Presidential judgment and self inflicted wounds.

t's probably best to take mental note of who your allies are. GMU stands for the same thing we do, he just chooses not to act as though the politicians who pretend to represent us are incapable of making mistakes. He doesn't side with the left anymore than you or I do.[/I]

You're both better than this, and personal attacks are counterproductive. I'd rather see you beating on the left.[/COLOR]

He is the left...don't be fooled by the occasional Trump's only for attention. Look who's supporting this piece of shit OP and ask yourself if he's your ally. He's an ex-con by his own admission but claims he can vote but didn't vote for Trump. Still think he's your ally? It goes on day after day here....he's as freaking schizo as "basqueromance". You have never seen me side with the left....they disgust me and the next time you offer me advice, know what you're talking about.

Grampa Murked U is no leftist. I disagree with him a lot, but he’s usually clear-minded with his thoughts and tells it like he feels; and that, I respect.

You are a groveling partisan. So, to you, anyone who disagrees with Trump on anything, even if they agree with him on 80% of everything else, is the enemy. You’re a fool.
Grampa Murked U is no leftist. I disagree with him a lot, but he’s usually clear-minded with his thoughts and tells it like he feels; and that, I respect.

You are a groveling partisan. So, to you, anyone who disagrees with Trump on anything, even if they agree with him on 80% of everything else, is the enemy. You’re a fool.

I'm sure he'll be pleased to have the transvestite vote here. You're right about one thing...I give no middle ground, no innocent bystanders're either part of the problem or part of the solution. The closer we get to a civil war the better.....I fully support Trump and his allies....go against him you are a traitor...even a brain-dead zombie like you understands that.
t's probably best to take mental note of who your allies are. GMU stands for the same thing we do, he just chooses not to act as though the politicians who pretend to represent us are incapable of making mistakes. He doesn't side with the left anymore than you or I do.[/I]

You're both better than this, and personal attacks are counterproductive. I'd rather see you beating on the left.[/COLOR]

He is the left...don't be fooled by the occasional Trump's only for attention. Look who's supporting this piece of shit OP and ask yourself if he's your ally. He's an ex-con by his own admission but claims he can vote but didn't vote for Trump. Still think he's your ally? It goes on day after day here....he's as freaking schizo as "basqueromance". You have never seen me side with the left....they disgust me and the next time you offer me advice, know what you're talking about.
I know exactly what I'm talking about, GMU and I rarely disagree, and in fact, I've disagreed with things Trump has done as well. GMU only disagrees with Trump's conduct, which is pretty easy when you think the seat of President is somehow a seat of dignity.

Disagreeing with Trump doesn't instantly make one a leftist, and unlike Basque Bromance, GMU is consistent. So, yes, I don't just think GMU is an ally, I know he's an ally.

Calling someone an 'ex-con' means little. "Con" is only someone the state has chosen to imprison at one point, not someone who has specifically wronged another, I don't think we even have details on what he was imprisoned for, only that he was.

All of that said, let's not argue amongst ourselves. There are enough leftists that we don't need to attack rightists. Even if you disagree with a fellow rightist, it's not as though it can't be civil.
I know exactly what I'm talking about, GMU and I rarely disagree, and in fact, I've disagreed with things Trump has done as well. GMU only disagrees with Trump's conduct, which is pretty easy when you think the seat of President is somehow a seat of dignity.

Disagreeing with Trump doesn't instantly make one a leftist, and unlike Basque Bromance, GMU is consistent. So, yes, I don't just think GMU is an ally, I know he's an ally.

Calling someone an 'ex-con' means little. "Con" is only someone the state has chosen to imprison at one point, not someone who has specifically wronged another, I don't think we even have details on what he was imprisoned for, only that he was.

All of that said, let's not argue amongst ourselves. There are enough leftists that we don't need to attack rightists. Even if you disagree with a fellow rightist, it's not as though it can't be civil.

Okay, so you're an airhead that somehow got on my "follow" list...I'll remedy that immediately. As to the rest of it, try growing up and presenting yourself in something other than purple might lend creedence to what you're trying to say. I told you once about offering me advice and you ignored it....from here on out, don't waste my time or're an idiot.
If you're calling me an idiot for my response to you, that must mean that you've disagreed with one of my statements. Since you did not specify which, I'll go point by point.

