Progress: A Hundred Years

4. In his 1890 essay, “Leaders of Men,” Wilson explained “No doubt a lot of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual, and a great deal that was mere sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward as fundamental principle,” wrote Wilson, attacking the very individual rights that have made America great.
Progressives love the people, hate the person.

I strongly urge you, in the most vehement terms possible, to read Wilson's speech in its full context so that you may see just how unmitigatingly idiotic your conclusion about what he meant is.

Funny you're asking her to read the speech in context, but aren't quoting it in context for a proper demonstration of your point. Go figure.


Wilson's message was that platitudes about freedom and liberty are worth a hill of beans if not actually backed up in law and protected. He was mocking those who pay lip service to these principles.

Kind of like rubes who wear flag pins and make a lot of noise about freedom and the Constitution but who are completely unfamiliar with either.
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4. In his 1890 essay, “Leaders of Men,” Wilson explained “No doubt a lot of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual, and a great deal that was mere sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward as fundamental principle,” wrote Wilson, attacking the very individual rights that have made America great.
Progressives love the people, hate the person.

I strongly urge you, in the most vehement terms possible, to read Wilson's speech in its full context so that you may see just how unmitigatingly idiotic your conclusion about what he meant is.

Funny you're asking her to read the speech in context, but aren't quoting it in context for a proper demonstration of your point. Go figure.

I just did.

Go figure. Let me know if you don't understand some of the words.
That's idiotic. To say we need more laws to guarantee freedom is ludicrous. Freedom cannot be legislated or divvied out, nor can it be taken away without just cause. Freedom is a human right on which no laws of men may impinge.
Turn off FOX News and read the USAPATRIOT Act, then say that Republicans respect the US Constitution.

Democrats voted for the Patriot Act and when president Bush tried to evesdrop on foreign conversations to certain countries known for terrorism the left went crazy. After a democrat was elected we have everyone's conversations monitored and internet monitored not to mention the IRS used as a political tool and the left loves it. It took a democrat administration to fuk it up as usual.
I strongly urge you, in the most vehement terms possible, to read Wilson's speech in its full context so that you may see just how unmitigatingly idiotic your conclusion about what he meant is.

Funny you're asking her to read the speech in context, but aren't quoting it in context for a proper demonstration of your point. Go figure.

I just did.

Go figure. Let me know if you don't understand some of the words.

Right after I told you to. Go figure, mon ami!
There are men to be moved: how shall he move them? He supplies the power; others supply only the materials upon which that power operates. The power will fail if it be misapplied; it will be misapplied if it be not suitable both in its character and in its method to the nature of the materials upon which it is spent; but that nature is, after all, only its means.It is the power which dictates, dominates; the materials yield. Men are as clay in the hands of the consummate leader
Yea right you read the full context of Woodrow Wilson' s essay..this is just another snip of that asshole getting us involved in WW1 and starting the fuel for the fire of WW2 and starting the fed.
g5, you were caught lying. Don't pull a stunt like that again. Geez, what a pathetic attempt at an argument, having to resort to photoshopping a book. Man...

EDIT: and once again, you changed it back. After you were caught red handed. Just wow.
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4. In his 1890 essay, “Leaders of Men,” Wilson explained “No doubt a lot of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual, and a great deal that was mere sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward as fundamental principle,” wrote Wilson, attacking the very individual rights that have made America great.
Progressives love the people, hate the person.

I strongly urge you, in the most vehement terms possible, to read Wilson's speech in its full context so that you may see just how unmitigatingly idiotic your conclusion about what he meant is.

"your conclusion"

It was a direct quote, not a conclusion.

Research the difference.

It's late, but you are sorely in need of

The characteristics of Progressivism included a belief in eugenics, imperialism, proudly hostile to individualism, the conviction that the state could, though planning and pressure, create a society of ‘new men.’

