President Trump Suggests Those Getting A Check Have To Do SOMETHING To Earn It...

That hasn't worked terribly well in my neck of the woods. When it went into effect here--for TANF and SNAP and Medicaid benefits--social workers went about nuts trying to find enough jobs or community service orgs for these folks to work at.
Have you ever been to Japan? One of the 1st things that struck me as significant when I 1st got off the plane was that I noticed - THERE IS NO TRASH .... ANYWHERE. Besides taking pride in their country, which spoiled gangsta / electronics-addicts, etc... in this country could care less about because they take it all for granted, they have a LOT of people simply picking up trash. It would be so easy to tell people to pick up trash right around their own neighborhood.

(One of the main problems I see after living in Japan for several years was that most Americans have NO RESPECT / NO just about everything. They have no pride in how they look, how they present themselves, how their rooms look, how their homes look, how their communities look...they have no real respect for themselves, no real respect for their elders, for others, for their own HERITAGE, HISTORY, AND CULTURE (which is BY DESIGN. Liberals are trying to BREED love for country, knowledge about our Founding Fathers, the Constitution, America...out of people so we no longer know who we are or where we came from....SO DEMOCRATS CAN TELL US ALL).

Two of the many things American need a dose of are pride and respect. Part of those comes from knowing who you are, where you came from, WHO you came from, and knowing we as a country are better than who we are right now.

You are a like a one man misinformation campaign.
...not just sit on their ass until time to walk to the mailbox to pick up their tax-payer funded check.

President Trump proposes vast work-for-benefits requirements, setting up clash with Libs in Congress

Before any snowflakes star raising hell ....ignorantly... please make sure you fully understand that THERE ALREAYD ARE FOR-BENEFITS WORK REQUIREMENTS. President Trump is not creatnig anything NEW - he is calling for their expansion.

"The budget aims to implement new welfare requirements -- namely, that Americans 18-65 years old work at least 20 hours a week in a job, a job training program or a community service program to secure a range of benefits and aid.

According to the administration, the work requirement would apply to federal programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and federal housing, but would come with a hardship exemption.
Last year, the administration opened the door for states to impose work requirements for Medicaid recipients. This part of the budget proposal would bring those work requirements to the federal level.

The proposal would represent an expansion of work requirements, though some already are in place. For the past several administrations, able-bodied recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) have mostly had to work at least 80 hours a month -- while recipients of traditional welfare known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) have also faced work requirements."

Trump releases budget seeking billions for border wall, work requirements for welfare programs

Of course, no one who is not physically unable to work will not have their benefits stripped from them.

IMO, the 'possibility of Random Drug Tests' should also be included, and anyone who gets caught in one of these random (rare) drug tests as doing illegal drugs while able-bodied and not working should be booted from the programs...IMHO...

A single mother with young children...are they going to work?

What about two adults in a household, do they both have to work?

If they have to! Let's see 2 adults in a household? Married or unmarried? You see I can have a child with a woman who receives Federal assistance but doesn't identify me as the father. Then once she gets into Federal Housing I can move my shit in go to work everyday and not have to pay for the health care or need to provide food to my child, I don't have to pay rent or assume any responsibility for it's up keep. Welfare system is a great living for a lot of people. Make women Identify the Biological father before approving benefits big problem solved. Thank you! Call it the "you make it you own it bill".:dance:

You would be breaking the law. Programs are based on household income.
...not just sit on their ass until time to walk to the mailbox to pick up their tax-payer funded check.

President Trump proposes vast work-for-benefits requirements, setting up clash with Libs in Congress

Before any snowflakes star raising hell ....ignorantly... please make sure you fully understand that THERE ALREAYD ARE FOR-BENEFITS WORK REQUIREMENTS. President Trump is not creatnig anything NEW - he is calling for their expansion.

"The budget aims to implement new welfare requirements -- namely, that Americans 18-65 years old work at least 20 hours a week in a job, a job training program or a community service program to secure a range of benefits and aid.

