knew was a foreign national,” said Brendan Fischer, director, federal reform at CLC. “The Special Counsel’s investigation confirmed the facts outlined in our FEC complaint, and confirmed that soliciting opposition research from a foreign government can violate the law. By enforcing the law, the FEC can show that foreign interference in our elections won’t go unpunished.”

“The Mueller Report backs up our original complaint and makes very clear both that Don Jr. solicited the opposition research dangled by Russian intermediaries and that his solicitation was a violation of campaign finance law,” said Paul S. Ryan, Common Cause vice president for policy and litigation. “Only the high bar for a criminal indictment of a knowing and willful violation spared Don Jr. from criminal prosecution. The FEC faces no such bar in levelling civil penalties against the president’s son. Ignorance of the law is no excuse in a civil proceeding.”


So, it looks like you are just ANOTHER Russian loving, red commie Trumper.
Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?

1. What Russia did in 2016 did not change the outcome of the 2016 election and those like you refuse to accept that.

2. James Comey is the one that sunk Hillary Clinton.

3. Burr like most Republicans are not puppets to Trump even though you make the asinine comments daily that they are...

Only they are. Republicans are puppets of Trump and Trump works for Putin.

Do you know that most Republicans don't believe Trump lies? I watched Jim Jordan in an interview say he has never heard Trump tell a lie. Not once.

Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated

Did you know many Republicans do not support Trump agenda and that is why those like Ryan did little when he was House Speaker?
Do you know that most Republicans don't believe Trump lies? I watched Jim Jordan in an interview say he has never heard Trump tell a lie. Not once.
Our wonderful Pres.Trump has never told a lie to the American people.

Trump is like a modern day George Washington; who is extremely honest and forthright.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him as our ruler. ... :thup:
Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?

What do “Russian attacks” have to do with Trump Jr.? He wasn’t in the government, and Mueller didn’t charge him with anything after two years of investigations.

I realize you leftwinger scrubs don’t have much to hold onto these days, but this is just pathetic.

The FEC has rules in place that all campaigns are obliged to adhere to.

Trump Jr. screwed that pooch.

WASHINGTON, April 29, 2019 – Today, Campaign Legal Center (CLC), Common Cause, and Democracy 21 filed a supplement to a complaint filed in July 2017 against President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign committee for soliciting contributions from foreign nationals in the form of opposition research offered by Russians. Although Special Counsel Robert Mueller declined to bring criminal charges against Donald Trump Jr., Mueller provided a roadmap by which the Federal Election Commission (FEC) could pursue civil penalties.

Mueller concluded that Donald Trump Jr. setting up a meeting to accept “high level and sensitive” opposition research from a foreign government could violate federal law’s prohibition on soliciting a contribution from a person he knew was a foreign national. Mueller declined to bring criminal charges because he believed he could not meet the high prosecutorial standard for proving Trump Jr. acted “willfully,” and because of challenges in calculating the value of the promised documents – but this has no bearing on the FEC’s pursuit of civil penalties.

“There is no ‘willful’ requirement for civil enforcement by the FEC, which need only find reason to believe that Trump Jr. solicited a contribution from a person he knew was a foreign national,” said Brendan Fischer, director, federal reform at CLC. “The Special Counsel’s investigation confirmed the facts outlined in our FEC complaint, and confirmed that soliciting opposition research from a foreign government can violate the law. By enforcing the law, the FEC can show that foreign interference in our elections won’t go unpunished.”

“The Mueller Report backs up our original complaint and makes very clear both that Don Jr. solicited the opposition research dangled by Russian intermediaries and that his solicitation was a violation of campaign finance law,” said Paul S. Ryan, Common Cause vice president for policy and litigation. “Only the high bar for a criminal indictment of a knowing and willful violation spared Don Jr. from criminal prosecution. The FEC faces no such bar in levelling civil penalties against the president’s son. Ignorance of the law is no excuse in a civil proceeding.”


So, it looks like you are just ANOTHER Russian loving, red commie Trumper.

Good luck trying to prove that trying to get dirt on Hillary’s illegal activities is a “campaign contribution”, not that the Russians ever provided any such information.

The only folks that solicited intel from a foreign government agent to influence the election was Hillary and the Hussein that used the dossier to illegally spy on the Trump campaign.
Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?

1. What Russia did in 2016 did not change the outcome of the 2016 election and those like you refuse to accept that.

2. James Comey is the one that sunk Hillary Clinton.

3. Burr like most Republicans are not puppets to Trump even though you make the asinine comments daily that they are...

Only they are. Republicans are puppets of Trump and Trump works for Putin.

Do you know that most Republicans don't believe Trump lies? I watched Jim Jordan in an interview say he has never heard Trump tell a lie. Not once.

Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated

Did you know many Republicans do not support Trump agenda and that is why those like Ryan did little when he was House Speaker?
The cowardly Ryan, the ultimate cut and run.
Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?

What do “Russian attacks” have to do with Trump Jr.? He wasn’t in the government, and Mueller didn’t charge him with anything after two years of investigations.

I realize you leftwinger scrubs don’t have much to hold onto these days, but this is just pathetic.
He’s been called back because he was caught in a lie.
Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?

