pro or con the second amendment?

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They didn't give the right to all the people. The original purpose of the second amendment was for States, particularly Southern slave owning one's, to muster a fighting force capable of quickly putting down slave revolts in the context of a country that had no standing army.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State....". The slaves are what constantly threatened slave State security.

That said the text of the secondment amendment, whatever it's origins, certainly doesn't say "Any clown arming himself with whatever he deems prudent, is necessary to the security of a free State....". They meant for people with arms to be regulated. It says it plain as day.
Who's talking about the Civil War? Slave owners like George Mason argued on behalf of the second amendment because it was necessary to keep slaves in check and they didn't trust Northern States to vote with them in Congress to raise an army in the event one was needed to put down a slave uprising. I don't care what SCOTUS's opinion was (a differently comprised SCOTUS could have a different opinion in the future), I'm simply explaining history. Those words at the beginning are particular on purpose. "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".

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About this "well regulated militia B.S.

I'm retired military. Retired military personnel are in the ready reserve until age 65. After age 65 a retired military person is eligible for recall up to age 85. Don't believe me, ask Google. I'll be 84 in December so I have to keep my fingers crossed that Hamas won't attack America and Uncle Sam throw me into the meat grinder for another 13 months. I don't know what the age requirements for civilian gun fodder is but in my opinion every able bodied man is subject to the 2nd Amendment.
I didn't know that Hoss , but i can certainly appreciate the sentiment , and applaud your service sir!

About this "well regulated militia B.S.

I'm retired military. Retired military personnel are in the ready reserve until age 65. After age 65 a retired military person is eligible for recall up to age 85. Don't believe me, ask Google. I'll be 84 in December so I have to keep my fingers crossed that Hamas won't attack America and Uncle Sam throw me into the meat grinder for another 13 months. I don't know what the age requirements for civilian gun fodder is but in my opinion every able bodied man is subject to the 2nd Amendment.
Pops, I'd be more worried about kickback breaking your shoulder or face than you hitting anything.
They didn't give the right to all the people. The original purpose of the second amendment was for States, particularly Southern slave owning one's, to muster a fighting force capable of quickly putting down slave revolts in the context of a country that had no standing army.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State....". The slaves are what constantly threatened slave State security.

That said the text of the secondment amendment, whatever it's origins, certainly doesn't say "Any clown arming himself with whatever he deems prudent, is necessary to the security of a free State....". They meant for people with arms to be regulated. It says it plain as day.
Where did you get your shithouse law degree? Kingston? Seems the SCOTUS disagrees with you. BTW, the constitution and bill of rights predate the Civil War by nearly a hundred years--must be that patois kicking in eh, Woats?
They didn't “give” this right to anyone. They recognized that this right already rightfully belongs to everyone

The Constitution essentially takes power from the State by saying that man is born with allodial title to many things as a function of LIVING for which the State can neither regulate nor take away under privilege.

That makes most laws passed today on close examination wholly unconstitutional.
No more insane than the following were ridiculed by people in 1775
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Thomas Jefferson
Parents: Peter Jefferson, Jane Randolph Jefferson
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Benjamin Franklin
Parents: Josiah Franklin, Abiah Folger
image of James Madison
James Madison
Parents: James Madison Sr., Eleanor Rose Conway
image of John Adams
John Adams
Parents: John Adams Sr., Susanna Boylston
image of Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton
Parents: Rachel Faucette Buck, James A. Hamilton
image of George Washington
George Washington
Parents: Mary Ball Washington, Augustine Washington
image of Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams
Parents: Mary Adams, Samuel Adams Sr.
image of Patrick Henry
Patrick Henry
Parents: Sarah Winston Syme Henry, John Henry
image of John Jay
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Parents: Mary Van Cortlandt, Peter Jay
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Parents: Frances Cocke, Joseph Paine
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Richard Henry Lee
Parents: Thomas Lee, Hannah Harrison Ludwell Lee
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Parents: Mehetabel Sherman, William Sherman
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Parents: Robert Morris, Sr, Elizabeth Murphet
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Parents: Spence Monroe, Elizabeth Jones Monroe
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Parents: John Hancock Jr., Mary Hawk Thaxter
image of George Mason
George Mason
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Parents: Samuel Dickinson, Mary Cadwalader
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Gouverneur Morris
Parents: Lewis Morris, Sarah Gouverneur
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Parents: Margaret Wythe
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Parents: Robert Livingston, Margaret Beekman Livingston
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Where did you get your shithouse law degree? Kingston? Seems the SCOTUS disagrees with you. BTW, the constitution and bill of rights predate the Civil War by nearly a hundred years--must be that patois kicking in eh, Woats?
Who's talking about the Civil War? Slave owners like George Mason argued on behalf of the second amendment because it was necessary to keep slaves in check and they didn't trust Northern States to vote with them in Congress to raise an army in the event one was needed to put down a slave uprising. I don't care what SCOTUS's opinion was (a differently comprised SCOTUS could have a different opinion in the future), I'm simply explaining history. Those words at the beginning are particular on purpose. "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State".
Why don't you do us a favor and stand in front of his range target and show us how much you believe what you spout?
Who's worried about any of you? 😄 You are the biggest do nothing generation America has ever had. I've been here since the 80s and all I've seen you do is concede ground. 😄
Pops, I'd be more worried about kickback breaking your shoulder or face than you hitting anything.

Not to worry, Goat. I was on the range a few days ago and fired over a hundred rounds with an M-1. When I was 18-25 I was on a rifle team and I lived with a huge bruise on my shoulder, especially on cold, wet days. I learned to pad my shoulder with 3 or 4 Kotex. No kidding. All the old guys here will tell you of the mule kick of an M-1.
As if you have any standing at all to cast aspersions at the intellect or maturity of any actual human being.

I gotta say Bob that as a group, the Left routinely demonstrate here that they are seriously ignorant of the world as well as mentally and emotional encumbered.


Adding insult to injury, the more obtuse the person, the more likely they seemingly are to both continually elevate themselves on some invisible (to everyone else) platform while constantly casting aspersions on the intelligence and education of everyone else.

I'm sure this must all come under the heading of some sort of class of cognitive DELUSION.

The scary thing is that it seems to be ACCELERATING.
Anecdotally , I'm just a moderately armed farmer , with plenty of better armed sorts around me. I've friends with magnificent showrooms of arms , stockpiles of ammo , you name it, including of a neighbor Viet Vet whose collection most of you would not have room for in your homes.

We're not afraid of our government coming down on us, we're afraid of who they convince to do so


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