President Trump Suggests Those Getting A Check Have To Do SOMETHING To Earn It...

Let’s hear the opinion of a black woman who once thought democrats cared about them.....

I see the old "trash collector" stuff pedaled out. Like they are any less important than the rest of us. When they stop collecting we are in trouble. Here they start out at 19 bucks an hour. Not great, but with the Bennie's not horrible.
People are going to have to come to grips with the fact that we are on the verge of an AI revolution that will eliminate a huge number of jobs.

The same amount (or greater) of goods and services will be there but it will be done by a greatly reduced work force. That means that profits will soar...and wages will drop...along with the number of available good jobs.

And what we are going to find is that machines will be able to do the "kinda" hard stuff but not the "easy" physical stuff.

So there will be jobs ...sweeping floors and feeding the machines to some degree and repairing machines, but they won't be good paying jobs. In fact there will be huge numbers of people competing for those shitty jobs and THAT will drive down labor rates as well. And this is NOT going to only effect manufacturing will effect ALL jobs.

How do we cope with that? ANd with so little money going to such a large number of people...who are the consumers of what IS made going to be?

Henry Ford solved that problem back in the day by paying his workers a good wage. That forced other manufacturers to also pay decent wages and all those folks became the market for the goods THEY were producing.

AI is going to upset that apple cart. And it's coming faster than you realize
You all blew right passed this.'

Do any of your tards even know what AI is?
Superfluously Superior

It will eliminate the jobs of the smug and conceited college graduates, too, so don't be so supportive of the Plutes' not lowering hours and paying the same weekly wages because of the machines' inanimate-slave contribution. Your scare stories will make you feel above all that only until your own position is automated.
People are going to have to come to grips with the fact that we are on the verge of an AI revolution that will eliminate a huge number of jobs.

The same amount (or greater) of goods and services will be there but it will be done by a greatly reduced work force. That means that profits will soar...and wages will drop...along with the number of available good jobs.

And what we are going to find is that machines will be able to do the "kinda" hard stuff but not the "easy" physical stuff.

So there will be jobs ...sweeping floors and feeding the machines to some degree and repairing machines, but they won't be good paying jobs. In fact there will be huge numbers of people competing for those shitty jobs and THAT will drive down labor rates as well. And this is NOT going to only effect manufacturing will effect ALL jobs.

How do we cope with that? ANd with so little money going to such a large number of people...who are the consumers of what IS made going to be?

Henry Ford solved that problem back in the day by paying his workers a good wage. That forced other manufacturers to also pay decent wages and all those folks became the market for the goods THEY were producing.

AI is going to upset that apple cart. And it's coming faster than you realize
You all blew right passed this.'

Do any of your tards even know what AI is?

It was a silly post is why. Liberals are always talking about the end of history. It’s a holdover from Soviet Times and a way to explain why common sense shouldn’t apply any more.
GFY, "Dr." Fukuyama

The END OF HISTORY!!! predicted by acadumbies who know nothing about history outside of what the university library tells them happened. (A PhD is a little Mama's Boy nerd who doesn't earn a living until he is 30-years-old, so he has the simple-minded opinions of a child).

What jobs did the invention of the telephone kill? Practically none; in fact, job-killing inventions were needed to free up labor for the job-creating inventions. Second, there's no reason we should allow the Scrooges to fire people instead of reducing working hours and paying the same total wages because of the increased production of the machines. After all, the parasites bought the machines with the revenue their employees had created for them. There's no pride anymore if real men would allow the Sissies in Suitcoats to force them to work themselves out of a job. When sheep become rams, that High and Mighty Lowlife will have to dodge the charger.
I don't see why I should have to work just to live. I pay enough towards society through cigarette and alcohol taxes. I should be reimbursed by the government. All I ask for is enough to buy McDonald's for dinner. Is that too much to ask?

Dooood, aim higher. One can eat like a king at McD’s for like $4.00.
...not just sit on their ass until time to walk to the mailbox to pick up their tax-payer funded check.

