President Trump to Pelosi – White House Will Not Cooperate Until House Holds Vote on Impeachment

That says they issued the subpoena on Friday Lesh and company have claimed for 2 weeks that Trump was ignoring subpoenas and the actual issuing on Friday proves they never did issue one before. Further it states he has till the 19 to comply. Lets see if he takes this to court cause with out a vote on Impeachment he can cite executive Privilege.
That says they issued the subpoena on Friday Lesh and company have claimed for 2 weeks that Trump was ignoring subpoenas and the actual issuing on Friday proves they never did issue one before. Further it states he has till the 19 to comply. Lets see if he takes this to court cause with out a vote on Impeachment he can cite executive Privilege.

Besides, the House has yet to take a vote!
So... the White House says they will not cooperate until there is a vote on impeachment, just so they can say that there was a vote for impeachment without a proper investigation. Just how dumb is Trump and his lackeys?

White House, State Department, and other staff will be asked to testify, if they refuse they will receive a subpoena. If Trump tells them they are not allowed, he will then be openly committing obstruction and there will be no need for an investigation. End of story.

It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence to see the road map here.

That's probably why you're lost.

Pelosi didn't put it to a vote in the House, trying to protect her moderate dems. Nobody really knows whether she has the votes on her own to
get the impeachment.

You do understand that not one subpoena has been served during this makeshift inquiry...don't you? Lot of threatening letters but no subpoenas.
If she subpoenas right now, and it is not obeyed, they can tie it up in the courts for months.

Her moderates have already told her the case must be narrow. They can't be jumping all over the board. They will not support her on a wild goose
chase. If they have something viable to impeach on, then they will go along. If it is something that will be shot down in the Senate, they won't

The Dems cannot let this impeachment go into 2020. They cannot be seen as disenfranchising half the Country. Their nominee would be toast, out of

The Donald is running out their clock. They need to hold a vote very quickly and they need something that has a chance of getting pass the Senate.

If she doesn't schedule a vote real only means she doesn't have the votes to get it passed..

She didn't put it to a vote... because the inquiry isn't over yet. WTF is so hard for you people to understand?

It's a simple step by step process that has been outlined a few times here now. I doubt some of you people are smart enough to follow the steps to make Kool-aid if you fucking aren't trolling and really don't get it.

Pelosi HAS THE VOTES TO PASS AN IMPEACHMENT... but it does no fucking good to do so without properly drawing up an article or articles with the supporting evidence. to send to the Senate to hold hearings on.

I'm going to bed. You people are too dense to discuss this with.

In every prior impeachment...A vote was held of the entire house to begin an "Impeachment Inquiry." That gives the Minority Party the right to
subpoena their own witnesses for debate on the floor. The vote sets the rules of the Inquiry.

There is no requirement for any of this. There is no precedent for "witnesses for debate on the floor." An inquiry does not have preset "rules" that limit the inquiry. The orange whore will get his due at trial if Articles of Impeachment are voted forward by the House, but how can these Articles be drafted until a full investigation is completed? Tell him to get his shit together and respond properly to Congress so that it can fulfill its oversight function. He has consistently been trying to hide his doings throughout his time in office, so he has created suspicion. He must respond to Congress.

Not under these conditions. If he doesn't obey the subpoena it goes to the courts.
Other Officers' could mean a full vote in the House.


There's no indication that it means anything of the kind

Right now, we are so far away from an impeachment reaching the Senate, you might as well be posting from Neptune!
Tho', since you are already a proven purveyor of false facts, it is more likely that you are posting from Uranus!
Far away?

Thanksgiving is right around the corner moron.

You;'ll see an Impeachment vote right around then
So... the White House says they will not cooperate until there is a vote on impeachment, just so they can say that there was a vote for impeachment without a proper investigation. Just how dumb is Trump and his lackeys?

White House, State Department, and other staff will be asked to testify, if they refuse they will receive a subpoena. If Trump tells them they are not allowed, he will then be openly committing obstruction and there will be no need for an investigation. End of story.

It doesn't take a whole lot of intelligence to see the road map here.

That's probably why you're lost.

Pelosi didn't put it to a vote in the House, trying to protect her moderate dems. Nobody really knows whether she has the votes on her own to
get the impeachment.

You do understand that not one subpoena has been served during this makeshift inquiry...don't you? Lot of threatening letters but no subpoenas.
If she subpoenas right now, and it is not obeyed, they can tie it up in the courts for months.

