President Trump wants to cut energy assistance to the poor

The administration claims the program is "rife with fraud" but a spokesperson for the people who get the money claims it isn't. How on earth could the federal government keep tabs on grants to companies who allegedly compensate their customers? Of course the program is open to fraud but the FBI is too busy chasing political enemies to investigate. The Trump administration is working on a replacement for the plan but of course the "editorial" doesn't include that information. This is part of cleaning the freaking swamp but the hypocrite left that used to hate "corporate welfare" and the gas and oil industry is now defending corporations and big energy as long as they think they can score a few points against the Trump administration which they hate more than corporations or big energy.

LiHEAP doesn't go to corporations. It pays bills on behalf of consumers. The energy company derives no benefit therefrom, other than having some billings paid for that otherwise would have gone into arrears for lack of ability of the consumer to pay them.

Further, if the Rump Administration is "working on a replacement", number one -- link? Number two, forgive us if we don't have a whoooooole lotta confidence in an assistance pogrom --- sorry, program --- put together by an elitist asshole who has zero experience with any kind of 'assistance', and number three, you don't start chipping away at the existing program BEFORE you have a new one ready. Even if such "replacement" actually did exist and wasn't something you just made up on a message board thinking that nobody would call you on it.

Like all things Trump

He refuses to provide details on his replacement before he repeals an existing program

Trust me
Doesn't mean I have to either!
I am free to choose.
When I was stationed in Massachusetts in the Army, there were several people just on our block alone getting heating assistance even though they could afford to pay for their own heating. A couple of them viewed heating assistance as an income supplement to which they were entitled--they freely admitted that, yeah, they could pay for their own heating but that, shucks, they wouldn't have as much spending money if they did.

Its like anything else

Earnings based. If you have earnings below a certain level, you are entitled to assistance

Those folks made as much as or more than I did. The income verification was non-existent, at least as far as I could tell.

The Trump administration's point, and it's a valid one, is that this program is rife with fraud, partly because sympathetic bureaucrats refuse to enforce the qualification rules but just hand out stuff like candy.
You Loons are noble as fuck with when armed with my checkbook aren’t you? “Give them free shit or you’ll kill them” haha
What is it that you hate about extending FREEDOM to people?
The freedom to control their own destiny. Sometimes their destiny leads them to death. Do you hate the idea of having the freedom to control your own destiny through your own choices?
Let me want the freedom to choose right up until that point where you’ve made the wrong choice and THEN you want taxpayer I right?
(we’ve probably reached that point where you’ll want to pretend you didn’t see this post...I’ll understand)

Do you really want to live in a nation where old ladies, crippled people and pregnant women freeze to death in the winter? In a nation that spends hundreds of billions to keep it's war machine well oiled in case it needs to bomb some afghan goat herders? C'mon.
I want to live in a nation where people take responsibility for themselves and don't burden others. Not really a hard ask.

Good luck living on that island by yourself. You better hope and pray never have a crop failure, an illness or an accident or you’re screwed.

The whole point of “community” is to support our friends and neighbours through difficult times.
Do you know the difference between an emergency and long-term (essentially dependence) programs designed to keep people dependent on government?

In a disaster, people help each other and the government lends aid. These people are EXPECTED to return to self-sufficiency.

When people are on government assistance for decades, it isn't a neighbor helping a neighbor. If it is the federal government, they are exceeding their authority by spending money they have no authority to spend.

As for that Island. I will always stand with the truth, regardless of how unpopular.
When I was stationed in Massachusetts in the Army, there were several people just on our block alone getting heating assistance even though they could afford to pay for their own heating. A couple of them viewed heating assistance as an income supplement to which they were entitled--they freely admitted that, yeah, they could pay for their own heating but that, shucks, they wouldn't have as much spending money if they did.

Its like anything else

Earnings based. If you have earnings below a certain level, you are entitled to assistance

Those folks made as much as or more than I did. The income verification was non-existent, at least as far as I could tell.

The Trump administration's point, and it's a valid one, is that this program is rife with fraud, partly because sympathetic bureaucrats refuse to enforce the qualification rules but just hand out stuff like candy.
you mean they want accountability? see what a businessman over a politician will do?
Actually it provides the assistance to the states themselves, who then distribute it to their populace.

