Prince Harry engaged to Meghan Markle

Will you do not know what you are talking about on any level in this thread, all you therefore can do is just Troll me, all you know is that being American you are happy to call yourself a Melting Pot of Mutts who have no idea where you even originated from because you are a Melting Pot and you all hate peoples and nations who do not want to go full on Multicultural into a Melting Pot.

Listen if someone wants to marry a Mulatto and they are say Middle Class, who cares, but Upper Class it's not social protocol to oil drill or burn the coal, it's just not done as in marrying that type, again Americans don't get this because you have no actual Class System.

EG. You think something like the Kennedy's are the Highest Class, ridiculous they get there because of bootlegging in the 1920s, the Kennedy DNA is from poor Irish who went to America during the Potato Famine, this is who then JFK was the lowest Class possible ie. even below Working Class, he was the descendent of poor Irish who escape the Potato Famine, that his father made a lot of money changes nothing, you can never change your Class ever. If you are from Working Class and you make 2 BILLION you are still Working Class because that's your Heritage.

already told you, I'm from English, Scots, Irish, and German blood.

We were here long before the revolution, and you'll find the name of one of my great uncles at the bottom of the Declaration of Independence.

Kennedys bought their class, as did most of the supposed American upper class we have today.

when was the last time one of your ancestors EARNED their title?

100 years ago? 200?

"My family is important because 500 years ago, a king/queen knighted my great great great great etc grandfather"


That makes your family leeches, not heroes.

Actually, you have more royalty in the US than in the UK. Descendants of Queen Victoria, kinsmen of Prince Charles, many escaped to America as a result of the Russian Revolution. I remember reading about a 'Her Royal Imperial Highness so and so' working as a nurse in an American hospital. Devoid of all Royal status.

When I was once in America visiting family friends this in Newport, Rhode Island and at a Cocktail party they sat me next to this Italian woman who was Princess Maria Beatrice of Savoy one of Umberto II the last King of Italy's daughters, she didn't live in Newport, Rhode Island she was visiting also and not devoid of her Royal status but basically useless as in 1946 the Commies finally got what they had wanted for a long time the abolition of the Italian Monarchy and Italy to become a Democratic Republic.

Another reason we hate the Commies.

There are many reasons we hate the commies. That's a good one.


The only reason the British Royal family are still there in operation is because Britain has never had a Commie Government they have had Socialist governments but not full on Commie if they had they'd have forced Britain into a Democratic Republic that Commie Jeremy Corbyn would do it.

This pre dates actual Communism though, this philosophy goes back to the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.

The reason is, because the British people tolerate it. The Monarchy never went over the top with its extravagance, and distance from its subjects, like the French and the Russian.If the people didn't want it, it wouldn't be there.
Will you do not know what you are talking about on any level in this thread, all you therefore can do is just Troll me, all you know is that being American you are happy to call yourself a Melting Pot of Mutts who have no idea where you even originated from because you are a Melting Pot and you all hate peoples and nations who do not want to go full on Multicultural into a Melting Pot.

Listen if someone wants to marry a Mulatto and they are say Middle Class, who cares, but Upper Class it's not social protocol to oil drill or burn the coal, it's just not done as in marrying that type, again Americans don't get this because you have no actual Class System.

EG. You think something like the Kennedy's are the Highest Class, ridiculous they get there because of bootlegging in the 1920s, the Kennedy DNA is from poor Irish who went to America during the Potato Famine, this is who then JFK was the lowest Class possible ie. even below Working Class, he was the descendent of poor Irish who escape the Potato Famine, that his father made a lot of money changes nothing, you can never change your Class ever. If you are from Working Class and you make 2 BILLION you are still Working Class because that's your Heritage.

already told you, I'm from English, Scots, Irish, and German blood.

We were here long before the revolution, and you'll find the name of one of my great uncles at the bottom of the Declaration of Independence.

Kennedys bought their class, as did most of the supposed American upper class we have today.

when was the last time one of your ancestors EARNED their title?

100 years ago? 200?

"My family is important because 500 years ago, a king/queen knighted my great great great great etc grandfather"


That makes your family leeches, not heroes.

Not at all. Since when are the Aristocracy leeches? Seems most were merely officially RECOGNISED. They were already successful; the Titles merely reflected that.


