Let's take a look at this using the numbers.

19.3% of all the US population live in Rural Areas. That means 80.7 people live in urban or suburban areas.

Now we look at your crime rate of Rural versus Urban and Suburban. I won't use your numbers as I already know you just make shit up. So I'll use the real numbers. If I used your numbers, it would show that it would be extremely unhealthy to be living in a rural area since you would have a higher rate of being murdered than in a urban or suburban area. And even I won't buy that. So I'll jus t look it up. In 2014, per 1000, the figures for the US was 4.5 for Murder and Non Negligent Homicide. And for the Rural areas it was 3.0. The Metro Areas were 4.7. There are no new stats for the last two years but the reports coming out of law enforcement tells a story. The various agencies shows that the Metro Areas have either stayed the same or gone down while the Rural has gone up.

The reason for this increase is exactly the reason for the crime in the Metro Areas. JOBS or the lack of JOBS. It's finally hit the rural areas. In fact, with the loss of many of the Ag jobs, it's hit the Rural Areas much harder than the Metro areas recently. I don't think you know just how important that Farm really is. It affects the Processing Plants, the John Deere Shop, the Donut Shop, the Hardware Store, the Movie House, and every level of business and employment of that small town. The Farm doesn't have to shut down. It just has to get lower profits. And don't forget those mines that are either shutting down or cutting their production. Same thing goes. Rural America is getting slammed. And when that happens, tempers flair and crime increases.

Your figures are a bit high but not by very damned much. Rural America has almost caught up with Metro America in Violent Crime. It just took it longer to get the same conditions.
What part of 70% of all murders occur in very concentrated areas of just 2% of all counties did I make up.?

And you still do not understand that the RATE takes into account the differing population numbers

The MURDER RATE expressed in murders per 100000 is lower in rural areas that have a higher percentage of gun ownership than the murder rate of urban areas with a low percentage of gun ownership.

It doesn't matter how many people live in one area compared to another because the ratio takes that into account.

I really don't know why you people have such a hard time understanding what is an 8th grade mathematical concept.

So more guns do not equal more murder and more gun laws do not equal less murder

Oh, I understand it. I understand that there has been a large increase in Rural Gun Crimes in the last year. And I also understand that it has had nothing to do with the number of firearms. I have tried to get it through that sick skull of yours the reason why but you seem to be in this fantasy world that the NRA has painted for you.

and you give no numbers for this supposedly large increase and what about the MURDER RATE since that is what we have been talking about?

Or do you have to add in all kinds of other crimes to pad your numbers so they fit your narrative

I realize that your "God" or Diety calls everything but himself as false news but I suggest you listen to your local news, read a few newspapers, surf the net for this information and get out from under that rock where I had no idea they had internet access.

I am an atheist.
And you're the only one here who says everything is fake news

If you're going to assert something as fact it's up to you to provide evidence of it not me.

I read the local papers but you fail to realize that just because you may see an increase in crime where you live in no way means everyone else in the country has.

I've lived in my town for 11 years and there has not been one murder in my town in that time.

I can't help it that your town is deprived of the things other towns have. Maybe some day, your town will catch up. But I suggest you do some research for West Virginia and Virginia for the Coal Fields or the Ohio Steel Mills or the Indiana Farm Lands where the small towns are experiencing the increase in violent crimes unemployment. They are learning what NYC learned decades ago and what most Metro Cities still haven't figured out. Lose the jobs and crime moves in because the people are going to have to turn to something to make a living somehow.
Here we go again

You can own a car without registering it. You only have to register a car if you want to drive it on public roadways

You do not have a Constitutionally guaranteed right to drive a vehicle on public roads. Driving is a privilege granted by the state and can be revoked at any time for any reason

Same can be said for everything else including handguns. You have the right to have a handgun in your home but the state determines any rights past that. The State can determine that you need a license to take it out of your home or not. The State can ban any firearm except the traditional hunting rifle, shotgun or the handgun. And they can place limits on the ones that they can't ban when you go to purchase them. In some states, the Firearms are handled exactly like a Car in respect of having the person to be licensed to carry it outside the home.

If you reread Heller V, that is what really came out of it.

The Constitution says keep and bear

Own and carry

And yet there are those infringed by law who cannot keep and bear. Explain that?

Due process

Until it goes against what you think it should be and then it's Unconstitutional, right? Some standard there, cupcake.

