President Trump: The Hero Of Hurricane Harvey

Due to his actions prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall, it looks like President Trump will emerge as the hero of Hurricane Harvey. His swift action declaring Texas a disaster area and putting emergency protocols in place and coordinating with local officials and the Governor made it possible for people to survive the category 4 hurricane as it ripped onto the shores of South Texas last night. His keen intellect and instincts will go down in history as the first president that presided over a major hurricane that resulting so far in zero deaths, a truly remarkable feat. As I've said before, God truly blessed our nation with Donald Trump as our president.

Hurricane Harvey Downgraded To Category 1 Storm – No Deaths, But Tornadoes, Flooding and Power Outages
Steve won't give us an update. Allow me.
Five feared dead in Hurricane Harvey as floods sweep Texas | Daily Mail Online
Irrelevant. They died after the storm was downgraded from a Hurricane to a tropical storm.
So you think the Katrina victims were not counted when they died by flood? Sit down and fix your title.
Irrelevant! Trump is still the hero of Hurricane Harvey.
Short McGarrett:"If you didn't die right away you didn't really die!"
Due to his actions prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall, it looks like President Trump will emerge as the hero of Hurricane Harvey. His swift action declaring Texas a disaster area and putting emergency protocols in place and coordinating with local officials and the Governor made it possible for people to survive the category 4 hurricane as it ripped onto the shores of South Texas last night. His keen intellect and instincts will go down in history as the first president that presided over a major hurricane that resulting so far in zero deaths, a truly remarkable feat. As I've said before, God truly blessed our nation with Donald Trump as our president.

Hurricane Harvey Downgraded To Category 1 Storm – No Deaths, But Tornadoes, Flooding and Power Outages
Steve won't give us an update. Allow me.
Five feared dead in Hurricane Harvey as floods sweep Texas | Daily Mail Online
Irrelevant. They died after the storm was downgraded from a Hurricane to a tropical storm.
So you think the Katrina victims were not counted when they died by flood? Sit down and fix your title.
Irrelevant! Trump is still the hero of Hurricane Harvey.
Short McGarrett:"If you didn't die right away you didn't really die!"
but Trump wasnt there last night at 9pm, !!!!,,,,,impeach 45 !!!!!!
He didn't have to be. He's a multitasking connoisseur!
and if Obama was President now,,,he would make the seas rise 3 feet to Save Texas from flooding !!!!
If Obama was president right now, you'd be criticizing him for not personally saving people from drowning
Yep, amazing how predictable partisans are.
Jesus is jealous of the way you rubes worship Trump
8 dead now, and counting. This thread didn't survive the passage of time.
14 dead Family of six counted among the dead as Harvey death toll rises to 14
They were Mexicans or some tyoe of central American third worlders. They weren't the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the 1st Congress.
Due to his actions prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall, it looks like President Trump will emerge as the hero of Hurricane Harvey. His swift action declaring Texas a disaster area and putting emergency protocols in place and coordinating with local officials and the Governor made it possible for people to survive the category 4 hurricane as it ripped onto the shores of South Texas last night. His keen intellect and instincts will go down in history as the first president that presided over a major hurricane that resulting so far in zero deaths, a truly remarkable feat. As I've said before, God truly blessed our nation with Donald Trump as our president.

Hurricane Harvey Downgraded To Category 1 Storm – No Deaths, But Tornadoes, Flooding and Power Outages
This continues to reign as worst Harvey-related thread, as the death toll has risen to 22. The author brags about "no deaths" making Trump a hero. At least 22 confirmed dead from Harvey as Houston mayor imposes a nightly curfew
Due to his actions prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall, it looks like President Trump will emerge as the hero of Hurricane Harvey. His swift action declaring Texas a disaster area and putting emergency protocols in place and coordinating with local officials and the Governor made it possible for people to survive the category 4 hurricane as it ripped onto the shores of South Texas last night. His keen intellect and instincts will go down in history as the first president that presided over a major hurricane that resulting so far in zero deaths, a truly remarkable feat. As I've said before, God truly blessed our nation with Donald Trump as our president.

Hurricane Harvey Downgraded To Category 1 Storm – No Deaths, But Tornadoes, Flooding and Power Outages
This continues to reign as worst Harvey-related thread, as the death toll has risen to 22. The author brags about "no deaths" making Trump a hero. At least 22 confirmed dead from Harvey as Houston mayor imposes a nightly curfew
Trump solidified his heroism as no deaths occurred under Hurricane Harvey when it hit landfall. The deaths occurring under what is now called Tropical Storm Harvey don't apply to him.
Due to his actions prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall, it looks like President Trump will emerge as the hero of Hurricane Harvey. His swift action declaring Texas a disaster area and putting emergency protocols in place and coordinating with local officials and the Governor made it possible for people to survive the category 4 hurricane as it ripped onto the shores of South Texas last night. His keen intellect and instincts will go down in history as the first president that presided over a major hurricane that resulting so far in zero deaths, a truly remarkable feat. As I've said before, God truly blessed our nation with Donald Trump as our president.