If it's because I said disagreeing with Trump: For one to believe that everything an individual does is entirely free of criticism, they must also believe that they are beyond human, a trait commonly found in the Church of the Omnipotent State. This means you agreed with Trump's use of tariffs, which is a regulation on the market.

If you disagree with my statement regarding Ex-Cons: If you believe someone who breaks the law is inherently a bad person, then for the sake of consistency, you must also believe that that the government's laws ARE in fact what determines justice. This is another trait of the Church of the Omnipotent state, as you would believe that one individual does not need to wrong another to have done something punishable by kidnapping and imprisonment.

If your problem was that I said a discussion can be civil: Well, I'm being civil right now, and you didn't need to call me an idiot. I liked to think that we were friends, and I've done nothing to wrong you. When one does nothing wrong to another individual, would you say that it's somehow okay to insult them? If, unprompted, one would call the other person an idiot, don't you think that person is in the wrong?

I think that we can come to common ground if you'd like to, you don't need to be hostile, and I certainly won't be hostile to you.
Last edited:
t's probably best to take mental note of who your allies are. GMU stands for the same thing we do, he just chooses not to act as though the politicians who pretend to represent us are incapable of making mistakes. He doesn't side with the left anymore than you or I do.[/I]

You're both better than this, and personal attacks are counterproductive. I'd rather see you beating on the left.[/COLOR]

He is the left...don't be fooled by the occasional Trump's only for attention. Look who's supporting this piece of shit OP and ask yourself if he's your ally. He's an ex-con by his own admission but claims he can vote but didn't vote for Trump. Still think he's your ally? It goes on day after day here....he's as freaking schizo as "basqueromance". You have never seen me side with the left....they disgust me and the next time you offer me advice, know what you're talking about.

Grampa Murked U is no leftist. I disagree with him a lot, but he’s usually clear-minded with his thoughts and tells it like he feels; and that, I respect.

You are a groveling partisan. So, to you, anyone who disagrees with Trump on anything, even if they agree with him on 80% of everything else, is the enemy. You’re a fool.
Good Allah, I never thought I'd agree with you on ANYTHING! Guess that makes me a leftist too! I'm sure I'll now be welcomed to your side with open arms. :21:
I know exactly what I'm talking about, GMU and I rarely disagree, and in fact, I've disagreed with things Trump has done as well. GMU only disagrees with Trump's conduct, which is pretty easy when you think the seat of President is somehow a seat of dignity.

Disagreeing with Trump doesn't instantly make one a leftist, and unlike Basque Bromance, GMU is consistent. So, yes, I don't just think GMU is an ally, I know he's an ally.

Calling someone an 'ex-con' means little. "Con" is only someone the state has chosen to imprison at one point, not someone who has specifically wronged another, I don't think we even have details on what he was imprisoned for, only that he was.

All of that said, let's not argue amongst ourselves. There are enough leftists that we don't need to attack rightists. Even if you disagree with a fellow rightist, it's not as though it can't be civil.

Okay, so you're an airhead that somehow got on my "follow" list...I'll remedy that immediately. As to the rest of it, try growing up and presenting yourself in something other than purple might lend creedence to what you're trying to say. I told you once about offering me advice and you ignored it....from here on out, don't waste my time or're an idiot.
If you're calling me an idiot for my response to you, that must mean that you've disagreed with one of my statements. Since you did not specify which, I'll go point by point.

If it's because I said disagreeing with Trump: For one to believe that everything an individual does is entirely free of criticism, they must also believe that they are beyond human, a trait commonly found in the Church of the Omnipotent State. This means you agreed with Trump's use of tariffs, which is a regulation on the market.

If you disagree with my statement regarding Ex-Cons: If you believe someone who breaks the law is inherently a bad person, then for the sake of consistency, you must also believe that that the government's laws ARE in fact what determines justice. This is another trait of the Church of the Omnipotent state, as you would believe that one individual does not need to wrong another to have done something punishable by kidnapping and imprisonment.

