Progressive Propaganda: The Voter Fraud Edition

The Democratic Party will never willingly give up the only leverage they have for winning elections. They won't loosen that death grip on voter fraud, it'll have to be pried from their cold dead hands (so to speak).
I noticed the High Court has OK ed that States have the right to purge voters rolls ever so often, this was apposed by the Democrats. The voting dead are a part of their base and they were upset by the High Courts opinion.
The Democratic Party will never willingly give up the only leverage they have for winning elections. They won't loosen that death grip on voter fraud, it'll have to be pried from their cold dead hands (so to speak).
I noticed the High Court has OK ed that States have the right to purge voters rolls ever so often, this was apposed by the Democrats. The voting dead are a part of their base and they were upset by the High Courts opinion.
/——/ 11 California counties have more registered voters than citizens eligible to vote. 11 California Counties Might Have More Registered Voters Than Eligible
The only people who would oppose efforts to curb voter fraud are those who benefit by and engage in it.
I would have voted for Putin over Hillary

Fortunately for you he had a proxy on the ballot. :thup:

Obama ran for a third term?

Silly far left drone!
There could be a oz of truth in that statement from what I have been reading on him and Soros agreements.
The left engages in voter fraud in every election. Then they desperately try to convince the rest of us that voter fraud is a “conspiracy theory”.
Some Texas voters received text messages appearing to come from Rep. Beto O’Rourke’s texting team and asking for volunteers to help transport illegal immigrants to the polls in November, the Austin American-Statesman reported.
Make no mistake about it...this is why the left is so committed to keeping illegal aliens flowing into the U.S. The left knows they cannot win clean elections (history has proven that their polices result in poverty and oppression).

TX-Sen: O’Rourke denies sending texts asking volunteers to transport illegal immigrants to polls
I’ve said it a zillion times since the left started supporting criminal activity - this is all about stealing elections.
We’re probably in the neighborhood of about 15 million illegal aliens in America now. 15 million comes out to roughly 20 congressional seats and 20 electoral college votes. Each congressional seat has roughly 700,000 to 800,000 people in it.
History has proven that left-wing policy results in poverty and collapse. They have no leg to stand on. So they must resort to tactics like indoctrination, propaganda, and stealing elections.

Mo Brooks: The 15M Illegal Aliens in U.S. Give Blue States 20 Congressional Seats
The left engages in voter fraud in every election. Then they desperately try to convince the rest of us that voter fraud is a “conspiracy theory”.
Some Texas voters received text messages appearing to come from Rep. Beto O’Rourke’s texting team and asking for volunteers to help transport illegal immigrants to the polls in November, the Austin American-Statesman reported.
Make no mistake about it...this is why the left is so committed to keeping illegal aliens flowing into the U.S. The left knows they cannot win clean elections (history has proven that their polices result in poverty and oppression).

TX-Sen: O’Rourke denies sending texts asking volunteers to transport illegal immigrants to polls
The Progressive show us as big threatening bullys who stalk the street looking to molest white women and shooting anyone who get into our space. On TV we are for the most living with or married to a Asian, white, Spanish women, when in real life we like our black women. The media in general are race concious to the point of stupid. I really get pissed at the way the black guys are portrayed
There are liberal cities now that ENCOURAGE and allow illegals to vote.
These asshats aren't even trying to hide their contempt for our country.

You mean those suburbs that don't require citizenship to vote in local questions like when the trash is picked up?

Yeah that's despicable.
Now Chicago is a suburb?
Wouldn't matter. The minute they register to vote they should be picked up and detained until deportation no matter what the ballot question is
The "can't afford ID" argument is absolute bullshit.

It's funny how Obama makes people buy healthcare or pay a fine...then Progs claim some of those people can't afford an ID.

It's a lie. Where are these examples of people being disenfranchised because they can't afford an ID.

Let's parade them all on MSNBC.
Very simple solution to the ID issue. Make it a requirement for voting AND for receiving any form or local, state, or federal welfare. I predict folks would figure out the simple nuances of obtaining one lickety-split.

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