So the same applies to the other rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights?

If one has to pay to get permits and take required safety classes to exercise one right then why not all rights?

Take a class and get a permit for your first, third, fourth, fifth etc rights or you forfeit those rights when you leave your home.

That's almost as idiotic as the everyone is a criminal until they aren't argument

On it's face, the right for the pursuit of happiness, in itself, has no public safety involved. The right to walk down the street with a weapon might. The right to drive a car down the road might. The right to drink booze might. You have the right to drive a car on your own property without insurance, registration or license. You have the right to drink in the confines of your own home. But the State allows this. it's not an inaliable right. The State can have you need a permit to do either. The same goes for a handgun. Luckily, there aren't any states that limit us to drinking and driving (not at the same time as that would get you busted fast) on private property to date. But neither the car or the booze will go for X miles and accidently kill someone by going off accidently usually like a firearm will. I know this sounds unfair to you but life is unfair. In fact, life is a bitch sometimes. Again, if you don't like the law, get it changed, move, live within it's confines, or become a felon and lose your gun rights.

My carrying a concealed weapon is not a threat to public safety either.

As my almost 30 years of concealed carry has proven.

And you really don't seem to understand that a person can disagree with a law and still follow it do you?

So yes I pay what amounts to a tax to exercise a right guaranteed me in the Constitution and yes I got fingerprinted like a common piece of shit criminal to exercise a right guaranteed me by the Constitution.

So why not require the same for every other right guaranteed in the Constitution?

Can't pay for a 5th amendment permit tough shit you lose your right
Can't pay for a fourth amendment permit too bad the cops are going to search your home whenever the fuck they want

Then you DO adhere to the law. Funny you should mention that.

I never said I didn't obey the law did I?

Why don't you answer the question?

Because your question is absurd. You have the debating skills of a 4 year old.

No, it's because you can't apply your "logic" on one guaranteed right to any of the others.

As I said it's almost as dumb as the everyone is a criminal in waiting argument
I am an atheist.
And you're the only one here who says everything is fake news

If you're going to assert something as fact it's up to you to provide evidence of it not me.

I read the local papers but you fail to realize that just because you may see an increase in crime where you live in no way means everyone else in the country has.

I've lived in my town for 11 years and there has not been one murder in my town in that time.

I can't help it that your town is deprived of the things other towns have. Maybe some day, your town will catch up. But I suggest you do some research for West Virginia and Virginia for the Coal Fields or the Ohio Steel Mills or the Indiana Farm Lands where the small towns are experiencing the increase in violent crimes unemployment. They are learning what NYC learned decades ago and what most Metro Cities still haven't figured out. Lose the jobs and crime moves in because the people are going to have to turn to something to make a living somehow.

Yes my town is deprived of crime and murder too bad you can't afford to live in such a place

You live in La La Land. It doesn't exist.

Sure it does and you still can't afford it

Yah, those designer drugs are quite expensive. More than I could afford even if I cared to use them.

Why don't you go monitor the crime on your street and tell us another amusing anecdote
Until it goes against what you think it should be and then it's Unconstitutional, right? Some standard there, cupcake.

Unlike you I don't force my views on people.

I will never tell anyone, not even a feeble minded old man like you what they should or shouldn't do

In fact the only thing I will ever tell another person to do is to mind their own fucking business

You do all the time. I suggest to people that if they don't like the laws they need to work to get them change, move to where they agree with the laws, adhere to the laws or become a criminal and when busted lose the rights. Simple as that. It's a series of choices we all make. If you can't live within those 4 choices, you are just bitching.

You have no idea what I do or don't do.
You're just making assumptions

I can only go on what you do in here. You just don't like it when one of your many bad habits is pointed out to you. Get used to it. It's going to be a very long life.
You know nothing of my habits
You know nothing of what I do
You know nothing

Unlike you I don't force my views on people.

I will never tell anyone, not even a feeble minded old man like you what they should or shouldn't do

In fact the only thing I will ever tell another person to do is to mind their own fucking business

You do all the time. I suggest to people that if they don't like the laws they need to work to get them change, move to where they agree with the laws, adhere to the laws or become a criminal and when busted lose the rights. Simple as that. It's a series of choices we all make. If you can't live within those 4 choices, you are just bitching.