What do “Russian attacks” have to do with Trump Jr.? He wasn’t in the government, and Mueller didn’t charge him with anything after two years of investigations.

I realize you leftwinger scrubs don’t have much to hold onto these days, but this is just pathetic.
He’s been called back because he was caught in a lie.
A lie that would make him guilty of perjury. Burr does not want to go down in history as the flunky and puppet that allowed someone to get away with obvious perjury and mocking of the Senate.
Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?

What do “Russian attacks” have to do with Trump Jr.? He wasn’t in the government, and Mueller didn’t charge him with anything after two years of investigations.

I realize you leftwinger scrubs don’t have much to hold onto these days, but this is just pathetic.
He’s been called back because he was caught in a lie.
A lie that would make him guilty of perjury. Burr does not want to go down in history as the flunky and puppet that allowed someone to get away with obvious perjury and mocking of the Senate.
mocking the senate?....just about everyone in the country mocks those useless pieces of shit....
Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?

1. What Russia did in 2016 did not change the outcome of the 2016 election and those like you refuse to accept that.

2. James Comey is the one that sunk Hillary Clinton.

3. Burr like most Republicans are not puppets to Trump even though you make the asinine comments daily that they are...

Only they are. Republicans are puppets of Trump and Trump works for Putin.

Do you know that most Republicans don't believe Trump lies? I watched Jim Jordan in an interview say he has never heard Trump tell a lie. Not once.

Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated

Did you know many Republicans do not support Trump agenda and that is why those like Ryan did little when he was House Speaker?
The cowardly Ryan, the ultimate cut and run.

Ryan is a coward now?

You are pathetic!
Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?

1. What Russia did in 2016 did not change the outcome of the 2016 election and those like you refuse to accept that.

2. James Comey is the one that sunk Hillary Clinton.

3. Burr like most Republicans are not puppets to Trump even though you make the asinine comments daily that they are...

Only they are. Republicans are puppets of Trump and Trump works for Putin.

Do you know that most Republicans don't believe Trump lies? I watched Jim Jordan in an interview say he has never heard Trump tell a lie. Not once.

Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated

Did you know many Republicans do not support Trump agenda and that is why those like Ryan did little when he was House Speaker?
How many support trump? All of them. That’s why Paul, the cowardly Ryan never tried to stop Trump.

Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?

1. What Russia did in 2016 did not change the outcome of the 2016 election and those like you refuse to accept that.

2. James Comey is the one that sunk Hillary Clinton.

3. Burr like most Republicans are not puppets to Trump even though you make the asinine comments daily that they are...

Only they are. Republicans are puppets of Trump and Trump works for Putin.

Do you know that most Republicans don't believe Trump lies? I watched Jim Jordan in an interview say he has never heard Trump tell a lie. Not once.

Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated

Did you know many Republicans do not support Trump agenda and that is why those like Ryan did little when he was House Speaker?
How many support trump? All of them. That’s why Paul, the cowardly Ryan never tried to stop Trump.


You are so full of it...
Republicans attack Burr over decision to subpoena Trump Jr. ‘Sort of malicious’

Republicans teed off on Burr for the decision to subpoena Donald Trump Jr. — after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and after McConnell’s declaration on the Senate floor.

“Apparently the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee didn’t get the memo from the Majority Leader that this case was closed,” Sen. Rand Paul, a Kentucky Republican, wrote on Twitter, linking to the Axios story breaking news of the subpoena.

“I think it’s over. It’s a moot point. It’s overkill and it’s sort of malicious to bring the president’s family in here, subject them to more interviews,” Paul told reporters Thursday.


It's Burr's last couple of years in the Senate because he is retiring.

Burr is the Republican chair of the Senate Intel Committee. Now this is where it gets weird. Burr actually wants to protect the country from Russian attacks. Huh? A Republican! He actually wants to protect our democracy. I know, I know, it's SOOOOO hard to believe.

Burr wonders how Russia meddled in our election and why they seemed to want Trump. Burr, it seems, doesn't want other Republicans to side with Russia against this country. I'm the one who is shocked there's one left.

So Cohen said something and it was different than what Don Jr. said and Burr wants to know why. Cohen is in prison. Don Jr. isn't, yet, so Republicans feel that Cohen is a liar and that's why he's in prison, but since Don Jr. isn't, yet, he must be telling the truth.

So Republicans are pissed.

So shouldn't Burr be hounded out of the Senate for doing his job? Remember, party first, always!

And this is making Burr look like he's a traitor to the Republican Party, how dare he.

Shouldn't he be hounded out of the GOP?
The Mueller report said no collusion between the Trump administration and Russia? What part of that don't you and Burr the brain damaged retard understand?

Cohen was not convicted of anything having to do with Russia, dumbass, so what does it matter if something he said differs from what Don Jr said? There's no crime to prosecute. It matters about as much as if Rosy O'Donnel said something that differs from what Joy Behar said. All Burr has done is provide the Trump hating morons with additional fuel for the jihad against the Trump administration. Obviously, he's leaving the party before he is evicted.

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