President Trump wants to cut energy assistance to the poor

“Poor” people just need to learn to manage their money and stop living above their means.

Another socialist advocating guaranteed income for everybody, I guess.

How else would there be a world where literally everyone has money to manage. Thing is, that's the same thing as an energy supplement, only without any qualifications to receive it.

If someone needs assistance in paying for a heating bill, they damn sure better not be wasting money on a monthly cable bill.

Works for me. :thup:
Pogo Dragonlady rightwinger
It is down right fascinating to watch the twisted minds of the FSA (Free Shit Army) hard at work. Thanks for the entertainment Loons...Much appreciated...hahaha
Urban Dictionary: F.S.A. (Free Shit Army)

Its called helping people who need help

It is part of being an American

Pogo Dragonlady
Look, while all you broke low-life bastards were fucking around ditching school, not trying in school, having babies, dropping out, drinking and smoking weed I was busting my ass playing football, wrestling, taking all honors courses and studying until 2-3am every night. And where were all you noble, giving mother fuckers when I had to pony up tuition for my high dollar degree and work two or three jobs to cover it. Go fuck yourselves and pave your own path...stop riding my back and others like me.
None of this makes any sense to you bottom feeding leeches does it?

Personally I never "ditched school", never "not tried", pulled all As and Bs, never had babies, never dropped out and to this day still don't drink. But it's not surprising you were a "wrestler" :gay: and clear that whatever these "honor" courses were they didn't involve any and certainly didn't teach you that you can't just make shit up because you wish it were the reality.

Is this the part where you claim to be an extremely high quality, wealthy positive "personally" don't need other people’s're just so fucking noble you'll fight to death to steal shit for "someone else".
Haha...makes perfect sense.
When I was stationed in Massachusetts in the Army, there were several people just on our block alone getting heating assistance even though they could afford to pay for their own heating. A couple of them viewed heating assistance as an income supplement to which they were entitled--they freely admitted that, yeah, they could pay for their own heating but that, shucks, they wouldn't have as much spending money if they did.

Its like anything else

Earnings based. If you have earnings below a certain level, you are entitled to assistance

Those folks made as much as or more than I did. The income verification was non-existent, at least as far as I could tell.

The Trump administration's point, and it's a valid one, is that this program is rife with fraud, partly because sympathetic bureaucrats refuse to enforce the qualification rules but just hand out stuff like candy.
Trump is welcome to check eligibility

But cutting off people's heat because of suspicion is unwarranted
When I was stationed in Massachusetts in the Army, there were several people just on our block alone getting heating assistance even though they could afford to pay for their own heating. A couple of them viewed heating assistance as an income supplement to which they were entitled--they freely admitted that, yeah, they could pay for their own heating but that, shucks, they wouldn't have as much spending money if they did.

Its like anything else

Earnings based. If you have earnings below a certain level, you are entitled to assistance

Those folks made as much as or more than I did. The income verification was non-existent, at least as far as I could tell.

The Trump administration's point, and it's a valid one, is that this program is rife with fraud, partly because sympathetic bureaucrats refuse to enforce the qualification rules but just hand out stuff like candy.
Trump is welcome to check eligibility

But cutting off people's heat because of suspicion is unwarranted

Why can't the county step in and help? How about the state? Usually, locally *funded* programs are much better administered because the money is much closer to home and so there's a natural incentive to be more careful about using it.

The point is that federal programs are typically rife with fraud and huge admin costs. Just because the federal government does not perform a function does not mean that the function does not get done.
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When I was stationed in Massachusetts in the Army, there were several people just on our block alone getting heating assistance even though they could afford to pay for their own heating. A couple of them viewed heating assistance as an income supplement to which they were entitled--they freely admitted that, yeah, they could pay for their own heating but that, shucks, they wouldn't have as much spending money if they did.

Its like anything else

Earnings based. If you have earnings below a certain level, you are entitled to assistance

Those folks made as much as or more than I did. The income verification was non-existent, at least as far as I could tell.