Unlike you I don't force my views on people.

I will never tell anyone, not even a feeble minded old man like you what they should or shouldn't do

In fact the only thing I will ever tell another person to do is to mind their own fucking business
What part of 70% of all murders occur in very concentrated areas of just 2% of all counties did I make up.?

And you still do not understand that the RATE takes into account the differing population numbers

The MURDER RATE expressed in murders per 100000 is lower in rural areas that have a higher percentage of gun ownership than the murder rate of urban areas with a low percentage of gun ownership.

It doesn't matter how many people live in one area compared to another because the ratio takes that into account.

I really don't know why you people have such a hard time understanding what is an 8th grade mathematical concept.

So more guns do not equal more murder and more gun laws do not equal less murder

Oh, I understand it. I understand that there has been a large increase in Rural Gun Crimes in the last year. And I also understand that it has had nothing to do with the number of firearms. I have tried to get it through that sick skull of yours the reason why but you seem to be in this fantasy world that the NRA has painted for you.

and you give no numbers for this supposedly large increase and what about the MURDER RATE since that is what we have been talking about?

Or do you have to add in all kinds of other crimes to pad your numbers so they fit your narrative

I realize that your "God" or Diety calls everything but himself as false news but I suggest you listen to your local news, read a few newspapers, surf the net for this information and get out from under that rock where I had no idea they had internet access.

I am an atheist.
And you're the only one here who says everything is fake news

If you're going to assert something as fact it's up to you to provide evidence of it not me.

I read the local papers but you fail to realize that just because you may see an increase in crime where you live in no way means everyone else in the country has.

I've lived in my town for 11 years and there has not been one murder in my town in that time.

I can't help it that your town is deprived of the things other towns have. Maybe some day, your town will catch up. But I suggest you do some research for West Virginia and Virginia for the Coal Fields or the Ohio Steel Mills or the Indiana Farm Lands where the small towns are experiencing the increase in violent crimes unemployment. They are learning what NYC learned decades ago and what most Metro Cities still haven't figured out. Lose the jobs and crime moves in because the people are going to have to turn to something to make a living somehow.

Yes my town is deprived of crime and murder too bad you can't afford to live in such a place
Here we go again

You can own a car without registering it. You only have to register a car if you want to drive it on public roadways

You do not have a Constitutionally guaranteed right to drive a vehicle on public roads. Driving is a privilege granted by the state and can be revoked at any time for any reason

Same can be said for everything else including handguns. You have the right to have a handgun in your home but the state determines any rights past that. The State can determine that you need a license to take it out of your home or not. The State can ban any firearm except the traditional hunting rifle, shotgun or the handgun. And they can place limits on the ones that they can't ban when you go to purchase them. In some states, the Firearms are handled exactly like a Car in respect of having the person to be licensed to carry it outside the home.

If you reread Heller V, that is what really came out of it.

The Constitution says keep and bear

Own and carry

You have the absolute right to own and carry within the confines of your home and property. Past that, the State can have say in what you can and can't do. As the one Judge said, if you don't like the laws where you are at, move. I'll go one step further and say, if you won't move, either get the laws changed or live within the laws.
So the same applies to the other rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights?

If one has to pay to get permits and take required safety classes to exercise one right then why not all rights?

Take a class and get a permit for your first, third, fourth, fifth etc rights or you forfeit those rights when you leave your home.

That's almost as idiotic as the everyone is a criminal until they aren't argument

On it's face, the right for the pursuit of happiness, in itself, has no public safety involved. The right to walk down the street with a weapon might. The right to drive a car down the road might. The right to drink booze might. You have the right to drive a car on your own property without insurance, registration or license. You have the right to drink in the confines of your own home. But the State allows this. it's not an inaliable right. The State can have you need a permit to do either. The same goes for a handgun. Luckily, there aren't any states that limit us to drinking and driving (not at the same time as that would get you busted fast) on private property to date. But neither the car or the booze will go for X miles and accidently kill someone by going off accidently usually like a firearm will. I know this sounds unfair to you but life is unfair. In fact, life is a bitch sometimes. Again, if you don't like the law, get it changed, move, live within it's confines, or become a felon and lose your gun rights.

My carrying a concealed weapon is not a threat to public safety either.

As my almost 30 years of concealed carry has proven.

