Problem With the Black Community

Nothing different than any other American... liberty, self determination, no more social engineering.These so-called "civil rights leaders" should be out in these neighborhoods cleaning them up, building up people to be proud of who they are. These so-called civil rights leaders, get wealthy off of the misery of people... it's pathetic
Ok so the neighborhoods are clean now what? You're just going to walk up and down the streets like a drill seargent telling people to be proud? What other advice will you give? I like the bus is running 24 hrs again.

Ok be cynical ,who takes the bus anyway? people have cars in this county almost everybody.
Not someone starting from the bottom.

Anyways, I think you would agree Detroit has a baby daddy issue.

Im sure you would admit it would have been a lot harder making it in business if you had mouths to feed. Or that it's better to have a mom and dad in the home.

If you're gonna walk around Detroit giving advice, let them know how well you and I have it because we didn't have an accident when we were 18.

Accidents? Most are not "accidents" at all. The break down of our society, morally, pushed by the leftist is part of the problem
Stop blaming other people

The leftist attack on religion and breaking down of morality is a big part of the problem. You ever go into a black church? the best people you'll ever meet are there
Ok so the neighborhoods are clean now what? You're just going to walk up and down the streets like a drill seargent telling people to be proud? What other advice will you give? I like the bus is running 24 hrs again.

Ok be cynical ,who takes the bus anyway? people have cars in this county almost everybody.
Not someone starting from the bottom.

Anyways, I think you would agree Detroit has a baby daddy issue.

Im sure you would admit it would have been a lot harder making it in business if you had mouths to feed. Or that it's better to have a mom and dad in the home.

If you're gonna walk around Detroit giving advice, let them know how well you and I have it because we didn't have an accident when we were 18.

Accidents? Most are not "accidents" at all. The break down of our society, morally, pushed by the leftist is part of the problem
Stop blaming other people

The leftist attack on religion and breaking down of morality is a big part of the problem. You ever go into a black church? the best people you'll ever meet are there
Lots of black churches in Detroit. What is the left doing that's stopping young black people from attending church?

So you agree poor blacks are not at fault for the position they are in. You say it is white peoples fault. I agree with you. So now what are some things black people could change? Would you advise young people to not have kids until they are ready to be parents? Of course you would. And this whole thread started from a NPR piece I posted from a black woman who wrote a book on how much a problem this issue is for the black community.

It basically confirmed what I've been saying.
Ok so the neighborhoods are clean now what? You're just going to walk up and down the streets like a drill seargent telling people to be proud? What other advice will you give? I like the bus is running 24 hrs again.

Ok be cynical ,who takes the bus anyway? people have cars in this county almost everybody.
Not someone starting from the bottom.

Anyways, I think you would agree Detroit has a baby daddy issue.

Im sure you would admit it would have been a lot harder making it in business if you had mouths to feed. Or that it's better to have a mom and dad in the home.

If you're gonna walk around Detroit giving advice, let them know how well you and I have it because we didn't have an accident when we were 18.

Accidents? Most are not "accidents" at all. The break down of our society, morally, pushed by the leftist is part of the problem
Stop blaming other people

The leftist attack on religion and breaking down of morality is a big part of the problem. You ever go into a black church? the best people you'll ever meet are there
I'm watching channel 7 all the shootings in Detroit this weekend. Why do you choose to live with so many liberals? Come to the burbs with us conservatives
Ok so the neighborhoods are clean now what? You're just going to walk up and down the streets like a drill seargent telling people to be proud? What other advice will you give? I like the bus is running 24 hrs again.

Ok be cynical ,who takes the bus anyway? people have cars in this county almost everybody.
Not someone starting from the bottom.

Anyways, I think you would agree Detroit has a baby daddy issue.

Im sure you would admit it would have been a lot harder making it in business if you had mouths to feed. Or that it's better to have a mom and dad in the home.

If you're gonna walk around Detroit giving advice, let them know how well you and I have it because we didn't have an accident when we were 18.

Accidents? Most are not "accidents" at all. The break down of our society, morally, pushed by the leftist is part of the problem
Stop blaming other people

The leftist attack on religion and breaking down of morality is a big part of the problem. You ever go into a black church? the best people you'll ever meet are there
Snyder Sat on flint water news for 3 months. Impeach him yet?

