Problem With the Black Community

Blacks and whites just need their own nations
Actually, conservatives and liberals need their own nations. We wouldn't have ghettos or poverty if it weren't for the rich who own the conservative party and keep all poor people down. And it isn't ruled by God it's $ that TRUMPS god

But you'll need workers. Will you hire us or Mexicans?

The rich are fairly evenly divided between the parties.
One parties policies are trickle down. The other understands a strong middle class everyone wins.

Only instead of going from $1 billion to 8 billion, our way trump would only have $7 billion.

Think about what that $1 billion could pay for. One month of haloburton or infrastructure

I don't recall if it was explicitly stated at the time, but part of Free Trade was the assumption that though we got our asses handed to US by the Japanese in the 70s and 80s that once we got our act together that things would get better for the now more productive and thus competitive Middle Class.

However, over time, US workers have become much more productive, and wages have fallen, but the Trade Balance has only grown worse.

Reality has clashed with Ideology.

As such, the GOP, is finally moving away from it's long Marriage with Free Trade.

Thus Trump.
And both Obama and bill Clinton have signed/pushed bad free trade deals.

Hopefully both parties get the message.

Also hope they get the message on immigration. I'm OK with taking a few refuges to be humanitarians and I don't mind a rich German or Indian coming here to start a business but I don't understand if people can't find jobs, why import more labor other than to flood the market and keep wages down.

I think things were too good for workers pre 2000 and everything today is on purpose

Nothing in this thread justifies that claim......

You haven't read carefully.
You haven't contributed to this thread one bit. Get the fuck out Mr miyagi before I put you in detention (centers)

Keep proving my point, fish.
You keep proving my point you are pointless. Leave! You aren't contributing. Why would you stay somewhere when people don't want you? You should have moved back to Okinawa after we let you out. Fdr was one of our most popular presidents for a reason. Like trump and bush he was willing to make the tough choices.

Sorry but japs proved to us they were crazy. Just like Kim jong UN. I still don't trust Asians. Like you they say very little and you just know they are still angry about the endearment camps and the 2 abombs. You guys have a chip on your shoulders just like black people.

But you japs at least behave and don't bother anyone. Except for the smell I don't mind japs as neighborhoods.

Sorry about Yoko ono
sealybobo, The 2nd part of that argument:

When applied equally to other nations, such as Israel:

White GeNOcide Project - Exposing White Genocide

Donald Trump Tweets “White Genocide”

These were good.

On the south African one, what do you suggest other than get the hell out. I lived in an all black neighborhood. We got out. My grandmother stayed and got mugged 2 times in her 80's. Luckily that's all that happened to her. She should have left too but didnt.

Nothing in this thread justifies that claim......

You haven't read carefully.
You haven't contributed to this thread one bit. Get the fuck out Mr miyagi before I put you in detention (centers)

Keep proving my point, fish.
You keep proving my point you are pointless. Leave! You aren't contributing. Why would you stay somewhere when people don't want you? You should have moved back to Okinawa after we let you out. Fdr was one of our most popular presidents for a reason. Like trump and bush he was willing to make the tough choices.

Sorry but japs proved to us they were crazy. Just like Kim jong UN. I still don't trust Asians. Like you they say very little and you just know they are still angry about the endearment camps and the 2 abombs. You guys have a chip on your shoulders just like black people.

But you japs at least behave and don't bother anyone. Except for the smell I don't mind japs as neighborhoods.

Sorry about Yoko ono

Hey Correll, still want to pretend he's not racist?

Nothing in this thread justifies that claim......

You haven't read carefully.
You haven't contributed to this thread one bit. Get the fuck out Mr miyagi before I put you in detention (centers)

Keep proving my point, fish.
You keep proving my point you are pointless. Leave! You aren't contributing. Why would you stay somewhere when people don't want you? You should have moved back to Okinawa after we let you out. Fdr was one of our most popular presidents for a reason. Like trump and bush he was willing to make the tough choices.

Sorry but japs proved to us they were crazy. Just like Kim jong UN. I still don't trust Asians. Like you they say very little and you just know they are still angry about the endearment camps and the 2 abombs. You guys have a chip on your shoulders just like black people.

But you japs at least behave and don't bother anyone. Except for the smell I don't mind japs as neighborhoods.

Sorry about Yoko ono

You seem to be laboring under a misconception, fish. You are making even more of an ass of yourself than usual.

Nothing in this thread justifies that claim......

You haven't read carefully.
You haven't contributed to this thread one bit. Get the fuck out Mr miyagi before I put you in detention (centers)

Keep proving my point, fish.
You keep proving my point you are pointless. Leave! You aren't contributing. Why would you stay somewhere when people don't want you? You should have moved back to Okinawa after we let you out. Fdr was one of our most popular presidents for a reason. Like trump and bush he was willing to make the tough choices.

Sorry but japs proved to us they were crazy. Just like Kim jong UN. I still don't trust Asians. Like you they say very little and you just know they are still angry about the endearment camps and the 2 abombs. You guys have a chip on your shoulders just like black people.