And you really don't seem to understand that a person can disagree with a law and still follow it do you?

So yes I pay what amounts to a tax to exercise a right guaranteed me in the Constitution and yes I got fingerprinted like a common piece of shit criminal to exercise a right guaranteed me by the Constitution.

So why not require the same for every other right guaranteed in the Constitution?

Can't pay for a 5th amendment permit tough shit you lose your right
Can't pay for a fourth amendment permit too bad the cops are going to search your home whenever the fuck they want
Same can be said for everything else including handguns. You have the right to have a handgun in your home but the state determines any rights past that. The State can determine that you need a license to take it out of your home or not. The State can ban any firearm except the traditional hunting rifle, shotgun or the handgun. And they can place limits on the ones that they can't ban when you go to purchase them. In some states, the Firearms are handled exactly like a Car in respect of having the person to be licensed to carry it outside the home.

If you reread Heller V, that is what really came out of it.

The Constitution says keep and bear

Own and carry

And yet there are those infringed by law who cannot keep and bear. Explain that?

Due process

Until it goes against what you think it should be and then it's Unconstitutional, right? Some standard there, cupcake.

Unlike you I don't force my views on people.

I will never tell anyone, not even a feeble minded old man like you what they should or shouldn't do

In fact the only thing I will ever tell another person to do is to mind their own fucking business

You do all the time. I suggest to people that if they don't like the laws they need to work to get them change, move to where they agree with the laws, adhere to the laws or become a criminal and when busted lose the rights. Simple as that. It's a series of choices we all make. If you can't live within those 4 choices, you are just bitching.
Oh, I understand it. I understand that there has been a large increase in Rural Gun Crimes in the last year. And I also understand that it has had nothing to do with the number of firearms. I have tried to get it through that sick skull of yours the reason why but you seem to be in this fantasy world that the NRA has painted for you.

and you give no numbers for this supposedly large increase and what about the MURDER RATE since that is what we have been talking about?

Or do you have to add in all kinds of other crimes to pad your numbers so they fit your narrative

I realize that your "God" or Diety calls everything but himself as false news but I suggest you listen to your local news, read a few newspapers, surf the net for this information and get out from under that rock where I had no idea they had internet access.

I am an atheist.
And you're the only one here who says everything is fake news

If you're going to assert something as fact it's up to you to provide evidence of it not me.

I read the local papers but you fail to realize that just because you may see an increase in crime where you live in no way means everyone else in the country has.

I've lived in my town for 11 years and there has not been one murder in my town in that time.

I can't help it that your town is deprived of the things other towns have. Maybe some day, your town will catch up. But I suggest you do some research for West Virginia and Virginia for the Coal Fields or the Ohio Steel Mills or the Indiana Farm Lands where the small towns are experiencing the increase in violent crimes unemployment. They are learning what NYC learned decades ago and what most Metro Cities still haven't figured out. Lose the jobs and crime moves in because the people are going to have to turn to something to make a living somehow.

Yes my town is deprived of crime and murder too bad you can't afford to live in such a place

You live in La La Land. It doesn't exist.
Same can be said for everything else including handguns. You have the right to have a handgun in your home but the state determines any rights past that. The State can determine that you need a license to take it out of your home or not. The State can ban any firearm except the traditional hunting rifle, shotgun or the handgun. And they can place limits on the ones that they can't ban when you go to purchase them. In some states, the Firearms are handled exactly like a Car in respect of having the person to be licensed to carry it outside the home.

If you reread Heller V, that is what really came out of it.

The Constitution says keep and bear

Own and carry

You have the absolute right to own and carry within the confines of your home and property. Past that, the State can have say in what you can and can't do. As the one Judge said, if you don't like the laws where you are at, move. I'll go one step further and say, if you won't move, either get the laws changed or live within the laws.
So the same applies to the other rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights?

If one has to pay to get permits and take required safety classes to exercise one right then why not all rights?

Take a class and get a permit for your first, third, fourth, fifth etc rights or you forfeit those rights when you leave your home.

