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Proof Liberals Believe Blacks Are Inferior

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Countdown until a conservative posts a new thread about blacks being feral animals and linking to SAT and IQ scores in 10... 9... 8... 7...
I think libs are the feral animals.....haha what now?
Conservatives have exceptionally poor personal hygiene
How could you possibly know that having never left your mother's basement?

Your reputation precedes you....usually by several minutes
I call pompous a-hole. You have no idea who she is or what she would be but you magically determine her fate had there been no A.A.

First of all...I call bullshit that his daughter had to take her third choice because of affirmative action
An yes, I can positively determine what her academic fate would have been in the 60s

Again you know nothing about my kid's creds and experience yet you continue to pontificate like a liberal jackass. Her fate was not the 1960s but rather this century and you have no idea what America would have been without AA.

I still call bullshit on your claims

And can definitely affirm her career choices have improved since affirmative action

Tell us what your daughter wants to be......let me guess.......Secretary

I've yet to encounter a lib jackass who wouldn't continue digging long after he got in over his head. Continue digging, Jackass.
So does your daughter want to be a secretary or what?

If you slither out from under your rock you may be fortunate enough to see her on TV (or does your rock have The Dish).
First of all...I call bullshit that his daughter had to take her third choice because of affirmative action
An yes, I can positively determine what her academic fate would have been in the 60s

Again you know nothing about my kid's creds and experience yet you continue to pontificate like a liberal jackass. Her fate was not the 1960s but rather this century and you have no idea what America would have been without AA.

I still call bullshit on your claims

And can definitely affirm her career choices have improved since affirmative action

Tell us what your daughter wants to be......let me guess.......Secretary

I've yet to encounter a lib jackass who wouldn't continue digging long after he got in over his head. Continue digging, Jackass.
So does your daughter want to be a secretary or what?

If you slither out from under your rock you may be fortunate enough to see her on TV (or does your rock have The Dish).

Let me guess.....weather girl?

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Ahh...it's the typical...'let's justify teaper hate and vitriol by pointing out fingers at the dems" thread.

We see about 25 of these type posts a day. You would think hate was smart enough to change up the narrative, just a little. It's like a neo-Nazi pointing at the KKK for being racist. Pathetic. If you can't dispel the myth of Conservative hate with your actions, point your finger and call the other person a racist!

This is what the tea party has done to the GOP...nonsense hate and accusations of hate....hate politics and vitriol.
Actually, the welfare system was helping until Raygun changed the rules with his trickle down economics. The only thing that trickled down was poverty.

Do you have an IQ of three????

Or are we simply seeing the result of your hatred of the greatest President in the last hundred years?

Reagan was a senile old coot who couldn't remember selling arms to the enemy.

Yet, he defeated both the Evil Empire without firing a shot, and brought about "“.... an economic Golden Age. Never before have so many people advanced so far economically in so short a period of time as they have during the last 25 years."
How Capitalism Will Save Us - Forbes

He added $17 trillion to the US economy, destroying the Carter malaise.....also without firing a shot.

Based on your post, calling you senile would be a compliment.

LOL...I guess Reagan proved that deficits don't matter since he nearly tripled the federal budget deficit.

You make it so simple to show what a dolt you are.

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.
George Gilder The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan - WSJ

Reaganomics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Did you fail kindergarten...or do you recognize that $17 trillion is ten times $1.7 trillion?
Kinda like Reagan was ten times the President the White House Windbag is, huh?

But....I can see why you might lean towards a windbag.

Reagan's tax cuts helped the top bracket while widening the gap between the rich and the poor. In order to cover the huge deficit, we started borrowing from abroad.

If you borrow a million and stick it in your bank account, it will look pretty good at the time, until you have to pay it back with interest.

Reagan's tax cuts are the reason George H W Bush reneged on his promise of "no new taxes." It appears that you must have taxes in order to run a country. :rolleyes:
Whether or not you said they should be abolished is irrelevant, particularly since I never said that you made such a claim. It is common knowledge, however, that conservatives would love nothing more than to abolish those programs.
Boy, you are one fucking gas bag full of hot air, ain't ya?