Hurricane Harvey Downgraded To Category 1 Storm – No Deaths, But Tornadoes, Flooding and Power Outages
This continues to reign as worst Harvey-related thread, as the death toll has risen to 22. The author brags about "no deaths" making Trump a hero. At least 22 confirmed dead from Harvey as Houston mayor imposes a nightly curfew
Trump solidified his heroism as no deaths occurred under Hurricane Harvey when it hit landfall. The deaths occurring under what is now called Tropical Storm Harvey don't apply to him.
BS. Trump is President even after Hurricanes become Tropical Storms. Your thread is embarrassing.
By the way, 30 dead now.
Death toll from Harvey now at 30
Stalled Over Gulf, Harvey Deepens Texans’ Soggy Misery
Well, that's just dumb. Federal disaster aid is not unconstitutional. My only point was that the feds just can't march in and take over. THAT is unconstitutional...

That law was changed after the Katrina disaster allowing the Federal Government to send in troops and supplies without being formally requested by the state governor. Gov. Blanco waited three days, even after repeated requests from the Bush administration, to formally request Federal help. President Bush never whined about that or used it as an excuse.

I don't think that was an issue in this case since the Texas Governor declared the area a disaster area and President Trump responded quickly and properly.

This just drives the Progressives even more insane.
Due to his actions prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall, it looks like President Trump will emerge as the hero of Hurricane Harvey. His swift action declaring Texas a disaster area and putting emergency protocols in place and coordinating with local officials and the Governor made it possible for people to survive the category 4 hurricane as it ripped onto the shores of South Texas last night. His keen intellect and instincts will go down in history as the first president that presided over a major hurricane that resulting so far in zero deaths, a truly remarkable feat. As I've said before, God truly blessed our nation with Donald Trump as our president.

Hurricane Harvey Downgraded To Category 1 Storm – No Deaths, But Tornadoes, Flooding and Power Outages

After writing the above post, Steve proceeded to clean up his cum.
Some folks may see the Navy vessel collisions and now this hurricane as bad omens. On this last one I lay blame on Jerry Falwell Jr. - he certainly ain't his dad. Seems little prayer should have been needed from him to steer that sucker straight into Mexico.

It would have been especially deserving after they reneged on paying for the wall. :bang3:

As Yogi Berra is alleged to have said. It ain't over until it's over. Seven and a half more years.
If Obama was president right now, you'd be criticizing him for not personally saving people from drowning

Well, it was petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama had promised that when he was inaugurated, that he would cause the seas to recede.
Due to his actions prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall, it looks like President Trump will emerge as the hero of Hurricane Harvey. His swift action declaring Texas a disaster area and putting emergency protocols in place and coordinating with local officials and the Governor made it possible for people to survive the category 4 hurricane as it ripped onto the shores of South Texas last night. His keen intellect and instincts will go down in history as the first president that presided over a major hurricane that resulting so far in zero deaths, a truly remarkable feat. As I've said before, God truly blessed our nation with Donald Trump as our president.

Hurricane Harvey Downgraded To Category 1 Storm – No Deaths, But Tornadoes, Flooding and Power Outages
This continues to reign as worst Harvey-related thread, as the death toll has risen to 22. The author brags about "no deaths" making Trump a hero. At least 22 confirmed dead from Harvey as Houston mayor imposes a nightly curfew
Trump solidified his heroism as no deaths occurred under Hurricane Harvey when it hit landfall. The deaths occurring under what is now called Tropical Storm Harvey don't apply to him.
BS. Trump is President even after Hurricanes become Tropical Storms. Your thread is embarrassing.
By the way, 30 dead now.
Death toll from Harvey now at 30
Stalled Over Gulf, Harvey Deepens Texans’ Soggy Misery

The death toll will be very high. No fault of any government, everyone was warned to get out if they were in any low lying or flood prone areas. The problem is that no one could forecast the epic amount of rain in 24 hours. They received more rain in two days than we have received here in Tallahassee, FL so far this year. They will be finding bodies for weeks in houses where people refused to leave. As with any disaster of total destruction, cadaver dogs will be brought in and house to house searches will be conducted. There will be hundreds of bodies of stupid people. They will be found in attics where they were specifically told not to go. As comedian Ron White said, you can't fix stupid.
Trump solidified his heroism as no deaths occurred under Hurricane Harvey when it hit landfall. The deaths occurring under what is now called Tropical Storm Harvey don't apply to him.

Sorry Steve, I usually agree with you but here, you are really reaching, REALLY REACHING.

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