Pro-Life Hershel Walker paid for girlfriend's abortion (she has proof)

Even the owner of the shop where the laptop was dropped off said that files were added to the laptop - specifically the photo and video file, AFTER he RECEIVED the laptop.

Link? Dragonlady

Does anyone expect the lying sack of KKKanadian dogshit to actually bring a link?
I posted a link already fuckstick
Whatever you say, retard.

I don’t give a fuck about the origins of your magical thinking. Your religious gobbledegook doesn’t have any bearing on established scientific reality. I do not share your faith, and your warped version of a god who approves of such killing of the innocent is scum, beneath me, unworthy of human worship.

Shameless goalpost shifting logical fallacy.

You said they are not alive. Only breathing things are alive - your words. Not mine, nor the words of anyone sane.

Is it just me or are those prone as if a mental kneejerk reaction
tend to spout out ... " Retard ".
Which was a banned word under Obama's First term.Why under
Obama.Because he was caught on late night TV making funny
about Bowling.Since the White House had a small bowling alley
in the basement.Obama telling Jay Leno on - The Tonight Show -
in march of 2009 " It was like the Special Olympics or something "
Regarding his bowling score of 129 and practicing in the White
House bowling alley.
Obama also used the banned word " teaba**er " w/o any
criticism.Using as explanation of The Tea Party.
So the AP { very Obama compliant } went about picking
words and terms to Ban.Like "Islamic Terrorism". Or " Retard "
and the "T-word ".
When your only defense on anything is to say that government officials lied about it, you're completely full of shit. Once again, everyone is lying but Trump.

Yes it is a matter of public record. Even the owner of the shop where the laptop was dropped off said that files were added to the laptop - specifically the photo and video file, AFTER he RECEIVED the laptop.

You have to be the dumbest poster here.

Watch me make a Canuck disappear!

I posted a link already fuckstick
Define the word ... Sherlock Shakespeare.
" Thou wilt fall backward when thou hast more wit. "
" You speak an infinite deal of Nothing "
" Thou are pigeon-liver'd and lack gall "
" You scullion! You rampallian! You fustilarian!
I'll tickle your castastrophe! "
We are now fully ensconced in American History's most Absurdist
Presidency imaginable.I mean,even the Farmer's Almanac has to now
daily revise their weather/Climate predictions.
There is Literally/Virtually Not a blasted thing this Biden Adm
has done to improve life in America for Citizens.Just yesterday it
was revealed that our Armed Services now has the Lowest recruitment
rate ever.Since WWII.Down around 25 %.
How does some Buckwheats like you find the gall to even post
supporting ALL THAT Biden goo is beyond normalcy.
It's - River's Edge - { 1986 } kind of crazy.Like before long many more
americans are gonna turn out like *Feck { Dennis Hopper } a recluse
who likes Pot,cross-dressing an making love to Blow-up dolls.
Plus wielding around his trusty pistol.

* " Look,I'm not psycho.I know she's a doll. "


Other than the American Recovery Act, the Infrastructure Bill, the vaccine program, the Inflation Reduction Act, and returning the nation to work, school, and life in general, Biden has done a tremendous amount of work to repair the damage done to the USA both at home and abroad.
Don't you find it odd that the woman has provided the get-well card, but not the check?

She did provide a photocopy of the cheque reimbursing her for her payment from the clinic, as well as her receipt from the clinic, in addition to the get well card.

How did YOU manage to miss that part.
We don't know that either. It's a claim she is making. When there is evidence her claim is truth, then we'll talk. Until that time, she's just some anonymous woman with a story she told a left-wing media outlet, and Walker making claim he's going to sue them.

No, we know that because her child is one of the 4 he acknowledged.

Look at you denying a mountain of evidence, just like you ignored the mountain of evidence against Trump.

There's no evidence anywhere that Hillary Clinton has ever committed a crime but you believe she's a criminal, on no evidence.

But faced with overwhelming evidence of the crimes, and jh the right and you don't accept any evidence of their wrong doing.
Thread derail way off topic has been reported. The FBI admitted hillary broke numerous laws but suggested that she should not be prosecuted. She has been a criminal going all the way back to her shady law firm in Arkansas.
She did provide a photocopy of the cheque reimbursing her for her payment from the clinic, as well as her receipt from the clinic, in addition to the get well card.

Oh, I have no doubt she has a receipt for the abortion, but she's never produced a copy of the check.

In fact, if you Google "Herschel Walker abortion check" and search images, you'll see exactly no images of a $700 check written by Herschel Walker.

A get well card is hardly damning evidence of anything more severe than sending good wishes to someone's who's sick...

How did YOU manage to miss that part.

I didn't miss it. Thus far, it doesn't exist...
She did provide a photocopy of the cheque reimbursing her for her payment from the clinic, as well as her receipt from the clinic, in addition to the get well card.

How did YOU manage to miss that part.
No it is just a check.

No mention of what it is for

None of this is evidence of a damn thing as the check is dated after the fact and for a different amount.

You are desperately grasping at straws.

Other than the American Recovery Act, the Infrastructure Bill, the vaccine program, the Inflation Reduction Act, and returning the nation to work, school, and life in general, Biden has done a tremendous amount of work to repair the damage done to the USA both at home and abroad.
He has made it worse he has accomplished zero
No, we know that because her child is one of the 4 he acknowledged.

Look at you denying a mountain of evidence, just like you ignored the mountain of evidence against Trump.

Yes, you lying and claiming there was a mountain of evidence of any wrongdoing on Trump’s part means that you think that there was some evidence of wrongdoing at all, which means that you are disgusting and full of shit.
She did provide a photocopy of the cheque reimbursing her for her payment from the clinic, as well as her receipt from the clinic, in addition to the get well card.

How did YOU manage to miss that part.
And in a better world she would be executed for this proof that she killed her kid but what this certainly isn’t is concrete evidence of his culpability as an accomplice in the homicide.

It certainly doesn’t look good but given that this dropped in October in an election year, skepticism should be the default position. And this is an anonymous claimant who doesn’t have proof. If you can prove with absolute certainty he paid her the money for reimbursement for a contract killing, then sure, he deserves execution too, or life in prison if merely proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Currently you have nothing but hearsay and speculation from an anonymous source.

And of course, I am aware of the ban on ex post facto prosecution. I said “in a better world” - one where we already had just and equal laws.

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