According to the administration, the work requirement would apply to federal programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and federal housing, but would come with a hardship exemption.
Last year, the administration opened the door for states to impose work requirements for Medicaid recipients. This part of the budget proposal would bring those work requirements to the federal level.

The proposal would represent an expansion of work requirements, though some already are in place. For the past several administrations, able-bodied recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) have mostly had to work at least 80 hours a month -- while recipients of traditional welfare known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) have also faced work requirements."

Trump releases budget seeking billions for border wall, work requirements for welfare programs

Of course, no one who is not physically unable to work will not have their benefits stripped from them.

IMO, the 'possibility of Random Drug Tests' should also be included, and anyone who gets caught in one of these random (rare) drug tests as doing illegal drugs while able-bodied and not working should be booted from the programs...IMHO...

It sounds good in theory but how Republicans implement it is not. Republicans just use this as a excuse to kick people off of programs then brag about how many people are off the rolls. A real program would be modeled after programs created for displaced workers. Workers could get retrained for new jobs and get a 2 year stipend. It could be used at a college or some other training program. Then once you completed your training, you could get assistance for moving to a new job.

Random drug tests are a waste of time and money.
it worked in the 90's under clinton. are you denying that?

We are talking about Republicans and we are seeing it happen now. Requirements for a program are so stiff that they are designed to kick people off the rolls. Then Republicans brag about how many people are no longer on the welfare rolls. Republicans want to screw everyone except the well off and rich.
A lot of people shouldn't be on the "Rolls" in the first place. Why does our govt take tax money from me and give it to a family who has been on the welfare "Rolls'" for generations. They can't all be disabled or unable to work. Admit it you know exactly who I'm talking about we all know somebody who fits that bill. Just sayin' why throw good money after bad!
Democrats hate the idea of giving their supporters the means to support themselves. They want these people to be dependent on them.
Democrats hate the idea of giving their supporters the means to support themselves. They want these people to be dependent on them.
Bullshit. Democrats want to help those in need & Republicans want to help rich people.
People are going to have to come to grips with the fact that we are on the verge of an AI revolution that will eliminate a huge number of jobs.

The same amount (or greater) of goods and services will be there but it will be done by a greatly reduced work force. That means that profits will soar...and wages will drop...along with the number of available good jobs.

And what we are going to find is that machines will be able to do the "kinda" hard stuff but not the "easy" physical stuff.

So there will be jobs ...sweeping floors and feeding the machines to some degree and repairing machines, but they won't be good paying jobs. In fact there will be huge numbers of people competing for those shitty jobs and THAT will drive down labor rates as well. And this is NOT going to only effect manufacturing will effect ALL jobs.

How do we cope with that? ANd with so little money going to such a large number of people...who are the consumers of what IS made going to be?

Henry Ford solved that problem back in the day by paying his workers a good wage. That forced other manufacturers to also pay decent wages and all those folks became the market for the goods THEY were producing.

AI is going to upset that apple cart. And it's coming faster than you realize
...not just sit on their ass until time to walk to the mailbox to pick up their tax-payer funded check.

President Trump proposes vast work-for-benefits requirements, setting up clash with Libs in Congress

Before any snowflakes star raising hell ....ignorantly... please make sure you fully understand that THERE ALREAYD ARE FOR-BENEFITS WORK REQUIREMENTS. President Trump is not creatnig anything NEW - he is calling for their expansion.

"The budget aims to implement new welfare requirements -- namely, that Americans 18-65 years old work at least 20 hours a week in a job, a job training program or a community service program to secure a range of benefits and aid.

According to the administration, the work requirement would apply to federal programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and federal housing, but would come with a hardship exemption.
Last year, the administration opened the door for states to impose work requirements for Medicaid recipients. This part of the budget proposal would bring those work requirements to the federal level.

The proposal would represent an expansion of work requirements, though some already are in place. For the past several administrations, able-bodied recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) have mostly had to work at least 80 hours a month -- while recipients of traditional welfare known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) have also faced work requirements."

