President Trump: “We are at the brink of World War 3 in Ukraine. And we need a peace deal right now. I would have a peace deal within 24hrs"


You idiot, Trump himself said he left Biden no choice but to pull the remaining troops...

"I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn't stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don't we think? 21 years. [The Biden admin] couldn't stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop." ~ Donald Trump, 6.26.2021
Trump did not agree with Biden pulling all the US troops while Americans were still there (and friendly Afghans). Pulling all th troops is one thing ; pulling them with Americans still there, is another.
Trump did not agree with Biden pulling all the US troops while Americans were still there (and friendly Afghans). Pulling all th troops is one thing ; pulling them with Americans still there, is another.

Americans had a year and a half to get out.
Yes, I'm sure.

"I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn't stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don't we think? 21 years. [The Biden admin] couldn't stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop." ~ Donald Trump, 6.26.2021
Not questioning Trumps statement - the issue to me was, could Biden have reversed the process?
IMO yes he could have - that the USA and it's Partners had gotten disillusioned (sick and tired) with their engagement in Afghanistan is understood.
Not questioning Trumps statement - the issue to me was, could Biden have reversed the process?
IMO yes he could have - that the USA and it's Partners had gotten disillusioned (sick and tired) with their engagement in Afghanistan is understood.

He would have had to redeploy troops to Afghanistan.
the issue to me was, could Biden have reversed the process?
IMO yes he could have
Well we have the strongest military in the world. So there is no doubt our military could have rolled back all the Taliban gains since Feb 29th 2020. But it really was more than that as you said and as the Generals testified too.

"At the peak in 2011, we had 97,000 US troops alongside 41,000 NATO troops in Afghanistan. 10 years later when Ambassador Khalilzad signed the Doha agreement with Mullah Baradar on 29, February, 2020, United States at 12,600 US troops with 8,000 NATO and 10,500 contractors. This has been a 10 year multi administration draw down, not a 19 month or 19 day NEO. Under the Doha agreement, the US would begin to withdraw its forces contingent upon Taliban meeting certain conditions, which would lead to a political agreement between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan."
Well we have the strongest military in the world. So there is no doubt our military could have rolled back all the Taliban gains since Feb 29th 2020. But it really was more than that as you said and as the Generals testified too.

"At the peak in 2011, we had 97,000 US troops alongside 41,000 NATO troops in Afghanistan. 10 years later when Ambassador Khalilzad signed the Doha agreement with Mullah Baradar on 29, February, 2020, United States at 12,600 US troops with 8,000 NATO and 10,500 contractors. This has been a 10 year multi administration draw down, not a 19 month or 19 day NEO. Under the Doha agreement, the US would begin to withdraw its forces contingent upon Taliban meeting certain conditions, which would lead to a political agreement between the Taliban and the government of Afghanistan."
I agree as to what you stated.
Just found the discussions as who to blame (Trump or Biden) as being kind of absurd.
It is a fact that Trump unilaterally (without discussing or involving) the other ISAF members agreed with the Taliban about a US troop withdrawal.
Only after Biden came into office the USA discussed it with the other ISAF/NATO members - who were certainly in favor to abandon that mission.

In February 2020, the United States and the Taliban signed an agreement on the withdrawal of international forces from Afghanistan by May 2021. In April 2021, NATO Foreign and Defence ministers decided to withdraw all Allied troops from Afghanistan within a few months.

In summer 2021, following the collapse of the Afghan government and the Afghan National Defence and Security Forces, NATO focused on ensuring the safe departure of personnel from Allied and partner countries, and NATO-affiliated Afghans. In August 2021, more than 120,000 people were evacuated in the Allied airlift from Kabul airport as part of the coalition effort – including around 2,000 Afghans working for NATO, and their families.
He could get it done because the current usurper isn't doing a damn think to broker a peaceful deal. Hell, he's escalated everything.

typical macho advertising the words of another more famous macho.

it would be adorable if it wasn't so filled with blatant lies.

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