Progressive/dem premise: You don't need choice, you just need government

Again repeating silly claims that some idiot told you. Is there ever a time when you think " I should find out who the left actually is instead of just believing all this dehumanizing crap"? That's the first thing Hitler did...........dehumanized the Jews so it was easier to crush them............nobody cared if they died once they were believed to be pure evil.

One can spot a rational leftist, they are the ones riding unicorns.

I expect nothing approaching reason from you, but I'll play along anyway.

Leftism is a philosophy, it is an idea with distinct attributes. Defining what those attributes are does not dehumanize anyone. Saying that the offspring of two humans is not human is dehumanizing, saying that leftists oppose civil liberty is merely a statement of fact.

What are the tenets of leftism?

The primary one is that all things belong to the collective. This is the fundamental distinction between left and right, the concept of ownership, of property rights.

In it's most pure form, leftism holds that there is no owner of anything, that all which exists is equally shared. This is Communism, and a pipe dream that has never existed, nor ever will exist.

The transitional stage is Socialism. Under absolute socialism, all goods and services are the property of the state, the people are also property of the state. This is know as "means of production." The definition of socialism is ownership or control of the means of production by the state. Clearly, the concept of civil rights is absurd under socialism, people are property of the state to be used as the owner see fit.

Pure socialism is rare and brutal, North Korea, Burma, The Khmer Rouge, Mao's China. Genocide is the constant companion of Socialism, the Siamese twin.

Most leftism is the struggle to move to a socialist system, to reduce the rights of individuals in favor of increased control by the state, generally using euphemisms such as "the people" or "society" to disguise the call for state infringement of rights.

I'll stop here to see if you can respond rationally.
Again repeating silly claims that some idiot told you. Is there ever a time when you think " I should find out who the left actually is instead of just believing all this dehumanizing crap"? That's the first thing Hitler did...........dehumanized the Jews so it was easier to crush them............nobody cared if they died once they were believed to be pure evil.

One can spot a rational leftist, they are the ones riding unicorns.

I expect nothing approaching reason from you, but I'll play along anyway.

Leftism is a philosophy, it is an idea with distinct attributes. Defining what those attributes are does not dehumanize anyone. Saying that the offspring of two humans is not human is dehumanizing, saying that leftists oppose civil liberty is merely a statement of fact.

What are the tenets of leftism?

The primary one is that all things belong to the collective. This is the fundamental distinction between left and right, the concept of ownership, of property rights.

In it's most pure form, leftism holds that there is no owner of anything, that all which exists is equally shared. This is Communism, and a pipe dream that has never existed, nor ever will exist.

The transitional stage is Socialism. Under absolute socialism, all goods and services are the property of the state, the people are also property of the state. This is know as "means of production." The definition of socialism is ownership or control of the means of production by the state. Clearly, the concept of civil rights is absurd under socialism, people are property of the state to be used as the owner see fit.

Pure socialism is rare and brutal, North Korea, Burma, The Khmer Rouge, Mao's China. Genocide is the constant companion of Socialism, the Siamese twin.

Most leftism is the struggle to move to a socialist system, to reduce the rights of individuals in favor of increased control by the state, generally using euphemisms such as "the people" or "society" to disguise the call for state infringement of rights.

I'll stop here to see if you can respond rationally.

I could write a long involved list of the ways your claims are wrong, but being aware of your previous posts, I know it would be a waste of time. All your diatribe is worth is a simple "You're full of shit."
That is the only true statement you've made in this thread. The rest is nothing more broad brushing poppycock from someone with an axe to grind.

My statement that leftism is predicated upon totalitarianism is a "water is wet" statement.

Those who deny it are either ignorant or dishonest, usually both.

Those who believe it are "full of shit"
Wait a minute..identifying leftists as disgusting fascists isn't DEHUMANIZING. It's simply calling out a deadly ideology and identifying those who cling to it. It's in no way claiming the asshats who engage in fascism are not human.

Dehumanization takes the form of claiming that a particular group of people should be denied the rights that others have..based on the fact that they lack "personhood". I.e., the lefty dehumanization of the children of poor people (who we hear so often are *better off dead*, hence their justification for killing them in utero) is a good example. So is the lefty insistence that people who are vulnerable..mentally ill, paralyzed, or just sick, are somehow less of a *person* than other people, and thus we can be justified in putting them down.

Dehumanization takes the form of bigotry..for example, when you hear lefties claiming that all the veterans and disabled people in the state of Missouri (or whatever state it was) should be denied foodstamps and income because the state refuses to pass hate speech legislation...that's dehumanization. They maintain that the disabled and entitled are somehow less entitled (and therefore, less human) than those who support their ridiculous first amendment attacks.