You've got all the progtard talking points down pat. Problem is most people have seen through them quite awhile ago. That's why you progs got your asses handed to you in the midterms. People are sick of you and your bigoted, hypocritical, double standards and lies.

You're as hollow as they come, loser, and thank God finally a minority.

Name one single entitlement that the republicans, at one time or another, have not wanted to abolish. And how are my arguments bigoted? Republicans always do better during the midterms. It's practically the only time they do well. In what ways is an old white guy like me a minority?
You're bigoted against freedom and personal responsibility.

The left is the party of welfare, period. You NEED people sucking off the government tit to ensure you get votes. If no one was on welfare, the democrat party would evaporate into thin air.

Freedom and personal responsibility are not people. As such, no one can be bigoted against them. God you are dumb.
Jesus fucking Christ... you're calling ME dumb?


[big-uh t] Spell Syllables
a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.

So what? Show me where/how I am "ignorant" (your word) or intolerant of freedom and responsibility. You made the claim, now support it with facts.
Liberals think whites can get the voter ids, but believe blacks can't do the same.
Liberals think whites can pass the higher standards of education in our colleges, but somehow believe that blacks need a special program.
Liberals think whites should follow every tiny little law, but excuse black violence and crime as they whine how it is racist.

You bet your ass they feel blacks are inferior. I believe blacks can do as the white man can do...but they certainly don't.

Yet, I am the racist?
Ahh...it's the typical...'let's justify teaper hate and vitriol by pointing out fingers at the dems" thread.

We see about 25 of these type posts a day. You would think hate was smart enough to change up the narrative, just a little. It's like a neo-Nazi pointing at the KKK for being racist. Pathetic. If you can't dispel the myth of Conservative hate with your actions, point your finger and call the other person a racist!

This is what the tea party has done to the GOP...nonsense hate and accusations of hate....hate politics and vitriol.

There is no Tea Party hatred of blacks.

It was proven to be a myth when Breitbart offered $100,000 for any proof....

" Breitbart and his team doggedly pursued the story behind the allegations of Reps. Andre Carson, John Lewis. Emanuel Cleaver and James Clyburn that Tea Party protesters abused black congressmen with racial epithets while demonstrating against Obamacare on Capitol Hill on March 20. The story was reported as fact by news organizations including Fox News and McClatchy News, but Breitbart called baloney and exposed it as a concoction of the congressmen who peddled it."
Breitbart 8217 s big 100k Power Line

How about you actually try to come to grips with the factual nature of the thread, rather than go on about why you don't have to.

C'mon....you can do it if you try.
1. Can black folks be as successful as whites?
Conservatives believe so.....Liberals don't.

That's why they make special rules based on skin color, and refuse to hold black folk to the same requirements as anyone else.
In their heart of hearts, Liberals just don't think blacks can make it, that they are not on a par with whites.

2. Here's a conservative who explains the difficulties blacks have in society:

"It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived."
Coulter, "Mugged," chapter seven

3. "Every now and then you come across an article that folks just need to read. This one written by Michael Smith entitled, “Confessions of a Public Defender”....is one of those articles.

It is a profound and deeply disturbing piece, which, as we end 2014, we all need to comprehend as we move towards the 50th anniversary of the Great Society initiatives of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Smith articulates that which ails the black community–the real discussion we should be having on race, not that of victimhood and the further expansion of the welfare nanny-state..... I’m quite sure the progressive socialist left will criticize me for sharing this article–that’s just who they are–they hate the truth. But if there is a war to be fought, it is for the soul of the inner city and the black community."
Allen West
Quite Possibly the Most Racist Article You Will Ever Read American Renaissance

The following article is tough to read. Buckle your seat belts....and keep you hands inside the ride at all times.

4. " I am a public defender in a large southern metropolitan area. Fewer than ten percent of the people in the area I serve are black but over 90 per cent of my clients are black.... but there are a few whites.
[I'm still] liberal after all these years.

5. ... crime has racial patterns. Hispanics usually commit two kinds of crime: sexual assault on children and driving under the influence. Blacks commit many violent crimes but very few sex crimes. The handful of whites I see commit all kinds of crimes. In my many years as a public defender I have represented only three Asians, and one was half black.