Y'all bring a weak game today. :gay:
Did you seriously just go there? :rofl:

I was tempted to add a pic of Tom Brady sitting on his ass wondering what just happened.
If its a state issue, that would mean funding should be coming from the STATE. Them being "distributors" is a ridiculous argument.

That's literally how it works though. You could look it up.
The various states get funding, and each state then administers it to their populace. Ain't rocket sugery.
why don't you fund them, you think they need it?

Christian Charities programs use to help until you leftists shit on the christians. Now you're bitching cause we don't want to support them from a loss position. dude, send them the money.

Christian charities are mostly about helping their own parishioners, and they’re hit and miss. Most of the money donated to churches goes to pay the operating costs for churches. That’s an economic reality.
Pogo Dragonlady rightwinger
It is down right fascinating to watch the twisted minds of the FSA (Free Shit Army) hard at work. Thanks for the entertainment Loons...Much appreciated...hahaha
Urban Dictionary: F.S.A. (Free Shit Army)

Its called helping people who need help

It is part of being an American

Pogo Dragonlady
Look, while all you broke low-life bastards were fucking around ditching school, not trying in school, having babies, dropping out, drinking and smoking weed I was busting my ass playing football, wrestling, taking all honors courses and studying until 2-3am every night. And where were all you noble, giving mother fuckers when I had to pony up tuition for my high dollar degree and work two or three jobs to cover it. Go fuck yourselves and pave your own path...stop riding my back and others like me.
None of this makes any sense to you bottom feeding leeches does it?

Personally I never "ditched school", never "not tried", pulled all As and Bs, never had babies, never dropped out and to this day still don't drink. But it's not surprising you were a "wrestler" :gay: and clear that whatever these "honor" courses were they didn't involve any and certainly didn't teach you that you can't just make shit up because you wish it were the reality.
The fed gov shouldnt be subsidizing energy.
I just wish you statist dumbfucks would amend the Constitution instead of shitting all over it.

Let’s let the elderly, who have worked and paid taxes all of their lives, contributed to their communities and their country, freeze in the dark shall we?
No one has said that. This is why it is impossible to have a conversation with anyone on the left.

Tell Me, why doesn't a red flag go off in your head when you hear that people cannot survive without the help of government?

Absolutely not. But then I live in a country which provides assistance with my heating/cooling bills too.

When such programs are in place and they’re available to all low income seniors who qualify on the basis of income, the contribute to the general welfare of older citizens.

You need to keep the thought that you don't live in this country first and foremost in your thoughts. Maybe it will stop some of the stupidity in your future posts.
Did you seriously just go there? :rofl:

I was tempted to add a pic of Tom Brady sitting on his ass wondering what just happened.
If its a state issue, that would mean funding should be coming from the STATE. Them being "distributors" is a ridiculous argument.

That's literally how it works though. You could look it up.
The various states get funding, and each state then administers it to their populace. Ain't rocket sugery.
why don't you fund them, you think they need it?

Christian Charities programs use to help until you leftists shit on the christians. Now you're bitching cause we don't want to support them from a loss position. dude, send them the money.

Christian charities are mostly about helping their own parishioners, and they’re hit and miss. Most of the money donated to churches goes to pay the operating costs for churches. That’s an economic reality.

Maybe in YOUR church! Oh, I forgot! As a liberal, you are a God-less heathen.
The fed gov shouldnt be subsidizing energy.
I just wish you statist dumbfucks would amend the Constitution instead of shitting all over it.

Where's the Constitution mention "heat"? Hm?

Wanna see the part where it says it's there to "promote the general Welfare"?

Show us the historical documentation that says "promote the general welfare" means pay people's heating bills.

Show us where a preamble to the Constitution requires going into that level of detail.

Or if it's easier, show us how ensuring that the poor, the infirm and the elderly don't freeze to death is not "promoting the general Welfare".
When I was stationed in Massachusetts in the Army, there were several people just on our block alone getting heating assistance even though they could afford to pay for their own heating. A couple of them viewed heating assistance as an income supplement to which they were entitled--they freely admitted that, yeah, they could pay for their own heating but that, shucks, they wouldn't have as much spending money if they did.

Eh --- food is overrated anyway.
He isn't trying to kill the poor ya bunch of limey's - just replace it with more efficient state ran programs.