In ten years most of this Continent are going to be begging for Aristocrats to lead this Continent again like it always was for many Centuries, Democracy is now illustrating that having the lower levels running Governments is a disaster.

That's why I vote conservative. Those lefties have policies that are just too stupid for words, and some of those are wealthy Aristos. I see it as a matter of Policies rather than Class except of course that the Aristocracy were sworn to SERVICE to the Crown and to the Nation. failing in those meant a painful and immediate justice on the gallows. I think that time has passed but any lefty policies are just shite. And President Trump proved that it's not the Working Class who are stupid but the middle class. I read a very interesting book about relations between the classes in Britain. It was featured by a mutual respect between the Aristocracy and their vassals. The big shift happened with industrialisation and the shift to Industrial scale farming. I think we're seeing something similar with automation and globalisation. It is indeed interesting times.


I hope Malcolm Turnbull's Government is not going to fall, there has been things I have heard on the BBC World Service about because of this obscure but recent brought to attention dual citizenship situation many politicians have had to resign seats, I know from a previous thread you mention Barnaby Joyce who you like and he had to resign his seat because one of his parents in British, I don't know how this works though because it says he is going to recontest his seat at the by election:

Barnaby Joyce - Wikipedia

I would never listen to the BBC World Sevice.

And one talks about commie bastards.
Why would anyone want it?

Will you do not know what you are talking about on any level in this thread, all you therefore can do is just Troll me, all you know is that being American you are happy to call yourself a Melting Pot of Mutts who have no idea where you even originated from because you are a Melting Pot and you all hate peoples and nations who do not want to go full on Multicultural into a Melting Pot.

Listen if someone wants to marry a Mulatto and they are say Middle Class, who cares, but Upper Class it's not social protocol to oil drill or burn the coal, it's just not done as in marrying that type, again Americans don't get this because you have no actual Class System.

EG. You think something like the Kennedy's are the Highest Class, ridiculous they get there because of bootlegging in the 1920s, the Kennedy DNA is from poor Irish who went to America during the Potato Famine, this is who then JFK was the lowest Class possible ie. even below Working Class, he was the descendent of poor Irish who escape the Potato Famine, that his father made a lot of money changes nothing, you can never change your Class ever. If you are from Working Class and you make 2 BILLION you are still Working Class because that's your Heritage.

already told you, I'm from English, Scots, Irish, and German blood.

We were here long before the revolution, and you'll find the name of one of my great uncles at the bottom of the Declaration of Independence.

Kennedys bought their class, as did most of the supposed American upper class we have today.

when was the last time one of your ancestors EARNED their title?

100 years ago? 200?

"My family is important because 500 years ago, a king/queen knighted my great great great great etc grandfather"


That makes your family leeches, not heroes.

Not at all. Since when are the Aristocracy leeches? Seems most were merely officially RECOGNISED. They were already successful; the Titles merely reflected that.


Blacksmith saves a kings life, gets knighted.

Generations thereafter bask in HIS glory, not their own

When did that happen? be aware that there are many levels of Knighthood and Title; many are NOT inheritable.


"many are NOT inheritable."

The majority are not inheritable.

As this is dealing with the British Class system which essentially is the same Class system across this whole Continent, the only titles that are inherited are Duke, Marquess, Earl and in some cases Viscount all of these will have been Bestowed many Centuries ago, except in situations like within a Royal family eg where the Queen Elizabeth has made William a Duke.

Apart from a Knighthood the only thing that can be given by the British Government is to make a man a Baron or a woman a Baroness, Knights, Barons and Baronesses are not of Highest Class they are lower levels usually Middle Class or some Working Class Trade Unionist if a Socialist Government. If a man is made a Knight when he dies his heir does not inherit the title Sir he remains a Mr.
Will you do not know what you are talking about on any level in this thread, all you therefore can do is just Troll me, all you know is that being American you are happy to call yourself a Melting Pot of Mutts who have no idea where you even originated from because you are a Melting Pot and you all hate peoples and nations who do not want to go full on Multicultural into a Melting Pot.

Listen if someone wants to marry a Mulatto and they are say Middle Class, who cares, but Upper Class it's not social protocol to oil drill or burn the coal, it's just not done as in marrying that type, again Americans don't get this because you have no actual Class System.