6. As a young lawyer, I believed the official story that blacks are law abiding, intelligent, family-oriented people, but are so poor they must turn to crime to survive. Actual black behavior was a shock to me.

7. The media invariably sugarcoat black behavior. Even the news reports of the very crimes I dealt with in court were slanted. Television news intentionally leaves out unflattering facts about the accused, and sometimes omits names that are obviously black. All this rocked my liberal, tolerant beliefs, but it took me years to set aside my illusions and accept the reality of what I see every day.
[But- I'm still] liberal after all these years."
Confessions of a Public Defender American Renaissance

Here is proof that Conservatives believe that negroes are inferior

They are always telling Negroes that the reason they vote for Democrats is because they are too stupid to realize its against their own interests.
With this insane derp logic, I can prove the op is racist.

The op drools, rants and raves each day about how the left are evil, stupid, or evil and stupid.

The vast majority of blacks vote left.

Op thinks blacks are:

Gullible, evil and stupid?

Which one ISNT racist.

Op owns herself. Worst fail thread premise ever
More like... "the LEFT thinks blacks are:"

Gullible, evil and stupid

... because they keep them on the plantation living on table scraps from nanny government, and they just never want to change. The left has their permanent voting block and all they have to do is give them some poverty hand outs. What a deal.

More whites get government assistance than blacks.
That is only true because whites outnumber blacks.

ON AVERAGE, more blacks are on welfare than whites.

Got anything that hasn't been debunked a couple thousand times over?

Ahem. The percentages are about the same:

Welfare Statistics Statistic Brain

Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Do you have an IQ of three????

Or are we simply seeing the result of your hatred of the greatest President in the last hundred years?

Reagan was a senile old coot who couldn't remember selling arms to the enemy.

Yet, he defeated both the Evil Empire without firing a shot, and brought about "“.... an economic Golden Age. Never before have so many people advanced so far economically in so short a period of time as they have during the last 25 years."
How Capitalism Will Save Us - Forbes

He added $17 trillion to the US economy, destroying the Carter malaise.....also without firing a shot.

Based on your post, calling you senile would be a compliment.

LOL...I guess Reagan proved that deficits don't matter since he nearly tripled the federal budget deficit.

You make it so simple to show what a dolt you are.

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.
George Gilder The Real Reagan Lesson for Romney-Ryan - WSJ

Reaganomics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Did you fail kindergarten...or do you recognize that $17 trillion is ten times $1.7 trillion?
Kinda like Reagan was ten times the President the White House Windbag is, huh?

But....I can see why you might lean towards a windbag.

Reagan's tax cuts helped the top bracket while widening the gap between the rich and the poor. In order to cover the huge deficit, we started borrowing from abroad.

If you borrow a million and stick it in your bank account, it will look pretty good at the time, until you have to pay it back with interest.

Reagan's tax cuts are the reason George H W Bush reneged on his promise of "no new taxes." It appears that you must have taxes in order to run a country. :rolleyes:

So.....we're stipulating that everything I've said, destroying your previous posts, was correct....

...and now you'd like to change the subject?

Say please.
1. Can black folks be as successful as whites?
Conservatives believe so.....Liberals don't.

That's why they make special rules based on skin color, and refuse to hold black folk to the same requirements as anyone else.
In their heart of hearts, Liberals just don't think blacks can make it, that they are not on a par with whites.

2. Here's a conservative who explains the difficulties blacks have in society:

"It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived."
Coulter, "Mugged," chapter seven

3. "Every now and then you come across an article that folks just need to read. This one written by Michael Smith entitled, “Confessions of a Public Defender”....is one of those articles.

It is a profound and deeply disturbing piece, which, as we end 2014, we all need to comprehend as we move towards the 50th anniversary of the Great Society initiatives of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Smith articulates that which ails the black community–the real discussion we should be having on race, not that of victimhood and the further expansion of the welfare nanny-state..... I’m quite sure the progressive socialist left will criticize me for sharing this article–that’s just who they are–they hate the truth. But if there is a war to be fought, it is for the soul of the inner city and the black community."
Allen West
Quite Possibly the Most Racist Article You Will Ever Read American Renaissance

The following article is tough to read. Buckle your seat belts....and keep you hands inside the ride at all times.