Compare this to another totalist philosophy:

a. Communist Revolution is based on the idea of transforming human nature.
“The New Soviet man or New Soviet person (Russian: новый советский человек), as postulated by the ideologists of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was an archetype of a person with certain qualities that were said to be emerging as dominant among all citizens of the Soviet Union, irrespective of the country's long-standing cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity, creating a single Soviet people, Soviet nation.[1]

b. Leon Trotsky wrote in his Literature and Revolution [2] :
"The human species, the sluggish Homo sapiens, will once again enter the stage of radical reconstruction and become in his own hands the object of the most complex methods of artificial selection and psychophysical training... Man will make it his create a higher sociobiological type, a superman, if you will"
New Soviet man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you begin to see the difficulties you face due to your lack of education?
I believe it began with Woodrow Wilson. Edward Mandell House influenced him and was allegedly an agent of the european Schiff family. I heard Wilson realized too late what he had done and regretted it. I do not know if that is true or not.
How many of you are old enough to remember the good old days of conservatism,

when someone like Harry Reid was attacked relentlessly for saying

'we killed the Patriot Act'. was 2005 - the conservative chameleon doesn't need long to change colors.
Turn off FOX News and read the USAPATRIOT Act, then say that Republicans respect the US Constitution.

No question that the "Patriot Act" has unconstitutional provisions.

Since Bush is no longer president (had you failed to notice?)....
And since Congress is no longer exclusively Republican....

The the question arises as to why Your New Messiah and His Democrat-dominated Senate has not done JACK SHIT to fix that situation. I mean, not even a single magical Executive Order to uphold the constitution as might have been promised on a black covered book that may or may not have been an actual Bible.

Senator Obama opposed the Patriot act and called it Unconstitutional and vowed to do away with it.
For two years he had both Houses and a super majority in the Senate and did nothing.

The only part of his Campaign that wasn't based on lies is his, "In five days we begin the total transformation of the United States Of America" promise, and he's pretty much done that.
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Gee, why haven't Obama and the Democrats been able to get anything done? What with the 40-something different Republican votes to defund Obamacare and their primary goal of making Obama a one-term President. There's also the multitrillion-dollar failed war on terra that Bush started with no plan or intention of finishing.

We're still dealing with Nixon's stupid fucking drug war, so don't pull that bullshit about "Bush isn't the President anymore." Kids born in the new millennium are now teenagers and have spent their entire lives with the US at war, thanks to George W. Bush. Do you even know who you're fighting anymore?

Gee, why are you so stupid? Have you imagined the World today if Bush had not invaded Iraq and Afghanistan?

The sanctions would have been lifted, Sadam would have been back in the WMD business, (He had already sent people to Africa shopping for 'Yellow Cake', That was left in Valerie Plame's husband's report to the CIA, but left out of the top secret report he leaked to the NYT).
Osama Bin Laden would have continued bombing American facilities and killing American civilians. The Democrats would have blamed Bush for it all.

KNB, you're a political hack, meaning truth means nothing to you.


Wilson's message was that platitudes about freedom and liberty are worth a hill of beans if not actually backed up in law and protected. He was mocking those who pay lip service to these principles.

Kind of like rubes who wear flag pins and make a lot of noise about freedom and the Constitution but who are completely unfamiliar with either.

You didn't highlight the quote that was used in the post. How the hell do you think you are providing context without using the words around the original quote?

You highlighted something completely out of context in your effort to show context. How dumb are you?
1. Woodrow Wilson, our first Progressive President, made no secret of his desires to 'fundamentally change America.'

2. First of all, there is that pesky Constitution:
"Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. … Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]

3. Then, there is his major objection, separation of powers.
He rejected the principles of “separation of powers” and “checks and balances” that are the foundation of American government: “Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand….”

4. In his 1890 essay, “Leaders of Men,” Wilson explained “No doubt a lot of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual, and a great deal that was mere sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward as fundamental principle,” wrote Wilson, attacking the very individual rights that have made America great.
Progressives love the people, hate the person.

