Presuming Trump is the Gop candidate, who's likely to win in 2024, and what will they bring?


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2020
Soo.. well as far as Trump goes, I've jotted down some of the policies on an envelope..
The most interesting one for me is the immigration.. he's planning a mass deportation.. I think that would mean illegals who've ended up in the states, and haven't got a legitimate claim to stay? something like that I think.. personally I would love him to deport Nancy Pelosi first, errr to mexico perhaps.. that would be my preference. I guess that's another story.
And a "reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment that would bar the constitutional right of birthright citizenship to people who are born in the country." Thus stopping the children of illegals settling in the US? err doesn't sound that bad to me.. somewhat right-wing, but the states has probably been crying out for such a policy for years, so..
Tariffs - universal tariff on all imported goods, say10%... hmm, this to my mind would instantly push up the price of these goods, so.. what does he imagine, a mostly self-sufficient US? where y'all make your own stuff all the time? have you got the time to make it all?? I wonder?
Mass firings (which sounds really cool!) - "Trump would try to strip tens of thousands of career employees of their civil service protections. That way, they could be fired as he seeks to “totally obliterate the deep state.”"

Ok, and Biden.. I've subconsciously placed him second best.. somewhere he loves to be.. with Nancy..
Abortion ie right to have it.. ok, err hmm.. ok, maybe, as long as pps arn't using it as a contraception thing. I prob should have a better opinion on it.. well, you guys tell me what you think, pls.
Banning assault rifles - YES! gun crime is way out of control in the states, something should be done.
Raise taxes, eg for big earners like corporations, so he can spend it all on..?
"Biden will want to bring back the ideas that were left on the cutting room floor. That includes making two years of community college tuition free, offering universal preschool and limiting the cost of child care to 7% of income for most families. He also wants to resuscitate the expanded child tax credit." And some other stuff eg climate change.

OK, well who's gonna win then? And will they be in tune with the American people or not?
Tell me all folks..
A lotta folks project onto the annoying orange their hopes, wishes, desires, irrational fears, hyperbolic terrors, and psychotic anxieties. The fearless bombast attracts followers outside of DC but it doesn’t get him much once there.
Deport them all so we can get the 13-year-olds back in the meatpacking plants because children need jobs too. The 175,000 immigrants can go back where they came from while we pay $10 for a pound of ground beef. If they looked like Swedes, we wouldn`t give a damn about them.
Soo.. well as far as Trump goes, I've jotted down some of the policies on an envelope..
The most interesting one for me is the immigration.. he's planning a mass deportation.. I think that would mean illegals who've ended up in the states, and haven't got a legitimate claim to stay? something like that I think.. personally I would love him to deport Nancy Pelosi first, errr to mexico perhaps.. that would be my preference. I guess that's another story.
And a "reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment that would bar the constitutional right of birthright citizenship to people who are born in the country." Thus stopping the children of illegals settling in the US? err doesn't sound that bad to me.. somewhat right-wing, but the states has probably been crying out for such a policy for years, so..
Tariffs - universal tariff on all imported goods, say10%... hmm, this to my mind would instantly push up the price of these goods, so.. what does he imagine, a mostly self-sufficient US? where y'all make your own stuff all the time? have you got the time to make it all?? I wonder?
Mass firings (which sounds really cool!) - "Trump would try to strip tens of thousands of career employees of their civil service protections. That way, they could be fired as he seeks to “totally obliterate the deep state.”"

Ok, and Biden.. I've subconsciously placed him second best.. somewhere he loves to be.. with Nancy..
Abortion ie right to have it.. ok, err hmm.. ok, maybe, as long as pps arn't using it as a contraception thing. I prob should have a better opinion on it.. well, you guys tell me what you think, pls.
Banning assault rifles - YES! gun crime is way out of control in the states, something should be done.
Raise taxes, eg for big earners like corporations, so he can spend it all on..?
"Biden will want to bring back the ideas that were left on the cutting room floor. That includes making two years of community college tuition free, offering universal preschool and limiting the cost of child care to 7% of income for most families. He also wants to resuscitate the expanded child tax credit." And some other stuff eg climate change.

