Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion.

Let me remind you that your link refers to Christianity in colonial America. I am at arguing the settling of Colonial America that occurred prior to the American Revolution was dominated by the revealed religion of the god of Abraham..

But the United States of America was not founded when the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock or when he first settlement at Jamestown was realized..
I’m just referring to people living around the 1700s
Jenna Ellis, one of Trump’s racist white Christian nationalist (indicted in Az and Ga lawyers) who says every day on her radio show that America is a Christian nation in a Covenant with the famous desert religion’s God of Abraham as explained in the Holy Bible, Tens of millions of Trump’s voters have the same Biblical worldview as Jenna Ellis.


Without white Christian nationalist churchgoers like Jenna Ellis voting for Antichrist Trump, the unchurched Republicans do not get their great white hope Trump elected to anything.
So what? We are to believe as we wish. What’s your problem? Do you just hate Christians?
Christianity was the most prevalent religion, the belief in God and Jesus is what most people believed.
You cited adults living in the British Colonies during the 1730s whom very well could have believed in revealed Christianity but the best your source can do is “estimate” a number who believed The Cross of Christ Gospel in 1740.

But forty years later we have real data that finds that the population attending Christian churches in 1776 was at 17%.

The United Status of America was not founded in 1737. It was founded on September 17, 1787, by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia based on absolute nothing to do with the Original Sin of Adam of Eve and everything that takes place as recorded in the Holy Bible until the first angel blows his trumpet bringing forth hail and fire mixed with blood to be thrown upon the earth until a third of the earth is burned up, and a third of the trees are burned up, and all green grass is burned up. The Constitution has nothing to do with any of that.
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Do you just hate Christians?

Just racist Christians like Jenna Ellis who helped Trump’s ongoing attempts to destroy Western liberal democracy by lying for Trump as an accessory to the attempt to disenfranchise all the black Christian voters in big cities who voted for Biden in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, and New Mexico
You cited adults living in the British Colonies during the 1730s whom very well could have believed in revealed Christianity but the best your source can do is “estimate” a number who believed The Cross of Christ Gospel in 1740.

But forty years later we have real data that finds that the population attending Christian churches in 1776 was at 17%.

The United Status of America was not founded in 1737. It was founded on September 17, 1787, by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia based on absolute nothing to do with the Original Sin of Adam of Eve and everything that takes place as recorded in the Holy Bible until the first angel blows his trumpet bringing forth hail and fire mixed with blood to be thrown upon the earth until a third of the earth is burned up, and a third of the trees are burned up, and all green grass is burned up. The Constitution has nothing to do with any of that.
I never said it did, and I’m not taking about delegates or people in government, specifically, I’m talking about people, in general, around that time.

Did most of the people then not believe and worship the Christian God?
Nobody said this country was founded on any particular religion.

Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion 230518 {post•39}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpiwtt: That is pure wishful thinking and over generalizing on your part compared to a data based study on the topic:

America's Christian Heritage 170301 {post•1} ding Mar’17 Sachyz:“America's Christian Heritage is indisputable” dvng 170301 Sachyz00001

Frauds Tucker and Laura distance from T 201130 {post•135} NotfooledbyW Churching of America : Membership In America Percentage of population that belongs to a church: 1776 17% 1850 34% 1860 37% 1870 35% 1890 45% 1906 51% 1916 53% 1926 56% 1952 59% 1980 62% 1995 65% * *Estimated. Source: "The Churching of America: 1776-1990" by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark and Gallup Organization data“ •••• nfbw 201130 Vftald00135

“America was founded as an Atheist and Christian Nation”. 201101 {Post•143}
Bulletbob Nov’20 Sawfaa. The USA has always been a Christian nation with Christian morals and ethics blltbb 201101 Sawfaa00143

Just a reminder republicans: this is NOT a Christian nation. 231216 {post•8}. Leo123 Dec’23 Sjarrt: America was founded in Judeo-Christian morals and values. lvvnnn 231216 Sjartt00008

Can we go by the data instead of wishful white Christian nationalist thinking?
Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion 230518 {post•39}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpiwtt: That is pure wishful thinking and over generalizing on your part compared to a data based study on the topic:

America's Christian Heritage 170301 {post•1} ding Mar’17 Sachyz:“America's Christian Heritage is indisputable” dvng 170301 Sachyz00001