The Trump administration's point, and it's a valid one, is that this program is rife with fraud, partly because sympathetic bureaucrats refuse to enforce the qualification rules but just hand out stuff like candy.
Trump is welcome to check eligibility

But cutting off people's heat because of suspicion is unwarranted

Why can't the county step in and help? How about the state? Usually, locally *funded* programs are much better administered because the money is much closer to home and so there's a natural incentive to be more careful about using it.

The point is that federal programs are typically rife with fraud and huge admin costs. Just because the federal government does not perform a function does not mean that the function does not get done.

You’re missing the point.

The point is that the feds are shifting this TAX burden to the states to pay for their tax cuts to the wealthy. States now have to pay for this benefit out of their own budgets, which means they’ll have to increase YOUR taxes to pay for this. And you can’t even deduct the increase in taxes.

This is how governments pay for tax cuts to the wealthy. They give you a tax break and then cut transfers to states or municipalities, who then raise taxes to pay for them.

Trump brags about reducing spending and taxes, but transferring these costs to the states is really just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
The fed gov shouldnt be subsidizing energy.
I just wish you statist dumbfucks would amend the Constitution instead of shitting all over it.

Where's the Constitution mention "heat"? Hm?

Wanna see the part where it says it's there to "promote the general Welfare"?

Show us the historical documentation that says "promote the general welfare" means pay people's heating bills.

Explain to us why GOP policy is "Die fukers, die!"
The fed gov shouldnt be subsidizing energy.
I just wish you statist dumbfucks would amend the Constitution instead of shitting all over it.

Where's the Constitution mention "heat"? Hm?

Wanna see the part where it says it's there to "promote the general Welfare"?

Show us the historical documentation that says "promote the general welfare" means pay people's heating bills.

Explain to us why GOP policy is "Die fukers, die!"

Are you going to answer the question, troll king?
When I was stationed in Massachusetts in the Army, there were several people just on our block alone getting heating assistance even though they could afford to pay for their own heating. A couple of them viewed heating assistance as an income supplement to which they were entitled--they freely admitted that, yeah, they could pay for their own heating but that, shucks, they wouldn't have as much spending money if they did.

Its like anything else

Earnings based. If you have earnings below a certain level, you are entitled to assistance

Those folks made as much as or more than I did. The income verification was non-existent, at least as far as I could tell.

The Trump administration's point, and it's a valid one, is that this program is rife with fraud, partly because sympathetic bureaucrats refuse to enforce the qualification rules but just hand out stuff like candy.
Trump is welcome to check eligibility

But cutting off people's heat because of suspicion is unwarranted

Why can't the county step in and help? How about the state? Usually, locally *funded* programs are much better administered because the money is much closer to home and so there's a natural incentive to be more careful about using it.

The point is that federal programs are typically rife with fraud and huge admin costs. Just because the federal government does not perform a function does not mean that the function does not get done.

You’re missing the point.

The point is that the feds are shifting this TAX burden to the states to pay for their tax cuts to the wealthy. States now have to pay for this benefit out of their own budgets, which means they’ll have to increase YOUR taxes to pay for this. And you can’t even deduct the increase in taxes.

This is how governments pay for tax cuts to the wealthy. They give you a tax break and then cut transfers to states or municipalities, who then raise taxes to pay for them.

Trump brags about reducing spending and taxes, but transferring these costs to the states is really just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.
Think about what you're saying here.

1. The 'tax cuts for the wealthy' is a talking point. Everyone who pays taxes received a cut.

2. The States should be shouldering this burden and if the Feds are forcing them to deal with this, that is called an 'unfunded mandate'. Unfunded mandates should be;

a. Illegal. The Feds do not have the authority to require spending by the States and
b. Are the reasons we have such massive debt AND deficits.

The whole point of the thread is to reign in Federal Spending on social issues. It has no authority in the social sphere.
Trump wants to give it all the elite and fuck everyone else.