Trump releases budget seeking billions for border wall, work requirements for welfare programs

Of course, no one who is not physically unable to work will not have their benefits stripped from them.

IMO, the 'possibility of Random Drug Tests' should also be included, and anyone who gets caught in one of these random (rare) drug tests as doing illegal drugs while able-bodied and not working should be booted from the programs...IMHO...

It sounds good in theory but how Republicans implement it is not. Republicans just use this as a excuse to kick people off of programs then brag about how many people are off the rolls. A real program would be modeled after programs created for displaced workers. Workers could get retrained for new jobs and get a 2 year stipend. It could be used at a college or some other training program. Then once you completed your training, you could get assistance for moving to a new job.

Random drug tests are a waste of time and money.
it worked in the 90's under clinton. are you denying that?

We are talking about Republicans and we are seeing it happen now. Requirements for a program are so stiff that they are designed to kick people off the rolls. Then Republicans brag about how many people are no longer on the welfare rolls. Republicans want to screw everyone except the well off and rich.
A lot of people shouldn't be on the "Rolls" in the first place. Why does our govt take tax money from me and give it to a family who has been on the welfare "Rolls'" for generations. They can't all be disabled or unable to work. Admit it you know exactly who I'm talking about we all know somebody who fits that bill. Just sayin' why throw good money after bad!
Thrn quit bitching about programs to lift people out ogf poverty. If you were better informed, you would know werlfare (TANF) is temporary & designed to get people working. Most people leave welfare through employment.
...not just sit on their ass until time to walk to the mailbox to pick up their tax-payer funded check.

President Trump proposes vast work-for-benefits requirements, setting up clash with Libs in Congress

Before any snowflakes star raising hell ....ignorantly... please make sure you fully understand that THERE ALREAYD ARE FOR-BENEFITS WORK REQUIREMENTS. President Trump is not creatnig anything NEW - he is calling for their expansion.

"The budget aims to implement new welfare requirements -- namely, that Americans 18-65 years old work at least 20 hours a week in a job, a job training program or a community service program to secure a range of benefits and aid.

According to the administration, the work requirement would apply to federal programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and federal housing, but would come with a hardship exemption.
Last year, the administration opened the door for states to impose work requirements for Medicaid recipients. This part of the budget proposal would bring those work requirements to the federal level.

The proposal would represent an expansion of work requirements, though some already are in place. For the past several administrations, able-bodied recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) have mostly had to work at least 80 hours a month -- while recipients of traditional welfare known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) have also faced work requirements."

Trump releases budget seeking billions for border wall, work requirements for welfare programs

Of course, no one who is not physically unable to work will not have their benefits stripped from them.

IMO, the 'possibility of Random Drug Tests' should also be included, and anyone who gets caught in one of these random (rare) drug tests as doing illegal drugs while able-bodied and not working should be booted from the programs...IMHO...

That hasn't worked terribly well in my neck of the woods. When it went into effect here--for TANF and SNAP and Medicaid benefits--social workers went about nuts trying to find enough jobs or community service orgs for these folks to work at. A lot of them had no employability skills and would do swinging door employment, in one door and within a month or two, out the other. And because it is difficult to meet the requirements for "community service orgs" there were very few opportunities. Plus around here, poor people don't have reliable transportation and there is no public transportation. So it was a migraine headache.

Have fun, America.

That's exactly why the programs need revamped everyone knows someone who abuses the system. Gets benefits through fraud or Sell Snap cards for cash etc. You could offer them 50 an hour and they still wouldn't work or can't because of drug use. where do you live that there is no Public transportation. You mean it doesn't come to your door and pick you up right!:5_1_12024:learn to walk! it's under rated!
Compassion for the Deservedly Poor Hides a Vicious Hatred for the Rest of Us

Mandatory abortions for prospective Baby Mamas. Poison the drug supply. Force those too lazy to work into chain gangs; there's no reason that criminal control should cost the public anything. Put tough men in power, instead of these spoiled little sissies who hide their snobbish and totally unearned contempt for the majority by their self-righteously permissive attitude towards the enemies of society. Obviously, that includes the nasty and sadistic anti-abortionist power-hungry Puritans.
Give us an example of democrats creating jobs and encouraging people to work, RealDave.

