President Trump warns freedom caucus he will make obamacare deal with democrats

If it is a bi-partisan deal that protects health care for our poor and elderly, I am for it.
I oppose moving in this direction.
I dunno...not real fond of it BUT I do wonder what he can come up with the democrats. When it comes to healthcare I am in favor of universal healthcare but know it won't happen. I am curious what he can produce with democrats that THEY and most republicans will back.
Now the liberal Republican can brag that he worked with Democrats as tards pretend that they elected a conservative.

God, 2016 was hilarious. :lol:

I don't care with whom Trump partners to produce a health insurance plan/law that is better than O-care. So long as what he comes out with meets the following basic criteria:
  • Reasonable coverage for everyone
  • Budget deficit reducing features maintained
Democrats won't cooperate with him no matter what.

This just lets the Freedom Caucus off the hook.

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