That's almost as idiotic as the everyone is a criminal until they aren't argument

On it's face, the right for the pursuit of happiness, in itself, has no public safety involved. The right to walk down the street with a weapon might. The right to drive a car down the road might. The right to drink booze might. You have the right to drive a car on your own property without insurance, registration or license. You have the right to drink in the confines of your own home. But the State allows this. it's not an inaliable right. The State can have you need a permit to do either. The same goes for a handgun. Luckily, there aren't any states that limit us to drinking and driving (not at the same time as that would get you busted fast) on private property to date. But neither the car or the booze will go for X miles and accidently kill someone by going off accidently usually like a firearm will. I know this sounds unfair to you but life is unfair. In fact, life is a bitch sometimes. Again, if you don't like the law, get it changed, move, live within it's confines, or become a felon and lose your gun rights.

My carrying a concealed weapon is not a threat to public safety either.

As my almost 30 years of concealed carry has proven.

And you really don't seem to understand that a person can disagree with a law and still follow it do you?

So yes I pay what amounts to a tax to exercise a right guaranteed me in the Constitution and yes I got fingerprinted like a common piece of shit criminal to exercise a right guaranteed me by the Constitution.

So why not require the same for every other right guaranteed in the Constitution?

Can't pay for a 5th amendment permit tough shit you lose your right
Can't pay for a fourth amendment permit too bad the cops are going to search your home whenever the fuck they want

Then you DO adhere to the law. Funny you should mention that.
What part of 70% of all murders occur in very concentrated areas of just 2% of all counties did I make up.?

And you still do not understand that the RATE takes into account the differing population numbers

The MURDER RATE expressed in murders per 100000 is lower in rural areas that have a higher percentage of gun ownership than the murder rate of urban areas with a low percentage of gun ownership.

It doesn't matter how many people live in one area compared to another because the ratio takes that into account.

I really don't know why you people have such a hard time understanding what is an 8th grade mathematical concept.

So more guns do not equal more murder and more gun laws do not equal less murder

Oh, I understand it. I understand that there has been a large increase in Rural Gun Crimes in the last year. And I also understand that it has had nothing to do with the number of firearms. I have tried to get it through that sick skull of yours the reason why but you seem to be in this fantasy world that the NRA has painted for you.

and you give no numbers for this supposedly large increase and what about the MURDER RATE since that is what we have been talking about?

Or do you have to add in all kinds of other crimes to pad your numbers so they fit your narrative

I realize that your "God" or Diety calls everything but himself as false news but I suggest you listen to your local news, read a few newspapers, surf the net for this information and get out from under that rock where I had no idea they had internet access.

I am an atheist.
And you're the only one here who says everything is fake news

If you're going to assert something as fact it's up to you to provide evidence of it not me.

I read the local papers but you fail to realize that just because you may see an increase in crime where you live in no way means everyone else in the country has.

I've lived in my town for 11 years and there has not been one murder in my town in that time.

I can't help it that your town is deprived of the things other towns have. Maybe some day, your town will catch up. But I suggest you do some research for West Virginia and Virginia for the Coal Fields or the Ohio Steel Mills or the Indiana Farm Lands where the small towns are experiencing the increase in violent crimes unemployment. They are learning what NYC learned decades ago and what most Metro Cities still haven't figured out. Lose the jobs and crime moves in because the people are going to have to turn to something to make a living somehow.

No...crime moves in because you have single, teenage girls having children without husbands and fathers.... the only role models for young males are then gang members and criminals.....that is the problem.
The Constitution says keep and bear

Own and carry

And yet there are those infringed by law who cannot keep and bear. Explain that?

Due process

Until it goes against what you think it should be and then it's Unconstitutional, right? Some standard there, cupcake.

Unlike you I don't force my views on people.

I will never tell anyone, not even a feeble minded old man like you what they should or shouldn't do

In fact the only thing I will ever tell another person to do is to mind their own fucking business

You do all the time. I suggest to people that if they don't like the laws they need to work to get them change, move to where they agree with the laws, adhere to the laws or become a criminal and when busted lose the rights. Simple as that. It's a series of choices we all make. If you can't live within those 4 choices, you are just bitching.

You have no idea what I do or don't do.
You're just making assumptions
and you give no numbers for this supposedly large increase and what about the MURDER RATE since that is what we have been talking about?

Or do you have to add in all kinds of other crimes to pad your numbers so they fit your narrative

I realize that your "God" or Diety calls everything but himself as false news but I suggest you listen to your local news, read a few newspapers, surf the net for this information and get out from under that rock where I had no idea they had internet access.

I am an atheist.
And you're the only one here who says everything is fake news

If you're going to assert something as fact it's up to you to provide evidence of it not me.

