Problem With the Black Community

How many posts will it take fish to figure it out? What a fucking moron.
How many posts will it take fish to figure it out? What a fucking moron.
If you grew up in a broken home that's not your fault but if you are in one that is your fault.

But if you came from a broken home and you are in a broken home now it's also your parents fault.

And if your kids do it too then that's your fault too.
Girls in the 50s and 60s didn't get pregnant before marriage. My aunt did in the 60s .....

Good job contradicting yourself in the very same post, moron.
More do it today and it isn't looked down on.

My aunt was considered a whore in the Greek community and an example to other young Greek girls what not to do.

My aunt got knocked up, her daughter got knocked up, her son knocked a girl up and no doubt his daughter will make the same mistake unless someone puts an IUD in her.
Girls in the 50s and 60s didn't get pregnant before marriage. My aunt did in the 60s .....

Good job contradicting yourself in the very same post, moron.
More do it today and it isn't looked down on.

My aunt was considered a whore in the Greek community and an example to other young Greek girls what not to do.

My aunt got knocked up, her daughter got knocked up, her son knocked a girl up and no doubt his daughter will make the same mistake unless someone puts an IUD in her.

No one asked you about your family. Focus, fish.
... You're clearly... and ...can't wrestle

Proving once again that you are an idiot, a racist, and don't know the first thing about wrestling.
More gook defending from you fish?

You really don't understand what a fool you are making of yourself? Pretty sad. And, do you still claim you are not a racist, fish?
Yes but shhh, ancient Chinese secret

Still don't get it, fish? You are a special kind of stupid.
Girls in the 50s and 60s didn't get pregnant before marriage. My aunt did in the 60s .....

Good job contradicting yourself in the very same post, moron.
More do it today and it isn't looked down on.

My aunt was considered a whore in the Greek community and an example to other young Greek girls what not to do.

My aunt got knocked up, her daughter got knocked up, her son knocked a girl up and no doubt his daughter will make the same mistake unless someone puts an IUD in her.

No one asked you about your family. Focus, fish.
Did you ask me something? I thought you were just derailing the thread thread killer
Blacks and whites just need their own nations
Actually, conservatives and liberals need their own nations. We wouldn't have ghettos or poverty if it weren't for the rich who own the conservative party and keep all poor people down. And it isn't ruled by God it's $ that TRUMPS god

But you'll need workers. Will you hire us or Mexicans?
In a purely constitutional, conservative, liberty loving, country. most poor people, including Blacks, would be working not made into victims

Frederick Douglass

Primarily, it is a question less for man than for God — less for human intellect than for the laws of nature to solve. It assumes that nature has erred; that the law of liberty is a mistake; that freedom, though a natural want of human soul, can only be enjoyed at the expense of human welfare, and that men are better off in slavery than they would or could be in freedom; that slavery is the natural order of human relations, and that liberty is an experiment. What shall be done with them?

Our answer is, do nothing with them; mind your business, and let them mind theirs. Your doing with them is their greatest misfortune. They have been undone by your doings, and all they now ask, and really have need of at your hands, is just to let them alone. They suffer by ever interference, and succeed best by being let alone.

What Shall Be Done with the Slaves If Emancipated? | Teaching American History

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