OK, well who's gonna win then? And will they be in tune with the American people or not?
Tell me all folks..
Unfortunately the American voter doesn't vote on issues. Though abortion may be an exception this time. The really big lie of "BOOMING ECONOMY" will be squared off against the claimed big lie of "STOLEN ELECTION" ....but DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE ABORTION. I believe it will capture votes from all parties....yes even conservative women. Abortion in and of itself may very well decide the next contest.
The new world order globalists have an agenda to meet by 2030. Biden is their perfect puppet. I don't see orange man winning.
Actually you bring up a vital point. Does the American electorate even play a real part anymore? We are led to believe it but it may well be a past participle. Hah! The ultimate joke eh? We fight over a stolen election that was never even up for grabs.....I wonder.
Actually you bring up a vital point. Does the American electorate even play a real part anymore? We are led to believe it but it may well be a past participle. Hah! The ultimate joke eh? We fight over a stolen election that was never even up for grabs.....I wonder.
Voting for two crooks from two criminal political parties is hardly the will of the people.
The new world order globalists have an agenda to meet by 2030. Biden is their perfect puppet. I don't see orange man winning.
I understand your concerns, but in 2024 with Kennedy, Manchin, Jill Stein, and Cornell West all on the ballot even the democrat mass mail-in voter fraud machine won't be able to make up the difference between Trump and Biden.

If Biden "wins" again, we're all screwed. We need the House Republicans to impeach Biden ASAP and show voters his criminality.
I understand your concerns, but in 2024 with Kennedy, Manchin, Jill Stein, and Cornell West all on the ballot even the democrat mass mail-in voter fraud machine won't be able to make up the difference between Trump and Biden.

If Biden "wins" again, we're all screwed. We need the House Republicans to impeach Biden ASAP and show voters his criminality.
The problem with DC is that it is ALL CRIMINAL. One of the reasons you see what appears to be unpunished crime taking place there is that those who would do the punishing are also guilty.
Soo.. well as far as Trump goes, I've jotted down some of the policies on an envelope..
The most interesting one for me is the immigration.. he's planning a mass deportation.. I think that would mean illegals who've ended up in the states, and haven't got a legitimate claim to stay? something like that I think.. personally I would love him to deport Nancy Pelosi first, errr to mexico perhaps.. that would be my preference. I guess that's another story.
And a "reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment that would bar the constitutional right of birthright citizenship to people who are born in the country." Thus stopping the children of illegals settling in the US? err doesn't sound that bad to me.. somewhat right-wing, but the states has probably been crying out for such a policy for years, so..
Tariffs - universal tariff on all imported goods, say10%... hmm, this to my mind would instantly push up the price of these goods, so.. what does he imagine, a mostly self-sufficient US? where y'all make your own stuff all the time? have you got the time to make it all?? I wonder?
Mass firings (which sounds really cool!) - "Trump would try to strip tens of thousands of career employees of their civil service protections. That way, they could be fired as he seeks to “totally obliterate the deep state.”"

Ok, and Biden.. I've subconsciously placed him second best.. somewhere he loves to be.. with Nancy..
Abortion ie right to have it.. ok, err hmm.. ok, maybe, as long as pps arn't using it as a contraception thing. I prob should have a better opinion on it.. well, you guys tell me what you think, pls.
Banning assault rifles - YES! gun crime is way out of control in the states, something should be done.
Raise taxes, eg for big earners like corporations, so he can spend it all on..?
"Biden will want to bring back the ideas that were left on the cutting room floor. That includes making two years of community college tuition free, offering universal preschool and limiting the cost of child care to 7% of income for most families. He also wants to resuscitate the expanded child tax credit." And some other stuff eg climate change.

OK, well who's gonna win then? And will they be in tune with the American people or not?
Tell me all folks..
The problem with DC is that it is ALL CRIMINAL. One of the reasons you see what appears to be unpunished crime taking place there is that those who would do the punishing are also guilty.
Your math tag line reminds me of my first calculus blue book.
1. Prove the square-root of two irrational.

2. In DC and in most big blue cities Soros backed DAs refuse to prosecute crime. Businesses and law abiding citizens will leave taking the tax base with them. The big city "death spiral".
Your math tag line reminds me of my first calculus blue book.
1. Prove the square-root of two irrational.