No what he’s doing is cancelling federal programs to pay for his tax cuts for the wealthy. Transferring this program to the states means that the states will have to raise their taxes to pay for this program.

Instead of one federal department to deal with the program, each state will have to set up their own management office. Instead of one federal department to deal with this program there will be 51 state offices, thereby increasing the size of government and the costs of the various programs. State taxes will rise to pay for it all.

This is just one of the hundreds of program cuts Trump is prepared to make to give tax cuts to billionaires, and make the poor and the middle class pay for them.

The already have them in each state.
How do you think it gets from Fed. to each state to distribute?
It's the States that will manage them rather than the Feds.
Local always knows how to deal with local better rather than the Feds.

Again -- this is like the fourth time now --- the states already manage it.

>> LIHEAP is a block grant, which means that state and tribal grantees may, within statutory parameters, operate their programs as they see fit, based on their budgets, administrative and program delivery structures, client demographics, and other factors. As a result, the variations in state program practices are nearly endless. Below are quick descriptions of what you can find in the menu at the right. << ---LIHEAP Clearinghouse

I looked into my own state. It ran out of funding in January. Probably the coldest January on record, at least around here.
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He isn't trying to kill the poor ya bunch of limey's - just replace it with more efficient state ran programs.

No what he’s doing is cancelling federal programs to pay for his tax cuts for the wealthy. Transferring this program to the states means that the states will have to raise their taxes to pay for this program.

Instead of one federal department to deal with the program, each state will have to set up their own management office. Instead of one federal department to deal with this program there will be 51 state offices, thereby increasing the size of government and the costs of the various programs. State taxes will rise to pay for it all.

This is just one of the hundreds of program cuts Trump is prepared to make to give tax cuts to billionaires, and make the poor and the middle class pay for them.

The already have them in each state.
How do you think it gets from Fed. to each state to distribute?
It's the States that will manage them rather than the Feds.
Local always knows how to deal with local better rather than the Feds.

Again -- this is like the fourth time now --- the states already manage it.

I looked into my own state. It ran out of funding in January. Probably the coldest January on record, at least around here.

Holy shit..... what is it about you people that you can't put 2 and 2 together????
It is NOT managed well that IS the point.
Since the federal dollars are given without strings attached, local officials have no incentive to oversee and properly check for fraud and waste.
That is the POINT.
Trump wants to remove the federal funding, and you can bet your boots that local officials will do more to stop the rampant fraud when it is their own damn money!!
Holy cow.
The fed gov shouldnt be subsidizing energy.
I just wish you statist dumbfucks would amend the Constitution instead of shitting all over it.
It's Life, Liberty and THE PURSUIT of happiness.
Nowhere does the Constitution Guarantee happiness.
Sacred Cow Written by Lawyers for the 1%

That was written by Thomas Jefferson, who was purposely prevented from attending the Constitutional Convention.

Purposely prevented? The conspiracy theory thread is elsewhere.

Jefferson was in France a full 5 years before the Constitution was written.
He isn't trying to kill the poor ya bunch of limey's - just replace it with more efficient state ran programs.

No what he’s doing is cancelling federal programs to pay for his tax cuts for the wealthy. Transferring this program to the states means that the states will have to raise their taxes to pay for this program.

Instead of one federal department to deal with the program, each state will have to set up their own management office. Instead of one federal department to deal with this program there will be 51 state offices, thereby increasing the size of government and the costs of the various programs. State taxes will rise to pay for it all.

This is just one of the hundreds of program cuts Trump is prepared to make to give tax cuts to billionaires, and make the poor and the middle class pay for them.

The already have them in each state.
How do you think it gets from Fed. to each state to distribute?
It's the States that will manage them rather than the Feds.
Local always knows how to deal with local better rather than the Feds.

Again -- this is like the fourth time now --- the states already manage it.

I looked into my own state. It ran out of funding in January. Probably the coldest January on record, at least around here.

Holy shit..... what is it about you people that you can't put 2 and 2 together????
It is NOT managed well that IS the point.
Since the federal dollars are given without strings attached, local officials have no incentive to oversee and properly check for fraud and waste.
That is the POINT.
Trump wants to remove the federal funding, and you can bet your boots that local officials will do more to stop the rampant fraud when it is their own damn money!!
Holy cow.

Where's the link, without strings attached?
What laws have been dropped?
The fed gov shouldnt be subsidizing energy.
I just wish you statist dumbfucks would amend the Constitution instead of shitting all over it.