You have no idea what I do or don't do.
You're just making assumptions

I can only go on what you do in here. You just don't like it when one of your many bad habits is pointed out to you. Get used to it. It's going to be a very long life.
You know nothing of my habits
You know nothing of what I do
You know nothing


Still watching cartoons huh?

Well considering your mental feebleness I'm not surprised
You do all the time. I suggest to people that if they don't like the laws they need to work to get them change, move to where they agree with the laws, adhere to the laws or become a criminal and when busted lose the rights. Simple as that. It's a series of choices we all make. If you can't live within those 4 choices, you are just bitching.

You have no idea what I do or don't do.
You're just making assumptions

I'll guess. You are an agent provocateur hired by the NRA to support gun sales. My only wonderment being if you are paid or not.

Did you lose your tin foil hat?

Why do you ask? You want to sell him one with the NRA Logo on it like you wear?

Says the guy obsessed with the NRA and sees NRA agents everywhere?

FYI I rather prefer Gun Owners of America

So now I am seeing NRA everywhere. You know that for a fact, right? Actually, since 2013, the NRA stays the hell out of this state since they lost millions in their failed attempt in meddling in our elections and politics.

If GOA were to ever get their way 100% then here would be what America would look like.
You have no idea what I do or don't do.
You're just making assumptions

I'll guess. You are an agent provocateur hired by the NRA to support gun sales. My only wonderment being if you are paid or not.

Did you lose your tin foil hat?

Why do you ask? You want to sell him one with the NRA Logo on it like you wear?

Says the guy obsessed with the NRA and sees NRA agents everywhere?

FYI I rather prefer Gun Owners of America

So now I am seeing NRA everywhere. You know that for a fact, right? Actually, since 2013, the NRA stays the hell out of this state since they lost millions in their failed attempt in meddling in our elections and politics.

If GOA were to ever get their way 100% then here would be what America would look like.
Yes countries that revere individual liberties are all shit holes
its so easy to just bash guns. its hard to look at all the facts. its hard to realize that guns arent the issue. its easy to repeat talking points. its easy to do what your peers say!
I'll guess. You are an agent provocateur hired by the NRA to support gun sales. My only wonderment being if you are paid or not.

Did you lose your tin foil hat?

Why do you ask? You want to sell him one with the NRA Logo on it like you wear?

Says the guy obsessed with the NRA and sees NRA agents everywhere?

FYI I rather prefer Gun Owners of America

So now I am seeing NRA everywhere. You know that for a fact, right? Actually, since 2013, the NRA stays the hell out of this state since they lost millions in their failed attempt in meddling in our elections and politics.

If GOA were to ever get their way 100% then here would be what America would look like.
Yes countries that revere individual liberties are all shit holes

Yes, Yemen has the type of gun laws you want. And they are the only one, per capita, with more guns than the US. And what is constantly happening there? Take a good look. That would be your future if you had your way.
its so easy to just bash guns. its hard to look at all the facts. its hard to realize that guns arent the issue. its easy to repeat talking points. its easy to do what your peers say!

Or you can repeat what YOUR peers say over and over. I like Common Sense, myself.

Does that make me a Gun Crazy? According to the ones that want all guns banned, yes.

Does that make me a Gun Grabber? According to your bunch, yes.

The old rule of thumb, you know you are right when you have pissed of both sides. And it appears I have pissed off both sides. Ergo......
Did you lose your tin foil hat?

Why do you ask? You want to sell him one with the NRA Logo on it like you wear?

Says the guy obsessed with the NRA and sees NRA agents everywhere?

FYI I rather prefer Gun Owners of America

So now I am seeing NRA everywhere. You know that for a fact, right? Actually, since 2013, the NRA stays the hell out of this state since they lost millions in their failed attempt in meddling in our elections and politics.