I read the local papers but you fail to realize that just because you may see an increase in crime where you live in no way means everyone else in the country has.

I've lived in my town for 11 years and there has not been one murder in my town in that time.

I can't help it that your town is deprived of the things other towns have. Maybe some day, your town will catch up. But I suggest you do some research for West Virginia and Virginia for the Coal Fields or the Ohio Steel Mills or the Indiana Farm Lands where the small towns are experiencing the increase in violent crimes unemployment. They are learning what NYC learned decades ago and what most Metro Cities still haven't figured out. Lose the jobs and crime moves in because the people are going to have to turn to something to make a living somehow.

Yes my town is deprived of crime and murder too bad you can't afford to live in such a place

You live in La La Land. It doesn't exist.

Sure it does and you still can't afford it
And yet there are those infringed by law who cannot keep and bear. Explain that?

Due process

Until it goes against what you think it should be and then it's Unconstitutional, right? Some standard there, cupcake.

Unlike you I don't force my views on people.

I will never tell anyone, not even a feeble minded old man like you what they should or shouldn't do

In fact the only thing I will ever tell another person to do is to mind their own fucking business

You do all the time. I suggest to people that if they don't like the laws they need to work to get them change, move to where they agree with the laws, adhere to the laws or become a criminal and when busted lose the rights. Simple as that. It's a series of choices we all make. If you can't live within those 4 choices, you are just bitching.

You have no idea what I do or don't do.
You're just making assumptions

I'll guess. You are an agent provocateur hired by the NRA to support gun sales. My only wonderment being if you are paid or not.
The Constitution says keep and bear

Own and carry

You have the absolute right to own and carry within the confines of your home and property. Past that, the State can have say in what you can and can't do. As the one Judge said, if you don't like the laws where you are at, move. I'll go one step further and say, if you won't move, either get the laws changed or live within the laws.
So the same applies to the other rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights?

If one has to pay to get permits and take required safety classes to exercise one right then why not all rights?

Take a class and get a permit for your first, third, fourth, fifth etc rights or you forfeit those rights when you leave your home.

That's almost as idiotic as the everyone is a criminal until they aren't argument

On it's face, the right for the pursuit of happiness, in itself, has no public safety involved. The right to walk down the street with a weapon might. The right to drive a car down the road might. The right to drink booze might. You have the right to drive a car on your own property without insurance, registration or license. You have the right to drink in the confines of your own home. But the State allows this. it's not an inaliable right. The State can have you need a permit to do either. The same goes for a handgun. Luckily, there aren't any states that limit us to drinking and driving (not at the same time as that would get you busted fast) on private property to date. But neither the car or the booze will go for X miles and accidently kill someone by going off accidently usually like a firearm will. I know this sounds unfair to you but life is unfair. In fact, life is a bitch sometimes. Again, if you don't like the law, get it changed, move, live within it's confines, or become a felon and lose your gun rights.

My carrying a concealed weapon is not a threat to public safety either.

As my almost 30 years of concealed carry has proven.

And you really don't seem to understand that a person can disagree with a law and still follow it do you?

So yes I pay what amounts to a tax to exercise a right guaranteed me in the Constitution and yes I got fingerprinted like a common piece of shit criminal to exercise a right guaranteed me by the Constitution.

So why not require the same for every other right guaranteed in the Constitution?

Can't pay for a 5th amendment permit tough shit you lose your right
Can't pay for a fourth amendment permit too bad the cops are going to search your home whenever the fuck they want

Then you DO adhere to the law. Funny you should mention that.

I never said I didn't obey the law did I?

Why don't you answer the question?
Due process

Until it goes against what you think it should be and then it's Unconstitutional, right? Some standard there, cupcake.

Unlike you I don't force my views on people.

I will never tell anyone, not even a feeble minded old man like you what they should or shouldn't do

In fact the only thing I will ever tell another person to do is to mind their own fucking business

You do all the time. I suggest to people that if they don't like the laws they need to work to get them change, move to where they agree with the laws, adhere to the laws or become a criminal and when busted lose the rights. Simple as that. It's a series of choices we all make. If you can't live within those 4 choices, you are just bitching.

You have no idea what I do or don't do.
You're just making assumptions

I'll guess. You are an agent provocateur hired by the NRA to support gun sales. My only wonderment being if you are paid or not.