4. " I am a public defender in a large southern metropolitan area. Fewer than ten percent of the people in the area I serve are black but over 90 per cent of my clients are black.... but there are a few whites.
[I'm still] liberal after all these years.

5. ... crime has racial patterns. Hispanics usually commit two kinds of crime: sexual assault on children and driving under the influence. Blacks commit many violent crimes but very few sex crimes. The handful of whites I see commit all kinds of crimes. In my many years as a public defender I have represented only three Asians, and one was half black.

6. As a young lawyer, I believed the official story that blacks are law abiding, intelligent, family-oriented people, but are so poor they must turn to crime to survive. Actual black behavior was a shock to me.

7. The media invariably sugarcoat black behavior. Even the news reports of the very crimes I dealt with in court were slanted. Television news intentionally leaves out unflattering facts about the accused, and sometimes omits names that are obviously black. All this rocked my liberal, tolerant beliefs, but it took me years to set aside my illusions and accept the reality of what I see every day.
[But- I'm still] liberal after all these years."
Confessions of a Public Defender American Renaissance

Here is proof that Conservatives believe that negroes are inferior

They are always telling Negroes that the reason they vote for Democrats is because they are too stupid to realize its against their own interests.

Did the OP that you've linked say that?

Then....why did you link to same?

How about you focus like a laser, and respond to the actual link?

Can you do that?
Ahh...it's the typical...'let's justify teaper hate and vitriol by pointing out fingers at the dems" thread.

We see about 25 of these type posts a day. You would think hate was smart enough to change up the narrative, just a little. It's like a neo-Nazi pointing at the KKK for being racist. Pathetic. If you can't dispel the myth of Conservative hate with your actions, point your finger and call the other person a racist!

This is what the tea party has done to the GOP...nonsense hate and accusations of hate....hate politics and vitriol.

There is no Tea Party hatred of blacks.

It was proven to be a myth when Breitbart offered $100,000 for any proof....

" Breitbart and his team doggedly pursued the story behind the allegations of Reps. Andre Carson, John Lewis. Emanuel Cleaver and James Clyburn that Tea Party protesters abused black congressmen with racial epithets while demonstrating against Obamacare on Capitol Hill on March 20. The story was reported as fact by news organizations including Fox News and McClatchy News, but Breitbart called baloney and exposed it as a concoction of the congressmen who peddled it."
Breitbart 8217 s big 100k Power Line

How about you actually try to come to grips with the factual nature of the thread, rather than go on about why you don't have to.

C'mon....you can do it if you try.
Breitbart is an ultra RW TEAPER site that wouldn't pay up or justify tea party hate no matter what they did. Hell, I am sure they didn't even give a platform for anyone wanting to take advantage of that 'bet'.

The Tea Party is full of hate...you are the perfect example as you play the race card...ONCE AGAIN.
Ahh...it's the typical...'let's justify teaper hate and vitriol by pointing out fingers at the dems" thread.

We see about 25 of these type posts a day. You would think hate was smart enough to change up the narrative, just a little. It's like a neo-Nazi pointing at the KKK for being racist. Pathetic. If you can't dispel the myth of Conservative hate with your actions, point your finger and call the other person a racist!

This is what the tea party has done to the GOP...nonsense hate and accusations of hate....hate politics and vitriol.

There is no Tea Party hatred of blacks.

It was proven to be a myth when Breitbart offered $100,000 for any proof....

" Breitbart and his team doggedly pursued the story behind the allegations of Reps. Andre Carson, John Lewis. Emanuel Cleaver and James Clyburn that Tea Party protesters abused black congressmen with racial epithets while demonstrating against Obamacare on Capitol Hill on March 20. The story was reported as fact by news organizations including Fox News and McClatchy News, but Breitbart called baloney and exposed it as a concoction of the congressmen who peddled it."
Breitbart 8217 s big 100k Power Line

How about you actually try to come to grips with the factual nature of the thread, rather than go on about why you don't have to.