Let the poor die he and his upper class butt bodies scream!!!

Let them eat cake!!!
The fed gov shouldnt be subsidizing energy.
I just wish you statist dumbfucks would amend the Constitution instead of shitting all over it.

Where's the Constitution mention "heat"? Hm?

Wanna see the part where it says it's there to "promote the general Welfare"?

Show us the historical documentation that says "promote the general welfare" means pay people's heating bills.

Show us where a preamble to the Constitution requires going into that level of detail.

Or if it's easier, show us how ensuring that the poor, the infirm and the elderly don't freeze to death is not "promoting the general Welfare".

So nothing in the historical writings of the Constitution indicate in any way that promoting the general welfare means handing out freebies to people with other people's money.

Glad we cleared that up.

Nothing says you can't

It is up to the Congress elected by We the People
When I was stationed in Massachusetts in the Army, there were several people just on our block alone getting heating assistance even though they could afford to pay for their own heating. A couple of them viewed heating assistance as an income supplement to which they were entitled--they freely admitted that, yeah, they could pay for their own heating but that, shucks, they wouldn't have as much spending money if they did.

Its like anything else

Earnings based. If you have earnings below a certain level, you are entitled to assistance

Those folks made as much as or more than I did. The income verification was non-existent, at least as far as I could tell.

The Trump administration's point, and it's a valid one, is that this program is rife with fraud, partly because sympathetic bureaucrats refuse to enforce the qualification rules but just hand out stuff like candy.
Trump is welcome to check eligibility

But cutting off people's heat because of suspicion is unwarranted

Why can't the county step in and help? How about the state? Usually, locally *funded* programs are much better administered because the money is much closer to home and so there's a natural incentive to be more careful about using it.

The point is that federal programs are typically rife with fraud and huge admin costs. Just because the federal government does not perform a function does not mean that the function does not get done.

What makes you think State and Local programs are not rife with fraud

They tend to be worse.....especially local programs
The fed gov shouldnt be subsidizing energy.
I just wish you statist dumbfucks would amend the Constitution instead of shitting all over it.

Where's the Constitution mention "heat"? Hm?

Wanna see the part where it says it's there to "promote the general Welfare"?
So, the constitution says it will "promote" general welfare, not "provide" general welfare.

Promote, meaning, make conditions favorable, or conducive to general welfare.

It doesn't matter, the phrase "general welfare" is found in the preamble which does NOT in and of itself grant ANY authority to the federal government. All the preamble does is serve as an introduction (summary) of the intent of the authority explicitly granted to the federal government by the CONTENTS of the constitution.

In other words the preamble states that all the details contained within the Constitution are supposed to allow the federal government to serve those general ends.

Of course that doesn't stop the gub'mint worshippers from trying to imply that the federal government basically has unlimited authority to do whatever it wants as long as whatever it's doing can be mangled and shoehorned into something found in the preamble.
I think you and I are on the same side of this argument....i think..

Sounds like it, I was just expanding on your point regarding "general welfare". ;)
So nothing in the historical writings of the Constitution indicate in any way that promoting the general welfare means handing out freebies to people with other people's money.

Glad we cleared that up.

Nothing says you can't

It is up to the Congress elected by We the People

No, that's not exactly how it works because you see, tard, if that were the case there would be no point to having a Constitution in the first place.
So nothing in the historical writings of the Constitution indicate in any way that promoting the general welfare means handing out freebies to people with other people's money.

Glad we cleared that up.

Nothing says you can't

It is up to the Congress elected by We the People

No, that's not exactly how it works because you see, tard, if that were the case there would be no point to having a Constitution in the first place.

That doesn't make a lick of sense.

The Constitution sets up how the government is constituted. That includes Congress who make the laws. Meanwhile it delineates what those laws may be confined to. Nothing in those confinements prevents the government from facilitating energy assistance, or from building national highways, or from instituting an FAA.

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