Did you lose your tin foil hat?
Oh, I understand it. I understand that there has been a large increase in Rural Gun Crimes in the last year. And I also understand that it has had nothing to do with the number of firearms. I have tried to get it through that sick skull of yours the reason why but you seem to be in this fantasy world that the NRA has painted for you.

and you give no numbers for this supposedly large increase and what about the MURDER RATE since that is what we have been talking about?

Or do you have to add in all kinds of other crimes to pad your numbers so they fit your narrative

I realize that your "God" or Diety calls everything but himself as false news but I suggest you listen to your local news, read a few newspapers, surf the net for this information and get out from under that rock where I had no idea they had internet access.

I am an atheist.
And you're the only one here who says everything is fake news

If you're going to assert something as fact it's up to you to provide evidence of it not me.

I read the local papers but you fail to realize that just because you may see an increase in crime where you live in no way means everyone else in the country has.

I've lived in my town for 11 years and there has not been one murder in my town in that time.

I can't help it that your town is deprived of the things other towns have. Maybe some day, your town will catch up. But I suggest you do some research for West Virginia and Virginia for the Coal Fields or the Ohio Steel Mills or the Indiana Farm Lands where the small towns are experiencing the increase in violent crimes unemployment. They are learning what NYC learned decades ago and what most Metro Cities still haven't figured out. Lose the jobs and crime moves in because the people are going to have to turn to something to make a living somehow.

No...crime moves in because you have single, teenage girls having children without husbands and fathers.... the only role models for young males are then gang members and criminals.....that is the problem.

And what causes this problem in the first place? The lack of decent jobs. You have never been without a job faced with abject poverty. If the man stays or marries the woman, she and her children couldn't qualify for welfare. Men used to have just enough possession so they could quickly gather them up if a social worker paid the home a visit. There would be no trace he was ever there. The system was rigged against having the male in the home in a low wage home. At some point, he would just stop coming. Or he would knock some gal up and not bother to claim his family. Again, the lack of a decent paying job causes this. Rural America is just now experiencing this like the inner cities did in the late 60s and to the present. Either you learn from history or you repeat it.
And yet there are those infringed by law who cannot keep and bear. Explain that?

Due process

Until it goes against what you think it should be and then it's Unconstitutional, right? Some standard there, cupcake.

Unlike you I don't force my views on people.

I will never tell anyone, not even a feeble minded old man like you what they should or shouldn't do

In fact the only thing I will ever tell another person to do is to mind their own fucking business

You do all the time. I suggest to people that if they don't like the laws they need to work to get them change, move to where they agree with the laws, adhere to the laws or become a criminal and when busted lose the rights. Simple as that. It's a series of choices we all make. If you can't live within those 4 choices, you are just bitching.

You have no idea what I do or don't do.
You're just making assumptions

I can only go on what you do in here. You just don't like it when one of your many bad habits is pointed out to you. Get used to it. It's going to be a very long life.
I realize that your "God" or Diety calls everything but himself as false news but I suggest you listen to your local news, read a few newspapers, surf the net for this information and get out from under that rock where I had no idea they had internet access.

I am an atheist.
And you're the only one here who says everything is fake news

If you're going to assert something as fact it's up to you to provide evidence of it not me.

I read the local papers but you fail to realize that just because you may see an increase in crime where you live in no way means everyone else in the country has.

I've lived in my town for 11 years and there has not been one murder in my town in that time.

I can't help it that your town is deprived of the things other towns have. Maybe some day, your town will catch up. But I suggest you do some research for West Virginia and Virginia for the Coal Fields or the Ohio Steel Mills or the Indiana Farm Lands where the small towns are experiencing the increase in violent crimes unemployment. They are learning what NYC learned decades ago and what most Metro Cities still haven't figured out. Lose the jobs and crime moves in because the people are going to have to turn to something to make a living somehow.

Yes my town is deprived of crime and murder too bad you can't afford to live in such a place

You live in La La Land. It doesn't exist.

Sure it does and you still can't afford it

Yah, those designer drugs are quite expensive. More than I could afford even if I cared to use them.
You have the absolute right to own and carry within the confines of your home and property. Past that, the State can have say in what you can and can't do. As the one Judge said, if you don't like the laws where you are at, move. I'll go one step further and say, if you won't move, either get the laws changed or live within the laws.
So the same applies to the other rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights?