5. One often hears that Liberals and Progressives yearn for the US government to be more like that of Western European nations. Here's why:

In May of 1953, with the Labor Party in power in England, and Clement Atlee, Prime Minister, and while addressing the House of Commons, attacked the United Stated Constitution. (He was quickly denounced by Senator McCarthy,) Atlee claimed the Constitution was "framed for an isolationist state," and that he had contempt for the separation of powers, and insinuated that President Eisenhower could not speak with authority, because of the constitutional prerogatives of the US Senate. "One sometimes wonders who is more powerful, the President
or Senator McCarthy," Attlee remarked."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 25

6. Let's see what the last century has given us:

a. Obama, on the Constitution: "I am constrained as they are constrained by the system that our founders put in place."
Obama: Constitution 'Constrains' Me - Ben Shapiro - Page full

b. And, it seems that this constitutional law instructor has decided on how he will handle the problem of the Constitution:
"President Obama "quipped" today during a visit to Monticello with the French president, "That's the good thing about being president, I can do whatever I want."
Obama: 'I Can Do Whatever I Want' | The Weekly Standard

7. "...Jonathan Turley, a liberal law professor at George Washington University and supporter of the Affordable Care Act, to tell the House Judiciary Committee at a Dec. 3 hearing, titled "The President's Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws," that Obama's abuse of executive power has grown to the point that "he's becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid."
Doug Ross @ Journal: Obama is the President the Constitution Was Designed to Prevent

So....where are the Liberal voices raised against this tyrant???

Also Wilson re-segregated Washington DC. Something else libs don't talk about with Wilson.
1. Woodrow Wilson, our first Progressive President, made no secret of his desires to 'fundamentally change America.'

2. First of all, there is that pesky Constitution:
"Justly revered as our great Constitution is, it could be stripped off and thrown aside like a garment, and the nation would still stand forth in the living vestment of flesh and sinew, warm with the heart-blood of one people, ready to recreate constitutions and laws. … Woodrow Wilson [Woodrow Wilson
"The Modern Democratic State" (1885; first published in 1966)
The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Volume 5]

3. Then, there is his major objection, separation of powers.
He rejected the principles of “separation of powers” and “checks and balances” that are the foundation of American government: “Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand….”

4. In his 1890 essay, “Leaders of Men,” Wilson explained “No doubt a lot of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual, and a great deal that was mere sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward as fundamental principle,” wrote Wilson, attacking the very individual rights that have made America great.
Progressives love the people, hate the person.

5. One often hears that Liberals and Progressives yearn for the US government to be more like that of Western European nations. Here's why:

In May of 1953, with the Labor Party in power in England, and Clement Atlee, Prime Minister, and while addressing the House of Commons, attacked the United Stated Constitution. (He was quickly denounced by Senator McCarthy,) Atlee claimed the Constitution was "framed for an isolationist state," and that he had contempt for the separation of powers, and insinuated that President Eisenhower could not speak with authority, because of the constitutional prerogatives of the US Senate. "One sometimes wonders who is more powerful, the President
or Senator McCarthy," Attlee remarked."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 25

6. Let's see what the last century has given us:

a. Obama, on the Constitution: "I am constrained as they are constrained by the system that our founders put in place."
Obama: Constitution 'Constrains' Me - Ben Shapiro - Page full

b. And, it seems that this constitutional law instructor has decided on how he will handle the problem of the Constitution:
"President Obama "quipped" today during a visit to Monticello with the French president, "That's the good thing about being president, I can do whatever I want."
Obama: 'I Can Do Whatever I Want' | The Weekly Standard

7. "...Jonathan Turley, a liberal law professor at George Washington University and supporter of the Affordable Care Act, to tell the House Judiciary Committee at a Dec. 3 hearing, titled "The President's Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws," that Obama's abuse of executive power has grown to the point that "he's becoming the very danger the Constitution was designed to avoid."
Doug Ross @ Journal: Obama is the President the Constitution Was Designed to Prevent

So....where are the Liberal voices raised against this tyrant???

Also Wilson re-segregated Washington DC. Something else libs don't talk about with Wilson.

And the military.

If Pubs hadn't feqed up the League of Nations AND wrecked the world economy we could have avoided WW II. Always a greedy, corrupt, selfish, ugly American mess...

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