If GOA were to ever get their way 100% then here would be what America would look like.
Yes countries that revere individual liberties are all shit holes

Yes, Yemen has the type of gun laws you want. And they are the only one, per capita, with more guns than the US. And what is constantly happening there? Take a good look. That would be your future if you had your way.

They obviously don't have the type of gun laws I want

I want anyone who isn't a felon or adjudicated to be mentally ill to be able to freely exercise their rights
I want laws that PUNISH those that commit crimes with guns

Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm 10 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm and brandish that firearm 15 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and no one is injured 20 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and injure anyone add 10 years for each person injured no parole
Get convicted of a crime where you kill a person with a firearm life no parole or the death penalty

See these are gun laws that do not target law abiding people
Why do you ask? You want to sell him one with the NRA Logo on it like you wear?

Says the guy obsessed with the NRA and sees NRA agents everywhere?

FYI I rather prefer Gun Owners of America

So now I am seeing NRA everywhere. You know that for a fact, right? Actually, since 2013, the NRA stays the hell out of this state since they lost millions in their failed attempt in meddling in our elections and politics.

If GOA were to ever get their way 100% then here would be what America would look like.
Yes countries that revere individual liberties are all shit holes

Yes, Yemen has the type of gun laws you want. And they are the only one, per capita, with more guns than the US. And what is constantly happening there? Take a good look. That would be your future if you had your way.

They obviously don't have the type of gun laws I want

I want anyone who isn't a felon or adjudicated to be mentally ill to be able to freely exercise their rights
I want laws that PUNISH those that commit crimes with guns

Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm 10 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm and brandish that firearm 15 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and no one is injured 20 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and injure anyone add 10 years for each person injured no parole
Get convicted of a crime where you kill a person with a firearm life no parole or the death penalty

See these are gun laws that do not target law abiding people

gee, you've moved the needle from no infringement to infringement for an after the fact event. That's progress.

What about those who have been convicted of a violent crime and later were honorably released from parole?

How about those whose rhetoric on the Internet or in space advocates violence?

What about those who were not armed and yet were convicted of domestic violence, stalking, child molestation or grand theft person?

How about those chronic drunks, who become belligerent when under the influence?

Vets with PTSD?
Says the guy obsessed with the NRA and sees NRA agents everywhere?

FYI I rather prefer Gun Owners of America

So now I am seeing NRA everywhere. You know that for a fact, right? Actually, since 2013, the NRA stays the hell out of this state since they lost millions in their failed attempt in meddling in our elections and politics.

If GOA were to ever get their way 100% then here would be what America would look like.
Yes countries that revere individual liberties are all shit holes

Yes, Yemen has the type of gun laws you want. And they are the only one, per capita, with more guns than the US. And what is constantly happening there? Take a good look. That would be your future if you had your way.

They obviously don't have the type of gun laws I want

I want anyone who isn't a felon or adjudicated to be mentally ill to be able to freely exercise their rights
I want laws that PUNISH those that commit crimes with guns

Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm 10 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm and brandish that firearm 15 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and no one is injured 20 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and injure anyone add 10 years for each person injured no parole
Get convicted of a crime where you kill a person with a firearm life no parole or the death penalty

See these are gun laws that do not target law abiding people

gee, you've moved the needle from no infringement to infringement for an after the fact event. That's progress.

What about those who have been convicted of a violent crime and later were honorably released from parole?

How about those whose rhetoric on the Internet or in space advocates violence?

What about those who were not armed and yet were convicted of domestic violence, stalking, child molestation or grand theft person?

FYI I have always held the position that felons and the adjudicated mentally ill not be able to purchase firearms.

BUT due process must be observed and cause found just like in the restriction of any other right.

What part of the phrase convicted felons do you not understand?
Why do you ask? You want to sell him one with the NRA Logo on it like you wear?

Says the guy obsessed with the NRA and sees NRA agents everywhere?

FYI I rather prefer Gun Owners of America

So now I am seeing NRA everywhere. You know that for a fact, right? Actually, since 2013, the NRA stays the hell out of this state since they lost millions in their failed attempt in meddling in our elections and politics.