If one has to pay to get permits and take required safety classes to exercise one right then why not all rights?

Take a class and get a permit for your first, third, fourth, fifth etc rights or you forfeit those rights when you leave your home.

That's almost as idiotic as the everyone is a criminal until they aren't argument

On it's face, the right for the pursuit of happiness, in itself, has no public safety involved. The right to walk down the street with a weapon might. The right to drive a car down the road might. The right to drink booze might. You have the right to drive a car on your own property without insurance, registration or license. You have the right to drink in the confines of your own home. But the State allows this. it's not an inaliable right. The State can have you need a permit to do either. The same goes for a handgun. Luckily, there aren't any states that limit us to drinking and driving (not at the same time as that would get you busted fast) on private property to date. But neither the car or the booze will go for X miles and accidently kill someone by going off accidently usually like a firearm will. I know this sounds unfair to you but life is unfair. In fact, life is a bitch sometimes. Again, if you don't like the law, get it changed, move, live within it's confines, or become a felon and lose your gun rights.

My carrying a concealed weapon is not a threat to public safety either.

As my almost 30 years of concealed carry has proven.

And you really don't seem to understand that a person can disagree with a law and still follow it do you?

So yes I pay what amounts to a tax to exercise a right guaranteed me in the Constitution and yes I got fingerprinted like a common piece of shit criminal to exercise a right guaranteed me by the Constitution.

So why not require the same for every other right guaranteed in the Constitution?

Can't pay for a 5th amendment permit tough shit you lose your right
Can't pay for a fourth amendment permit too bad the cops are going to search your home whenever the fuck they want

Then you DO adhere to the law. Funny you should mention that.

I never said I didn't obey the law did I?

Why don't you answer the question?

Because your question is absurd. You have the debating skills of a 4 year old.
Until it goes against what you think it should be and then it's Unconstitutional, right? Some standard there, cupcake.

Unlike you I don't force my views on people.

I will never tell anyone, not even a feeble minded old man like you what they should or shouldn't do

In fact the only thing I will ever tell another person to do is to mind their own fucking business

You do all the time. I suggest to people that if they don't like the laws they need to work to get them change, move to where they agree with the laws, adhere to the laws or become a criminal and when busted lose the rights. Simple as that. It's a series of choices we all make. If you can't live within those 4 choices, you are just bitching.

You have no idea what I do or don't do.
You're just making assumptions

I'll guess. You are an agent provocateur hired by the NRA to support gun sales. My only wonderment being if you are paid or not.

Did you lose your tin foil hat?

Why do you ask? You want to sell him one with the NRA Logo on it like you wear?
Due process

Until it goes against what you think it should be and then it's Unconstitutional, right? Some standard there, cupcake.

Unlike you I don't force my views on people.

I will never tell anyone, not even a feeble minded old man like you what they should or shouldn't do

In fact the only thing I will ever tell another person to do is to mind their own fucking business

You do all the time. I suggest to people that if they don't like the laws they need to work to get them change, move to where they agree with the laws, adhere to the laws or become a criminal and when busted lose the rights. Simple as that. It's a series of choices we all make. If you can't live within those 4 choices, you are just bitching.

You have no idea what I do or don't do.
You're just making assumptions

I can only go on what you do in here. You just don't like it when one of your many bad habits is pointed out to you. Get used to it. It's going to be a very long life.
You know nothing of my habits
You know nothing of what I do
You know nothing
Unlike you I don't force my views on people.

I will never tell anyone, not even a feeble minded old man like you what they should or shouldn't do

In fact the only thing I will ever tell another person to do is to mind their own fucking business

You do all the time. I suggest to people that if they don't like the laws they need to work to get them change, move to where they agree with the laws, adhere to the laws or become a criminal and when busted lose the rights. Simple as that. It's a series of choices we all make. If you can't live within those 4 choices, you are just bitching.

You have no idea what I do or don't do.
You're just making assumptions

I'll guess. You are an agent provocateur hired by the NRA to support gun sales. My only wonderment being if you are paid or not.

Did you lose your tin foil hat?

Why do you ask? You want to sell him one with the NRA Logo on it like you wear?

Says the guy obsessed with the NRA and sees NRA agents everywhere?

FYI I rather prefer Gun Owners of America

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