President Trump proposes vast work-for-benefits requirements, setting up clash with Libs in Congress

Before any snowflakes star raising hell ....ignorantly... please make sure you fully understand that THERE ALREAYD ARE FOR-BENEFITS WORK REQUIREMENTS. President Trump is not creatnig anything NEW - he is calling for their expansion.

"The budget aims to implement new welfare requirements -- namely, that Americans 18-65 years old work at least 20 hours a week in a job, a job training program or a community service program to secure a range of benefits and aid.

According to the administration, the work requirement would apply to federal programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and federal housing, but would come with a hardship exemption.
Last year, the administration opened the door for states to impose work requirements for Medicaid recipients. This part of the budget proposal would bring those work requirements to the federal level.

The proposal would represent an expansion of work requirements, though some already are in place. For the past several administrations, able-bodied recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) have mostly had to work at least 80 hours a month -- while recipients of traditional welfare known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) have also faced work requirements."

Trump releases budget seeking billions for border wall, work requirements for welfare programs

Of course, no one who is not physically unable to work will not have their benefits stripped from them.

IMO, the 'possibility of Random Drug Tests' should also be included, and anyone who gets caught in one of these random (rare) drug tests as doing illegal drugs while able-bodied and not working should be booted from the programs...IMHO...

Let's hope it applies to Trump also.
pe it applies to Trump also.


  • 2019-02-14_19.23.30.jpg
    146 KB · Views: 19
I see the old "trash collector" stuff pedaled out. Like they are any less important than the rest of us. When they stop collecting we are in trouble. Here they start out at 19 bucks an hour. Not great, but with the Bennie's not horrible.
The Smug Bug Gets Squished

I hope they pick up the White Collar trash when the Reckoning recognizes that college graduates have no right to their jobs because college is only for the teenagers who are afraid to grow up.
People are going to have to come to grips with the fact that we are on the verge of an AI revolution that will eliminate a huge number of jobs.

The same amount (or greater) of goods and services will be there but it will be done by a greatly reduced work force. That means that profits will soar...and wages will drop...along with the number of available good jobs.

And what we are going to find is that machines will be able to do the "kinda" hard stuff but not the "easy" physical stuff.

So there will be jobs ...sweeping floors and feeding the machines to some degree and repairing machines, but they won't be good paying jobs. In fact there will be huge numbers of people competing for those shitty jobs and THAT will drive down labor rates as well. And this is NOT going to only effect manufacturing will effect ALL jobs.

How do we cope with that? ANd with so little money going to such a large number of people...who are the consumers of what IS made going to be?

Henry Ford solved that problem back in the day by paying his workers a good wage. That forced other manufacturers to also pay decent wages and all those folks became the market for the goods THEY were producing.

AI is going to upset that apple cart. And it's coming faster than you realize
You all blew right passed this.'

Do any of your tards even know what AI is?

It was a silly post is why. Liberals are always talking about the end of history. It’s a holdover from Soviet Times and a way to explain why common sense shouldn’t apply any more.
GFY, "Dr." Fukuyama

The END OF HISTORY!!! predicted by acadumbies who know nothing about history outside of what the university library tells them happened. (A PhD is a little Mama's Boy nerd who doesn't earn a living until he is 30-years-old, so he has the simple-minded opinions of a child).

What jobs did the invention of the telephone kill? Practically none; in fact, job-killing inventions were needed to free up labor for the job-creating inventions. Second, there's no reason we should allow the Scrooges to fire people instead of reducing working hours and paying the same total wages because of the increased production of the machines. After all, the parasites bought the machines with the revenue their employees had created for them. There's no pride anymore if real men would allow the Sissies in Suitcoats to force them to work themselves out of a job. When sheep become rams, that High and Mighty Lowlife will have to dodge the charger.
What jobs did the LOOM kill ya fucking idiot. The answers is lots...and the few that remained were pretty fucked up.In fact that where the term "Luddite" comes from

What did the cotton gin do? Look it up. It created slavery

What did the steam engine do? It created sweatshops.
...not just sit on their ass until time to walk to the mailbox to pick up their tax-payer funded check.

