Presidential judgment and self inflicted wounds.

The man needs to realize his response to every single critique is both unnecessary and unwise.
That is absolutely true. However, Trump's conduct, ethics and moral compass are beyond the point of correction and redemption. He has to go much sooner than later if this Nation is to ever return to that, "...shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere."
Talk nice and bribe every nation on Earth to behave.
That is absolutely true. However, Trump's conduct, ethics and moral compass are beyond the point of correction and redemption. He has to go much sooner than later if this Nation is to ever return to that, "...shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere."

The thing about dimocrap scum is, they're a surgeon's dream. You can't tell if they're talking out of their asses or their mouths because they're interchangeable.

You know who needs to leave? You, bitch. You need to leave.

You don't like who The People of the United States of America selected as President because you don't like the people who selected him.

Just that goddamned simple.

You think you're so much smarter, so much more urbane, so cool, so well educated when the truth is, you're just another monkey chattering gibberish in a tree.

Go signify somewhere else, bitch. And take your friends with you.

You think you're so important, that you have such entitlement..... You don't.

After our War of Independence, we removed many, many of the Tories who either worked against us or stood in our way. You, and scum like you, are of the same, exact bent.

This IS our Country. Not yours.

That is what totally dismays Americans, there are certain things we should all care about, regardless of party. National security, the dignity of office....dare I say it....good manners and adult behavior? Like I said elsewhere, despite being a leftist, maybe I'm just old school about some things.

Wish I could say I am surprised you are dismayed, Coyote... You question the dignity of office? I know I don't have to mention what happened 20+ years ago in the Oval? There is a Blue dress in the Museum of Oral History to jog you're memory if your selective memory has failed you... Like I said elsewhere, ole Slick willie carved up a whole ton of dignity for himself and the Democratic Party, maybe I am just old school about some things...

It's just sex...
It is his private life...
She is a consenting 19 yr old intern...

That's dignity...
Coyote... You question the dignity of office? I know I don't have to mention what happened 20+ years ago in the Oval? There is a Blue dress in the Museum of Oral History to jog you're memory if your selective memory has failed you... Like I said elsewhere, ole Slick willie carved up a whole ton of dignity for himself and the Democratic Party, maybe I am just old school about some things...

It's just sex...
It is his private life...
She is a consenting 19 yr old intern...

That's dignity...

Let us also note that the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media had full knowledge of the event and chose to ignore it.

Some guy named 'Drudge' picked up on it and became relatively well-known, IIRC
As stated numerous times; Trump and his supporters have a slogan:

“Fuck Justice; we want revenge.”

Revenge against whom? Any enemy he dubs worthy will be attacked….

Rand Paul
Angela Merkel
Theresa May
The Pope
The New York Times
The Washington Post
Jim Acosta
Lebron James
Colin Kaeprinick
Steve Bannon
Mitt Romney
Princes Freebus
Michael Cohen
Stormy Daniels
Her sleaze bag lawyer

I’m sure I’ve left off dozens and dozens of enemies du jour.

I would wager that a good percentage (if not a majority) of Trump supporters likely would not recognize half of the people they are told to hate. For example…any who have a conventional cable hook up support CNN and MSNBC via their cable bill; even if they don’t watch the networks.
I recognize all of them and almost all of them are self-serving scum.

Takes one to know one I suppose.
And most sane folks would call Trump self-serving scum given his 72 years of serving himself and acting like…scum.
Seems many want to make this about Lebron or Clinton rather than grasping my point.

This isn't some big leftist conspiracy to marginalize Trump. It is me, a rightwinger, saying Trump is being an idiot and helping to create his own hurdles. Every president should strive to expand their base and influence not stunt it's possible growth with personal insults aimed at individual citizens.
You can point at others all you want but only one man is responsible for hitting the ENTER button when he goes on these ridiculous immature rants. That is the kind of juvenile rants I expect to see on here, including some of mine, not from the oval office.
How about what Barry Soetoro did to the "dignity" of the office? Commiecrats seem to believe history began in January, 2017 and choose to ignore what that fool pulled:

