Project veritas uncovers the Deep state in the state department

A single drunk bragging moron. Yep, that is proof! :21::21::21::21:
This is just part one.More to come
Yup. Yet another is supposed to drop today. I love it when when the frightened leftists try to turn attention away from the content of the videos, and instead try to shift the focus to their dislike of O’Keefe... It’s a huge sign that the content of the video makes them very uncomfortable. I love it.

Maybe if he didn't selectively edit his videos to misrepresent context, people might take him seriously.
This is BIG

OKeefe finds one drunk State Dept employee who admits to doing political correspondence at work

I can see where Trump is worried
Restist at any cost and they dont care because they are federal employee and even boast that he cant be fired. EXPOSE these socialist

Thank god for REAL JOURNALISTS like O'Keefe and Project Veritas!
What morons take this guy seriously? He is dressed up like Maxwell Smart. O'Keefe is a convicted felon. Be that as it may I laughed through all of this.
I was thinking Inspector Gadget, but Maxwell Smart works, too. :lol:

His opening music video was like the start of a David Copperfield magic show.

Fucking hilarious. You're right. It is impossible except for the mentally challenged to take this clown seriously.

I was thinking Inspector Gadget, but Maxwell Smart works, too

same actor
What morons take this guy seriously? He is dressed up like Maxwell Smart. O'Keefe is a convicted felon. Be that as it may I laughed through all of this.
I was thinking Inspector Gadget, but Maxwell Smart works, too. :lol:

His opening music video was like the start of a David Copperfield magic show.

Fucking hilarious. You're right. It is impossible except for the mentally challenged to take this clown seriously.

I was thinking Inspector Gadget, but Maxwell Smart works, too

same actor
Don Adams played Inspector Gadget? That's right. I forgot about that.

I guess that's why I made the connection.
What morons take this guy seriously? He is dressed up like Maxwell Smart. O'Keefe is a convicted felon. Be that as it may I laughed through all of this.
I was thinking Inspector Gadget, but Maxwell Smart works, too. :lol:

His opening music video was like the start of a David Copperfield magic show.

Fucking hilarious. You're right. It is impossible except for the mentally challenged to take this clown seriously.

I was thinking Inspector Gadget, but Maxwell Smart works, too

same actor
Don Adams played Inspector Gadget? That's right. I forgot about that.

I guess that's why I made the connection.

very distinctive voice
What morons take this guy seriously? He is dressed up like Maxwell Smart. O'Keefe is a convicted felon. Be that as it may I laughed through all of this.
I was thinking Inspector Gadget, but Maxwell Smart works, too. :lol:

His opening music video was like the start of a David Copperfield magic show.

Fucking hilarious. You're right. It is impossible except for the mentally challenged to take this clown seriously.

I was thinking Inspector Gadget, but Maxwell Smart works, too

same actor
Don Adams played Inspector Gadget? That's right. I forgot about that.

I guess that's why I made the connection.

very distinctive voice

It's been decades since I saw either show.
A single drunk bragging moron. Yep, that is proof! :21::21::21::21:
There goes the "single" theory. I cannot however attest to the extent of any of the related parties inebriation...
As Promised; Project Veritas Exposes Additional Saboteurs Within The Government...

Alright, 2 out of 3 or 4 million...not really a trend yet!
You didn’t think he was going to drop them all at once did you? Besides... It really only takes a few if theyre in the right positions...
A single drunk bragging moron. Yep, that is proof! :21::21::21::21:
There goes the "single" theory. I cannot however attest to the extent of any of the related parties inebriation...
As Promised; Project Veritas Exposes Additional Saboteurs Within The Government...

Alright, 2 out of 3 or 4 million...not really a trend yet!
You didn’t think he was going to drop them all at once did you? Besides... It really only takes a few if theyre in the right positions...

Are either of these two in the position to do anything other than talk shit?
A single drunk bragging moron. Yep, that is proof! :21::21::21::21:
There goes the "single" theory. I cannot however attest to the extent of any of the related parties inebriation...
As Promised; Project Veritas Exposes Additional Saboteurs Within The Government...

Alright, 2 out of 3 or 4 million...not really a trend yet!
You didn’t think he was going to drop them all at once did you? Besides... It really only takes a few if theyre in the right positions...