EG. You think something like the Kennedy's are the Highest Class, ridiculous they get there because of bootlegging in the 1920s, the Kennedy DNA is from poor Irish who went to America during the Potato Famine, this is who then JFK was the lowest Class possible ie. even below Working Class, he was the descendent of poor Irish who escape the Potato Famine, that his father made a lot of money changes nothing, you can never change your Class ever. If you are from Working Class and you make 2 BILLION you are still Working Class because that's your Heritage.

already told you, I'm from English, Scots, Irish, and German blood.

We were here long before the revolution, and you'll find the name of one of my great uncles at the bottom of the Declaration of Independence.

Kennedys bought their class, as did most of the supposed American upper class we have today.

when was the last time one of your ancestors EARNED their title?

100 years ago? 200?

"My family is important because 500 years ago, a king/queen knighted my great great great great etc grandfather"


That makes your family leeches, not heroes.

Not at all. Since when are the Aristocracy leeches? Seems most were merely officially RECOGNISED. They were already successful; the Titles merely reflected that.


In ten years most of this Continent are going to be begging for Aristocrats to lead this Continent again like it always was for many Centuries, Democracy is now illustrating that having the lower levels running Governments is a disaster.

That's why I vote conservative. Those lefties have policies that are just too stupid for words, and some of those are wealthy Aristos. I see it as a matter of Policies rather than Class except of course that the Aristocracy were sworn to SERVICE to the Crown and to the Nation. failing in those meant a painful and immediate justice on the gallows. I think that time has passed but any lefty policies are just shite. And President Trump proved that it's not the Working Class who are stupid but the middle class. I read a very interesting book about relations between the classes in Britain. It was featured by a mutual respect between the Aristocracy and their vassals. The big shift happened with industrialisation and the shift to Industrial scale farming. I think we're seeing something similar with automation and globalisation. It is indeed interesting times.


I hope Malcolm Turnbull's Government is not going to fall, there has been things I have heard on the BBC World Service about because of this obscure but recent brought to attention dual citizenship situation many politicians have had to resign seats, I know from a previous thread you mention Barnaby Joyce who you like and he had to resign his seat because one of his parents in British, I don't know how this works though because it says he is going to recontest his seat at the by election:

Barnaby Joyce - Wikipedia

Yes; one of those Constitutional things that we've all taken a bit for granted. I don't think it'll fail soon as Barnaby will be returned and there is another who actually was an Australian Tennis player caught up in it. Seems he has citizenship by descent due to family being foreigners. Now what is interesting is that the High Court ruled them ineligible because of this Citizenship by descent of another Power. Of course it's only a local thing but how did this affect Obama who had Citizenship BY DESCENT of the British Empire because his dad was from a British Colony. I think it was lucky for him it was never tested in the USSC.

already told you, I'm from English, Scots, Irish, and German blood.

We were here long before the revolution, and you'll find the name of one of my great uncles at the bottom of the Declaration of Independence.

Kennedys bought their class, as did most of the supposed American upper class we have today.

when was the last time one of your ancestors EARNED their title?

100 years ago? 200?

"My family is important because 500 years ago, a king/queen knighted my great great great great etc grandfather"


That makes your family leeches, not heroes.

Not at all. Since when are the Aristocracy leeches? Seems most were merely officially RECOGNISED. They were already successful; the Titles merely reflected that.


In ten years most of this Continent are going to be begging for Aristocrats to lead this Continent again like it always was for many Centuries, Democracy is now illustrating that having the lower levels running Governments is a disaster.

That's why I vote conservative. Those lefties have policies that are just too stupid for words, and some of those are wealthy Aristos. I see it as a matter of Policies rather than Class except of course that the Aristocracy were sworn to SERVICE to the Crown and to the Nation. failing in those meant a painful and immediate justice on the gallows. I think that time has passed but any lefty policies are just shite. And President Trump proved that it's not the Working Class who are stupid but the middle class. I read a very interesting book about relations between the classes in Britain. It was featured by a mutual respect between the Aristocracy and their vassals. The big shift happened with industrialisation and the shift to Industrial scale farming. I think we're seeing something similar with automation and globalisation. It is indeed interesting times.


I hope Malcolm Turnbull's Government is not going to fall, there has been things I have heard on the BBC World Service about because of this obscure but recent brought to attention dual citizenship situation many politicians have had to resign seats, I know from a previous thread you mention Barnaby Joyce who you like and he had to resign his seat because one of his parents in British, I don't know how this works though because it says he is going to recontest his seat at the by election:

Barnaby Joyce - Wikipedia

I would never listen to the BBC World Sevice.