Frauds Tucker and Laura distance from T 201130 {post•135} NotfooledbyW Churching of America : Membership In America Percentage of population that belongs to a church: 1776 17% 1850 34% 1860 37% 1870 35% 1890 45% 1906 51% 1916 53% 1926 56% 1952 59% 1980 62% 1995 65% * *Estimated. Source: "The Churching of America: 1776-1990" by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark and Gallup Organization data“ •••• nfbw 201130 Vftald00135

“America was founded as an Atheist and Christian Nation”. 201101 {Post•143}
Bulletbob Nov’20 Sawfaa. The USA has always been a Christian nation with Christian morals and ethics blltbb 201101 Sawfaa00143

Just a reminder republicans: this is NOT a Christian nation. 231216 {post•8}. Leo123 Dec’23 Sjarrt: America was founded in Judeo-Christian morals and values. lvvnnn 231216 Sjartt00008

Can we go by the data instead of wishful white Christian nationalist thinking?
There is no 'Church of America' and yes the Founders had Judeo-Christian morals and values......That does not mean they established a State church. You are way off. America is ruled by We The People and if the majority are Christians that is what they believe. There is no prohibition of religious beliefs by The People. In summation: There is no official State Church of America, it doesn't matter if one goes to church or not they still can have beliefs that align with a certain religions. (Jews, Christians, Muslims and even Atheists are not prohibited in their beliefs either). What is your problem?
Just racist Christians like Jenna Ellis who helped Trump’s ongoing attempts to destroy Western liberal democracy by lying for Trump as an accessory to the attempt to disenfranchise all the black Christian voters in big cities who voted for Biden in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, and New Mexico
Well, today those same black Christian voters ARE voting for Trump, You just don't like Ellis because she was part of "the elite strike force team" and objected to the fraudulent 2020 election. She was punished by another Democrat kangaroo court making up allegations of racketeering, etc. You do not seem very informed.
Well, today those same black Christian voters ARE voting for Trump,
You must know that some of those BLM rioters and Marxist scum Obama Muslim operatives from Reverend Jeremiah Alvesta Wright Jr‘s Black Chicago Atheist Christian Satanic Church are lying to pollsters about supporting Trump based upon their Saul Alinski Deep State training paid for by that billionaire commie Democrap America hatiing mask wearing vaccinated Jew George Soros. And they have you fooled Saint Leo123.

the Founders had Judeo-Christian morals and values......
Can a moral law abiding American citizen who has reached the age of accountability to the God of Abraham for all their sins but rejects Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior have Judeo-Christian Values and love the blessing of freedom of religion bestowed upon us by our Founding Fathers, some of whom owned slaves?
Did most of the people then not believe and worship the Christian God?
NotfooledbyW May’30 Vpiwtt: I can only rationally believe the answer to be 17% according to the Finke Stark and Gallup Study as summarized in paragraph b.3 below: nfbw 240530 Vpiwtt00112

It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation 220207 {post•833}

Mashmont Sittfd: we're {America} currently going down the tubes. #4

a. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: {When asked if} Christianity or the Nation is going down the tubes? I do not think the Nation is at all. •¥•. American adults describing themselves as Christians - 65% in 2020 - 75% in 2015 81% in 2000 - 85% in 1990. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sittfd: Right now we are starting with a premise of atheism, which as we are finding out, is a disaster. #23

b.1 NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: How did you determine {Saint Mashmont } that the increased rejection of racial inequality and rejection of traditional Christian values concerning marriage, sexuality, and gender identity is the result of the founding fathers writing an atheist friendly Constitution. It is absurd when looking at the numbers:

b.2 NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: American adults describing themselves as Christians - 65% in 2020 - 75% in 2015 - 81% in 2000 - 85% in 1990 PEW

b.3 NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd:“ Church Membership In America Percentage of population that belongs to a church: 1776 17% 1850 34 1860 37 1870 35 1890 45 1906 51 1916 53 1926 56 1952 59 1980 62 1995 65* *Estimated. Source: "The Churching of America: 1776-1990" by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark and Gallup Organization data. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

c. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: To accept Mashmont ’s premise of atheist induced disaster it means America went from 17% church affiliated Christians in 1780 to 62% in 1980 over 200 years. American adults describing themselves as Christians in 1990 was 85%. That puts atheists agnostic and all other religions at 15%. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sittfd: the atheists would hijack that sentence to suit their own ends, and use it to destroy the country and the people in it. And that's exactly what is happening. #33

d. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: Atheism is not the culprit. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sifftd: The dictionary definition of liberal describes the classical liberal which is the complete opposite of today's whacked-out leftist loon. #81

e. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: Looks like an insult is being thrown. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sifftd: It just means that since the position of a country MUST be a belief system, either by choice or default, it might as well be of the belief system which is best for all, which is Christianity. #83

f. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: Christianity is failing on its own to keep believers. Quit blaming something else. You can’t revise the Constitution to fix Christianity in the modern age.