When do you lose blacks when you talk politics with them? Or do you not dare tell them what you think?
No. I'm trying to get people to see how they talk out of both sides of their brains on this issue. They think blacks are lazy, rather than understand they are victims of living in a shitty community that doesn't have jobs.
People are not victims because of what has, or has not happened, to them. They are victims because they choose to be, otherwise they would be survivors. Ask any rape counselor and they will agree with me. The first step in moving from "victimhood" and "survivorhood" is, as AA alum say, having the "...serenity to accept the things I cannot change, and the courage to change the things I can." So, to argue that the plight of one group is due to the victimization of them by another group is, in it's self, false.
I could choose to say I am the "victim" of a broken home, and therfore I am less accountable for the crimes I commited as a youth. I choose to say that I am a "survivor" of a broken home and it played a role in my poor choices as a youth. See the difference. In the first statement I blame outside forces for my actions (at least in part), in the second, I recognize their influence only, but the poor choices where MINE.
Ok be cynical ,who takes the bus anyway? people have cars in this county almost everybody.
Not someone starting from the bottom.

Anyways, I think you would agree Detroit has a baby daddy issue.

Im sure you would admit it would have been a lot harder making it in business if you had mouths to feed. Or that it's better to have a mom and dad in the home.

If you're gonna walk around Detroit giving advice, let them know how well you and I have it because we didn't have an accident when we were 18.

Accidents? Most are not "accidents" at all. The break down of our society, morally, pushed by the leftist is part of the problem
Stop blaming other people

The leftist attack on religion and breaking down of morality is a big part of the problem. You ever go into a black church? the best people you'll ever meet are there
Snyder Sat on flint water news for 3 months. Impeach him yet?

When do you lose blacks when you talk politics with them? Or do you not dare tell them what you think?

You have some screwed up, preconceived notions, which is quite common among leftist. I talk to black people all the time, almost daily. I do work for many black Churches as well. I'm always talking with the pastors, the people who work there, they are well acquainted with my views and agree with most of them actually.
Not someone starting from the bottom.

Anyways, I think you would agree Detroit has a baby daddy issue.

Im sure you would admit it would have been a lot harder making it in business if you had mouths to feed. Or that it's better to have a mom and dad in the home.

If you're gonna walk around Detroit giving advice, let them know how well you and I have it because we didn't have an accident when we were 18.

Accidents? Most are not "accidents" at all. The break down of our society, morally, pushed by the leftist is part of the problem
Stop blaming other people

The leftist attack on religion and breaking down of morality is a big part of the problem. You ever go into a black church? the best people you'll ever meet are there
Snyder Sat on flint water news for 3 months. Impeach him yet?

When do you lose blacks when you talk politics with them? Or do you not dare tell them what you think?

You have some screwed up, preconceived notions, which is quite common among leftist. I talk to black people all the time, almost daily. I do work for many black Churches as well. I'm always talking with the pastors, the people who work there, they are well acquainted with my views and agree with most of them actually.
Then how come they aren't endorsing Republicans? What church agrees with you?

Oh now looky here. Looks like Snyder knew for a lot longer than 3 months that Flint's water was lead poisoned.

Emails released by Governor Snyder’s office show that his legal counsel and policy advisor expressed concern about the Flint Water Crisis as early as October 2014—just weeks before the governor won re-election. (Reminds me of when Hillary and Obama didn't report the facts after Ben Gazi because an election was coming up and they didn't want it to hurt their re election efforts.)

These emails are especially concerning because they indicate that the administration knew there was a problem for over a year and still did not act to protect the people of Flint from not only lead contamination but bacterial infection and exposure to hazardous chemicals.

In light of this, caucus member Rep. Sheldon Neeley (D-Flint) has asked the state’s Attorney General to give a legal opinion into whether or not the administration’s role in this crisis could lead to criminal charges.
Not someone starting from the bottom.

Anyways, I think you would agree Detroit has a baby daddy issue.

Im sure you would admit it would have been a lot harder making it in business if you had mouths to feed. Or that it's better to have a mom and dad in the home.

If you're gonna walk around Detroit giving advice, let them know how well you and I have it because we didn't have an accident when we were 18.

Accidents? Most are not "accidents" at all. The break down of our society, morally, pushed by the leftist is part of the problem
Stop blaming other people

The leftist attack on religion and breaking down of morality is a big part of the problem. You ever go into a black church? the best people you'll ever meet are there
Snyder Sat on flint water news for 3 months. Impeach him yet?

When do you lose blacks when you talk politics with them? Or do you not dare tell them what you think?

You have some screwed up, preconceived notions, which is quite common among leftist. I talk to black people all the time, almost daily. I do work for many black Churches as well. I'm always talking with the pastors, the people who work there, they are well acquainted with my views and agree with most of them actually.
A lot of us liberals bite our lips and pretend to agree with you right wing nuts when the truth is we just don't go into it on all the reasons why you are wrong. Its easier to just nod.

I don't think you are 100% wrong either by the way Jroc. But I also know you are so brainwashed into thinking the left is wrong and the reason for blacks struggling that you are overlooking how the right is to blame too.