Her moderates have already told her the case must be narrow. They can't be jumping all over the board. They will not support her on a wild goose
chase. If they have something viable to impeach on, then they will go along. If it is something that will be shot down in the Senate, they won't

The Dems cannot let this impeachment go into 2020. They cannot be seen as disenfranchising half the Country. Their nominee would be toast, out of

The Donald is running out their clock. They need to hold a vote very quickly and they need something that has a chance of getting pass the Senate.

If she doesn't schedule a vote real only means she doesn't have the votes to get it passed..

She didn't put it to a vote... because the inquiry isn't over yet. WTF is so hard for you people to understand?

It's a simple step by step process that has been outlined a few times here now. I doubt some of you people are smart enough to follow the steps to make Kool-aid if you fucking aren't trolling and really don't get it.

Pelosi HAS THE VOTES TO PASS AN IMPEACHMENT... but it does no fucking good to do so without properly drawing up an article or articles with the supporting evidence. to send to the Senate to hold hearings on.

I'm going to bed. You people are too dense to discuss this with.

In every prior impeachment...A vote was held of the entire house to begin an "Impeachment Inquiry." That gives the Minority Party the right to
subpoena their own witnesses for debate on the floor. The vote sets the rules of the Inquiry.
And this is why the Democrats won't hold such a vote - they want to be able to to what they want w/ the GOP being unable to do anything about it.

I'd go along with that.

This is not for removal this is for show. They have nothing on him. If they impeach for "Obstruction of Justice" it will last roughly two
days in the Senate before it is over.

Then he will run roughshod over them. They'll need 218 votes for an article of impeachment. There are 32 moderates in the House.
They will need 15 of them to vote for Impeachment. They'll lose those seats. Then the GOP will just have to win back 4 of the remaining
17 to recapture the House.

Once he recaptures the House, he won't have Paul Ryan standing in his way. They will have money to build a wall from the Pacific to
The Azores. The Immigration laws will be updated. Asylum laws will be changed. All the trade treaties will be signed. China and the
EU will be on their hands and knees begging for a decent deal before he cuts them all off from the American Market. That'll be in the first
6 months.

He has already defined Biden and Sanders and most of Warren. Now that she has been caught in another lie, about losing a job because
she was pregnant (she told that one for 10 years) she'll be defined. Along with her idiotic leftist plan.

Talk about a backlash...
There are already enough Dems committed to an Impeachment vote.

Trump WILL be impeached
Is 6-7 weeks soon enough for you?
Why wait? There is no reason now to Impeach and this close to a new election? All Politics. The House will go Republican in 2020 again and the Senate will stay republican. All because you MORONS could not accept a defeat in 2016.
Is 6-7 weeks soon enough for you?
Why wait? There is no reason now to Impeach and this close to a new election? All Politics. The House will go Republican in 2020 again and the Senate will stay republican. All because you MORONS could not accept a defeat in 2016.
Impeachment is a very serious thing don't you agree?

It should be done deliberately and carefully with all the T's crossed and I's dotted
Is 6-7 weeks soon enough for you?
Why wait? There is no reason now to Impeach and this close to a new election? All Politics. The House will go Republican in 2020 again and the Senate will stay republican. All because you MORONS could not accept a defeat in 2016.
Impeachment is a very serious thing don't you agree?

It should be done deliberately and carefully with all the T's crossed and I's dotted
Then explain why no Impeachment inquiry vote as was done for Nixon and Clinton? I will tell you why, because then the Republicans could subpoena witnesses too. And the dems DON'T want THAT to happen.
Unwillingess to cooperate is not obstruction.

When he obstructs...we'll let you know.

You guys apparently can't see it and haven't gotten it right yet.

Impeding a congressional investigation falls under obstruction of justice.

He didn't say he would impede. He said he would not cooperate.

Like most of the left, you don't have the I.Q. to understand the difference.

That is impeding a congressional investigation. The people that work in the executive branch are paid by taxpayers not Trump. Trump will cooperate or face obstruction of justice charges.

They only have to comply with official legal requests.

If the police show up at your door without a warrant and you let them are cooperating.

If they show up without a warrent and you say they can't come are not impeding.

If they show up with a warrant, and you still refuse to let them in, you are guilty of obstruction.

He said he would not COOPERATE.

Refusing a congressional subpoena is obstruction.