If GOA were to ever get their way 100% then here would be what America would look like.
Yes countries that revere individual liberties are all shit holes

Yes, Yemen has the type of gun laws you want. And they are the only one, per capita, with more guns than the US. And what is constantly happening there? Take a good look. That would be your future if you had your way.

They obviously don't have the type of gun laws I want

I want anyone who isn't a felon or adjudicated to be mentally ill to be able to freely exercise their rights
I want laws that PUNISH those that commit crimes with guns

Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm 10 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm and brandish that firearm 15 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and no one is injured 20 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and injure anyone add 10 years for each person injured no parole
Get convicted of a crime where you kill a person with a firearm life no parole or the death penalty

See these are gun laws that do not target law abiding people

then you can't be supporting GOA who don't want ANY guns laws on the books at all. And many of the Metros already have those laws in place and how is that working out for them?
So now I am seeing NRA everywhere. You know that for a fact, right? Actually, since 2013, the NRA stays the hell out of this state since they lost millions in their failed attempt in meddling in our elections and politics.

If GOA were to ever get their way 100% then here would be what America would look like.
Yes countries that revere individual liberties are all shit holes

Yes, Yemen has the type of gun laws you want. And they are the only one, per capita, with more guns than the US. And what is constantly happening there? Take a good look. That would be your future if you had your way.

They obviously don't have the type of gun laws I want

I want anyone who isn't a felon or adjudicated to be mentally ill to be able to freely exercise their rights
I want laws that PUNISH those that commit crimes with guns

Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm 10 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm and brandish that firearm 15 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and no one is injured 20 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and injure anyone add 10 years for each person injured no parole
Get convicted of a crime where you kill a person with a firearm life no parole or the death penalty

See these are gun laws that do not target law abiding people

gee, you've moved the needle from no infringement to infringement for an after the fact event. That's progress.

What about those who have been convicted of a violent crime and later were honorably released from parole?

How about those whose rhetoric on the Internet or in space advocates violence?

What about those who were not armed and yet were convicted of domestic violence, stalking, child molestation or grand theft person?

FYI I have always held the position that felons and the adjudicated mentally ill not be able to purchase firearms.

BUT due process must be observed and cause found just like in the restriction of any other right.

What part of the phrase convicted felons do you not understand?

Considering I have already said pretty much the same thing, does this mean you are capable of learning? But unless you believe it's your own idea, you will fight it to the death. Well, you'll let someone else fight it to the death, you Rexall Ranger.
Says the guy obsessed with the NRA and sees NRA agents everywhere?

FYI I rather prefer Gun Owners of America

So now I am seeing NRA everywhere. You know that for a fact, right? Actually, since 2013, the NRA stays the hell out of this state since they lost millions in their failed attempt in meddling in our elections and politics.

If GOA were to ever get their way 100% then here would be what America would look like.
Yes countries that revere individual liberties are all shit holes

Yes, Yemen has the type of gun laws you want. And they are the only one, per capita, with more guns than the US. And what is constantly happening there? Take a good look. That would be your future if you had your way.

They obviously don't have the type of gun laws I want

I want anyone who isn't a felon or adjudicated to be mentally ill to be able to freely exercise their rights
I want laws that PUNISH those that commit crimes with guns

Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm 10 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm and brandish that firearm 15 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and no one is injured 20 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and injure anyone add 10 years for each person injured no parole
Get convicted of a crime where you kill a person with a firearm life no parole or the death penalty

See these are gun laws that do not target law abiding people

gee, you've moved the needle from no infringement to infringement for an after the fact event. That's progress.

What about those who have been convicted of a violent crime and later were honorably released from parole?

How about those whose rhetoric on the Internet or in space advocates violence?

What about those who were not armed and yet were convicted of domestic violence, stalking, child molestation or grand theft person?

How about those chronic drunks, who become belligerent when under the influence?

Vets with PTSD?

Hey, watch it, Junior, Many of my Friends and Acquaintances are Vets with PTSD and we are the least likely to take out the old shooting iron and go beserk. But rest assured, it there is a pretty damned good reason, we know we are quite capable of using the gun. That is one of the reasons we are the least likely to brandish one. The Rexall Rangers all believe they can handle it but we know better. And I see a lot of Rexall Rangers in here.
Says the guy obsessed with the NRA and sees NRA agents everywhere?