Born in Kenya...everybody knows it, "racist" to admit it.
BOWED to foreign leaders.....Washington/Jefferson still rolling in their graves about it.
Beer to the ghetto that white cops are fair game.
Border Wall abandoned, Border Patrol ordered to "catch and release".
Fast & Furious....Sinaloa cartel gets military-grade weapons, cover-up lets them operate in the SW with immunity.
IRS targeting of Tea Party.....Lerner pleads 5th, Barry claims it didn't happen.
Tries to indict James Rosen, Fox News for sedition.
Gave Libya to ISIS
Named John Brennan to head CIA despite Brennan's previoius conversion to Islam
Ignored "Green" Revolution in Iran....decided 8 years later to allow the mullahs to get nukes
Cut off Egypt from foreign aid for throwing out Muslim Brotherhood.
Called ISIS a "JV team" while they overran Iraq.
Insulted Israel to the point they were put in jeopardy.
Spearheaded the cover-up of Hillary's outright treason against the people of the United States.
Rewarded campaign contributors with BILLIONS in solar startups....they took the money and ran.
Allowed Putin to take Crimea after he claimed he'd be "more flexible" after 2012 election.
Organized the surveillance of the Trump campaign through bogus FISA warrants.
Believe me I could go on for hours and yet he and Mike walk free today.
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How about what Barry Soetoro did to the "dignity" of the office? Commiecrats seem to believe history began in January, 2017 and choose to ignore what that fool pulled:

Born in Kenya...everybody knows it, "racist" to admit it.
BOWED to foreign leaders.....Washington/Jefferson still rolling in their graves about it.
Beer to the ghetto that white cops are fair game.
Border Wall abandoned, Border Patrol ordered to "catch and release".
Fast & Furious....Sinaloa cartel gets military-grade weapons, cover-up lets them operate in the SW with immunity.
IRS targeting of Tea Party.....Lerner pleads 5th, Barry claims it didn't happen.
Tries to indict James Rosen, Fox News for sedition.
Gave Libya to ISIS
Named John Brennan to head CIA despite Brennan's previoius conversion to Islam
Ignored "Green" Revolution in Iran....decided 8 years later to allow the mullahs to get nukes
Cut off Egypt from foreign aid for throwing out Muslim Brotherhood.
Called ISIS a "JV team" while they overran Iraq.
Insulted Israel to the point they were put in jeopardy.
Spearheaded the cover-up of Hillary's outright treason against the people of the United States.
Rewarded campaign contributors with BILLIONS in solar startups....they took the money and ran.
Allowed Putin to take Crimea after he claimed he'd be "more flexible" after 2012 election.
Organized the surveillance of the Trump campaign through bogus FISA warrants.
Believe me I could go on for hours and yet he and Mike walk free today.
Listen numbnuts, I did more than my fair share of calling out Obama everytime he so much as smiled. But get this! HE IS NOT PRESIDENT ANYMORE and those arguments are now completely pointless unless you are making excuses for current bad behavior based on past bad behavior.

Some of you are starting to sound like the board moron, RDean, but instead of crying BOOOOOOOOSH every other post you are crying OBAMAAAA.

He is gone, Trump is now president and HE is responsible for his actions.

Get it now?

Caught ya and you have no response.

You got the response you had coming, in a cage turned you into a flighty little bride.
Ahh more unhinged leftist tactics.....get personal, very personal.

You are as shallow as they come partner. At the first sign of negative publicity you fly off the handle. You know what else does that? COMPUTER PROGRAMS. You know why? Because they are not programmed to think for themselves either
He is gone, Trump is now president and HE is responsible for his actions.

Get it now?

Get what? that you're a multiple-personality Sybil? I won't bother with your little league outbursts again (unless I feel like it)'re a bad smell, convict.
Ahh more unhinged leftist tactics.....get personal, very personal.

I side with the left every other day? Are you unhinged or just plain stupid.
Unwad your fucking panties and go find a secluded corner to cry in.
Awe poor baby is now crying that hes getting it back! The very thing he's applauding Trump for doing.

Speaking of split personalities....
Ahh more unhinged leftist tactics.....get personal, very personal.

I side with the left every other day? Are you unhinged or just plain stupid.
Unwad your fucking panties and go find a secluded corner to cry in.
Awe poor baby is now crying that hes getting it back! The very thing he's applauding Trump for doing.

Speaking of split personalities....

You started this, convict...I ended it but you're too far gone to get it.....poor little grampa gettin picked on by a mean ol Trump hoo ya pussy.

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