Is 6-7 weeks soon enough for you?
Why wait? There is no reason now to Impeach and this close to a new election? All Politics. The House will go Republican in 2020 again and the Senate will stay republican. All because you MORONS could not accept a defeat in 2016.
Impeachment is a very serious thing don't you agree?

It should be done deliberately and carefully with all the T's crossed and I's dotted
Then explain why no Impeachment inquiry vote as was done for Nixon and Clinton? I will tell you why, because then the Republicans could subpoena witnesses too. And the dems DON'T want THAT to happen.

They should open a proceeding of their own and start calling people.
Impeding a congressional investigation falls under obstruction of justice.

He didn't say he would impede. He said he would not cooperate.

Like most of the left, you don't have the I.Q. to understand the difference.

That is impeding a congressional investigation. The people that work in the executive branch are paid by taxpayers not Trump. Trump will cooperate or face obstruction of justice charges.
Wrong, Congress has no authority to investigate the President for Impeachment UNLESS they vote to impeach Trump as one of the Three branches of Government is Free to ignore them unless they vote.

Wrong. Tell me where in the Constitution where it says there has to be a vote to open a impeachment inquiry.
The WH can and will challenge Hysterical House Dem demands in court and the inability to show a judge the inquiry is anything more than an imperious act by the Speaker will prove to be a losing proposition. Are you in this to impeach or merely to provide another silly Dem political circus? Tell Pelosi to grow a pair.

A pair of what....lobes in her head. I would agree.
Is 6-7 weeks soon enough for you?
Why wait? There is no reason now to Impeach and this close to a new election? All Politics. The House will go Republican in 2020 again and the Senate will stay republican. All because you MORONS could not accept a defeat in 2016.
Impeachment is a very serious thing don't you agree?

It should be done deliberately and carefully with all the T's crossed and I's dotted
Then explain why no Impeachment inquiry vote as was done for Nixon and Clinton? I will tell you why, because then the Republicans could subpoena witnesses too. And the dems DON'T want THAT to happen.
Explain what? The House operates under its own rules. Not yours. Not Trumps
Is 6-7 weeks soon enough for you?
Why wait? There is no reason now to Impeach and this close to a new election? All Politics. The House will go Republican in 2020 again and the Senate will stay republican. All because you MORONS could not accept a defeat in 2016.
Impeachment is a very serious thing don't you agree?

It should be done deliberately and carefully with all the T's crossed and I's dotted
Then explain why no Impeachment inquiry vote as was done for Nixon and Clinton? I will tell you why, because then the Republicans could subpoena witnesses too. And the dems DON'T want THAT to happen.

They should open a proceeding of their own and start calling people.
They can do whatever they want (and have in the past)...when they have the majority
"There is nothing in the Constitution that requires a full House vote to launch an impeachment inquiry," Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky told Newsweek. "That has been done before, but it is not a constitutional requirement. President Trump is wrong in saying that it is not a legitimate impeachment inquiry without a floor vote."

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution states: "The House of Representatives shall [choose] their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."
Read you own damn link moron...

let me help you..

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution states: "The House of Representatives shall [choose] their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

It states THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SHALL not Nancy Piglosie.. Where has the House authorized an impeachment inquiry? The House has sole power.. not an individual...
Last edited:
"There is nothing in the Constitution that requires a full House vote to launch an impeachment inquiry," Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky told Newsweek. "That has been done before, but it is not a constitutional requirement. President Trump is wrong in saying that it is not a legitimate impeachment inquiry without a floor vote."

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution states: "The House of Representatives shall [choose] their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."
Read you own damn link moron...

let me help you..

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution states: "The House of Representatives shall [choose] their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

It states THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SHALL not Nancy Piglosie.. Where has the House authorized an impeachment inquiry?
I just found and shared a pertinent quote from an online Newsweek article. Why get angry with me?
"There is nothing in the Constitution that requires a full House vote to launch an impeachment inquiry," Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky told Newsweek. "That has been done before, but it is not a constitutional requirement. President Trump is wrong in saying that it is not a legitimate impeachment inquiry without a floor vote."

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution states: "The House of Representatives shall [choose] their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."
Read you own damn link moron...

let me help you..

Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution states: "The House of Representatives shall [choose] their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

It states THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SHALL not Nancy Piglosie.. Where has the House authorized an impeachment inquiry?
I just found and shared a pertinent quote from an online Newsweek article. Why get angry with me?
I'm not angry.. I'm trying to show you why they are wrong!

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