There’s a reason why democrats pushed manufacturing jobs out of the US. Trump is working to bring them back.
...not just sit on their ass until time to walk to the mailbox to pick up their tax-payer funded check.

President Trump proposes vast work-for-benefits requirements, setting up clash with Libs in Congress

Before any snowflakes star raising hell ....ignorantly... please make sure you fully understand that THERE ALREAYD ARE FOR-BENEFITS WORK REQUIREMENTS. President Trump is not creatnig anything NEW - he is calling for their expansion.

"The budget aims to implement new welfare requirements -- namely, that Americans 18-65 years old work at least 20 hours a week in a job, a job training program or a community service program to secure a range of benefits and aid.

According to the administration, the work requirement would apply to federal programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and federal housing, but would come with a hardship exemption.
Last year, the administration opened the door for states to impose work requirements for Medicaid recipients. This part of the budget proposal would bring those work requirements to the federal level.

The proposal would represent an expansion of work requirements, though some already are in place. For the past several administrations, able-bodied recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) have mostly had to work at least 80 hours a month -- while recipients of traditional welfare known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) have also faced work requirements."

Trump releases budget seeking billions for border wall, work requirements for welfare programs

Of course, no one who is not physically unable to work will not have their benefits stripped from them.

IMO, the 'possibility of Random Drug Tests' should also be included, and anyone who gets caught in one of these random (rare) drug tests as doing illegal drugs while able-bodied and not working should be booted from the programs...IMHO...

That hasn't worked terribly well in my neck of the woods. When it went into effect here--for TANF and SNAP and Medicaid benefits--social workers went about nuts trying to find enough jobs or community service orgs for these folks to work at. A lot of them had no employability skills and would do swinging door employment, in one door and within a month or two, out the other. And because it is difficult to meet the requirements for "community service orgs" there were very few opportunities. Plus around here, poor people don't have reliable transportation and there is no public transportation. So it was a migraine headache.

Have fun, America.

That's exactly why the programs need revamped everyone knows someone who abuses the system. Gets benefits through fraud or Sell Snap cards for cash etc. You could offer them 50 an hour and they still wouldn't work or can't because of drug use. where do you live that there is no Public transportation. You mean it doesn't come to your door and pick you up right!:5_1_12024:learn to walk! it's under rated!
Compassion for the Deservedly Poor Hides a Vicious Hatred for the Rest of Us

Mandatory abortions for prospective Baby Mamas. Poison the drug supply. Force those too lazy to work into chain gangs; there's no reason that criminal control should cost the public anything. Put tough men in power, instead of these spoiled little sissies who hide their snobbish and totally unearned contempt for the majority by their self-righteously permissive attitude towards the enemies of society. Obviously, that includes the nasty and sadistic anti-abortionist power-hungry Puritans.
What country do you lunatics think you live in?

Jesus...this place looks more and more like Gab or 4chan every day
Give us an example of democrats creating jobs and encouraging people to work, RealDave.

There’s a reason why democrats pushed manufacturing jobs out of the US. Trump is working to bring them back.
What a load of shit. You'll believe anything a snake oil salesman tells you.

...not just sit on their ass until time to walk to the mailbox to pick up their tax-payer funded check.

President Trump proposes vast work-for-benefits requirements, setting up clash with Libs in Congress

Before any snowflakes star raising hell ....ignorantly... please make sure you fully understand that THERE ALREAYD ARE FOR-BENEFITS WORK REQUIREMENTS. President Trump is not creatnig anything NEW - he is calling for their expansion.

"The budget aims to implement new welfare requirements -- namely, that Americans 18-65 years old work at least 20 hours a week in a job, a job training program or a community service program to secure a range of benefits and aid.