And one talks about commie bastards.

Sigh; I do sometimes. Usually all you need to know is in the first two sentences, then it becomes a mere diatribe.

already told you, I'm from English, Scots, Irish, and German blood.

We were here long before the revolution, and you'll find the name of one of my great uncles at the bottom of the Declaration of Independence.

Kennedys bought their class, as did most of the supposed American upper class we have today.

when was the last time one of your ancestors EARNED their title?

100 years ago? 200?

"My family is important because 500 years ago, a king/queen knighted my great great great great etc grandfather"


That makes your family leeches, not heroes.

Not at all. Since when are the Aristocracy leeches? Seems most were merely officially RECOGNISED. They were already successful; the Titles merely reflected that.


In ten years most of this Continent are going to be begging for Aristocrats to lead this Continent again like it always was for many Centuries, Democracy is now illustrating that having the lower levels running Governments is a disaster.

That's why I vote conservative. Those lefties have policies that are just too stupid for words, and some of those are wealthy Aristos. I see it as a matter of Policies rather than Class except of course that the Aristocracy were sworn to SERVICE to the Crown and to the Nation. failing in those meant a painful and immediate justice on the gallows. I think that time has passed but any lefty policies are just shite. And President Trump proved that it's not the Working Class who are stupid but the middle class. I read a very interesting book about relations between the classes in Britain. It was featured by a mutual respect between the Aristocracy and their vassals. The big shift happened with industrialisation and the shift to Industrial scale farming. I think we're seeing something similar with automation and globalisation. It is indeed interesting times.


I hope Malcolm Turnbull's Government is not going to fall, there has been things I have heard on the BBC World Service about because of this obscure but recent brought to attention dual citizenship situation many politicians have had to resign seats, I know from a previous thread you mention Barnaby Joyce who you like and he had to resign his seat because one of his parents in British, I don't know how this works though because it says he is going to recontest his seat at the by election:

Barnaby Joyce - Wikipedia

I would never listen to the BBC World Sevice.

And one talks about commie bastards.

I listen to the BBC World Service often as less now than previously, this because nearly all programmes are becoming about how great Islam is and what a benefit Islam is or how great refugees from savage nations are and how they benefit First World nations, which they do not of course and also all the presenters of BBC World Service programmes now are very very Leftist and hostile to anything Conservative if they have a guest on they will be some Radical Feminist or someone from a Leftist Think Tank or someone from an NGO whos on pushing the Refugee thing etc.
Not at all. Since when are the Aristocracy leeches? Seems most were merely officially RECOGNISED. They were already successful; the Titles merely reflected that.


Blacksmith saves a kings life, gets knighted.

Generations thereafter bask in HIS glory, not their own

You should see what they're knighting in Britain, these days.



Being American you won't know but that is when a man goes from Mr. to Sir it is called a Knighthood.

Yes. something HE earned.

Not his great great grandson

Also Will, sorry that some of my comments in this thread are perhaps offensive to some people, I am not being deliberately offensive, I am just saying that this situation is very shocking because it's just not the thing that happens it's against social protocol and thats why it's Harry rebelling.

In one of my comments I did say if this was a Middle Class thing and someone married Meghan Markle there would be nothing wrong with that, but this is not a Middle Class thing and as such it's a rebellion against social protocol. Good thing Harry is so far down the pecking order and will never be at the top unless there is a mega disaster and William, George and Charlotte and whatever the third child is going to be all get put out of action. WTF William and Kate better have two more children and thats five just in case something bizarro happens.
Saw that this morning, and the first thing I thought of was, Grace Kelly and Monaco.
My first thought was, "How dare he dilute all that French Blood in his upcoming offspring!"


The Grimaldi family was Genoese. Hardly French.

Though Prince Rainer's father was half French half Mexican his mother was Mexican, Prince Pierre was also either bisexual or full on homosexual also it's complicated because Prince Pierre was not a Grimaldi on his fathers side but was on his mothers side Princess Charlotte being the only child of Louis II, Prince of Monaco and when Princess Charlotte who was a born Grimaldi married the then Count Pierre de Polignac he adopted his wifes name of Grimaldi and her father Louis II made him Prince Pierre of Monaco, Duke of Valentinois.