Are either of these two in the position to do anything other than talk shit?
Sure. What the video. They say it plain.
Since the “behavior” exhibited is shown only through the crafted lens of O’Keefe’s camera, there’s no telling if it’s correct or not. Just like the undercover videos of Planned Parenthood selling embryonic tissue; it had righties outraged and believing itwas criminal behavior because that was how the videos were crafted. But subsequent investigations concluded there was actually no wrongdoing on Planned Parenthood’s part.

Project Veritas, meanwhile, has been caught manufacturing their own narratives as though they’re exposes. Anyone who accepts their highly deceptive videos out of hand is an idiot.

And other investigative media doesn't try to frame their own narratives?

Methinks this is another case of "It's only OK when we do it" by progressives.
Project Veritas has been caught staging their own scandals that they then capture on video. They have no credibility. Does that mean their target is innocent? Who knows? Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t. As is always the case with Project Veritas and their friends who pull similar stunts, we don’t know based solely on their highly edited and crafted exposes.

So just ignore it because what they find ruins your own narrative.

Got it.
I don’t purport to be a journalist. But I am highly selective of the journalists I trust. Sources like O’Keefe, Loomer, Huffington, gatewaypundit, dailykos, et al., are untrustworthy and have established themselves as such. Only fools accept their brand of journalism because they know such “journalists” will deliver the message they want to hear.

Or maybe you read or watch with the knowledge of the sources bias, and maybe shifty methods of getting the information or getting it out.

There is nothing wrong with being partisan or producing propaganda, the problem comes when it is misrepresented as "neutral, fair, balanced" etc.

Nothing wrong with taking sides, plenty wrong with claiming you have not taken a side.

And that is what the MSM doesn't get about people's mistrust of it.
We’re not talking about bias or propaganda; we’re talking about a source with shot credibility. Project Veritas destroyed their own credibility with the very tactics they employ. That is where they pretend to break laws and then attempt to catch others they can lure on camera to follow their lead. But then edit out anything which shows folks are actually doing their job lawfully and responsibly. Like they did when they tried to setup the Washington Post with a fake accusation of sexual assault against Roy Moore; only the Post didn’t fall for the ruse and identified Project Veritas as the culprit. Or like when their comrades at CMP tried that same stunt of releasing highly edited videos to setup Planned Parenthood to make it appear like they were illegally selling embryonic tissue for profit. But when the truth emerged, it turned out their sales were legal and not profitable above their costs.
Last edited:
Project Veritas has been caught staging their own scandals that they then capture on video. They have no credibility. Does that mean their target is innocent? Who knows? Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t. As is always the case with Project Veritas and their friends who pull similar stunts, we don’t know based solely on their highly edited and crafted exposes.

So just ignore it because what they find ruins your own narrative.

Got it.

OKeefe has no credibility
He is propaganda

All you can do is say......he might be right this time

One can say the same thing for plenty of Left wing investigators and talk shows.

Of course he is propaganda, has he ever stated otherwise?

You admit he’s propaganda yet here you are, seeking validation for his latest piece of work.


Is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver propaganda or not?

Propaganda is not an automatic negative, any political ad put out by a party can be considered propaganda.
Not. John Oliver is a comedian with an entertainment show. He doesn’t portray himself as a journalist or an investigator or the news. Comedy is satire and not intended to be taken seriously.
A single drunk bragging moron. Yep, that is proof! :21::21::21::21:
There goes the "single" theory. I cannot however attest to the extent of any of the related parties inebriation...
As Promised; Project Veritas Exposes Additional Saboteurs Within The Government...

Alright, 2 out of 3 or 4 million...not really a trend yet!
You didn’t think he was going to drop them all at once did you? Besides... It really only takes a few if theyre in the right positions...

Are either of these two in the position to do anything other than talk shit?
Sure. What the video. They say it plain.

They talk a lot of trash, but both seem to be pretty low level flunkies.

Good too see people using their own freedoms to stand up to him. They are all unofficial accounts and the people who have them have every right to do so.

Plus, Trump is about as anti-science as they come. Science scares him as he is not smart enough to understand it.
Regardless of your POV, it is folks with in the bureaucracy not taking orders. IOW, not doing their jobs.

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