Problem with the Poor Class

So as a parent in one of those places I’d move. I would also make sure I or at least my kids had the ability to a better life.

If I was a blue collar factory worker who lost my job in the city I’d try to find a job somewhere else. Well let’s say I’m stuck here for life. It’s too late for me to do all that. What would I do with my kids if I was dumb enough to have them? I’d say get a job you can do anywhere in America. I always thought a good job is a pharmacist because there are at least one or two in every town in America. You can go anywhere in America if you are a nurse or pharmacist
True, one must be mobile. One reason that young urban black men struggle is that they are reluctant to leave the security or familiarity of the "hood". Other poor people also fear not being able to find housing or work if they move. The familiar becomes a comfortable trap.
A lot of their problems are self inflicted. Of course no one born into poverty is at fault but the only one responsible for that are your parents. And would you rather not have been born, in America?

So what should a young person born into poverty do to get out of poverty?

Im talking about places with very little economic opportunity.

1. School

2. Move ASAP

3. Dont have kids till you can afford them

4. Save a percent of every paycheck no matter what

5. network. Most people find jobs from people they know.

6. Military

7. I hear a lot of pizza franchise owners first started working at someone else’s franchise. I know guys who after high school became small business owners and now are millionaires. Wasn’t easy

8. Stop complaining things arent fair for the poor.

I know it’s a lot easier said than done. And I wish government and corporations would make sure these communities had more economic opportunities but they don’t. And for a list of reasons, never will.

What sucks is these high poverty communities once had thriving economies. Now that they don’t what should we tell the kids who feel stuck in poverty?
Kids have an aversion to the very behaviors that would pave the way for success. I was like that as well, but there was one thing that I always did that kept money in my pocket. Until I got married I always rented with other guys, three sometimes four roommates. That made housing cheap for all of us, and made it possible to pay for cars, clothing, savings, etc. even while only earning low pay.
Kids have an aversion to the very behaviors that would pave the way for success. I was like that as well, but there was one thing that I always did that kept money in my pocket. Until I got married I always rented with other guys, three sometimes four roommates. That made housing cheap for all of us, and made it possible to pay for cars, clothing, savings, etc. even while only earning low pay.
Yes yes, people just got stupid and lazy, has nothing to do with giveaway to the rich of the GOP the last 40 years. And screw job for everyone else- ridiculously expensive university and training crappy jobs etc etc. Great job GOP as always change the *** **** channel you idiots.....
Yes yes, people just got stupid and lazy, has nothing to do with giveaway to the rich of the GOP the last 40 years. And screw job for everyone else- ridiculously expensive university and training crappy jobs etc etc. Great job GOP as always change the *** **** channel you idiots.....

Dems have been throwing trillions at colleges.
They haven't fixed the problem?
Why are they so fucking useless?
Yes yes, people just got stupid and lazy, has nothing to do with giveaway to the rich of the GOP the last 40 years. And screw job for everyone else- ridiculously expensive university and training crappy jobs etc etc. Great job GOP as always change the *** **** channel you idiots.....
No matter. The rich spend the money, providing work for others. It's all good. The more money that goes around means more will come around.
No matter. The rich spend the money, providing work for others. It's all good. The more money that goes around means more will come around.
Yes yes, how else would we the worst inequality homelessness and upward mobility ever anywhere, super duper? Change the damn channel unbelievable....
Such as, super duper? Day care? Cheap training? Living wage? Taxing the rich? Horrible, just horrible lol...
Day care: Not the governments job to provide.
Cheap training: Need details.
Living wage: Control immigration and pay will rise.
Taxing the rich: They already pay most of the taxes.
Yes yes, how else would we the worst inequality homelessness and upward mobility ever anywhere, super duper? Change the damn channel unbelievable....
How does bringing in millions more undereducated, unskilled people who don't speak our language help our poor people?

Most of the homelessness, poverty, and lack of opportunity is self-inflicted. In America you can't throw a rock without hitting a great opportunity. Even an entry level job at a fast food restaurant is a gateway to financial success.

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