Give me the top 3 things you have said to Pastors that they agree with that you think I would disagree with. This I got to hear.
And of course a black church is going to say that black society is screwed up because not enough black people go to church. Same shit white churches say about white society.
A lot of us liberals bite our lips and pretend to agree with you right wing nuts when the truth is we just don't go into it on all the reasons why you are wrong. Its easier to just nod.
You know, it's statements like this that cause people like me to really despise the very concept of even talking to a liberal. Do you really think that you are sooo smart that us "right wing nuts" just cannot understand? Or is it that it just takes so long to describe where you stand that we just lose interest and start thinking about other things?
More to the point, why is it that anyone who disagrees with a liberal is a "nut job"? Isn't it the left that wants to protect peoples' right to disagree? Oh, wait, no they are the only ones who have the right to disagree.

“I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.”
“I also learned that a person was not necessarily bad just because you did not agree with him, and that if you believed in something, you had better be prepared to defend it.”
“I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president.”
“What we have to do... is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities. ”
All Hillary Clinton quotes.
A lot of us liberals bite our lips and pretend to agree with you right wing nuts when the truth is we just don't go into it on all the reasons why you are wrong. Its easier to just nod.
You know, it's statements like this that cause people like me to really despise the very concept of even talking to a liberal. Do you really think that you are sooo smart that us "right wing nuts" just cannot understand? Or is it that it just takes so long to describe where you stand that we just lose interest and start thinking about other things?
More to the point, why is it that anyone who disagrees with a liberal is a "nut job"? Isn't it the left that wants to protect peoples' right to disagree? Oh, wait, no they are the only ones who have the right to disagree.

“I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.”
“I also learned that a person was not necessarily bad just because you did not agree with him, and that if you believed in something, you had better be prepared to defend it.”
“I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president.”
“What we have to do... is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities. ”
All Hillary Clinton quotes.
Its like a liberal calling up Rush and trying to make a point. Has Rush ever agreed with a liberal caller?
And of course a black church is going to say that black society is screwed up because not enough black people go to church. Same shit white churches say about white society.
Isn't that religions schtick or hook? That all humans are flawed sinners and need to come get you some salvation?
Accidents? Most are not "accidents" at all. The break down of our society, morally, pushed by the leftist is part of the problem
Stop blaming other people

The leftist attack on religion and breaking down of morality is a big part of the problem. You ever go into a black church? the best people you'll ever meet are there
Snyder Sat on flint water news for 3 months. Impeach him yet?

When do you lose blacks when you talk politics with them? Or do you not dare tell them what you think?

You have some screwed up, preconceived notions, which is quite common among leftist. I talk to black people all the time, almost daily. I do work for many black Churches as well. I'm always talking with the pastors, the people who work there, they are well acquainted with my views and agree with most of them actually.
A lot of us liberals bite our lips and pretend to agree with you right wing nuts when the truth is we just don't go into it on all the reasons why you are wrong. Its easier to just nod.

I don't think you are 100% wrong either by the way Jroc. But I also know you are so brainwashed into thinking the left is wrong and the reason for blacks struggling that you are overlooking how the right is to blame too.

Give me the top 3 things you have said to Pastors that they agree with that you think I would disagree with. This I got to hear.

they are against gay marriage, against Abortion, and pro-family...You're a funny guy BoBo. You're racist and afraid of blacks. if some black guy moved next door to you, you'd probably move, but you think by voting for liberals, you are compassionate when the opposite is true...You're a hater, and a bigot, although, I do realize you have emotional scares from when you were a kid...Get some help man
A lot of us liberals bite our lips and pretend to agree with you right wing nuts when the truth is we just don't go into it on all the reasons why you are wrong. Its easier to just nod.
You know, it's statements like this that cause people like me to really despise the very concept of even talking to a liberal. Do you really think that you are sooo smart that us "right wing nuts" just cannot understand? Or is it that it just takes so long to describe where you stand that we just lose interest and start thinking about other things?
More to the point, why is it that anyone who disagrees with a liberal is a "nut job"? Isn't it the left that wants to protect peoples' right to disagree? Oh, wait, no they are the only ones who have the right to disagree.

“I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.”
“I also learned that a person was not necessarily bad just because you did not agree with him, and that if you believed in something, you had better be prepared to defend it.”
“I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president.”
“What we have to do... is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities. ”
All Hillary Clinton quotes.
Its like a liberal calling up Rush and trying to make a point. Has Rush ever agreed with a liberal caller?
What's your point? Have you ever listened to Rush? Do you understand his politics? Did you know that, according to Rush himself, it takes six weeks of dedicated listening to the entire three hour show everyday to understand the context of his positions? Of course you didn't know that, you don't listen to him. If you did, you would already know the answer to your own question.
Hint: the answer is not "no".
......You're a funny guy BoBo. You're racist and afraid of blacks. if some black guy moved next door to you, you'd probably move, but you think by voting for liberals, you are compassionate when the opposite is true...You're a hater, and a bigot, although, I do realize you have emotional scares from when you were a kid...Get some help man