Prince Pierre of Monaco, Duke of Valentinois.

Prince Pierre, Duke of Valentinois - Wikipedia
Saw that this morning, and the first thing I thought of was, Grace Kelly and Monaco.
My first thought was, "How dare he dilute all that French Blood in his upcoming offspring!"


The Grimaldi family was Genoese. Hardly French.

Though Prince Rainer's father was half French half Mexican his mother was Mexican, Prince Pierre was also either bisexual or full on homosexual also it's complicated because Prince Pierre was not a Grimaldi on his fathers side but was on his mothers side Princess Charlotte being the only child of Louis II, Prince of Monaco and when Princess Charlotte who was a born Grimaldi married the then Count Pierre de Polignac he adopted his wifes name of Grimaldi and her father Louis II made him Prince Pierre of Monaco, Duke of Valentinois.

Prince Pierre of Monaco, Duke of Valentinois.

Prince Pierre, Duke of Valentinois - Wikipedia

That family was certainly into debauchery.

Princess Stephanie having it away with bodyguards and circus owners.
Saw that this morning, and the first thing I thought of was, Grace Kelly and Monaco.
My first thought was, "How dare he dilute all that French Blood in his upcoming offspring!"


The Grimaldi family was Genoese. Hardly French.

Forget but yes you are correct The House of Grimaldi the origins are Genoese.

The founder was Grimaldo Canella who was the son of the Consul of Genoa sometime in the 12th Century, anyhow for reasons I cannot remember about 150 years later the Grimaldi's and another family the Fieschi's were forced into exile, I have some thought in my back mind this was something to do with the Pope as the Grimaldi's and the Fieschi's were both Guelphs who along with the other faction the Ghibellines had an intense rivalry for who was favoured more by the Pope, so I think the Grimaldi's and the Fieschi's could have been forced into exile by the Ghibellines, anyhow the Grimaldi's ended up fleeing to Nice in 12?? I'll have to look the year up, but they then spent nearly 200 years attempting to take control of the fortress Rock at Monaco and in the 15th Century they finally succeeded and declared themselves Lords of Monaco.

It was not until the 16th Century that a Grimaldi declared himself Prince of Monaco, that was Honoré II who began as another Lord of Monaco and then he declared himself Prince and was officially the first Prince of Monaco.
Saw that this morning, and the first thing I thought of was, Grace Kelly and Monaco.
My first thought was, "How dare he dilute all that French Blood in his upcoming offspring!"


The Grimaldi family was Genoese. Hardly French.

Though Prince Rainer's father was half French half Mexican his mother was Mexican, Prince Pierre was also either bisexual or full on homosexual also it's complicated because Prince Pierre was not a Grimaldi on his fathers side but was on his mothers side Princess Charlotte being the only child of Louis II, Prince of Monaco and when Princess Charlotte who was a born Grimaldi married the then Count Pierre de Polignac he adopted his wifes name of Grimaldi and her father Louis II made him Prince Pierre of Monaco, Duke of Valentinois.

Prince Pierre of Monaco, Duke of Valentinois.

Prince Pierre, Duke of Valentinois - Wikipedia

That family was certainly into debauchery.

Princess Stephanie having it away with bodyguards and circus owners.

Well I only read from the link that Prince Pierre was either bisexual or full on homosexual because it says that James Lee Milne his friend wrote about this, he was one of the best English writers about architecture outside of I think Robert Byron and James Lee Milne's published diaries are excellent that I recommend to people along with recommending what I and many others consider the most exquisite travel book ever written Robert Byron's "The Road to Oxiana" published in 1937, I have mentioned this book at this forum many times it's majestic and an 11 out of 10.

Also it's probably the most respected travel book by other writers.

"Writer Paul Fussell wrote[2] that The Road to Oxiana is to the travel book what "Ulysses is to the novel between the wars, and what The Waste Land is to poetry."

Travel writer Bruce Chatwin in his introduction to the book has described it as "a sacred text, beyond criticism," [3] and carried his copy since he was fifteen years old, "spineless and floodstained" after four journeys through central Asia."

The Road to Oxiana - Wikipedia


^^^^ The cover picture of the book, that is a 1911 photograph taken by A.T. Wilson, Shiraz in Winter through the Qur'an Gate. The Qur'an Gate in the north of Shiraz, Iran.
Saw that this morning, and the first thing I thought of was, Grace Kelly and Monaco.
My first thought was, "How dare he dilute all that French Blood in his upcoming offspring!"


