Promiscuity is the reason we have to have abortion

The human soul is capable of great wickedness, as can be seen when a USMB liberal makes a joke about babies killed by abortion.

It's not a joke. Your conclusions are.
I suppose you think it's just OK to kill innocent babies in the womb by cutting them into pieces with a scalpel, or sucking out their brains with a vacuum tube.

I'm Pro-Life. We have had this conversation before. You don't solve anything by trying to demonize people over your politics.
All I know is......

Back in the times when the Left says Christians were "barbarians" and brutal savages......abortion wasn't a big issue because people were shamed into fidelity with one partner or afraid of community lash back for promiscuity. Pre-marital sex was punishable by death at one time. The vast majority of people never considered sex for fun or especially cheating.

But with the advent of liberalism, and the focus on self-indulgence and Godlessness, abortion has proliferated exponentially.

I cannot judge others and whether their personal choices were justified. All I can say is that things were different and generally speaking a reason why/

Many on the left don't consider abortion murder, or even as taking a viable human life. But in my opinion this is similar to how a serial killer might view killing another.

Yes, it was much better when we stoned people I suppose.

Hmmmm....I would say if it was between stoning an adult who has committed a crime vs murdering an innocent baby.....yes.

But as usual, in typically narrow minded leftist ignorance, you completely miss my very good and valid point, and instead say something which only serves to prove your inability to comprehend.

A poor point is not understandable.
The human soul is capable of great wickedness, as can be seen when a USMB liberal makes a joke about babies killed by abortion.

It's not a joke. Your conclusions are.
I suppose you think it's just OK to kill innocent babies in the womb by cutting them into pieces with a scalpel, or sucking out their brains with a vacuum tube.

I'm Pro-Life. We have had this conversation before. You don't solve anything by trying to demonize people over your politics.
If all pro-lifers were like you then everyone else wouldn't think pro-lifers were idiots.
The modern notion that people should sleep with whoever they want is the reason we need abortion. People sometimes forget to use birth control. Sometimes birth control doesn't work. Abortion is the back up if birth control fails.

Now that we've had 60 million abortions, is it time to review our priorities?

Is the promiscuous lifestyle worth so much death and destruction?
Can you imagine 60 million more Demoncrap Voters who might of been allowed to live and what that would of done to the country? Thank goodness that a lot of liberal idiots went out and stopped their gene pool from spreading. We might of had Hitlery as our president if not for all those abortions... Next time you see a Planned Parenthood, go in and shake their hands for doing such a great job of keeping this country safe.....

The human soul is capable of great wickedness, as can be seen when a USMB liberal makes a joke about babies killed by abortion.

It's not a joke. Your conclusions are.
I suppose you think it's just OK to kill innocent babies in the womb by cutting them into pieces with a scalpel, or sucking out their brains with a vacuum tube.

I'm Pro-Life. We have had this conversation before. You don't solve anything by trying to demonize people over your politics.

Politics or an irrational belief in fairy tales?
The human soul is capable of great wickedness, as can be seen when a USMB liberal makes a joke about babies killed by abortion.

It's not a joke. Your conclusions are.
I suppose you think it's just OK to kill innocent babies in the womb by cutting them into pieces with a scalpel, or sucking out their brains with a vacuum tube.

I'm Pro-Life. We have had this conversation before. You don't solve anything by trying to demonize people over your politics.

Politics or an irrational belief in fairy tales?

Anymore I'm not sure where you draw the line.
The human soul is capable of great wickedness, as can be seen when a USMB liberal makes a joke about babies killed by abortion.

It's not a joke. Your conclusions are.
I suppose you think it's just OK to kill innocent babies in the womb by cutting them into pieces with a scalpel, or sucking out their brains with a vacuum tube.

I'm Pro-Life. We have had this conversation before. You don't solve anything by trying to demonize people over your politics.

Politics or an irrational belief in fairy tales?

Anymore I'm not sure where you draw the line.

Don't grab women by the pussy and don't believe in fairy tales.
To me, human restraint is what is needed more compared to abortion or anything else.

God bless you always!!!

Peter Norths educational video series is the answer to unwanted pregnancy and abortion.

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