If your problem was that I said a discussion can be civil: Well, I'm being civil right now, and you didn't need to call me an idiot. I liked to think that we were friends, and I've done nothing to wrong you. When one does nothing wrong to another individual, would you say that it's somehow okay to insult them? If, unprompted, one would call the other person an idiot, don't you think that person is in the wrong?

I think that we can come to common ground if you'd like to, you don't need to be hostile, and I certainly won't be hostile to you.
I had trouble figuring out who GMU is until I read back a little. He's no leftist, but he's not a Trump worshipper either. There are a few of them (Trump worshippers) on this board and they scare me as much as any leftist.

Lucy made this same sort of accusation against another conservative, saying he wasn't a "real" conservative.

Reagan was right when he said he called those he agreed with 80% of the time "friend" because he knew where they stand and could count on them 80% of the time
You're right about one thing...I give no middle ground, no innocent bystanders're either part of the problem or part of the solution. The closer we get to a civil war the better.....I fully support Trump

You're right about that. Too bad you don't fully grasp what you're saying.
t's probably best to take mental note of who your allies are. GMU stands for the same thing we do, he just chooses not to act as though the politicians who pretend to represent us are incapable of making mistakes. He doesn't side with the left anymore than you or I do.[/I]

You're both better than this, and personal attacks are counterproductive. I'd rather see you beating on the left.[/COLOR]

He is the left...don't be fooled by the occasional Trump's only for attention. Look who's supporting this piece of shit OP and ask yourself if he's your ally. He's an ex-con by his own admission but claims he can vote but didn't vote for Trump. Still think he's your ally? It goes on day after day here....he's as freaking schizo as "basqueromance". You have never seen me side with the left....they disgust me and the next time you offer me advice, know what you're talking about.
I know exactly what I'm talking about, GMU and I rarely disagree, and in fact, I've disagreed with things Trump has done as well. GMU only disagrees with Trump's conduct, which is pretty easy when you think the seat of President is somehow a seat of dignity.

Disagreeing with Trump doesn't instantly make one a leftist, and unlike Basque Bromance, GMU is consistent. So, yes, I don't just think GMU is an ally, I know he's an ally.

Calling someone an 'ex-con' means little. "Con" is only someone the state has chosen to imprison at one point, not someone who has specifically wronged another, I don't think we even have details on what he was imprisoned for, only that he was.

All of that said, let's not argue amongst ourselves. There are enough leftists that we don't need to attack rightists. Even if you disagree with a fellow rightist, it's not as though it can't be civil.

Okay, so you're an airhead that somehow got on my "follow" list...I'll remedy that immediately. As to the rest of it, try growing up and presenting yourself in something other than purple might lend creedence to what you're trying to say. I told you once about offering me advice and you ignored it....from here on out, don't waste my time or're an idiot.
If you're calling me an idiot for my response to you, that must mean that you've disagreed with one of my statements. Since you did not specify which, I'll go point by point.

If it's because I said disagreeing with Trump: For one to believe that everything an individual does is entirely free of criticism, they must also believe that they are beyond human, a trait commonly found in the Church of the Omnipotent State. This means you agreed with Trump's use of tariffs, which is a regulation on the market.

If you disagree with my statement regarding Ex-Cons: If you believe someone who breaks the law is inherently a bad person, then for the sake of consistency, you must also believe that that the government's laws ARE in fact what determines justice. This is another trait of the Church of the Omnipotent state, as you would believe that one individual does not need to wrong another to have done something punishable by kidnapping and imprisonment.

If your problem was that I said a discussion can be civil: Well, I'm being civil right now, and you didn't need to call me an idiot. I liked to think that we were friends, and I've done nothing to wrong you. When one does nothing wrong to another individual, would you say that it's somehow okay to insult them? If, unprompted, one would call the other person an idiot, don't you think that person is in the wrong?

I think that we can come to common ground if you'd like to, you don't need to be hostile, and I certainly won't be hostile to you.
I had trouble figuring out who GMU is until I read back a little. He's no leftist, but he's not a Trump worshipper either. There are a few of them (Trump worshippers) on this board and they scare me as much as any leftist.

Lucy made this same sort of accusation against another conservative, saying he wasn't a "real" conservative.