C'mon....you can do it if you try.
Breitbart is an ultra RW TEAPER site that wouldn't pay up or justify tea party hate no matter what they did. Hell, I am sure they didn't even give a platform for anyone wanting to take advantage of that 'bet'.

The Tea Party is full of hate...you are the perfect example as you play the race card...ONCE AGAIN.

1. "...wouldn't pay up or justify tea party hate no matter what they did."
And you know that....how?
Magic 8-Ball?

2. Let's try to be adults: the thread is about the statements of a Liberal, a public defender who states quite forcefully that he remains a Liberal despite the facts he relates.

How about you comment on that subject.

3. "The Tea Party is full of hate...you are the perfect example as you play the race card...ONCE AGAIN."
The Tea Party hatred is directed against taxation and the growth of government.
That's it.

Myself....well, I am perfect...but not as a racist. You've made that up, as you did the charges about the Tea Party.

Let me invite you again to address the subject of the thread.
1. Can black folks be as successful as whites?
Conservatives believe so.....Liberals don't.

That's why they make special rules based on skin color, and refuse to hold black folk to the same requirements as anyone else.
In their heart of hearts, Liberals just don't think blacks can make it, that they are not on a par with whites.

2. Here's a conservative who explains the difficulties blacks have in society:

"It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived."
Coulter, "Mugged," chapter seven

3. "Every now and then you come across an article that folks just need to read. This one written by Michael Smith entitled, “Confessions of a Public Defender”....is one of those articles.

It is a profound and deeply disturbing piece, which, as we end 2014, we all need to comprehend as we move towards the 50th anniversary of the Great Society initiatives of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Smith articulates that which ails the black community–the real discussion we should be having on race, not that of victimhood and the further expansion of the welfare nanny-state..... I’m quite sure the progressive socialist left will criticize me for sharing this article–that’s just who they are–they hate the truth. But if there is a war to be fought, it is for the soul of the inner city and the black community."
Allen West
Quite Possibly the Most Racist Article You Will Ever Read American Renaissance

The following article is tough to read. Buckle your seat belts....and keep you hands inside the ride at all times.

4. " I am a public defender in a large southern metropolitan area. Fewer than ten percent of the people in the area I serve are black but over 90 per cent of my clients are black.... but there are a few whites.
[I'm still] liberal after all these years.

5. ... crime has racial patterns. Hispanics usually commit two kinds of crime: sexual assault on children and driving under the influence. Blacks commit many violent crimes but very few sex crimes. The handful of whites I see commit all kinds of crimes. In my many years as a public defender I have represented only three Asians, and one was half black.

6. As a young lawyer, I believed the official story that blacks are law abiding, intelligent, family-oriented people, but are so poor they must turn to crime to survive. Actual black behavior was a shock to me.

7. The media invariably sugarcoat black behavior. Even the news reports of the very crimes I dealt with in court were slanted. Television news intentionally leaves out unflattering facts about the accused, and sometimes omits names that are obviously black. All this rocked my liberal, tolerant beliefs, but it took me years to set aside my illusions and accept the reality of what I see every day.
[But- I'm still] liberal after all these years."
Confessions of a Public Defender American Renaissance

We elected a black president.
YOU elected a (faux) black president.
Affirmative action has been a major success. All families have benefitted from it

Creating a separate class based on skin color.....a success???
Oh God, the Stormfront contingency has shown up to rate your posts as "informative" or "agree"....

The black experience in the US is significantly different than any other immigrant groups, both before, and after, slavery

There is a cancerous culture of ignorance and racism that is propogated in the black community.
The unsupported conclusion imbedded in that opinion is that blacks are inferior, and that's why it's that way.

One must consider similar cultures, oppressed the same way over centuries, and whether or not they share some of those disadvantages.

You'll have to look at other countries for those groups. No other groups besides Native Americans, have had similar experiences in the US.

Why don't we compare the incarceration, illiteracy, and affluence statistics for Native Americans, with blacks....

"....imbedded (sic) in that opinion is that blacks are inferior,...."