According to the administration, the work requirement would apply to federal programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and federal housing, but would come with a hardship exemption.
Last year, the administration opened the door for states to impose work requirements for Medicaid recipients. This part of the budget proposal would bring those work requirements to the federal level.

The proposal would represent an expansion of work requirements, though some already are in place. For the past several administrations, able-bodied recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) have mostly had to work at least 80 hours a month -- while recipients of traditional welfare known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) have also faced work requirements."

Trump releases budget seeking billions for border wall, work requirements for welfare programs

Of course, no one who is not physically unable to work will not have their benefits stripped from them.

IMO, the 'possibility of Random Drug Tests' should also be included, and anyone who gets caught in one of these random (rare) drug tests as doing illegal drugs while able-bodied and not working should be booted from the programs...IMHO...

Public works departments across the country could use new trash collectors and pot hole fillers!
That hasn't worked terribly well in my neck of the woods. When it went into effect here--for TANF and SNAP and Medicaid benefits--social workers went about nuts trying to find enough jobs or community service orgs for these folks to work at.
Have you ever been to Japan? One of the 1st things that struck me as significant when I 1st got off the plane was that I noticed - THERE IS NO TRASH .... ANYWHERE. Besides taking pride in their country, which spoiled gangsta / electronics-addicts, etc... in this country could care less about because they take it all for granted, they have a LOT of people simply picking up trash. It would be so easy to tell people to pick up trash right around their own neighborhood.

(One of the main problems I see after living in Japan for several years was that most Americans have NO RESPECT / NO just about everything. They have no pride in how they look, how they present themselves, how their rooms look, how their homes look, how their communities look...they have no real respect for themselves, no real respect for their elders, for others, for their own HERITAGE, HISTORY, AND CULTURE (which is BY DESIGN. Liberals are trying to BREED love for country, knowledge about our Founding Fathers, the Constitution, America...out of people so we no longer know who we are or where we came from....SO DEMOCRATS CAN TELL US ALL).

Two of the many things American need a dose of are pride and respect. Part of those comes from knowing who you are, where you came from, WHO you came from, and knowing we as a country are better than who we are right now.

My dad was an old navy man. Went in when he was 17 from the most ridiculous little backwoods town you can imagine. And all his life he spoke admiringly of his time in Singapore and the no trash is what struck him. The sparkling cleanliness.
No welfare either. They rely on families and a family can be fined for leaving a member as a burden on society.
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That hasn't worked terribly well in my neck of the woods. When it went into effect here--for TANF and SNAP and Medicaid benefits--social workers went about nuts trying to find enough jobs or community service orgs for these folks to work at.
Have you ever been to Japan? One of the 1st things that struck me as significant when I 1st got off the plane was that I noticed - THERE IS NO TRASH .... ANYWHERE. Besides taking pride in their country, which spoiled gangsta / electronics-addicts, etc... in this country could care less about because they take it all for granted, they have a LOT of people simply picking up trash. It would be so easy to tell people to pick up trash right around their own neighborhood.

(One of the main problems I see after living in Japan for several years was that most Americans have NO RESPECT / NO just about everything. They have no pride in how they look, how they present themselves, how their rooms look, how their homes look, how their communities look...they have no real respect for themselves, no real respect for their elders, for others, for their own HERITAGE, HISTORY, AND CULTURE (which is BY DESIGN. Liberals are trying to BREED love for country, knowledge about our America...out of people so we no longer know who we are or where we came from....

Two of the many things American need a dose of are pride and respect. Part of those comes from knowing who you are, and knowing we as a country are better than who we are right now.
Drooling Peasants Being Manipulated by the Lords' and Ladies' Puppet Show

"Most" Americans? You're talking about minorities instead, in order to push the Plutocratic tyranny's idea that democracy is "mob rule." After these decades of being pushed around by both "sides," it should be obvious that we must get rid of the inheritance-stained oligarchic republic and establish absolute rule of the majority, legislating by referendum. No elitist Constitutional overlord that power-freaks can claim gives us our freedoms.

