President Trump: “The Real Pictures Haven’t Been Exposed Yet” In Regards to Hunter Biden’s Laptop (VIDEO)

They tried to make a big deal out of the fact the Biden family has 20 lousy LLC's. They want to know who the Biden's did business with. Was anyone's name Chang or Yao? If so, they are guilty. No trial necessary. The Biden's must be trading favors for $. Must be!!!

But Trump has 500 corporations all over the world and the Saudi's gave Jared Kushner $2 BILLION dollars. They won't want to look into that.

Harlan Crow has Clarence Thomas in his pocket. Says he has no business before the court but his business IS THE COURT. Abortion, tax breaks for the rich, deregulations, corporate lawsuits.

Remember Republicans were SURE the Clinton Foundation was corrupt. No evidence. But then Trump's Foundation was shut down for being corrupt.

Trump cried about rigged elections in 2016 and then tried rigging 2020. He said 2016 was rigged but he won. He didn't think he'd win. So his plan all along was to say it was stolen if he lost. We know this for a fact.

I think Trump is finally done. I know his numbers are up but within a week or month he's going to start to fall in the poles and someone else is going to be the new front runner.

I hope Trump is the nominee. Easy win.
The other Republicans running for nomination are praying for Trump to finally crash. I think Barr was the first real shot at him.
The other Republicans running for nomination are praying for Trump to finally crash. I think Barr was the first real shot at him.
Yes I heard him this morning say the charges are serious and this is not a witch hunt.

I believe Republicans on USMB have a different tone today too. Perhaps they are starting to get it.

I suspect they knew all along. Like Russians who like Putin. They know he has broken lots of laws. They know he's corrupt. But they make a living under his regime and they don't want their country to fall into anarchy, or the oppositions control.

As bad as Putin is, they don't want the party turned over to the Democrats. Liberals. Socialists. They must have the same reasonings. The gays. Jews. It's America's fault! Conspiracy theories.

They will write books on Trump followers in the future. Just like they write books about how the Nazi's were able to take over Germany. Lots of similarities. Hitler started a riot and went to jail for it too. Trump's counting on winning afterward like Hitler did. Literally Hitler was locked up then got into power after. How is that possible? Well if it's possible Trump can run again, why not Hitler? If a convicted felon can run for POTUS in the USA, why not Germany? Now I'm starting to see how Hitler did it.
Yes I heard him this morning say the charges are serious and this is not a witch hunt.

I believe Republicans on USMB have a different tone today too. Perhaps they are starting to get it.

I suspect they knew all along. Like Russians who like Putin. They know he has broken lots of laws. They know he's corrupt. But they make a living under his regime and they don't want their country to fall into anarchy, or the oppositions control.

As bad as Putin is, they don't want the party turned over to the Democrats. Liberals. Socialists. They must have the same reasonings. The gays. Jews. It's America's fault! Conspiracy theories.

They will write books on Trump followers in the future. Just like they write books about how the Nazi's were able to take over Germany. Lots of similarities. Hitler started a riot and went to jail for it too. Trump's counting on winning afterward like Hitler did. Literally Hitler was locked up then got into power after. How is that possible? Well if it's possible Trump can run again, why not Hitler? If a convicted felon can run for POTUS in the USA, why not Germany? Now I'm starting to see how Hitler did it.
They have repeated the same lies to themselves since the 80's and that is just what I remember. When the Right Wing Noise Machine came along, it brought the tea baggers and a whole new level of mind washing themselves. I truly don't know if they believe Trump's lies or not.
I'm sure Putin tells his supporters if he loses power then gays will take over, foreigners will move in and change their culture, jobs will be lost, etc.
They have repeated the same lies to themselves since the 80's and that is just what I remember. When the Right Wing Noise Machine came along, it brought the tea baggers and a whole new level of mind washing themselves. I truly don't know if they believe Trump's lies or not.

They know he's corrupt but they've been told Obama and Hillary are corrupt too.

Some of them know. Some of them believe Fox. My buddy who doesn't watch the news but listens to his parents who listen to fox asked me if I could believe how corrupt Hunter and Joe are. 20 LLC's doing business with foreign companies. Huh??? But then I asked him if he knew about all the trouble trump was in he didn't know a thing about any of it.
They know he's corrupt but they've been told Obama and Hillary are corrupt too.