2. In DC and in most big blue cities Soros backed DAs refuse to prosecute crime. Businesses and law abiding citizens will leave taking the tax base with them. The big city "death spiral".
It's happening.
Soo.. well as far as Trump goes, I've jotted down some of the policies on an envelope..
The most interesting one for me is the immigration.. he's planning a mass deportation.. I think that would mean illegals who've ended up in the states, and haven't got a legitimate claim to stay? something like that I think.. personally I would love him to deport Nancy Pelosi first, errr to mexico perhaps.. that would be my preference. I guess that's another story.
And a "reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment that would bar the constitutional right of birthright citizenship to people who are born in the country." Thus stopping the children of illegals settling in the US? err doesn't sound that bad to me.. somewhat right-wing, but the states has probably been crying out for such a policy for years, so..
Tariffs - universal tariff on all imported goods, say10%... hmm, this to my mind would instantly push up the price of these goods, so.. what does he imagine, a mostly self-sufficient US? where y'all make your own stuff all the time? have you got the time to make it all?? I wonder?
Mass firings (which sounds really cool!) - "Trump would try to strip tens of thousands of career employees of their civil service protections. That way, they could be fired as he seeks to “totally obliterate the deep state.”"

Ok, and Biden.. I've subconsciously placed him second best.. somewhere he loves to be.. with Nancy..
Abortion ie right to have it.. ok, err hmm.. ok, maybe, as long as pps arn't using it as a contraception thing. I prob should have a better opinion on it.. well, you guys tell me what you think, pls.
Banning assault rifles - YES! gun crime is way out of control in the states, something should be done.
Raise taxes, eg for big earners like corporations, so he can spend it all on..?
"Biden will want to bring back the ideas that were left on the cutting room floor. That includes making two years of community college tuition free, offering universal preschool and limiting the cost of child care to 7% of income for most families. He also wants to resuscitate the expanded child tax credit." And some other stuff eg climate change.

OK, well who's gonna win then? And will they be in tune with the American people or not?
Tell me all folks..
tRump hasn't got a prayer in the general.
The new world order globalists have an agenda to meet by 2030. Biden is their perfect puppet. I don't see orange man winning.
The bigger problem for the GOP is the fact that their donors are starting to bail on them.
The new world order globalists have an agenda to meet by 2030. Biden is their perfect puppet. I don't see orange man winning.
Crazy people say crazy things like New World Globalists. The invisible bogeyman.
The bigger problem for the GOP is the fact that their donors are starting to bail on them.

Crazy people say crazy things like New World Globalists. The invisible bogeyman.

The WEF, WHO, G20, are not conspiracy things. They have an agenda for a one world order. Ignore at your own peril.
Soo.. well as far as Trump goes, I've jotted down some of the policies on an envelope..
The most interesting one for me is the immigration.. he's planning a mass deportation.. I think that would mean illegals who've ended up in the states, and haven't got a legitimate claim to stay? something like that I think.. personally I would love him to deport Nancy Pelosi first, errr to mexico perhaps.. that would be my preference. I guess that's another story.
And a "reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment that would bar the constitutional right of birthright citizenship to people who are born in the country." Thus stopping the children of illegals settling in the US? err doesn't sound that bad to me.. somewhat right-wing, but the states has probably been crying out for such a policy for years, so..
Tariffs - universal tariff on all imported goods, say10%... hmm, this to my mind would instantly push up the price of these goods, so.. what does he imagine, a mostly self-sufficient US? where y'all make your own stuff all the time? have you got the time to make it all?? I wonder?
Mass firings (which sounds really cool!) - "Trump would try to strip tens of thousands of career employees of their civil service protections. That way, they could be fired as he seeks to “totally obliterate the deep state.”"

Ok, and Biden.. I've subconsciously placed him second best.. somewhere he loves to be.. with Nancy..
Abortion ie right to have it.. ok, err hmm.. ok, maybe, as long as pps arn't using it as a contraception thing. I prob should have a better opinion on it.. well, you guys tell me what you think, pls.
Banning assault rifles - YES! gun crime is way out of control in the states, something should be done.
Raise taxes, eg for big earners like corporations, so he can spend it all on..?
"Biden will want to bring back the ideas that were left on the cutting room floor. That includes making two years of community college tuition free, offering universal preschool and limiting the cost of child care to 7% of income for most families. He also wants to resuscitate the expanded child tax credit." And some other stuff eg climate change.

OK, well who's gonna win then? And will they be in tune with the American people or not?
Tell me all folks..
I am the boards non pushing report button need a link to your thoughts in the op per rules

i won't tell anyone...but someone will button push you

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