President's handling of Harvey

How would you rate Trump's handling of Harvey thus far?

  • Strongly Approve

    Votes: 22 62.9%
  • Somewhat Approve

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • Somewhat Disapprove

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Strongly Disapprove

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
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Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Given how poorly the Bush administration handled its response to Hurricane Katrina, it is interesting to me what you the readers think of Trump's response to one of the biggest natural disasters American history. Rate and comment below.
To Bush's credit,

It's a lot easier to help White folks in a disaster
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Hurricane Harvey is Donald Trump's first natural disaster as POTUS. I suspect that for the most part, Trump really can't screw-up "presidenting" his way through it. After all, what's a POTUS to do in such instances?
  • Make clear that that one has charged one's staff to handle it with all due aplomb and alacrity.
  • Assuage the feelings of hurt, loss, and angst among disaster victims and their loved ones.
  • Visit the locality and be seen to look like one gives a damn.
Then, because there's a "silver lining" inside every rain cloud, avail oneself of it. In Trump's case that means parlaying/dovetailing the situation into a platform for reviving and engendering support for those initiatives.

The question is whether Trump will be merely transactional (bullet list items above) or strategic (final paragraph).
Crying about POTUS Responses to natural disasters is nothing but politics.

If the man comes by your home and tells you to evacuate because a hurricane might kill you, you evacuate.
Houston is mostly non-white. The governor and the President covered for the city and county incompetents.
Given how poorly the Bush administration handled its response to Hurricane Katrina, it is interesting to me what you the readers think of Trump's response to one of the biggest natural disasters American history. Rate and comment below.

Actually, Katrina was a failure of state & local government. Blanco delayed in getting the feds in.. and don't get me started on Nagin.
Given how poorly the Bush administration handled its response to Hurricane Katrina, it is interesting to me what you the readers think of Trump's response to one of the biggest natural disasters American history. Rate and comment below.

The Governor and the Mayors of Corpus and Houston and the County Officials are more important than Trump.

Trump can work with Congress to send help but our State and Local Officials are doing the best they can...
  • Thanks
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Given how poorly the Bush administration handled its response to Hurricane Katrina, it is interesting to me what you the readers think of Trump's response to one of the biggest natural disasters American history. Rate and comment below.

The Governor and the Mayors of Corpus and Houston and the County Officials are more important than Trump.

Trump can work with Congress to send help but our State and Local Officials are doing the best they can...

Given how poorly the Bush administration handled its response to Hurricane Katrina, it is interesting to me what you the readers think of Trump's response to one of the biggest natural disasters American history. Rate and comment below.

Which response? Using it to hide the Friday news dump of crap?
And neither are you. Millions of people are being displaced by this storm and all you can think about is politics. Yes, I'm talking to you. You are incorrigible.
Trump spoke with the TX Governor early in the storm. Trump declared Harvey a disaster before it hit land. FEMA is already there. Trump plans to visit the area when it won't be a disruption. Seems to me, he's doing his job.

Frankly, I don't care if OP sees that as transactional or strategic.

One things for sure, there isn't likely to any untoward hugs on the beach.
What's the Pres actually got to do with it? He authorizes/approves disaster related services and stays the hell out of the way until such time as he can make a nice photo op visit to the area. FEMA, the Red Cross, the National Guard, all them, are the ones coordinating and doing the work. What's the Pres really got to do with it but setting all the moving parts in motion, which he did days ago?
JFC,I myself can't stand Trump, but can hardly roast him for foing all he can to help those victims in need. Give the man a chance and benefit of the doubt here.
If the man comes by your home and tells you to evacuate because a hurricane might kill you, you evacuate.
To Bush's credit,

It's a lot easier to help White folks in a disaster
Good grief, Trump just started speaking at a live presser and he HAS TO READ OFF NOTES FROM THE START to talk about this storm. Good fucking grief. What a fucking idiot. He can't even remember to speak a single paragraph of something that is actually happening in REAL TIME.

He's going to drag his ass to Houston this week? They voted for Hillary so I guess it won't be a pep rally.

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