Those you want to pass off as "Liberals" are agents of the Right Wing who purposely make government toxic in order to trick the majority into submitting to the undemocratic economic tyranny of your private-sector idols. It's all a charade and you rich-loving sheep have no right to feel superior to "most" Americans.
People are going to have to come to grips with the fact that we are on the verge of an AI revolution that will eliminate a huge number of jobs.

The same amount (or greater) of goods and services will be there but it will be done by a greatly reduced work force. That means that profits will soar...and wages will drop...along with the number of available good jobs.

And what we are going to find is that machines will be able to do the "kinda" hard stuff but not the "easy" physical stuff.

So there will be jobs ...sweeping floors and feeding the machines to some degree and repairing machines, but they won't be good paying jobs. In fact there will be huge numbers of people competing for those shitty jobs and THAT will drive down labor rates as well. And this is NOT going to only effect manufacturing will effect ALL jobs.

How do we cope with that? ANd with so little money going to such a large number of people...who are the consumers of what IS made going to be?

Henry Ford solved that problem back in the day by paying his workers a good wage. That forced other manufacturers to also pay decent wages and all those folks became the market for the goods THEY were producing.

AI is going to upset that apple cart. And it's coming faster than you realize
You all blew right passed this.'

Do any of your tards even know what AI is?
People are going to have to come to grips with the fact that we are on the verge of an AI revolution that will eliminate a huge number of jobs.

The same amount (or greater) of goods and services will be there but it will be done by a greatly reduced work force. That means that profits will soar...and wages will drop...along with the number of available good jobs.

And what we are going to find is that machines will be able to do the "kinda" hard stuff but not the "easy" physical stuff.

So there will be jobs ...sweeping floors and feeding the machines to some degree and repairing machines, but they won't be good paying jobs. In fact there will be huge numbers of people competing for those shitty jobs and THAT will drive down labor rates as well. And this is NOT going to only effect manufacturing will effect ALL jobs.

How do we cope with that? ANd with so little money going to such a large number of people...who are the consumers of what IS made going to be?

Henry Ford solved that problem back in the day by paying his workers a good wage. That forced other manufacturers to also pay decent wages and all those folks became the market for the goods THEY were producing.

AI is going to upset that apple cart. And it's coming faster than you realize
You all blew right passed this.'

Do any of your tards even know what AI is?

It was a silly post is why. Liberals are always talking about the end of history. It’s a holdover from Soviet Times and a way to explain why common sense shouldn’t apply any more.
The federal aid should go back to the states who paid it and the states should decide on the rules for the recipients.

It's a grandstand, get more votes, move.. Most of what it wants to cover is already done by the States. If a state wants that type of program they can have it. I support the state doing just that.

And there are plenty of "Jobs" that these people can do. Even if it's only a day a week or a couple of hours a day. Same goes for unemployment insurance. How much skill does it take to fill a pothole using a shovel, rake and a wheel barrow with proper supervision. How much skill does it take to pick up trash along highways. How much skill does it take to be a school crossing guard. And then there are the non profits that could use assistance as well. No American should be GIVEN anything.

SNAP is NOT a federal program. Yes, Federal money does go into it but so does state and county funds. It's administered by the State and County as well as the Metros and towns. What I would like to see is for them to clean that system up. Why is Energy Drinks and Soft Drinks on the list of what you can buy along with a lot of other "Luxury" items? The Frauds that have gone on have been done using these items. Just take them off the list. And let's not forget the Cash Withdrawals as well. If they want cash, I am sure that there is some kind off labor that can be done for the community for that "Cash". Get the "'Cash" off the Snap system.

But it's not up to the Federals to do it. It must happen from the States. And any Federal that keeps saying, "Here, let me" will lose in a Federal Court as that would be deemed Unconstitutional big time. What the Feds can do is to remove the money they are sending for those programs until the State starts doing it smarter. But that's it. The State can tell the Feds to keep their money and go pound sand.