FYI I rather prefer Gun Owners of America

So now I am seeing NRA everywhere. You know that for a fact, right? Actually, since 2013, the NRA stays the hell out of this state since they lost millions in their failed attempt in meddling in our elections and politics.

If GOA were to ever get their way 100% then here would be what America would look like.
Yes countries that revere individual liberties are all shit holes

Yes, Yemen has the type of gun laws you want. And they are the only one, per capita, with more guns than the US. And what is constantly happening there? Take a good look. That would be your future if you had your way.

They obviously don't have the type of gun laws I want

I want anyone who isn't a felon or adjudicated to be mentally ill to be able to freely exercise their rights
I want laws that PUNISH those that commit crimes with guns

Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm 10 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm and brandish that firearm 15 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and no one is injured 20 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and injure anyone add 10 years for each person injured no parole
Get convicted of a crime where you kill a person with a firearm life no parole or the death penalty

See these are gun laws that do not target law abiding people

then you can't be supporting GOA who don't want ANY guns laws on the books at all. And many of the Metros already have those laws in place and how is that working out for them?

I certainly can support them because I am not naive enough to think there will never be no gun laws on the books and an organization like GOA will do all that it can to try to achieve a no gun law country but in reality GOA and their extreme stance will merely put the brakes on and minimize the damage you control freaks want to commit
Yes countries that revere individual liberties are all shit holes

Yes, Yemen has the type of gun laws you want. And they are the only one, per capita, with more guns than the US. And what is constantly happening there? Take a good look. That would be your future if you had your way.

They obviously don't have the type of gun laws I want

I want anyone who isn't a felon or adjudicated to be mentally ill to be able to freely exercise their rights
I want laws that PUNISH those that commit crimes with guns

Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm 10 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm and brandish that firearm 15 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and no one is injured 20 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and injure anyone add 10 years for each person injured no parole
Get convicted of a crime where you kill a person with a firearm life no parole or the death penalty

See these are gun laws that do not target law abiding people

gee, you've moved the needle from no infringement to infringement for an after the fact event. That's progress.

What about those who have been convicted of a violent crime and later were honorably released from parole?

How about those whose rhetoric on the Internet or in space advocates violence?

What about those who were not armed and yet were convicted of domestic violence, stalking, child molestation or grand theft person?

FYI I have always held the position that felons and the adjudicated mentally ill not be able to purchase firearms.

BUT due process must be observed and cause found just like in the restriction of any other right.

What part of the phrase convicted felons do you not understand?

Considering I have already said pretty much the same thing, does this mean you are capable of learning? But unless you believe it's your own idea, you will fight it to the death. Well, you'll let someone else fight it to the death, you Rexall Ranger.

You flatter yourself as you cannot teach me anything.

And I have not changed my mind on that stance and if you want to claim I have then why don't you find a post where I have ever said I want those who have been adjudicated to be mentally ill or convicted felons to have firearms
So now I am seeing NRA everywhere. You know that for a fact, right? Actually, since 2013, the NRA stays the hell out of this state since they lost millions in their failed attempt in meddling in our elections and politics.

If GOA were to ever get their way 100% then here would be what America would look like.
Yes countries that revere individual liberties are all shit holes

Yes, Yemen has the type of gun laws you want. And they are the only one, per capita, with more guns than the US. And what is constantly happening there? Take a good look. That would be your future if you had your way.

They obviously don't have the type of gun laws I want

I want anyone who isn't a felon or adjudicated to be mentally ill to be able to freely exercise their rights
I want laws that PUNISH those that commit crimes with guns

Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm 10 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm and brandish that firearm 15 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and no one is injured 20 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and injure anyone add 10 years for each person injured no parole
Get convicted of a crime where you kill a person with a firearm life no parole or the death penalty

See these are gun laws that do not target law abiding people

gee, you've moved the needle from no infringement to infringement for an after the fact event. That's progress.