Where's the Constitution mention "heat"? Hm?

Wanna see the part where it says it's there to "promote the general Welfare"?

Show us the historical documentation that says "promote the general welfare" means pay people's heating bills.

Show us where a preamble to the Constitution requires going into that level of detail.

Or if it's easier, show us how ensuring that the poor, the infirm and the elderly don't freeze to death is not "promoting the general Welfare".
so you can't. way to answer a question with a deflect question that is stupid.
He isn't trying to kill the poor ya bunch of limey's - just replace it with more efficient state ran programs.

No what he’s doing is cancelling federal programs to pay for his tax cuts for the wealthy. Transferring this program to the states means that the states will have to raise their taxes to pay for this program.

Instead of one federal department to deal with the program, each state will have to set up their own management office. Instead of one federal department to deal with this program there will be 51 state offices, thereby increasing the size of government and the costs of the various programs. State taxes will rise to pay for it all.

This is just one of the hundreds of program cuts Trump is prepared to make to give tax cuts to billionaires, and make the poor and the middle class pay for them.

The already have them in each state.
How do you think it gets from Fed. to each state to distribute?
It's the States that will manage them rather than the Feds.
Local always knows how to deal with local better rather than the Feds.

Again -- this is like the fourth time now --- the states already manage it.

>> LIHEAP is a block grant, which means that state and tribal grantees may, within statutory parameters, operate their programs as they see fit, based on their budgets, administrative and program delivery structures, client demographics, and other factors. As a result, the variations in state program practices are nearly endless. Below are quick descriptions of what you can find in the menu at the right. << ---LIHEAP Clearinghouse

I looked into my own state. It ran out of funding in January. Probably the coldest January on record, at least around here.
perhaps promote jobs and get the people out of welfare. I'm just saying.
The fed gov shouldnt be subsidizing energy.
I just wish you statist dumbfucks would amend the Constitution instead of shitting all over it.

Where's the Constitution mention "heat"? Hm?

Wanna see the part where it says it's there to "promote the general Welfare"?

Show us the historical documentation that says "promote the general welfare" means pay people's heating bills.

Show us where a preamble to the Constitution requires going into that level of detail.

Or if it's easier, show us how ensuring that the poor, the infirm and the elderly don't freeze to death is not "promoting the general Welfare".

So nothing in the historical writings of the Constitution indicate in any way that promoting the general welfare means handing out freebies to people with other people's money.

Glad we cleared that up.
The fed gov shouldnt be subsidizing energy.
I just wish you statist dumbfucks would amend the Constitution instead of shitting all over it.

Where's the Constitution mention "heat"? Hm?

Wanna see the part where it says it's there to "promote the general Welfare"?

Show us the historical documentation that says "promote the general welfare" means pay people's heating bills.

Show us where a preamble to the Constitution requires going into that level of detail.

Or if it's easier, show us how ensuring that the poor, the infirm and the elderly don't freeze to death is not "promoting the general Welfare".

So nothing in the historical writings of the Constitution indicate in any way that promoting the general welfare means handing out freebies to people with other people's money.

Glad we cleared that up.

So you can't answer either question.

I knew that before I posed them.

Nothing in the Constitution indicates anything at all about how anything should be done. It delineates the structure of those bodies whose ongoing role is to decide that. And this one exists because those bodies executed that role. Simple as that.

The Constitution doesn't mention frickin' aviation either. That doesn't mean we can't have an FAA to keep planes from flying into each other.
The fed gov shouldnt be subsidizing energy.
I just wish you statist dumbfucks would amend the Constitution instead of shitting all over it.

Where's the Constitution mention "heat"? Hm?

Wanna see the part where it says it's there to "promote the general Welfare"?

Show us the historical documentation that says "promote the general welfare" means pay people's heating bills.

Show us where a preamble to the Constitution requires going into that level of detail.

Or if it's easier, show us how ensuring that the poor, the infirm and the elderly don't freeze to death is not "promoting the general Welfare".

So nothing in the historical writings of the Constitution indicate in any way that promoting the general welfare means handing out freebies to people with other people's money.

Glad we cleared that up.

So you can't answer either question.

I knew that before I posed them.

It was me who asked the question that you did not answer, but you already know that.

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