Reagan was right when he said he called those he agreed with 80% of the time "friend" because he knew where they stand and could count on them 80% of the time
He isn't the first to call me a leftist. There are only a handful that have and every single one of them acts like a petulant child when I come down on someone on the right.
Funny thing is despite their tempertantrums within 24 hours its water under the bridge to me. I don't hold grudges with the exception of the ignore list and I only use that when they offer nothing but trolling.

And Pumpkin, I was in prison for bad things. Horrible things actually. I have gone into details in the past and prefer not to rehash that crap all over again. It is a long story. A story that I have offered freely to anyone who will listen over the years in the hope that others can see there is hope in any and all situations no matter how bad.

And LOFUCKINGL at anyone who thinks I am a leftie in any sense of the word.

Tom is a bit wack but like nearly everyone, he has good points to make on occasion. This isn't one of them.
I know exactly what I'm talking about, GMU and I rarely disagree, and in fact, I've disagreed with things Trump has done as well. GMU only disagrees with Trump's conduct, which is pretty easy when you think the seat of President is somehow a seat of dignity.

Disagreeing with Trump doesn't instantly make one a leftist, and unlike Basque Bromance, GMU is consistent. So, yes, I don't just think GMU is an ally, I know he's an ally.

Calling someone an 'ex-con' means little. "Con" is only someone the state has chosen to imprison at one point, not someone who has specifically wronged another, I don't think we even have details on what he was imprisoned for, only that he was.

All of that said, let's not argue amongst ourselves. There are enough leftists that we don't need to attack rightists. Even if you disagree with a fellow rightist, it's not as though it can't be civil.

Okay, so you're an airhead that somehow got on my "follow" list...I'll remedy that immediately. As to the rest of it, try growing up and presenting yourself in something other than purple might lend creedence to what you're trying to say. I told you once about offering me advice and you ignored it....from here on out, don't waste my time or're an idiot.
If you're calling me an idiot for my response to you, that must mean that you've disagreed with one of my statements. Since you did not specify which, I'll go point by point.

If it's because I said disagreeing with Trump: For one to believe that everything an individual does is entirely free of criticism, they must also believe that they are beyond human, a trait commonly found in the Church of the Omnipotent State. This means you agreed with Trump's use of tariffs, which is a regulation on the market.

If you disagree with my statement regarding Ex-Cons: If you believe someone who breaks the law is inherently a bad person, then for the sake of consistency, you must also believe that that the government's laws ARE in fact what determines justice. This is another trait of the Church of the Omnipotent state, as you would believe that one individual does not need to wrong another to have done something punishable by kidnapping and imprisonment.

If your problem was that I said a discussion can be civil: Well, I'm being civil right now, and you didn't need to call me an idiot. I liked to think that we were friends, and I've done nothing to wrong you. When one does nothing wrong to another individual, would you say that it's somehow okay to insult them? If, unprompted, one would call the other person an idiot, don't you think that person is in the wrong?

I think that we can come to common ground if you'd like to, you don't need to be hostile, and I certainly won't be hostile to you.
I had trouble figuring out who GMU is until I read back a little. He's no leftist, but he's not a Trump worshipper either. There are a few of them (Trump worshippers) on this board and they scare me as much as any leftist.

Lucy made this same sort of accusation against another conservative, saying he wasn't a "real" conservative.

Reagan was right when he said he called those he agreed with 80% of the time "friend" because he knew where they stand and could count on them 80% of the time
He isn't the first to call me a leftist. There are only a handful that have and every single one of them acts like a petulant child when I come down on someone on the right.
Funny thing is despite their tempertantrums within 24 hours its water under the bridge to me. I don't hold grudges with the exception of the ignore list and I only use that when they offer nothing but trolling.

And Pumpkin, I was in prison for bad things. Horrible things actually. I have gone into details in the past and prefer not to rehash that crap all over again. It is a long story. A story that I have offered freely to anyone who will listen over the years in the hope that others can see there is hope in any and all situations no matter how bad.

And LOFUCKINGL at anyone who thinks I am a leftie in any sense of the word.

Tom is a bit wack but like nearly everyone, he has good points to make on occasion. This isn't one of them.
My point wasn't so much that you didn't do anything bad, my point was that simply calling you an "ex-con" wasn't an instant and inherent counter to your arguments, nor as effective of an insult as he'd have liked, given that the title is given to anyone that does anything that the government doesn't like.