Thanks for some intelligent insight ! Finally at least one other person get's it! The system is "fat" with fraud and abuse. :11_2_1043:
...not just sit on their ass until time to walk to the mailbox to pick up their tax-payer funded check.

President Trump proposes vast work-for-benefits requirements, setting up clash with Libs in Congress

Before any snowflakes star raising hell ....ignorantly... please make sure you fully understand that THERE ALREAYD ARE FOR-BENEFITS WORK REQUIREMENTS. President Trump is not creatnig anything NEW - he is calling for their expansion.

"The budget aims to implement new welfare requirements -- namely, that Americans 18-65 years old work at least 20 hours a week in a job, a job training program or a community service program to secure a range of benefits and aid.

According to the administration, the work requirement would apply to federal programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and federal housing, but would come with a hardship exemption.
Last year, the administration opened the door for states to impose work requirements for Medicaid recipients. This part of the budget proposal would bring those work requirements to the federal level.

The proposal would represent an expansion of work requirements, though some already are in place. For the past several administrations, able-bodied recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) have mostly had to work at least 80 hours a month -- while recipients of traditional welfare known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) have also faced work requirements."

Trump releases budget seeking billions for border wall, work requirements for welfare programs

Of course, no one who is not physically unable to work will not have their benefits stripped from them.

IMO, the 'possibility of Random Drug Tests' should also be included, and anyone who gets caught in one of these random (rare) drug tests as doing illegal drugs while able-bodied and not working should be booted from the programs...IMHO...

A single mother with young children...are they going to work?

What about two adults in a household, do they both have to work?

some women choose to have children they can't or aren't willing to support and care for NOT MY PROBLEM! Go find daddy and have the courts take his money if he has a job. . :banana:
Don't Plant Toxic Seeds

You're just blowing smoke if you don't advocate mandatory abortions for such slutty parasites.
...not just sit on their ass until time to walk to the mailbox to pick up their tax-payer funded check.

President Trump proposes vast work-for-benefits requirements, setting up clash with Libs in Congress

Before any snowflakes star raising hell ....ignorantly... please make sure you fully understand that THERE ALREAYD ARE FOR-BENEFITS WORK REQUIREMENTS. President Trump is not creatnig anything NEW - he is calling for their expansion.

"The budget aims to implement new welfare requirements -- namely, that Americans 18-65 years old work at least 20 hours a week in a job, a job training program or a community service program to secure a range of benefits and aid.

According to the administration, the work requirement would apply to federal programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and federal housing, but would come with a hardship exemption.
Last year, the administration opened the door for states to impose work requirements for Medicaid recipients. This part of the budget proposal would bring those work requirements to the federal level.

The proposal would represent an expansion of work requirements, though some already are in place. For the past several administrations, able-bodied recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) have mostly had to work at least 80 hours a month -- while recipients of traditional welfare known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) have also faced work requirements."

Trump releases budget seeking billions for border wall, work requirements for welfare programs

Of course, no one who is not physically unable to work will not have their benefits stripped from them.

IMO, the 'possibility of Random Drug Tests' should also be included, and anyone who gets caught in one of these random (rare) drug tests as doing illegal drugs while able-bodied and not working should be booted from the programs...IMHO...

A single mother with young children...are they going to work?

What about two adults in a household, do they both have to work?

If they have to! Let's see 2 adults in a household? Married or unmarried? You see I can have a child with a woman who receives Federal assistance but doesn't identify me as the father. Then once she gets into Federal Housing I can move my shit in go to work everyday and not have to pay for the health care or need to provide food to my child, I don't have to pay rent or assume any responsibility for it's up keep. Welfare system is a great living for a lot of people. Make women Identify the Biological father before approving benefits big problem solved. Thank you! Call it the "you make it you own it bill".:dance:
HeirHeads Freeload Off Daddy's Welfare, Proof That They Created a Government in Their Own Image

It was a Conservative Republican, Chief Justice Earl Warren, who started all that. So why should the kind of Americans who built the Conservatives' wealth and power for them put up with any of the three branches of government that 18th Century lawyers for the 1% established?

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