If you didn't believe that, you wouldn't be supporting affirmative action.
Blacks don't need AA because they're racially inferior, many races and women need AA to correct the long term social disadvantages experienced by just about all humans in the US since 1630 except white males.
Creating a separate class based on skin color.....a success???
Oh God, the Stormfront contingency has shown up to rate your posts as "informative" or "agree"....

The black experience in the US is significantly different than any other immigrant groups, both before, and after, slavery

There is a cancerous culture of ignorance and racism that is propogated in the black community.
The unsupported conclusion imbedded in that opinion is that blacks are inferior, and that's why it's that way.

One must consider similar cultures, oppressed the same way over centuries, and whether or not they share some of those disadvantages.

You'll have to look at other countries for those groups. No other groups besides Native Americans, have had similar experiences in the US.

Why don't we compare the incarceration, illiteracy, and affluence statistics for Native Americans, with blacks....

"....imbedded (sic) in that opinion is that blacks are inferior,...."

If you didn't believe that, you wouldn't be supporting affirmative action.
Blacks don't need AA because they're racially inferior, many races and women need AA to correct the long term social disadvantages experienced by just about all humans in the US since 1630 except white males.
But why don't Asians need AA?
How long is it necessary? Why do 5th generation blacks in Minnesota still speak with a partially illiterate southern dialect?
One thing that would be really nice.....

If the Stormfront folks would realize their analyses of black statistics are frought with unsupported conclusions
Well just ignore them, just like they tell me the Indians deserved what they got also...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't that term originate from democrats?
Really?....another history illiterae that thinks the modern day Democratic Party includes conservative southern white men...which is what the Democratic Party of the olde south used to be
1. Can black folks be as successful as whites?
Conservatives believe so.....Liberals don't.

That's why they make special rules based on skin color, and refuse to hold black folk to the same requirements as anyone else.
In their heart of hearts, Liberals just don't think blacks can make it, that they are not on a par with whites.

2. Here's a conservative who explains the difficulties blacks have in society:

"It was the misfortune of black Americans that they were just on the verge of passing through the immigrant experience when damaging ideas about welfare and the lenient attitude about crime took hold. It could have happened to the Italians, Germans, Jews or Irish, but luckily for them, there were no Liberals around to “help” when they arrived."
Coulter, "Mugged," chapter seven

3. "Every now and then you come across an article that folks just need to read. This one written by Michael Smith entitled, “Confessions of a Public Defender”....is one of those articles.

It is a profound and deeply disturbing piece, which, as we end 2014, we all need to comprehend as we move towards the 50th anniversary of the Great Society initiatives of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Smith articulates that which ails the black community–the real discussion we should be having on race, not that of victimhood and the further expansion of the welfare nanny-state..... I’m quite sure the progressive socialist left will criticize me for sharing this article–that’s just who they are–they hate the truth. But if there is a war to be fought, it is for the soul of the inner city and the black community."
Allen West
Quite Possibly the Most Racist Article You Will Ever Read American Renaissance

The following article is tough to read. Buckle your seat belts....and keep you hands inside the ride at all times.

4. " I am a public defender in a large southern metropolitan area. Fewer than ten percent of the people in the area I serve are black but over 90 per cent of my clients are black.... but there are a few whites.
[I'm still] liberal after all these years.

5. ... crime has racial patterns. Hispanics usually commit two kinds of crime: sexual assault on children and driving under the influence. Blacks commit many violent crimes but very few sex crimes. The handful of whites I see commit all kinds of crimes. In my many years as a public defender I have represented only three Asians, and one was half black.

6. As a young lawyer, I believed the official story that blacks are law abiding, intelligent, family-oriented people, but are so poor they must turn to crime to survive. Actual black behavior was a shock to me.

7. The media invariably sugarcoat black behavior. Even the news reports of the very crimes I dealt with in court were slanted. Television news intentionally leaves out unflattering facts about the accused, and sometimes omits names that are obviously black. All this rocked my liberal, tolerant beliefs, but it took me years to set aside my illusions and accept the reality of what I see every day.
[But- I'm still] liberal after all these years."
Confessions of a Public Defender American Renaissance

We elected a black president.
YOU elected a (faux) black president.

We elected a liberal. Good luck electing a conservative. And I mean, what you RWnuts consider a genuine conservative.
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