Mashmont Sifftd: For individuals, yes. But government MUST represent some belief, whether by action or default. Right now they've chosen atheism by default. That is what needs to change. #99

g. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: The government should represent no spiritual belief or religious beyond its original design to be neutral. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sifftd: I contend that our government laws have moved toward representing the atheist belief. #105

h. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: Absurd! It is neutral - same as from the beginning. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sifftd: Too bad Biden isn't a practicing Catholic. #106

i. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: Biden is a practicing Catholic and a practicing American. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sifftd: Churches of all denominations would be allowed to have their services. Atheists would be free not to. #229

j. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: That is not a change. But Atheists may only watch state owned TV programming, only Christian propaganda telling Christian that “those atheists” will burn in hell because they do not love god like we do., nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sifftd: Do I fault them? Not unless they were atheist and intended this result. But they couldn't have foreseen atheist evil of the magnitude of the Communists or Nazi Germany #231

k. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: This is not the solution to a problem that does not exist: Christianity should be prioritized in public life, in laws, and in America's national identity. •¥•. I’m not a Christian. I was looking for a quote from you {Saint Mashmont } referring to America as the greatest nation and experiment that mankind has ever seen on earth. All I could find from you {Saint Mashmont } is America is an atheist run disaster going down the tubes. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

nfbw 240530 Vpiwtt00112 to thssm 240529 Spiwtt00106
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America is ruled by We The People and if the majority are Christians that is what they believe.
No. America is supposed to be ruled by the rule of law not the rule of the majority. Law And Government is to be blind to the perceived religion of the majority.

White Christian nationalism is not a majority religion. anyway., Christianity is a divided religion having no consensus by any one group as to what does it take to be a true Christian.
NotfooledbyW May’30 Vpiwtt: I can only rationally believe the answer to be 17% according to the Finke Stark and Gallup Study as summarized in paragraph b.3 below: nfbw 240530 Vpiwtt00112

It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation 220207 {post•833}

Mashmont Sittfd: we're {America} currently going down the tubes. #4

a. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: {When asked if} Christianity or the Nation is going down the tubes? I do not think the Nation is at all. •¥•. American adults describing themselves as Christians - 65% in 2020 - 75% in 2015 81% in 2000 - 85% in 1990. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sittfd: Right now we are starting with a premise of atheism, which as we are finding out, is a disaster. #23

b.1 NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: How did you determine {Saint Mashmont } that the increased rejection of racial inequality and rejection of traditional Christian values concerning marriage, sexuality, and gender identity is the result of the founding fathers writing an atheist friendly Constitution. It is absurd when looking at the numbers:

b.2 NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: American adults describing themselves as Christians - 65% in 2020 - 75% in 2015 - 81% in 2000 - 85% in 1990 PEW

b.3 NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd:“ Church Membership In America Percentage of population that belongs to a church: 1776 17% 1850 34 1860 37 1870 35 1890 45 1906 51 1916 53 1926 56 1952 59 1980 62 1995 65* *Estimated. Source: "The Churching of America: 1776-1990" by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark and Gallup Organization data. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

c. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: To accept Mashmont ’s premise of atheist induced disaster it means America went from 17% church affiliated Christians in 1780 to 62% in 1980 over 200 years. American adults describing themselves as Christians in 1990 was 85%. That puts atheists agnostic and all other religions at 15%. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sittfd: the atheists would hijack that sentence to suit their own ends, and use it to destroy the country and the people in it. And that's exactly what is happening. #33

d. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: Atheism is not the culprit. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sifftd: The dictionary definition of liberal describes the classical liberal which is the complete opposite of today's whacked-out leftist loon. #81

e. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: Looks like an insult is being thrown. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sifftd: It just means that since the position of a country MUST be a belief system, either by choice or default, it might as well be of the belief system which is best for all, which is Christianity. #83

f. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: Christianity is failing on its own to keep believers. Quit blaming something else. You can’t revise the Constitution to fix Christianity in the modern age.

