President Trump threatens tariffs on the EU!

Trump threatens tariffs if the EU doesn't buckle to Monsanto? LOL


Trump threatens tariffs if the EU doesn't buckle to Monsanto? LOL


yeah its bad for trump to advocate and negotiate for our country. oh wait russia!!!!!!!!!!!!
The U.S. and Europe are at each other's throats. Putin's wet dream.

Congress isn't going to pass tariffs on a Trump whim Besides, I thought you alt-righties hated Monsanto?

Just one more way trump screws over Americans.

Why don't RWNJs like Odious STILL not know what a tariff is?

BUT, this is just more lies from trump.

luddy so which democrat are you suck off 24 7 since obama is gone?

oh we know what tarriffs are, other countries out them on.our goods, hence trump saying no mas in this shit.
bet he told Merkel "there may be tapes"

he really gets
to you guys

i love this man, he puts common sense back in the white house

he doesn't give a fuck what washington insiders think.

and he tweets sruff just to rile up you lefties and you fall for it everytime
Trump threatens tariffs if the EU doesn't buckle to Monsanto? LOL


yeah its bad for trump to advocate and negotiate for our country. oh wait russia!!!!!!!!!!!!
The U.S. and Europe are at each other's throats. Putin's wet dream.

Congress isn't going to pass tariffs on a Trump whim Besides, I thought you alt-righties hated Monsanto?

no we are not, we are now singing were not gonna take it anymore with europe

hey europe, pay fo yo shit
Trump threatens tariffs if the EU doesn't buckle to Monsanto? LOL


Any evidence that its MONSANTO meat? I don't eat GMO's either so....evidence please. I only eat chicken and ground turkey and non gmo and organic when possible...this goes BEYOND meat though...Germany has been a problem since President Trump started running for president.
Here's the plan libwits propose, just let other countries screw us over.

yep were all citizens of.the world....what a bunch of tools

Liberals are the biggest threat to our country. They side with illegals pouring across our borders, killing, raping, assaulting our citizens. They side with foreign countries who screw over the working class here in America.
If Trump slaps tariffs on Germany, the EU will slap tariffs on the US. American exporters will then pressure their Congressmen to assassinate Trump.

Domestic prices for foreign goods will rise.

This is how protectionist bullshit always goes. Trump and his Chumps have a lot to learn.

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