I understand what you're saying, though.
I agree with Ronald Reagan:

The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally - not a 20 percent traitor.
Athletes and politicians erupt at Trump after he takes aim at LeBron James on Twitter

This is the kind of STUPID SHIT that Trump needs to stop engaging in.

By all accounts Lebron is a very giving person and just opened a new school (that he paid for)for fucks sake.

I get that he made direct statements about Trump but Trump needs to remember that personal opinions of private citizens are a freedom afforded to them. There is no call for going after citizens personally from the Oval Office like this.
Does Trump have the right? Certainly. Just like that restaurant had the right to boot out Sarah.
Nothing is accomplished by alienating people (VOTERS) because of completely unnecessary personal attacks on social media.

Trump is actually doing pretty damn good among the black population. His approval rating among them has risen by double digits in recent months which makes shit like this all the more bewildering.

The man needs to realize his response to every single critique is both unnecessary and unwise.

He thinks he just needs white hillbillies to win elections. It worked for him in 2016. I guess he's counting on stroking the collective penis of that particular demographic to carry him and his republican cronies in 2018 and 2020, without a care for anyone else. I guess these people love this kind of behavior? Idk ... I don't get it either, but that's the only logical "political" reason for his behavior.

The alternative is that he's a moron with no self-control and an over-sized ego.
It is attitudes and statements like this that will get him reelected.

Trump is an ass. The issue is, people like you are even bigger asses.

How so?
Have you ever noted the person I responded to have any discussion about issues minus character assassination? Or any leftist for that matter.

When you name call half the population, you get people like Trump; someone not afraid of the PC bullshit and hit you back with just as many insults as you care to dish out.

The trend hasn't stopped even though the left have been told that it is their fault. So, assholes on the left are going to ensure that Trump gets reelected simply because they cannot stop themselves from insulting people who disagree with them.
Athletes and politicians erupt at Trump after he takes aim at LeBron James on Twitter

This is the kind of STUPID SHIT that Trump needs to stop engaging in.

By all accounts Lebron is a very giving person and just opened a new school (that he paid for)for fucks sake.

I get that he made direct statements about Trump but Trump needs to remember that personal opinions of private citizens are a freedom afforded to them. There is no call for going after citizens personally from the Oval Office like this.
Does Trump have the right? Certainly. Just like that restaurant had the right to boot out Sarah.
Nothing is accomplished by alienating people (VOTERS) because of completely unnecessary personal attacks on social media.

Trump is actually doing pretty damn good among the black population. His approval rating among them has risen by double digits in recent months which makes shit like this all the more bewildering.

The man needs to realize his response to every single critique is both unnecessary and unwise.
Trumps judgement tells him to lie cheat and steal
The man needs to realize his response to every single critique is both unnecessary and unwise.
That is absolutely true. However, Trump's conduct, ethics and moral compass are beyond the point of correction and redemption. He has to go much sooner than later if this Nation is to ever return to that, "...shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere."
I have some bad news for you. If Trump had not been elected, or if he were impeached tomorrow, that ship has sailed.

The left will never return to civil discourse until they are all are dead and a new, more civil generation follows them.
I have some bad news for you. If Trump had not been elected, or if he were impeached tomorrow, that ship has sailed.

The left will never return to civil discourse until they are all are dead and a new, more civil generation follows them.
Who gives a RATS ASS about that partisan bullshit you idiots keep pushing with that propaganda. My concern is for the life of this nation and what we bequeath your and my grandchildren. Incivility breads incivility you twit! Its like trying to wipe your ass clean with a barrel hoop; there's no end to it without the WILL to end it.
Funny. If you're left-leaning or a progressive (radicalized leftist), the last thing you care about is America or what shape it will be in when you depart.

The incivility BEGAN with the left and it won't end until they're dead.
Again, W listened to stupid advice like yours and let the Democrats and fake news take the narrative and let lies go unchallenged and become truth.

Trump won because so many of us are sick of following that stupid loser path. I had issues with Trump's policies, which is why I didn't vote for him. But I was with him on that.

The left will lie and lie and lie. They will attack. Anyone following your stupid advice will fall by the wayside
There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE from being a pushover and acting like a child with awful self esteem.