The Grimaldi family was Genoese. Hardly French.

Though Prince Rainer's father was half French half Mexican his mother was Mexican, Prince Pierre was also either bisexual or full on homosexual also it's complicated because Prince Pierre was not a Grimaldi on his fathers side but was on his mothers side Princess Charlotte being the only child of Louis II, Prince of Monaco and when Princess Charlotte who was a born Grimaldi married the then Count Pierre de Polignac he adopted his wifes name of Grimaldi and her father Louis II made him Prince Pierre of Monaco, Duke of Valentinois.

Prince Pierre of Monaco, Duke of Valentinois.

Prince Pierre, Duke of Valentinois - Wikipedia

That family was certainly into debauchery.

Princess Stephanie having it away with bodyguards and circus owners.

Was she the one who was in the auto with her mother when the accident happened or was it Princess Caroline?
Saw that this morning, and the first thing I thought of was, Grace Kelly and Monaco.
My first thought was, "How dare he dilute all that French Blood in his upcoming offspring!"


The Grimaldi family was Genoese. Hardly French.

Though Prince Rainer's father was half French half Mexican his mother was Mexican, Prince Pierre was also either bisexual or full on homosexual also it's complicated because Prince Pierre was not a Grimaldi on his fathers side but was on his mothers side Princess Charlotte being the only child of Louis II, Prince of Monaco and when Princess Charlotte who was a born Grimaldi married the then Count Pierre de Polignac he adopted his wifes name of Grimaldi and her father Louis II made him Prince Pierre of Monaco, Duke of Valentinois.

Prince Pierre of Monaco, Duke of Valentinois.

Prince Pierre, Duke of Valentinois - Wikipedia

That family was certainly into debauchery.

Princess Stephanie having it away with bodyguards and circus owners.

Was she the one who was in the auto with her mother when the accident happened or was it Princess Caroline?

Yes she was.
My first thought was, "How dare he dilute all that French Blood in his upcoming offspring!"


The Grimaldi family was Genoese. Hardly French.

Though Prince Rainer's father was half French half Mexican his mother was Mexican, Prince Pierre was also either bisexual or full on homosexual also it's complicated because Prince Pierre was not a Grimaldi on his fathers side but was on his mothers side Princess Charlotte being the only child of Louis II, Prince of Monaco and when Princess Charlotte who was a born Grimaldi married the then Count Pierre de Polignac he adopted his wifes name of Grimaldi and her father Louis II made him Prince Pierre of Monaco, Duke of Valentinois.

Prince Pierre of Monaco, Duke of Valentinois.

Prince Pierre, Duke of Valentinois - Wikipedia

That family was certainly into debauchery.

Princess Stephanie having it away with bodyguards and circus owners.

Was she the one who was in the auto with her mother when the accident happened or was it Princess Caroline?

Yes she was.

I just Wikipedia and I find that Princess Stephanie also has recorded and released Pop Albums, how vulgar, how vulgar and devoid of sophistication lowering herself to this level, WTF this woman has Grace Kelly's DNA how is this even possible?! Recording Pop Albums and then appearing on The Oprah Winfrey Show and getting involved with that weirdo Michael Jackson.

Next Up: Prince Harry will obviously start recording Gangsta Rap Albums and wearing Bling Bling.



Princess Stéphanie of Monaco - Wikipedia
The royals have become more Liberal, thank God.

Prince Harry engaged to Meghan Markle

The British royal family officially announced Prince Harry's engagement to actress Meghan Markle on Monday, with the wedding set to take place in spring 2018. The couple now begin a media blitz, beginning with an interview that will air on British television later tonight.

What they're saying: Harry's brother and sister-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, issued a statement: "We are very excited for Harry and Meghan. It has been wonderful getting to know Meghan and to see how happy she and Harry are together."

They are like the Amish....they inbreed then look for new blood somewhere else. Harry isn't Charles son anyway
The royals have become more Liberal, thank God.

Prince Harry engaged to Meghan Markle

The British royal family officially announced Prince Harry's engagement to actress Meghan Markle on Monday, with the wedding set to take place in spring 2018. The couple now begin a media blitz, beginning with an interview that will air on British television later tonight.