But you japs at least behave and don't bother anyone. Except for the smell I don't mind japs as neighborhoods.

Sorry about Yoko ono

Still want to try and claim you're not racist, fish? You're as shamelessly obvious as the worst racists on this site, you dimwitted pussy.
These were good.

On the south African one, what do you suggest other than get the hell out. I lived in an all black neighborhood. We got out. My grandmother stayed and got mugged 2 times in her 80's. Luckily that's all that happened to her. She should have left too but didnt.

Sealybobo, we must become community activists and help awaken the whites who are under jewish propaganda every day of their lives. We must educate and inform people to show them the double standards, such as the video links I provided. Then we must start a political movement in the most powerful white nations, so they cannot destroy the nation that rises up in defense of the white race:

We must educate and inform all whites and all non-jews about the double standards such as this:


Compare the Jewish policy for their own, above, with the following Jewish policy towards the white goy nations:


Israel Builds Fence Against “Wild Beasts”

Or this problem:


We must inform and educate all whites about the people who are actively destroying them, and those Jews who are wolves in sheep clothing consuming the White Race. The perpetrators of White Genocide, must be exposed.

White GeNOcide Project - Exposing White Genocide
Last edited:
These were good.

On the south African one, what do you suggest other than get the hell out. I lived in an all black neighborhood. We got out. My grandmother stayed and got mugged 2 times in her 80's. Luckily that's all that happened to her. She should have left too but didnt.

Sealybobo, we must become community activists and help awaken the whites who are under jewish propaganda every day of their lives. We must educate and inform people to show them the double standards, such as the video links I provided. Then we must start a political movement in the most powerful white nations, so they cannot destroy the nation that rises up in defense of the white race:

We must educate and inform all whites and all non-jews about the double standards such as this:


Compare the Jewish policy for their own, above, with the following Jewish policy towards the white goy nations:


Israel Builds Fence Against “Wild Beasts”

Or this problem:


We must inform and educate all whites about the people who are actively destroying them, and those Jews who are wolves in sheep clothing consuming the White Race. The perpetrators of White Genocide, must be exposed.

White GeNOcide Project - Exposing White Genocide

And it doesn't have to be no Muslims or Asians or Africans or Indians but a very slow and small trickle of people who have something to offer this country.

I bet if politicians were honest they would admit that in order to grow we need more bodies not less. We need to grow not shrink.

I disagree. I think poor people need to stop having kids. Become middle class then have kids. In the future ID love to see half the population we have now and we have only 4 kinds of Americans. Lower middle class, middle class, upper middle class and rich.

Now unkotard the Asian invader will now suggest I want to kill poor people and jroc will suggest I want to sterilize them. Not so. I just want them to practice planned parenthood. Don't get pregnant till you are ready.

I'm not into white power. I'm OK with small numbers of Mexicans Asians Muslims and blacks assimilating into our way of life. And their cultures enrich ours. In music we have black and Mexican influences. But I don't want Muslims becoming the majority by immigrating here. If they can convert Americans fine but good luck with that.

And if they out breed us what are you going to do? I just don't think we should help them by importing more. Then they don't assimilate they take over
sealybobo, that is fine. I am not into white power either. I just believe white people have the right to exist, like every other group, and I am correct in that belief and no one can deny that premise. As far as unkotare, who knows what ethnicity they truly are, there is a certain group of people who practice hiding their identity (look up Jack Ruby for an example), and that practice of hiding their identity traces back to Mordecai's advice to Esther. You can read that in the book of Esther and see it, and also what Purim celebrates.
sealybobo, that is fine. I am not into white power either. I just believe white people have the right to exist, like every other group, and I am correct in that belief and no one can deny that premise. As far as unkotare, who knows what ethnicity they truly are, there is a certain group of people who practice hiding their identity (look up Jack Ruby for an example), and that practice of hiding their identity traces back to Mordecai's advice to Esther. You can read that in the book of Esther and see it, and also what Purim celebrates.
All you have to do is see all the threads he has started to know he's not a real American. Nudge nudge wink wink say no more.

The truth is, China isn't going to let anyone in their country unless they need them and they won't let so many in that Chinese becomes the minority. Same with every other smart country.

Oh, and so you know the Germans are running immigrants out with their laws and treatment of them. Refuges are actually going back to Iraq or wherever they came from.

Fight for your land. Don't run away and leave it to the nuts. Need weapons we will arm you
The problem with the black community is so many of the black men feel PUSSY IS PUSSY

which means they fuck anything with a pulse
The problem with the black community is so many of the black men feel PUSSY IS PUSSY

which means they fuck anything with a pulse
I like pussy too but I never knocked up a girl and then didn't help raise the child.

I think since Republicans are outlawing abortions they should include free iud's in obamacare. They're more expensive than the pill but 90% affective. We need less single young girls getting pregnant. You'll never stop guys from trying to get laid.

Tonight I was listening to how daycares need to be regulated or bad things happen. Abuse, neglect, kids have died at daycares.

But we let any stupid young girl and young boy have and raise a child no test required. You don't even have to be able to feed it or pay the hospital bill.

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