Mashmont Sifftd: For individuals, yes. But government MUST represent some belief, whether by action or default. Right now they've chosen atheism by default. That is what needs to change. #99

g. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: The government should represent no spiritual belief or religious beyond its original design to be neutral. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sifftd: I contend that our government laws have moved toward representing the atheist belief. #105

h. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: Absurd! It is neutral - same as from the beginning. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sifftd: Too bad Biden isn't a practicing Catholic. #106

i. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: Biden is a practicing Catholic and a practicing American. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sifftd: Churches of all denominations would be allowed to have their services. Atheists would be free not to. #229

j. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: That is not a change. But Atheists may only watch state owned TV programming, only Christian propaganda telling Christian that “those atheists” will burn in hell because they do not love god like we do., nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

Mashmont Sifftd: Do I fault them? Not unless they were atheist and intended this result. But they couldn't have foreseen atheist evil of the magnitude of the Communists or Nazi Germany #231

k. NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd: This is not the solution to a problem that does not exist: Christianity should be prioritized in public life, in laws, and in America's national identity. •¥•. I’m not a Christian. I was looking for a quote from you {Saint Mashmont } referring to America as the greatest nation and experiment that mankind has ever seen on earth. All I could find from you {Saint Mashmont } is America is an atheist run disaster going down the tubes. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

nfbw 240530 Vpiwtt00112 to thssm 240529 Spiwtt00106
??? What’s all this? lol, that’s a whole lot of…other stuff not pertaining to my statement…
??? What’s all this? lol, that’s a whole lot of…other stuff not pertaining to my statement…
It all pertains to your politics. Specifically this.

b.3 NotfooledbyW Feb’22 Vittfd:“ Church Membership In America Percentage of population that belongs to a church: 1776 17% 1850 34 1860 37 1870 35 1890 45 1906 51 1916 53 1926 56 195259 1980 62 1995 65* *Estimated. Source: "The Churching of America: 1776-1990" by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark and Gallup Organization data. nfbw 220207 Vittfd00833

You need to have a little smidgen of intellectual curiosity about the rest of it, which provides context for the above data in today’s politics and what MAGA truly means for American Western liberal democracy vs the biblical worldview being applied to politics.
Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240530 {post•106}

ThisIsMe May’24 Spiwtt: Did most of the people then not believe and worship the Christian God? to thssm 240529 Spiwtt00106

Same thread as above 240530 {post•112}
NotfooledbyW May’30 Vpiwtt: I can only rationally believe the answer to be 17% according to the Finke Stark and Gallup Study as summarized in paragraph b.3 below: nfbw 240530 Vpiwtt00112

Frauds Tucker and Laura distance from T. 201130 {post•135} NotfooledbyW Churching of America :

Membership In America Percentage of Women population that belongs to a church: 1776 17% 1850 34% 1860 37% 1870 35% 1890 45% 1906 51% 1916 53% 1926 56% 1952 59% 1980 62% 1995 65% * *Estimated. Source: "The Churching of America: 1776-1990" by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark and Gallup Organization data“ •••• nfbw 201130 Vftald00135
No. America is supposed to be ruled by the rule of law not the rule of the majority. Law And Government is to be blind to the perceived religion of the majority.

White Christian nationalism is not a majority religion. anyway., Christianity is a divided religion having no consensus by any one group as to what does it take to be a true Christian.
Ok, where is the law establishing a State religion? There is no white Christian nationalist party or organization. You’ve made it all up and you talk like a racist.
Can a moral law abiding American citizen who has reached the age of accountability to the God of Abraham for all their sins but rejects Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior have Judeo-Christian Values and love the blessing of freedom of religion bestowed upon us by our Founding Fathers, some of whom owned slaves?
Yes we are free to believe as we wish.
Ok, where is the law establishing a State religion?
I have never said there was a law establishing a state religion. What white Christian nationalists do is elect white Christian nationalist politicians like House Speaker Mike Johnson to pass laws based on Christian Biblical worldview mostly regarding biblical sexual morality.

Laws are established to protect individuals from criminal behavior as a deterrent to criminal behavior that may be harmful to the public when left unpunished; so laws banning the medical procedure of abortion is one such law that is unlawful. When a woman gets an abortion, she commits no harm to the public or any individual in the public in anyway .

Laws banning abortions are intrusions into the privacy of women and have no place in a constitutional republic where religion is not required of its citizens,

Laws banning gay marriage or establishing discrimination in the public square are also unlawful. Most unlawful laws are established where white Christian nationalist politicians can do so.

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