Dehumanization takes place when you maintain that certain groups should lose rights because they dare to voice unpopular opinions. For example, the current lefty push to imprison people, or shut down the businesses of people, who do not embrace the homo agenda....

Speaking out against bad laws and policies is not "dehumanizing" the assholes who are trying to dehumanize US.
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I could write a long involved list of the ways your claims are wrong, but being aware of your previous posts, I know it would be a waste of time. All your diatribe is worth is a simple "You're full of shit."

As I suspected.

Leftists lack the capacity for reason.
They're insane, pure and simple. Never forget...the policies and actions that tyrants are most reviled for are PROGRESSIVE policies and actions. It isn't the politics of Nazism that got them in was their application of PROGRESSIVE theories and policies, above and beyond the scope of their politics.
That is the only true statement you've made in this thread. The rest is nothing more broad brushing poppycock from someone with an axe to grind.

My statement that leftism is predicated upon totalitarianism is a "water is wet" statement.

Those who deny it are either ignorant or dishonest, usually both.

No, your statement is a broad generalization masquerading as fact simply b/c you say it is.

People that don't agree with your broad brushes are neither ignorant and/or dishonest.
I could write a long involved list of the ways your claims are wrong, but being aware of your previous posts, I know it would be a waste of time. All your diatribe is worth is a simple "You're full of shit."

As I suspected.

Leftists lack the capacity for reason.

It's perfectly reasonable to consider you a rabid unreachable buffoon. Not worthy of discussion, or even consideration. I just think you need to occasionally be reminded just how full of shit you are..........believe me it's a lot.
They're insane, pure and simple. Never forget...the policies and actions that tyrants are most reviled for are PROGRESSIVE policies and actions. It isn't the politics of Nazism that got them in was their application of PROGRESSIVE theories and policies, above and beyond the scope of their politics.

The rulers of the left are evil, no question. Those who actively seek power are a danger to others regardless of the philosophy they espouse. The rank and file sheeple like Bulldog want nothing more than to escape responsibility. Any hardship or deprivation is acceptable, as long as they will not be blamed. The attraction of leftism is simply escape of responsibility for one's own circumstance.
No, your statement is a broad generalization masquerading as fact simply b/c you say it is.

People that don't agree with your broad brushes are neither ignorant and/or dishonest.

It is indeed a generalization.

It is a fact because it is true, demonstrably real, predicated upon reality.

Facts exist regardless of whether I state them, or whether you accept them.
It's perfectly reasonable to consider you a rabid unreachable buffoon. Not worthy of discussion, or even consideration. I just think you need to occasionally be reminded just how full of shit you are..........believe me it's a lot.

You clearly have little education, you have no grasp of the subject at hand and attempt to distract from your ignorance through ad hom.

Simply put, you are a leftist precisely because you are in fact, stupid.
They're insane, pure and simple. Never forget...the policies and actions that tyrants are most reviled for are PROGRESSIVE policies and actions. It isn't the politics of Nazism that got them in was their application of PROGRESSIVE theories and policies, above and beyond the scope of their politics.

The rulers of the left are evil, no question. Those who actively seek power are a danger to others regardless of the philosophy they espouse. The rank and file sheeple like Bulldog want nothing more than to escape responsibility. Any hardship or deprivation is acceptable, as long as they will not be blamed. The attraction of leftism is simply escape of responsibility for one's own circumstance.

You realize that you have been convinced that more than half of the country are evil and dangerous.....right? I ask you, Is that something a sane person would believe?
It's perfectly reasonable to consider you a rabid unreachable buffoon. Not worthy of discussion, or even consideration. I just think you need to occasionally be reminded just how full of shit you are..........believe me it's a lot.

You clearly have little education, you have no grasp of the subject at hand and attempt to distract from your ignorance through ad hom.

Simply put, you are a leftist precisely because you are in fact, stupid.

You go with that sweetlips.
The left believes that we must take what the state gives us, and ask for (and be prevented from creating) any alternative:

"In Louisiana, the main Democratic candidate for governor, John Bel Edwards, has decided that if you live in an “A” or “B” rated school district, you don’t need to have the ability to choose to send your child to another school."

"You don’t need an alternative to what government provides. Much like school, you don’t need private health insurance when the government is offering it to you on the cheap* and easy*. You don’t even need to choose whether or not to go out and vote, if you take the president’s ideas seriously. We’ll just make you do it. After all, that’s what the Civil Rights movement was all about. We should all be forced to do the same thing, rather than allowing freedom to be the guiding force behind our country."
The Democrats and Freedom of Choice RedState
You're as much an ignorant idiot as you are a liar.

Projection Feaux Counselor, you exude racism and ignorance.

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