What about those who have been convicted of a violent crime and later were honorably released from parole?

How about those whose rhetoric on the Internet or in space advocates violence?

What about those who were not armed and yet were convicted of domestic violence, stalking, child molestation or grand theft person?

How about those chronic drunks, who become belligerent when under the influence?

Vets with PTSD?

Hey, watch it, Junior, Many of my Friends and Acquaintances are Vets with PTSD and we are the least likely to take out the old shooting iron and go beserk. But rest assured, it there is a pretty damned good reason, we know we are quite capable of using the gun. That is one of the reasons we are the least likely to brandish one. The Rexall Rangers all believe they can handle it but we know better. And I see a lot of Rexall Rangers in here.

You shouldn't have guns as you admit to being mentally ill
So now I am seeing NRA everywhere. You know that for a fact, right? Actually, since 2013, the NRA stays the hell out of this state since they lost millions in their failed attempt in meddling in our elections and politics.

If GOA were to ever get their way 100% then here would be what America would look like.
Yes countries that revere individual liberties are all shit holes

Yes, Yemen has the type of gun laws you want. And they are the only one, per capita, with more guns than the US. And what is constantly happening there? Take a good look. That would be your future if you had your way.

They obviously don't have the type of gun laws I want

I want anyone who isn't a felon or adjudicated to be mentally ill to be able to freely exercise their rights
I want laws that PUNISH those that commit crimes with guns

Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm 10 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm and brandish that firearm 15 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and no one is injured 20 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and injure anyone add 10 years for each person injured no parole
Get convicted of a crime where you kill a person with a firearm life no parole or the death penalty

See these are gun laws that do not target law abiding people

then you can't be supporting GOA who don't want ANY guns laws on the books at all. And many of the Metros already have those laws in place and how is that working out for them?

I certainly can support them because I am not naive enough to think there will never be no gun laws on the books and an organization like GOA will do all that it can to try to achieve a no gun law country but in reality GOA and their extreme stance will merely put the brakes on and minimize the damage you control freaks want to commit

Now I am a control Freak. You left out Liberal, Far Left and Gun Grabber. I think I covered your method already. I have pissed off both sides so I must be doing something right. So keep spewing your crap and more and more, people like me shooting (no pun intended) for the Common Sense Gun Laws are slowing winning. But I do have to say that you are very entertaining, cupcake. And keep Rexall Rangering on.
Yes countries that revere individual liberties are all shit holes

Yes, Yemen has the type of gun laws you want. And they are the only one, per capita, with more guns than the US. And what is constantly happening there? Take a good look. That would be your future if you had your way.

They obviously don't have the type of gun laws I want

I want anyone who isn't a felon or adjudicated to be mentally ill to be able to freely exercise their rights
I want laws that PUNISH those that commit crimes with guns

Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm 10 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime while in possession of a firearm and brandish that firearm 15 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and no one is injured 20 years no parole
Get convicted of a crime in which you discharge a firearm and injure anyone add 10 years for each person injured no parole
Get convicted of a crime where you kill a person with a firearm life no parole or the death penalty

See these are gun laws that do not target law abiding people

gee, you've moved the needle from no infringement to infringement for an after the fact event. That's progress.

What about those who have been convicted of a violent crime and later were honorably released from parole?

How about those whose rhetoric on the Internet or in space advocates violence?

What about those who were not armed and yet were convicted of domestic violence, stalking, child molestation or grand theft person?

How about those chronic drunks, who become belligerent when under the influence?

Vets with PTSD?

Hey, watch it, Junior, Many of my Friends and Acquaintances are Vets with PTSD and we are the least likely to take out the old shooting iron and go beserk. But rest assured, it there is a pretty damned good reason, we know we are quite capable of using the gun. That is one of the reasons we are the least likely to brandish one. The Rexall Rangers all believe they can handle it but we know better. And I see a lot of Rexall Rangers in here.

You shouldn't have guns as you admit to being mentally ill

From the sound of things, if both of us were to take a phsyke test, you may not fair too well. So be careful to whom you want to deny their rights. The rights you want to deny may be your own.

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