Some of them know. Some of them believe Fox. My buddy who doesn't watch the news but listens to his parents who listen to fox asked me if I could believe how corrupt Hunter and Joe are. 20 LLC's doing business with foreign companies. Huh??? But then I asked him if he knew about all the trouble trump was in he didn't know a thing about any of it.
Yea I live in a very conservative area. People around me are about the same.
They have repeated the same lies to themselves since the 80's and that is just what I remember. When the Right Wing Noise Machine came along, it brought the tea baggers and a whole new level of mind washing themselves. I truly don't know if they believe Trump's lies or not.
Look at what MaryL said. The Biden's got millions from China. Without a shred of evidence. So you ask if she knows she's repeating lies? I really don't know.

The recent Republican House GOP announcement that they were looking into Hunter was so carefully worded. It implied guilt. It suggested POSSIBLE guilt. No evidence though. They'd have to comb through all of the Biden sales and see who they did business with. Of course they didn't even care when Trump didn't turn over his taxes before he ran. Gave Trump a pass on looking into what conflicts of interest there are. And Trump continued to run his business' while he was President.

This is all mind boggling how loyal they are of their messiah.
Why is your beloved party doing nothing about it?
Because it's perfectly legal.

They are crying that Hunter got millions from China and Ukraine, which is bullshit, but they don't see a problem with Jared and Trump getting $2 BILLION from the Saudi's after Trump kissed their ass for 4 years. It's so obvious the Saudi's are paying Trump back for being so good to them for 4 years. Why else would they give Jared $2 billion dollars? It's a joke.

And they are crying about the Biden's 20 llc's making $20 million over the course of 20 years.
Yea I live in a very conservative area. People around me are about the same.

When the Republicans were asked what evidence they had on the Biden's they said basically this.

We have no evidence. We would have to go through their business records to see. And finding any illegalities would be like finding a needle in a needle stack.

Republicans may eat this up but basically what he said is they have nothing. Nothing.
I'm still waiting for what his investigators in Hawaii found on Obama's birth certificate…
Ask Hillary Clinton. After all she raised that issue when she was running against Obama for the nomination.
Because it's perfectly legal.

They are crying that Hunter got millions from China and Ukraine, which is bullshit, but they don't see a problem with Jared and Trump getting $2 BILLION from the Saudi's after Trump kissed their ass for 4 years. It's so obvious the Saudi's are paying Trump back for being so good to them for 4 years. Why else would they give Jared $2 billion dollars? It's a joke.

And they are crying about the Biden's 20 llc's making $20 million over the course of 20 years.
Bribery and corruption is legal now?
the DOJ is investigating Biden ?


You exemplify the position of the right. Ignorance. I see so many claiming there's some kind of double standard when in reality, there isn't. Trump was found to have classified documents he shouldn't have had. Biden was found to have classified documents he shouldn't have had. The Attorney General appointed a Special Counsel to investigate Trump. The Attorney General appointed a Special Counsel to investigate Biden. Trump was indicted. Biden is not at the point yet as his investigation is still underway.

So where is the double standard?

You exemplify the position of the right. Ignorance. I see so many claiming there's some kind of double standard when in reality, there isn't. Trump was found to have classified documents he shouldn't have had. Biden was found to have classified documents he shouldn't have had. The Attorney General appointed a Special Counsel to investigate Trump. The Attorney General appointed a Special Counsel to investigate Biden. Trump was indicted. Biden is not at the point yet as his investigation is still underway.

So where is the double standard?
the POTUS has the right to take an declassify docs ... senator Biden has been taking docs for decades ... how did senator Biden get classified docs from a secure location to his house , Penn, and China Town ? why is the man not being charged with illegally removing the docs in the first place ? because we have a 2 tiered justice dept ..
Ask Hillary Clinton. After all she raised that issue when she was running against Obama for the nomination.

Hillary didn't claim she had investigators in Hawaii looking into Obama's birth certificate.

Trump did.

Trump's promises of 'future evidence' have a dogshit record of accuracy. I'm still waiting for Trump to release what his 'investigators in Hawaii' found. And I'm still laughing at the 'kraken'. With even Trump's own lawyers admitting that no reasonable person would have taken their claims as fact.

As you starting to see why your ilk have a PERFECT record of failure in court?

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