President Trump proposes vast work-for-benefits requirements, setting up clash with Libs in Congress

Before any snowflakes star raising hell ....ignorantly... please make sure you fully understand that THERE ALREAYD ARE FOR-BENEFITS WORK REQUIREMENTS. President Trump is not creatnig anything NEW - he is calling for their expansion.

"The budget aims to implement new welfare requirements -- namely, that Americans 18-65 years old work at least 20 hours a week in a job, a job training program or a community service program to secure a range of benefits and aid.

According to the administration, the work requirement would apply to federal programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and federal housing, but would come with a hardship exemption.
Last year, the administration opened the door for states to impose work requirements for Medicaid recipients. This part of the budget proposal would bring those work requirements to the federal level.

The proposal would represent an expansion of work requirements, though some already are in place. For the past several administrations, able-bodied recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) have mostly had to work at least 80 hours a month -- while recipients of traditional welfare known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) have also faced work requirements."

Trump releases budget seeking billions for border wall, work requirements for welfare programs

Of course, no one who is not physically unable to work will not have their benefits stripped from them.

IMO, the 'possibility of Random Drug Tests' should also be included, and anyone who gets caught in one of these random (rare) drug tests as doing illegal drugs while able-bodied and not working should be booted from the programs...IMHO...

That hasn't worked terribly well in my neck of the woods. When it went into effect here--for TANF and SNAP and Medicaid benefits--social workers went about nuts trying to find enough jobs or community service orgs for these folks to work at. A lot of them had no employability skills and would do swinging door employment, in one door and within a month or two, out the other. And because it is difficult to meet the requirements for "community service orgs" there were very few opportunities. Plus around here, poor people don't have reliable transportation and there is no public transportation. So it was a migraine headache.

Have fun, America.

That's exactly why the programs need revamped everyone knows someone who abuses the system. Gets benefits through fraud or Sell Snap cards for cash etc. You could offer them 50 an hour and they still wouldn't work or can't because of drug use. where do you live that there is no Public transportation. You mean it doesn't come to your door and pick you up right!:5_1_12024:learn to walk! it's under rated!
Compassion for the Deservedly Poor Hides a Vicious Hatred for the Rest of Us

Mandatory abortions for prospective Baby Mamas. Poison the drug supply. Force those too lazy to work into chain gangs; there's no reason that criminal control should cost the public anything. Put tough men in power, instead of these spoiled little sissies who hide their snobbish and totally unearned contempt for the majority by their self-righteously permissive attitude towards the enemies of society. Obviously, that includes the nasty and sadistic anti-abortionist power-hungry Puritans.
What country do you lunatics think you live in?

Jesus...this place looks more and more like Gab or 4chan every day
Using the Same Letters, Man's Laughter Becomes Manslaughter, the Beneficial Kind

When men were men and women loved them for that, queasy quislings like you used to be mocked into committing suicide.
And it will take out office work like crazy. AI will make the decisions that mangers used to make and machines will take and fill the orders
People are going to have to come to grips with the fact that we are on the verge of an AI revolution that will eliminate a huge number of jobs.

The same amount (or greater) of goods and services will be there but it will be done by a greatly reduced work force. That means that profits will soar...and wages will drop...along with the number of available good jobs.

And what we are going to find is that machines will be able to do the "kinda" hard stuff but not the "easy" physical stuff.

So there will be jobs ...sweeping floors and feeding the machines to some degree and repairing machines, but they won't be good paying jobs. In fact there will be huge numbers of people competing for those shitty jobs and THAT will drive down labor rates as well. And this is NOT going to only effect manufacturing will effect ALL jobs.

How do we cope with that? ANd with so little money going to such a large number of people...who are the consumers of what IS made going to be?

Henry Ford solved that problem back in the day by paying his workers a good wage. That forced other manufacturers to also pay decent wages and all those folks became the market for the goods THEY were producing.

