President Trump's speech at Naval Academy sends liberals shrieking in horror!

"And our country has regained the respect that we used to have long ago abroad. Yes, they are respecting us again. Yes, America is back."

U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership


Propaganda only Trumphlake's can believe.

It is clear the "Trumphlake's" hate America, hate those aspects of our Constitution which apply to the Rights of others, and support only those which are to their benefit, and reject the same benefits to those who are not WASP's & conservative; plus they reject the principles of our Founding Father's vision, left us in the Preamble to our Constitution.
You believe only two alumni of the Naval Academy hold this opinion? Methinks not, these two Vets characterized trump correctly, those who defend him and his behavior are in denial and déclassé.

Dude, leave

A brilliant post, a substantive order and one of the most enlightened comments ever to come from a keyboard of jc456. And of course a failure since here I am.

there's always an option for you.

Why would I decide to leave? The posts by you and so many other's I consider fools, and the movement of 21st century conservatives (callous and lacking empathy, hypocrites, liars and hateful) need to be challenged by people like me.

You are typical of the set that tries to repudiate any effort to right the course, set by Trump&Co. and sure to create a dystopian existence for the hoi polloi; We try to reach people like you whose future is dim and that of any children you might have is dimmer, as our future continues to be in the hands of an Oligarchy of Plutocrats who make the laws and enforce them.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)

Quoted was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

Try to think JC, and consider his words as they apply to liberals, labor unions, the press, immigrants, gays and lesbians, RINO's, minorities and Democrats.

I don't tell you how to live. I don't think myself above you. I'm for all americans doing well in life. If they need help, we help, but we expect the person to work to be self sufficient with the help. I don't need your help nor do I care to ask for it. I pay my expected taxes and I vote. why do you wish to change who I am? why do you wish to change anyone? I also don't have to insult others to make a point. This response in itself will tell everyone who you really are.

"The posts by you and so many other's I consider fools, and the movement of 21st century conservatives (callous and lacking empathy, hypocrites, liars and hateful) need to be challenged by people like me."

Why me, 'cause I am a patriot. I don't wear a flag pin on my lapel, and like a good umpire what I see I make judgments upon. Why do I have that Right, because this is a public message board, and within the rules I express myself honestly and with conviction.

And, I am convinced Trump is moving in the direction of destroying America; harming citizens, alienating our allies and ruling by fiat and not law.
Dude, leave

A brilliant post, a substantive order and one of the most enlightened comments ever to come from a keyboard of jc456. And of course a failure since here I am.

there's always an option for you.

Why would I decide to leave? The posts by you and so many other's I consider fools, and the movement of 21st century conservatives (callous and lacking empathy, hypocrites, liars and hateful) need to be challenged by people like me.

You are typical of the set that tries to repudiate any effort to right the course, set by Trump&Co. and sure to create a dystopian existence for the hoi polloi; We try to reach people like you whose future is dim and that of any children you might have is dimmer, as our future continues to be in the hands of an Oligarchy of Plutocrats who make the laws and enforce them.

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)

Quoted was a prominent Protestant pastor who emerged as an outspoken public foe of Adolf Hitler and spent the last seven years of Nazi rule in concentration camps.

Try to think JC, and consider his words as they apply to liberals, labor unions, the press, immigrants, gays and lesbians, RINO's, minorities and Democrats.

I don't tell you how to live. I don't think myself above you. I'm for all americans doing well in life. If they need help, we help, but we expect the person to work to be self sufficient with the help. I don't need your help nor do I care to ask for it. I pay my expected taxes and I vote. why do you wish to change who I am? why do you wish to change anyone? I also don't have to insult others to make a point. This response in itself will tell everyone who you really are.

"The posts by you and so many other's I consider fools, and the movement of 21st century conservatives (callous and lacking empathy, hypocrites, liars and hateful) need to be challenged by people like me."

Why me, 'cause I am a patriot. I don't wear a flag pin on my lapel, and like a good umpire what I see I make judgments upon. Why do I have that Right, because this is a public message board, and within the rules I express myself honestly and with conviction.

And, I am convinced Trump is moving in the direction of destroying America; harming citizens, alienating our allies and ruling by fiat and not law.
so if I'm not you I automatically become a fool? ain't you sweet. see you judge people not me. I don't care, you can be a judging ass your entire life I couldn't care less. Don't include me in your junk that's all. I'm not you. Don't wish to be like you. you're acting out as if you're owed something to which you're not. no one is. blah, blah, blah is all you got. You never actually help anyone. you merely discuss about them like you care, but you do absolutely nothing.
course , i think that we are headed to zhithole status but the TRUMP seems to be a respite , i think and hope Buckeye .
"And our country has regained the respect that we used to have long ago abroad. Yes, they are respecting us again. Yes, America is back."

U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership


Propaganda only Trumphlake's can believe.

It is clear the "Trumphlake's" hate America, hate those aspects of our Constitution which apply to the Rights of others, and support only those which are to their benefit, and reject the same benefits to those who are not WASP's & conservative; plus they reject the principles of our Founding Father's vision, left us in the Preamble to our Constitution.
WRong cum catcher.
Lets look at the major ones
  1. The first amendment: (You really hate the amendment)
  2. Free Speech-You guys have the speech codes, protest Presidential rallies and people speaking at campuses, ban books you dont like, and want to fire anyone that says words you don't like
  3. Freedom to assemble---Again you guys try and shut down political rallies and speakers at colleges
  4. Freedom of Religion-----LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL..........I don't think I have to say why this is hilarious
  5. The Second Amendment: (OMG You hate this one more than anything)
  6. you guys ignore it or wish it were repealed.
  7. The fourth Amendment:
  8. For you this applies only in certain situations
  9. The 10th Amendment:
  10. Unless its dope of DRs killing people, you are not in favor of it.

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