Problem with the Poor Class

Tuition Is Bribery

By only telling half the story, you're endorsing the ruling class's college-slavery scheme if you don't add to that expense the $60-100,000 you lose by not being able to have a full-time job. That's why college is only for teenagers who are afraid to grow up (besides the trust-fundies, who don't belong in America).


They want the smart children of the poor and middle class to study hard in college so they can work for the trust fund babies that didn't study.

That's why so many businesses fail and finally get sold off by the trust fund babies.


Since Reagan, much of the financial burden has shifted from the rich to the working poor.

Is that why the poor now have a negative income tax rate and the rich pay a much higher percentage of total income taxes collected?

Trickle down never happened…..

What's trickle down?
The rich paying a higher percentage of total income taxes only proves they are making more of the total income

Wages of working class Americans have remained stagnant since Reagan
A lot of their problems are self inflicted. Of course no one born into poverty is at fault but the only one responsible for that are your parents. And would you rather not have been born, in America?

So what should a young person born into poverty do to get out of poverty?

Im talking about places with very little economic opportunity.

1. School

2. Move ASAP

3. Dont have kids till you can afford them

4. Save a percent of every paycheck no matter what

5. network. Most people find jobs from people they know.

6. Military

7. I hear a lot of pizza franchise owners first started working at someone else’s franchise. I know guys who after high school became small business owners and now are millionaires. Wasn’t easy

8. Stop complaining things arent fair for the poor.

I know it’s a lot easier said than done. And I wish government and corporations would make sure these communities had more economic opportunities but they don’t. And for a list of reasons, never will.

What sucks is these high poverty communities once had thriving economies. Now that they don’t what should we tell the kids who feel stuck in poverty?
Don't Vote Democrat. They'll turn your city into Detroit.
You don't necessarily need to move to improve your lot in life or your kids lives. I mean sure if you live in cracktown you should if you can, but otherwise you would be surprised at how much bank is secreted away by some people who live in blue collar hoods. That extra grand or two a month mortgage payment in a tonier neighborhood is a shit ton of money over the life of a loan, plus the extra taxes, etc etc etc.
It's all been covered many times. Millions of good paying jobs were sent overseas and you seem to think the answer to that is for people to chase Wal MArt jobs around the country.
We have to do what ALL other modern countries have done, tax the rich and invest in cheap college and training. And stop listening to crap GOP propaganda...
It's all been covered many times. Millions of good paying jobs were sent overseas and you seem to think the answer to that is for people to chase Wal MArt jobs around the country.
Walmart has not shut its doors and has not moved any jobs overseas. If you lost your level entry $15 hr job at Walmart all you have to do is to knock on Mcdonald's door. Bingo, still employed. If you lost a career, well paying job, then you have to make the decision to move where the job still exists. Whining, welfare, and giving up is not the answer.
We have to do what ALL other modern countries have done, tax the rich and invest in cheap college and training. And stop listening to crap GOP propaganda...
Great leftist solution. Tax the rich to death. Offer cheap college degrees to everyone so that they can become rich and successful and then tax them to death. Welfare is looking better and better under your policies.
Walmart has not shut its doors and has not moved any jobs overseas. If you lost your level entry $15 hr job at Walmart all you have to do is to knock on Mcdonald's door. Bingo, still employed. If you lost a career, well paying job, then you have to make the decision to move where the job still exists. Whining, welfare, and giving up is not the answer.

Always with this mythical "where jobs still exist" for millions that lost their jobs that went overseas.

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