AI is going to upset that apple cart. And it's coming faster than you realize
You all blew right passed this.'

Do any of your tards even know what AI is?

It was a silly post is why. Liberals are always talking about the end of history. It’s a holdover from Soviet Times and a way to explain why common sense shouldn’t apply any more.
GFY, "Dr." Fukuyama

The END OF HISTORY!!! predicted by acadumbies who know nothing about history outside of what the university library tells them happened. (A PhD is a little Mama's Boy nerd who doesn't earn a living until he is 30-years-old, so he has the simple-minded opinions of a child).

What jobs did the invention of the telephone kill? Practically none; in fact, job-killing inventions were needed to free up labor for the job-creating inventions. Second, there's no reason we should allow the Scrooges to fire people instead of reducing working hours and paying the same total wages because of the increased production of the machines. After all, the parasites bought the machines with the revenue their employees had created for them. There's no pride anymore if real men would allow the Sissies in Suitcoats to force them to work themselves out of a job. When sheep become rams, that High and Mighty Lowlife will have to dodge the charger.
What jobs did the LOOM kill ya fucking idiot. The answers is lots...and the few that remained were pretty fucked up.In fact that where the term "Luddite" comes from

What did the cotton gin do? Look it up. It created slavery

What did the steam engine do? It created sweatshops.
Losers Play It to Make Themselves Feel Like Winners

Slavery saved Africans from starvation and savagery, so don't try to virtue-signal to me that way.. It's a pathetically snobbish attempt for Preppies and their boytoys to feel superior to all other White people, who even ante-bellum should never have felt any guilt about that workfare for lazy and violent evolutionary rejects. As should logically be done by anyone with a free mind, I dismiss your other examples because only a self-righteous moron would play the race card, which is a Joker.
Slavery saved Africans from starvation and savagery, so don't try to virtue-signal to me that way.. It's a pathetically snobbish attempt for Preppies and their boytoys to feel superior to all other White people, who even ante-bellum should never have felt any guilt about that workfare for lazy and violent evolutionary rejects. As should logically be done by anyone with a free mind, I dismiss your other examples because only a self-righteous moron would play the race card, which is a Joker.

What kind of racist shit is that

Jesus dude...

Back to Gab for you
...not just sit on their ass until time to walk to the mailbox to pick up their tax-payer funded check.

President Trump proposes vast work-for-benefits requirements, setting up clash with Libs in Congress

Before any snowflakes star raising hell ....ignorantly... please make sure you fully understand that THERE ALREAYD ARE FOR-BENEFITS WORK REQUIREMENTS. President Trump is not creatnig anything NEW - he is calling for their expansion.

"The budget aims to implement new welfare requirements -- namely, that Americans 18-65 years old work at least 20 hours a week in a job, a job training program or a community service program to secure a range of benefits and aid.

According to the administration, the work requirement would apply to federal programs like food stamps, Medicaid, and federal housing, but would come with a hardship exemption.
Last year, the administration opened the door for states to impose work requirements for Medicaid recipients. This part of the budget proposal would bring those work requirements to the federal level.

The proposal would represent an expansion of work requirements, though some already are in place. For the past several administrations, able-bodied recipients of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (food stamps) have mostly had to work at least 80 hours a month -- while recipients of traditional welfare known as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) have also faced work requirements."

Trump releases budget seeking billions for border wall, work requirements for welfare programs

Of course, no one who is not physically unable to work will not have their benefits stripped from them.

IMO, the 'possibility of Random Drug Tests' should also be included, and anyone who gets caught in one of these random (rare) drug tests as doing illegal drugs while able-bodied and not working should be booted from the programs...IMHO...

Let's hope it applies to Trump also.View attachment 249821 pe it applies to Trump also.
Liberals Belong in a Petting Zoo

HILLARENA: Rodham-rodent roadkill who needs a substitute Mommy his whole life. Not to be trusted around manliness, sanity, or reality.

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