What they're saying: Harry's brother and sister-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, issued a statement: "We are very excited for Harry and Meghan. It has been wonderful getting to know Meghan and to see how happy she and Harry are together."

They are like the Amish....they inbreed then look for new blood somewhere else. Harry isn't Charles son anyway

There has always been that rumour Harry is the result of Diana's affair with that James ???? has red hair can't be bothered Googling, the thing about Harry is he does not have the famous Horse features that all the others do the big horse teeth and the general look of being half actual horse also the big nose they have, Harry has different teeth and a different nose and also he's got red hair.

They would never public say that Harry isn't Charles son, whenever historically there has been a child born from extra marital things they have always been brought up within but never actually accepted within, could be another reason why Harry has spent more than 10 years embarrassing them in very public ways.
^^^^ Tipsycatlover get's it.
^^^^ Tipsycatlover get's it.

Why would anyone want it?

Will you do not know what you are talking about on any level in this thread, all you therefore can do is just Troll me, all you know is that being American you are happy to call yourself a Melting Pot of Mutts who have no idea where you even originated from because you are a Melting Pot and you all hate peoples and nations who do not want to go full on Multicultural into a Melting Pot.

Listen if someone wants to marry a Mulatto and they are say Middle Class, who cares, but Upper Class it's not social protocol to oil drill or burn the coal, it's just not done as in marrying that type, again Americans don't get this because you have no actual Class System.

EG. You think something like the Kennedy's are the Highest Class, ridiculous they get there because of bootlegging in the 1920s, the Kennedy DNA is from poor Irish who went to America during the Potato Famine, this is who then JFK was the lowest Class possible ie. even below Working Class, he was the descendent of poor Irish who escape the Potato Famine, that his father made a lot of money changes nothing, you can never change your Class ever. If you are from Working Class and you make 2 BILLION you are still Working Class because that's your Heritage.

already told you, I'm from English, Scots, Irish, and German blood.

We were here long before the revolution, and you'll find the name of one of my great uncles at the bottom of the Declaration of Independence.

Kennedys bought their class, as did most of the supposed American upper class we have today.

when was the last time one of your ancestors EARNED their title?

100 years ago? 200?

"My family is important because 500 years ago, a king/queen knighted my great great great great etc grandfather"


That makes your family leeches, not heroes.

Actually, you have more royalty in the US than in the UK. Descendants of Queen Victoria, kinsmen of Prince Charles, many escaped to America as a result of the Russian Revolution. I remember reading about a 'Her Royal Imperial Highness so and so' working as a nurse in an American hospital. Devoid of all Royal status.

When I was once in America visiting family friends this in Newport, Rhode Island and at a Cocktail party they sat me next to this Italian woman who was Princess Maria Beatrice of Savoy one of Umberto II the last King of Italy's daughters, she didn't live in Newport, Rhode Island she was visiting also and not devoid of her Royal status but basically useless as in 1946 the Commies finally got what they had wanted for a long time the abolition of the Italian Monarchy and Italy to become a Democratic Republic.

Another reason we hate the Commies.
Why do you think that hereditary royalty means anything? Just what is the point of hereditary royalty? Royalty from any country are no smarter, no finer, no more entitled than any of us. Just what is it that you find so offensive in being, as you call it, a "mulatto"? Just who are you that you should be able to look down on anyone else?
The royals have become more Liberal, thank God.

Prince Harry engaged to Meghan Markle

The British royal family officially announced Prince Harry's engagement to actress Meghan Markle on Monday, with the wedding set to take place in spring 2018. The couple now begin a media blitz, beginning with an interview that will air on British television later tonight.

What they're saying: Harry's brother and sister-in-law, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, issued a statement: "We are very excited for Harry and Meghan. It has been wonderful getting to know Meghan and to see how happy she and Harry are together."

They are like the Amish....they inbreed then look for new blood somewhere else. Harry isn't Charles son anyway

There has always been that rumour Harry is the result of Diana's affair with that James ???? has red hair can't be bothered Googling, the thing about Harry is he does not have the famous Horse features that all the others do the big horse teeth and the general look of being half actual horse also the big nose they have, Harry has different teeth and a different nose and also he's got red hair.

They would never public say that Harry isn't Charles son, whenever historically there has been a child born from extra marital things they have always been brought up within but never actually accepted within, could be another reason why Harry has spent more than 10 years embarrassing them in very public ways.

The Spencers had red hair.

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