A lot of us liberals bite our lips and pretend to agree with you right wing nuts when the truth is we just don't go into it on all the reasons why you are wrong. Its easier to just nod.
You know, it's statements like this that cause people like me to really despise the very concept of even talking to a liberal. Do you really think that you are sooo smart that us "right wing nuts" just cannot understand? Or is it that it just takes so long to describe where you stand that we just lose interest and start thinking about other things?
More to the point, why is it that anyone who disagrees with a liberal is a "nut job"? Isn't it the left that wants to protect peoples' right to disagree? Oh, wait, no they are the only ones who have the right to disagree.

“I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.”
“I also learned that a person was not necessarily bad just because you did not agree with him, and that if you believed in something, you had better be prepared to defend it.”
“I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president.”
“What we have to do... is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities. ”
All Hillary Clinton quotes.
Its like a liberal calling up Rush and trying to make a point. Has Rush ever agreed with a liberal caller?
What's your point? Have you ever listened to Rush? Do you understand his politics? Did you know that, according to Rush himself, it takes six weeks of dedicated listening to the entire three hour show everyday to understand the context of his positions? Of course you didn't know that, you don't listen to him. If you did, you would already know the answer to your own question.
Hint: the answer is not "no".
In order for you to love butt sex with me you have to let me butt slam you once a day for 6 months. Ready to get started?
Stop blaming other people

The leftist attack on religion and breaking down of morality is a big part of the problem. You ever go into a black church? the best people you'll ever meet are there
Snyder Sat on flint water news for 3 months. Impeach him yet?

When do you lose blacks when you talk politics with them? Or do you not dare tell them what you think?

You have some screwed up, preconceived notions, which is quite common among leftist. I talk to black people all the time, almost daily. I do work for many black Churches as well. I'm always talking with the pastors, the people who work there, they are well acquainted with my views and agree with most of them actually.
A lot of us liberals bite our lips and pretend to agree with you right wing nuts when the truth is we just don't go into it on all the reasons why you are wrong. Its easier to just nod.

I don't think you are 100% wrong either by the way Jroc. But I also know you are so brainwashed into thinking the left is wrong and the reason for blacks struggling that you are overlooking how the right is to blame too.

Give me the top 3 things you have said to Pastors that they agree with that you think I would disagree with. This I got to hear.

they are against gay marriage, against Abortion, and pro-family...You're a funny guy BoBo. You're racist and afraid of blacks. if some black guy moved next door to you, you'd probably move, but you think by voting for liberals, you are compassionate when the opposite is true...You're a hater, and a bigot, although, I do realize you have emotional scares from when you were a kid...Get some help man
I had a black guy move into our condos and he succeeded in doing every stereotype a bad black neighbor can do. Sold drugs, too many people living there, the lawn was trashed, they got in ghetto fights, asking for things all the time.

I absolutely don't mind a nice black neighbor that's like Carleton or Wayne Brady or Halle berre.

Wow, I am racist.
The leftist attack on religion and breaking down of morality is a big part of the problem. You ever go into a black church? the best people you'll ever meet are there
Snyder Sat on flint water news for 3 months. Impeach him yet?

When do you lose blacks when you talk politics with them? Or do you not dare tell them what you think?

You have some screwed up, preconceived notions, which is quite common among leftist. I talk to black people all the time, almost daily. I do work for many black Churches as well. I'm always talking with the pastors, the people who work there, they are well acquainted with my views and agree with most of them actually.
A lot of us liberals bite our lips and pretend to agree with you right wing nuts when the truth is we just don't go into it on all the reasons why you are wrong. Its easier to just nod.

I don't think you are 100% wrong either by the way Jroc. But I also know you are so brainwashed into thinking the left is wrong and the reason for blacks struggling that you are overlooking how the right is to blame too.

Give me the top 3 things you have said to Pastors that they agree with that you think I would disagree with. This I got to hear.

they are against gay marriage, against Abortion, and pro-family...You're a funny guy BoBo. You're racist and afraid of blacks. if some black guy moved next door to you, you'd probably move, but you think by voting for liberals, you are compassionate when the opposite is true...You're a hater, and a bigot, although, I do realize you have emotional scares from when you were a kid...Get some help man
I had a black guy move into our condos and he succeeded in doing every stereotype a bad black neighbor can do. Sold drugs, too many people living there, the lawn was trashed, they got in ghetto fights, asking for things all the time.

I absolutely don't mind a nice black neighbor that's like Carleton or Wayne Brady or Halle berre.

Wow, I am racist.

Yeah, you are, fish.

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