That is a fact and no spin you throw out will change that fact.

When you're done whining about how W wa treated and want to discuss Trumps constant desire to insult others let me know.

That's stupid. Lebron is childish. The guy is an attantion whore. He takes shots at Trump, Trump takes shots back.

Your stupid just take it philosophy is why W crashed to the point that Democrats got Obamacare through. You can call your next book "How To Be A Loser"
From prison to six figure income thanks to near 30 years in business for myself.

How to be a loser indeed. Idiot

Obviously I'm talking about the loser strategy you're advocating, moron.

How did the W presidency possibly not show you the shear stupidity of letting the Democrats control the narrative unchallenged?
It is not the presidents job to control congress. They are supposed to be co equal branches. If you don't like what the congress under Obama did you take it up with congress not the president.
Trump actually has important shit to do rather than wallow in the fucking mud with morons.

Did you mean to respond to a different post? I was talking about W and you are talking about Obama.

I would like it if politics worked the way you'd like it to work. But it doesn't. You don't respond to these idiots, they eat you for lunch. Particularly since they control the press
Again, W listened to stupid advice like yours and let the Democrats and fake news take the narrative and let lies go unchallenged and become truth.

Trump won because so many of us are sick of following that stupid loser path. I had issues with Trump's policies, which is why I didn't vote for him. But I was with him on that.

The left will lie and lie and lie. They will attack. Anyone following your stupid advice will fall by the wayside
There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE from being a pushover and acting like a child with awful self esteem.

That is a fact and no spin you throw out will change that fact.

When you're done whining about how W wa treated and want to discuss Trumps constant desire to insult others let me know.

That's stupid. Lebron is childish. The guy is an attantion whore. He takes shots at Trump, Trump takes shots back.

Your stupid just take it philosophy is why W crashed to the point that Democrats got Obamacare through. You can call your next book "How To Be A Loser"
W. served two complete terms.

You’re not smart.

No shit. Where do you get W didn't server two terms? Talk about not smart, what the hell do you think you're even saying?
You’re saying Bush crashed. I saw him serve two terms despite being a war criminal.

I never said W didn't finish two terms. Gawd you're stupid. You just make your shit up as you go
Rand Paul leaves for Moscow tomorrow to get further orders. So much for libertarians.

Rand Paul is a Republican
kaz: I didn't vote for Trump because of his policies
I also didn’t vote for Trump because of his policies. Because they’re moronic.

That’s why I don’t spend time defending him.

You're a team sport partisan hack who worships Democrats. Whether you agree or disagree with Trump is irrelevant to you. You do as you're told
...who duped gullible, naive libertarians into thinking he was one of them.

I’m a Liberal whose values are more closely aligned with...duh...Democrats than Republicans. Funny that I only have to explain that to the uneducated.

Yes, you don't have values, you have party politics. Which does make you accurately aligned with the Democrats
Her sleaze bag lawyer
You think Michael Avenatti is a sleazebag?


The lawyer for a porn actress whose only redeeming quality seems to be that he doesn’t like Trump. The former doesn’t disappear because of the latter. He seems to have taken his client’s “pain and suffering” and has tried to cash in on it more than she has.
What does it matter that he’s representing a porn actress? Do they not deserve legal representation?

Sure they do. And he’s been a complete sleaze bag during the entire affair.

Its widely rumored that he and fellow scumbag The Mooch are going to reprise the cross-fire model when CNN finally shakes up their line up; again.

The NYT has this about Avenatti:

He has set off news media frenzies by sending Ms. Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels) into the courtroom where the president’s longtime personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, was appearing to fight the F.B.I.’s seizure of documents in a raid. Mr. Cohen paid $130,000 to keep Ms. Clifford from going public before the 2016 election about an affair she says she had with the president, who denies her claim.

And this month, Mr. Avenatti took the unusual step of posting leaked financial records that he said showed that Mr. Cohen received money from a firm linked to a Russian oligarch. The posting fueled speculation about Mr. Cohen’s financial dealings, but Mr. Avenatti also made an embarrassing mistake: One of the documents he published was about a different man named Michael Cohen, not the one who represented Mr. Trump.

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